MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 81

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Before falling asleep, Feng Sheng was still thinking about whether King Wei would not count what he said, and she was thinking so wildly that she actually had a dream after falling asleep.

In the dream, when she returned to the Sun's house and hadn't left yet, it was just like what happened in reality. Mrs. Sun and Sun Qinghua moved something that she shouldn't have.

It's just that this time it wasn't as smooth as the last time. Wei Wang actually understood her purpose, and he didn't see the rabbit and said that he had a very picky appetite. He had to taste the taste before he could judge whether it was worth it.

This man was really difficult, and she was eager to get away, and at the same time, in the dream, she had a weird idea that she hadn't kissed before anyway, so she half pushed and half did.

Still in the pavilion facing the lake, there was no one around, not even Zhichun Zhiqiu, just her and him. At first, he just hugged her and kissed her, and after kissing her, he began to move his hands and feet, and unbuttoned her clothes.

She refused, struggled, and barked.

He suddenly changed his face and threw her into the lake without any hassle.

She used to be able to swim, but she couldn't do it somehow. A lot of water rushed to her, and she gradually couldn't breathe.

Just before her mind went blank and she felt like she was dying, he suddenly emerged from the water.

He was shirtless and without clothes, he looked at her and asked her if she was still running.

She said she would never run again.

Then he rescued her, but instead of pulling her ashore, he swam towards the pavilion in the lake. A lot of lotus flowers bloom around the pavilion, and a small boat is parked among the lotus flowers. She wanted to climb onto the boat, but he refused, so he dragged her to the boat to do bad things.

The water is very cold and very hot, and the lotus leaves are shiny green. With Feng'er trembling slightly, there are water droplets rolling on them trembling.

He kept asking her if she would run or not, even though she cried and said no, he still wouldn't let her go.

After that, Feng Sheng didn't know anything.

When she woke up, there was a person behind her, Feng Sheng was not used to this kind of intimacy.

She was used to sleeping alone, and suddenly there was a person lying beside her, and this person slept in a domineering posture, always surrounding her, as if afraid that she would run away.


Feng Sheng suddenly remembered that dream, and blushed unconsciously.

That dream was so clear, especially the first part. She has been dreaming, and she can't remember it the next day. Zhichun told her that her mother told her that if she felt that she had dreamed and wanted to remember the dream again, she should not turn over after waking up and recall it again. Once you do it, you won't forget it.

But this method was given to her, but it never worked.

She was wondering why she remembered this dream, was it because she woke up and didn't turn over?

Just thinking about it, she felt something strange, and her face slowly turned red.

Maybe there's no need to be ashamed, it's red enough.

She felt that she was panting, and there was a kind of trembling oozing from her bones. His hand was pinching her waist, so firm that no one could refuse it.

"woke up?"

She couldn't speak, because she knew that if she spoke, she would definitely collapse.

"It's not dawn yet, let's sleep for a while." He moved, kissed her sweaty forehead, and said in a hoarse voice.

She took a deep breath desperately, swallowed her voice, took a few more breaths, and said with a trembling voice: "Then let me sleep."

"Just sleep."

But you are like this, how can I sleep?

Feng Sheng felt a sense of shame turned into anger, and this kind of anger came with a kind of shame that he couldn't bear to look at himself directly. He pressed against her ear, and his low breathing seemed to carry flames, which made her ears hurt.

"I wanted you to take a rest, who told you to be dishonest."

Why is she dishonest?

Full of resentment, it slipped to her mouth and turned into a sob: "You let me sleep."

"Well, you sleep."

A man who does not agree with his heart, his body is always more honest than his mouth.

Feng Sheng didn't know how long it had passed, but he finally let her sleep anyway.

She felt that he seemed to wake up, as if he went to get a hot handkerchief to clean each other up, and then she fell asleep, and when she woke up again, it was already broad daylight.

"Are you sorry?" She felt that he was awake, but did not move.

"Nothing to do today, you can start anytime."

Feng Sheng froze for a moment, then remembered what he had done to save her. Since he didn't fight, he would naturally become the Xiaoyao King in the future. Emperor Jianping was probably still angry with him at the moment, so naturally he wouldn't give him an errand.

She felt a little uncomfortable, she actually knew what King Wei wanted to do and what he was doing, but all this stopped because of her, yes, because of her.

