MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v6 Chapter 113 Tongyou three

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Seeing this scene, Zhong Xiaoqin was so angry that she was about to rush up and tear the couple apart, but she was stopped by Gu Jia who was on the side, oh, Jiang Nansun Chun Sui came to watch the show, she was just on vacation these days, and felt like watching Watching divorce dramas is more interesting than staying at home watching dramas.

"Gu Jia, I have already drawn up the divorce agreement. The company belongs to me. The 1.5 million you transferred and the cash from the family belong to you. The two of us will be half of the house. Regarding the children..." Xu Huanshan came up with a haggling look appearance.

Hearing Xu Huanshan's words, Gu Jia didn't say anything, but Zhong Xiaoqin on the side frowned again, pointed at Xu Huanshan's nose and sprayed: "You are too shameless, your family's biggest asset is the fireworks company, You want it all, just throw the cash to Gu Gu, thanks to your words."

However, Xu Huanshan didn't mean to talk to Zhong Xiaoqin at all, but looked at Gu Jia and said: "The company was drawn by me one by one, and the house was bought with my money. Now I will give you half, which is enough." It's ok."

"Okay, I promise you, but the child must belong to me." Seeing Xu Huanshan's ugly face bargaining with herself, Gu Jia felt disgusted in her heart, grabbed Zhong Xiaoqin who was about to argue for herself, and said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhong Xiaoqin and Xu Huanshan, but also Jiang Nansun, who was watching the play, were stunned.

Zhong Xiaoqin thought that Gu Jia had lost her head with anger, so she took Gu Jia's hand and persuaded her, "Gu Gu, you can't just take advantage of this scumbag..."

"Don't worry, I'm sensible."

Gu Jia smiled gratefully at Zhong Xiaoqin, and then looked at Xu Huanshan like a stranger, "This house was bought for 22 million, and now the down payment plus monthly payment is a total of 9 million. 4.5 million people, tell me, if you give me the cash, will the house belong to you or..."

At this time, Lin Youyou stood up and sneered at Gu Jia, "Hehe, we don't want a house. Where you lived, I still despise bad Fengshui."

"You..." Gu Jia didn't expect Lin Youyou to be so shameless, to be so righteous as a mistress, and she was speechless for a while.

Seeing Gu Jia's appearance, Zhong Xiaoqin felt a little distressed, and came up directly to help Gu Jia make a decision, and said to Xu Huanshan: "Okay, the house is owned by Gu Gu, and we will transfer the 4.5 million to you within three days, after the divorce is completed. Then get the **** out of Grand Hyatt Mansion."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Jia suddenly became anxious. She counted the 1.5 million, and she only had less than 2 million on her body. Where can I find a huge sum of 4.5 million? She grabbed Zhong Xiaoqin and said anxiously: "Xiaoqin, I'm not so How much money? Besides, my money is still useful."

"You don't, I...ah, I don't either." Zhong Xiaoqin was a little dazed, and the domineering momentum just now softened suddenly.

Hahahaha, Xu Huanshan and Lin Youyou burst into laughter immediately, and looked at Zhong Xiaoqin with contempt, Lin Youyou still did not forget to sneer: "If you don't have that strength, why are you pretending to be big cloves?"

Jiang Nansun on the side couldn't watch it anymore, and finally stopped watching the show. He walked to Zhong Xiaoqin and said with a smile, "You don't have it, look for Suo Suo."

Zhong Xiaoqin's eyes lit up, and she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed out. Gu Jia hurriedly tried to stop her, but was persuaded by Jiang Nansun's few words in her ear.

"Suosuo, I need money for something urgent." Zhong Xiaoqin said directly when the call was connected.

"How much? I still have 100 to 200 million in cash, and if there is more, I will borrow it from a friend." Zhu Suosuo's lazy voice came out.

The voice is very **** and nice, but the content is even more staggering. Who are those who can casually come up with one or two hundred million in cash, not to mention Xu Huanshan and Lin Youyou who are opposite, it is Jiang Nansun's There is a trace of jealousy in my heart.

An idea suddenly appeared in Jiang Nansun's little head. It is never possible to earn so much by working part-time. The only way to do it is to be your own boss. But what kind of project?

Thinking of this, Jiang Nansun couldn't help looking at Gu Jia. Isn't she looking for a partner? Zhong Xiaoqin always talks about Gu Gu this and Gu Gu Na. Jiang Nansun also understands Gu Jia. Everything about Xu Huanshan now, most of it It's all thanks to Gu Jia. Gu Jia is smart and capable, and she is fair and has no evil intentions. She is a very good partner.