It's easy to keep a low profile for two years and avoid the limelight, but everything is a retreat if you don't advance, and everything has opportunities and risks. Two years is enough for him to be many steps behind others, not to mention that even if he wants to get up again, he still doesn't know if he can get up.

Although she was named Fang Fengfu's younger sister, since she was involved, would Empress Chen take revenge on him? Even Fang Fengsheng, a woman in the boudoir, took revenge, and King Wei might not be immune.

Especially that day when she learned from King Wei that he had a relationship with his mother-in-law and the Zhonggong family, and thought that he could always step on an obedient dog, but suddenly the dog became disobedient and ate the flesh and bones of other people's family. dog? I'm afraid it's not even as good as other dogs. At least other dogs have owners and don't dare to beat them easily, but this one can't wait to get rid of it soon.

Feng Sheng was a little unhappy at first, thinking that Wei Wang was too Meng Lang.

She doesn't know how to get along with husband and wife, but she understands that husband and wife should respect each other as guests, that's how her father and mother came here. But since she married him, it's only two or three days. In front of her, he used all kinds of means on her, so that she even had the illusion that she was a happy woman.

She was overwhelmed by shame many times. Before going to sleep, she wanted to wake up and have a good talk with him, but at this moment he wrapped herself in his arms for a whole night, and she suddenly couldn't speak again.

She was thinking that she should treat him better.

"Not hungry?"

"Are you hungry?" He sat up, as if he wanted to lift the curtain, but she grabbed his hand.

She turned over and lay on her back. During the period, because of the pain in her waist and legs, she couldn't help gasping.

"I'm not hungry yet." She smiled, and unconsciously frowned.

"Where does it hurt?" He lay back down again, holding her in his arms, his hands reaching up to his waist, rubbing her slender waist one after another.

"A little further down."

He moved down, because he rubbed the right place, Feng Sheng gasped and felt comfortable at the same time, if there is a mirror in front of her now, she will look very strange.

"If you're really fine, I'll play chess with you when you wait. Can you play chess?"

King Wei glanced at her, and now he looked like a moody and cold-faced king, but there was a kind of light in his eyes, as if he was happy?

Feng Sheng laughed dryly: "It seems that His Highness is an expert, I will ask for advice later."

"It's easy to talk about."

Because they finally found something to do, the two got up quickly.

After eating, he chose a beautiful place in the back garden of the palace to set up a chess game. This is also the first time that Feng Sheng has stepped out of the main courtyard. Seriously speaking, Feng Sheng has no idea what this Wei Palace is like and what its layout is. But by playing chess this time, she enjoyed the scenery from the main courtyard to the back garden.

Big, that's the only feeling she has.

She felt that if it was bigger, a carriage might be needed.

Horse-drawn carriages are not allowed in the palace, but there are soft sedan chairs. Seeing her walking slower and slower, Wei Wang remembered her body and winked at Dewang, and Dewang quickly ordered someone to arrange a soft sedan chair.

Therefore, although Dewang is not as capable as Decai, in terms of serving the king of Wei, ten Decai may not be as good as him alone.

This soft sedan chair is different from ordinary sedan chairs, because it is summer, so it is very simple. It's just a stretcher made of two green bamboos with thick wrists, and there is a chair made of bamboo in the middle, with a footrest in front of the chair. Because it is used in the palace, it is very different, the bamboo is green and green, the chair is covered with delicately embroidered cushions, and there is an awning with thin gauze hanging around it to cover it.

The bearers of the sedan chair were not men either, but two burly and strong women. Feng Sheng didn't want to sit at first, but thought it looked too strange for her to sit while King Wei was walking beside her. King Wei told her that if he didn't sit down and take her away, he would immediately let her commit the crime.

Later, Feng Sheng was very thankful that she was not hypocritical, because it took another quarter of an hour to get to the place, if she was allowed to go, she would definitely not be able to hold on.

King Wei is indeed a master.

It is said that watching chess is a good person, although it is not as good as rumors, but to a large extent, one can observe a person's true nature from his chess moves.

For example, Fan Jinchuan, Feng Sheng played chess with him quite a few times, winning and losing half of them, which was actually the result of her release. Fan Jinchuan's chess game is just like his own, and he walks the way of integrity. Of course, it is good to be upright, but there are so many black and white in the world, and there are more grays at the border.

On the contrary, Feng Sheng is the other extreme, preferring four or two to push a thousand catties, taking a weird and unexpected route. Later, Feng Sheng corrected a lot, and later when she was deeply trapped in Dali Temple, Wu Shi analyzed her own character.

Because she had no bargaining chip in her hand from the very beginning, and all her bargaining chips were obtained by little tricks, so her thinking was all about 'seeking'.

But Fan Jinchuan was different from her, he was born as the favorite of heaven, this kind of favorite of heaven does not refer to his birth, but his trajectory all the way. Because of his talent, because of his sincerity, even Song Gelao looked at him differently, and it was also because of these that Emperor Jianping was dissatisfied with Song Gelao's family, but he chose him as the center point.

Seriously observing his trajectory in the first half of his life, apart from studying hard as a teenager, everything went smoothly after that. The six years of sitting on the bench in the Imperial Academy is not counted.

He has never faced a situation where success is all about success, he has never shouldered the burden of being alone, and he has never walked the road of risking the world's dissatisfaction. His road is so smooth and steady, so he is born with a kind of integrity calmly.

Many times, Feng Sheng wanted to learn his calmness and his way of being upright and upright. She tried her best, but she didn't change much. Later, she realized that some things will be engraved in her bones after she has experienced them.

Back to the topic of Wei Wang, Feng Sheng only played two games of chess with Wei Wang, and he saw his moves.

King Wei was cautious and patient. Many times, when you watch him play chess, you can clearly see his intentions, but because he takes some irrelevant positions, you will always question what he wants to do. You just test yours, and he just goes his way, but once you relax your vigilance, he will devour you in a vicious manner.

Moreover, his chess moves are also cunning, that is to say, he does not play cards according to the rules of the cards, so he played two games in a row, and Feng Sheng lost both games.

To be honest, this kind of input made her a little unconvinced.

"Come again."

After five rounds, Feng Sheng only won two rounds.

"It's getting dark, let's go back." Wei Wang threw the chess piece into the chess jar and said.

Feng Sheng didn't speak.

"Come back tomorrow."

She just stood up.

This is how the first month of marriage was spent.

Apart from hanging out on the bed, they are fighting on the chessboard.

However, it is very interesting that you come and go. Feng Sheng quickly reversed the situation after the previous losing streak, but Wei Wang is not a vegetarian, he changed his chess strategy according to local conditions, and it was a new confrontation.

Of course, King Wei is not without work, seriously speaking, he is actually very busy.

Although Feng Sheng didn't ask in detail, but from the words of Dewang and Decai, she knew that Wei Wang's mansion had a lot of Qing guests. As for Lianghuai, King Wei had long buried Gouqing as a nail in Lianghuai. There must be many other places like this, but she didn't know about it.

Wei Wang seems to be busy with these things recently, because it is not a tolerance, the time is not fixed, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes in the evening, and even discuss until midnight.

Feng Sheng guessed that it was King Wei who disrupted his plan, and now he was picking up the leftovers to fill in the gaps, but he didn't say anything, and she couldn't ask.

When King Wei was busy, she was really bored, so she took the initiative to find something for herself to do.

Recalling the matter of Zhongfu that King Wei mentioned to her last time, she mentioned it to King Wei the night before, and Dequan delivered everything to her the next day.

Dequan is the general manager of Wei Wangfu, in charge of all trivial matters in the palace.

Unlike Dewang's broken mouth, nor Decai's silent and capable, Dequan is older than them, like a hardworking and sincere old scalper. Although it looks inconspicuous, it is very stable and makes people feel at ease.

From his conversation with Feng Sheng, it can be seen that he is very respectful, and his words are few but concise. Knowing that Feng Sheng probably doesn't understand the affairs of the palace, he divided the content very clearly, from all parts of the back house, to the affairs department, and the guards department , Cleaning up guests in the house, etc., as well as the peacetime practices of previous years, how to deal with these trivial matters.

It took him nearly an hour to break these up and tell Feng Sheng, and Feng Sheng just sat on it and listened steadily.

After he finished speaking, Feng Sheng first ordered the girl to serve him a cup of tea.

Dequan repeatedly declined, but still accepted.

After Dequan finished drinking tea, Feng Sheng said: "I think Director De has done a good job, and the affairs of various places are also well organized. I will continue to work hard for you in the future."

Dequan was taken aback, he didn't expect Feng Sheng to say that.

"Princess, Your Highness has asked this servant to entrust you with the matter of the gift."