"Oh, you don't need that much, just 4.5 million. By the way, I need it urgently and I have no money to pay you back." Zhong Xiaoqin said to Zhu Suosuo on the other end of the phone.

"Pay back what, when I go home, just give me the watch you are wearing now to pay off the debt." Zhu Suosuo said.

"You want to lie to my baby again. It is Xiaoshan's birthday gift to me. There are only 12 pieces in the world. The reserve price of the auction starts at 20 million. This watch is not good. You can choose other jewelry in my warehouse." Zhong Xiaoqin subconsciously touched his wrist.

This pretense directly made several people present look at Zhong Xiaoqin.

It was only then that Lin Youyou noticed the matching accessories on her body. As a green tea **** who always wanted to marry a rich man, she naturally yearned for luxury goods, so she was taken aback if she didn't look at them. Patek Philippe's limited-edition watches, Harry Winston's diamond ring, Van Cleef & Arpels' gemstone necklace, etc., I dare not say that this body is worth hundreds of millions, but at least it starts at 50 million.

This is a walking treasure trove! Where is the sacred Xiaoshan in their mouths?

On the other hand, Jiang Nansun's face turned dark, and he thought to himself: You Zhang Xiaoshan, you are all your women, why should they have whatever they want, and I don't even have a high-end bag on my body. No, I have to make up for Miss Ben when I turn back. What they have, I must also have...

Zhang Xiaoshan, who was bragging with his colleagues at the branch office, didn't know that he would face Jiang Nansun's little black face when he returned home. Oh, of course that's nothing. It is full again, jewelry, bags, and accessories are all there.

"Hey, that's what you said. When I go back, I have to go shopping with you. Wait for ten minutes, and I'll turn around for you. I still have a beauty sleep, so I won't chat with you. Bye .”

After hanging up the phone, Zhong Xiaoqin patted Gu Jia's hand, "Gu Gu, go in and go through the formalities, the money will arrive in a short while."

More than half an hour later, when Gu Jia walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau with a freshly released divorce certificate, Xu Huanshan still did not forget to say something behind her:

"Finally, I don't have to face you as a paranoid and control freak anymore. Wouldn't it be nice for a woman to honestly stay at home and cook and serve men? You have to control everything in your own hands. Without my talent, you are nothing! "

Gu Jia's eyes were a little confused, this sentence was like a summary, directly negating all the contributions she had made to that family, and it also made her completely lose the slightest feeling for Xu Huanshan...


Thinking of these two incidents, Gu Jia directly hung up Xu Huanshan's phone, looked at Zhang Xiaoshan in front of her again, and said with a smile: "Xiaoshan, this tea factory is divided into three shares on average, each of me, Nansun, and Xiaoqin Take a share, and each person invests 1 million in advance to buy the tea factory from Mrs. Li."

As soon as these words came out, Zhong Xiaoqin and Jiang Nansun looked at Zhang Xiaoshan pitifully, and stretched out their little hands together.

Zhong Xiaoqin's eyes were full of pity, and she said nonchalantly: "Husband, you also know that I usually rely on those dead wages. I just checked my deposit, and it is only more than 600,000, but I will give birth in a few months." Now that the baby is here, I have to leave some milk powder money for them."

Not to be outdone, Jiang Nansun hung his seductive body directly on Zhang Xiaoshan's body, put his arms around his neck, looked at him faintly, and said, "Husband, I am even more pitiful. I only have a little money from my own house, and this is what you gave me." .”

"Stop, I'll add Alipay and more."

Zhang Xiaoshan took out the cash and mobile phone in his pocket and put them on the coffee table, proving that his pockets were cleaner than his face, and told the two little women to stop thinking about themselves, then looked at Gu Jia and said, "If I can put You bought the tea factory from 3 million to 1 yuan, how should the shares be divided?"

Well, my brothers will settle accounts clearly, and everything must be made clear in advance.

The three women looked at Zhang Xiaoshan in disbelief...

At the same time, in a very luxurious private custom hall.

Seven or eight middle-aged women in elegant clothes are holding a private party. Everyone has needles and threads in their hands, as well as pedal-operated sewing machines.

"Oh, Gu Jia is going to be missing in our circle, and I always feel a little lonely." Among them, a jeweled woman looked at the fabric in her hand, and teased a little in tune.

Listening to this woman's words, all the women couldn't help but sneered.

"Gu Jia? I'm guessing she's raising money right now. When she buys the tea factory, I really want to see her crying." A woman with very obvious crow's feet pretentiously squeezed her orchid fingers and said sarcastically.