Feng Sheng smiled and said: "Your Highness is just saying that, but I think Director De has done a good job, and those who are capable will stay, so why let me intervene."


"I will tell His Highness about this matter, and Director De will do it well."

Dequan suppressed his doubts and incomprehensions, and led the people down. In order to bring these account books and keys, he specially brought two people, and now they moved back as they were, and I don't know what the princess thinks.

Not only Dequan didn't understand, but Zhiqiu didn't understand either. After Dequan left, Zhiqiu said: "Princess, why don't you take the things, this is what you should take."

Zhiqiu is a little anxious.

She is still not used to the title of princess, so it is very awkward to say it. And what she meant, Feng Sheng understood, even if she had never eaten pork, she had seen pigs running. Back then in the Sun family, the old lady and the eldest wife and the second wife fought so much to take charge of Zhongfu, which was actually the head of the house.

In the hearts of women in the back house, the job of being in charge of the house should be done by the hostess. Only when you are in charge of the house, you are the hostess, otherwise you are not.

But Feng Sheng felt that they had put the cart before the horse, who is the hostess, shouldn't it be the host who has the final say? What's the use of scrambling for it? If someone else says nothing, why bother.

But it was because King Wei was indifferent by nature, and there were no concubines or aunts in the mansion, which saved her a lot of trouble. And she has always believed that those who are capable live, that the people at the top have finished the work of the people at the bottom, so what do the people at the bottom have to do.

King Wei soon got the news from Dequan, but he didn't say anything when he came back.

He didn't say anything, Feng Sheng didn't ask, and continued to be her big-hearted Princess Wei.

This 'big heart' is what Feng Sheng sees from the eyes of Dewang and Zhiqiuzhiliu. For the time being, Wei Wang didn't act like this, and seemed to think that she doesn't care whether she cares about this family or not.

Feng Sheng was very pleased.

On this day, Fengsheng asked Zhiqiu to go to the study to find King Wei with the chess box.

This study is the inner study, just in front of the main courtyard, Feng Sheng has never been here before, Wei Wang said that she can come to find books to pass the time if she has nothing to do, and the servants never stop her, she was on a whim, who knows When I came to the study, there was someone in the study.

There are quite a few people, and they seem to be talking about things.

Dewang stood beside him clutching his forehead, wishing he could become invisible.

He also thought about stopping the concubine, but he really didn't dare. Last time he stopped the concubine and said that he would go in to report. It was fine at the time. Afterwards, the master asked him to go down and get five whips by himself. Since then, he has learned his lesson.

What Decai said was right, he was stupid, His Highness stopped fighting for the position of the princess, and now all these people are talking about the princess, so what he did to stop the princess was not putting the cart before the horse.

The truth is true, but being watched by the eyes of the whole room, Dewang still feels apprehensive.

"Why are you here?" King Wei had recovered his composure after the initial accident.

Feng Sheng was a little embarrassed, and said: "It's nothing, I came to play chess with His Highness, since His Highness is busy, let's do it first, I'll go first."

She thought that her manners were still in place, but in fact she was still wrong. When Queen Guiru faced Emperor Jianping, she also called herself a concubine, but she was used to calling herself me with King Wei, and King Wei never corrected her. It's over.

In particular, she was used to socializing with people outside, and she habitually smiled and nodded at everyone while talking to King Wei. This kind of calmness engraved in her bones made people feel very weird.

At least on one woman, it's very weird, but it makes people feel weird and harmonious.

People in the room stood up one after another, saluted and greeted Feng Sheng, but she could only nod with a smile again, and was about to turn around to leave, but was stopped by King Wei.

"If you want to listen, you can stay."

This time Feng Sheng was really surprised, blinked and said: "Yes?"

King Wei glanced at her and nodded.

She thought for a while and said, "Then listen."

Under the weird eyes of the whole room, Dewang took two young eunuchs, and placed a grand master's chair on the right side of King Wei's seat.

Feng Sheng walked over and sat down.

Someone served her tea, but seeing no one was talking, she pressed her skirt and said, "Go ahead, leave me alone."

There is a kind of calmness in her body that treats no one else, and when she sits there, the majesty emerges by itself.

I don't know her details, but I only know that the king of Wei favors the concubine, and she is allowed to be present on such occasions. The one who knew her details had twinkling eyes, which were meaningful.

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