"Hehe, it's a good thing for her to be a good thing for a countryman who is married to a firecracker and deserves to hang out in our circle." Mrs. Xu smiled lightly.

"He's a nice person, but he's just putting on a bit of pretense. I really thought we would only drink tea and chat." Another woman said.

"Tell me, after this old man from the old town scraped together money to buy the tea factory, he found that he needed to spend millions to fill the holes in the tea factory. Will he sell the house in Grand Hyatt and disappear in front of us forever? ?”

Speaking of this, everyone felt very happy, and there was one in the wives' circle, and they all couldn't understand Gu Jia's arrogant attitude when she clearly wanted to ask for help. Thinking of Gu Jia's tragic end in the future, everyone burst into laughter .

After talking for a while, finally, the real master is also the central figure here, and Mrs. Li seemed to be an old Buddha, and finally said leisurely, "She, because she is so clever, she just showed off in front of me. Well, that tea garden is my family's ancestral property, she is worthy of it as a rural old man?"

"Teach her a lesson this time, so that she can clear her mind and don't forget her own identity." Mrs. Li said calmly, with the air of pointing out the country with ease.

"Yes, that's right, even a cannon shooter wants to be on an equal footing with us, and he doesn't know how to be low-key..."

When everyone heard Mrs. Li speak, they echoed each other.

And just when everyone was talking about it.


The door was suddenly pushed open.

Everyone was talking, when they heard the sound of the door, they all looked towards the door.

There were four people at the door, three women and one man.

When they saw Gu Jia with a faint smile on her face at the door, they couldn't help being stunned.

"Everyone, long time no see!" With a smile on her face, Gu Jia took the hands of Zhong Xiaoqin and Jiang Nansun, walked to the middle of the crowd with her head held high, and looked around.

Seeing the appearance of Gu Jia and the three of them, the faces of all the women changed slightly, especially when they saw Zhang Xiaoshan behind the three of them.

In their hearts, Gu Jia is just a servant who comes and goes when they are called, they don't need to care. But Zhang Xiaoshan's deeds, some of the wives who have some knowledge among them have all heard of it. Not only is this the owner of the Grand Hyatt Mansion, he has a profound background and great powers, and he has some friendship with the husbands of some of the wives.

According to gossip, the few rich men who had had a dirty relationship with this man ended up quite miserable.

These so-called wives are pretty on the surface, but their status in the family is just that. They all rely on their husbands to make a living, and there are even one or two of them who are not even regular wives.

Except for women with backgrounds from their natal families, whoever is left counts as one, woman? emotion? In the eyes of the real rich and upper-class elites, these are just decorations that can be thrown aside.

It's fine to spend money and use your husband's face to pretend to be aggressive, but if you really provoke someone that your husband can't afford outside, there is a high probability that you will be divorced and abandoned.

Now looking at Gu Jia's group's turbulent posture, maybe they are here to tear their faces. Don't look at what this group of people said just now is a joy, but seeing this posture, the hearts of all the women are worried, and their faces change slightly.

Mrs. Yu put on a smiling face and greeted Zhang Xiaoshan, "Xiaoshan, what brought you here? By the way, my old Yu just told me that he brought back a box of authentic Cuban cigars from abroad. It will be delivered to you tonight."

More than an hour ago, Zhang Xiaoshan sent Mr. Yu an important message. After Mr. Yu confirmed through the **** channel he felt that Zhang Xiaoshan's **** background was unfathomable. Thinking that taking care of a fireworks company might not be worthy of the news, I called Mrs. Yu to prepare a gift and visited Zhang Xiaoshan at night.

"Haha, then I'll wait at home for Mrs. Yu and Mr. Yu to visit." Zhang Xiaoshan said with a laugh.

The power of Mrs. Yu's family is weaker than Mrs. Li's family in the circle of wives. She wants to curry favor with Zhang Xiaoshan, causing everyone present to look sideways.

Mrs. Wang, who lived on the 21st floor above Zhang Xiaoshan, stood up, um, the one who bought a fake painting "Mo Lian" to pretend to be aggressive, walked to Gu Jia's side in embarrassment, and whispered: "Gu Jia, you What are you here for?"

"Mrs. Wang, it's nothing serious. I just brought my two sisters, oh, and they will also be my collaborators who bought the tea factory with me." Gu Jia said calmly.

The shadow of a famous tree.

At this moment, Gu Jia told Zhang Xiaoshan to buy a tea factory for one yuan, and suddenly felt that it was really not bragging...

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