MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 72

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This road is high in mountains and far away, but there are canals, so you only need to walk by water.

Because Tong Baihu was in charge of escorting Feng Sheng to Beijing, Feng Sheng knew all these people, so Uncle Yu and others were also allowed to go with them.

It can be regarded as an extra strength to protect Feng Sheng, after all, along the way, even Tong Baihu knew that it might not be peaceful.

But he knew Gui knew, but he didn't expect it to be so uneventful. They had only traveled a third of the way, and they had been attacked three times, and dozens of people from Jinyiwei had been injured. No way, Tong Baihu could only stop on the spot, live in the local government, send a letter to the capital, and wait for the order from above.

After a few days, the order came down, and an extra team was deployed in the local guard to help escort. So far, the team has grown to nearly a hundred escorts.

Even so, there were many problems along the way. Uncle Guangyu and others discovered that there were several times when people put medicine in the food and tried to set fire to the boat. Going forward, the waterway is dense and complicated. Once something happens, there will be no chance of escape, so the group of people divides into three groups.

Two of them diverted to dry roads, and one continued to waterways.

This behavior completely distracted the eyes of the attackers, who thought that Fang Fengfu should be in the two teams on the dry road. After all, the waterway is too obvious. With such a road, the reduction of guards is equivalent to handing over one's life to the enemy.

But what they never expected was that Feng Sheng happened to be in the team that made great fanfare to travel by water.

This idea was proposed by Feng Sheng himself.

In the following journey, although there were some small troubles, after all, the eyes were distracted, and it was relatively smooth. When disembarking in Tongzhou, everyone felt as if they had been separated.

Tongzhou has always been known as the gateway to the capital, and the canal also ends here. From here to the capital, it takes only one day or two days. After this journey, everyone was too tired, so they stopped here to rest for a day before leaving.

And on this day, a group of people who have been drifting away from the human world recently finally knew what happened in the court hall these days.

To be precise, the development trend is quite favorable for Feng Sheng.

Before, because Feng Sheng touched the interests of too many people, the officials impeaching her were like crossing rivers, which is why Emperor Jianping ordered her to be escorted to Beijing. It was almost one-sided before, but after the order came down, there were suddenly more officials in the court who spoke for her.

In the beginning, there were only a few Qingliu officials, and their power was weak, and their voices were quickly drowned out. Gradually, there were more and more people, and they actually stood up against those officials who were impeached. These people quoted extensively and spoke earnestly, explaining the scourge of the Lianghuai salt administration in recent years, and claiming that Fang Fengfu's actions are beneficial to the country. Why did the actions of the people become a disaster for the country and the people in your mouth.

All in all, the DPRK and China sparked a fierce quarrel over whether or not to kill Fang Fengfu. At the same time, someone also sharply pointed out a problem. No matter how high-profile Fang Fengfu's investigation of the salt government's corruption was, he said that this person neither corrupted the law nor accepted bribes, but was dedicated to his duties. Why would someone put him in Deadly, whose nerves did she touch, and who is afraid to investigate further.

Someone suggested that Wei Tongxin be escorted to Beijing for interrogation, which triggered another war of words. It is reported that some people even moved their hands at the court meeting, but Emperor Jianping got angry and stopped.

But we all know that this matter is not over yet, and Fang Fengfu is about to enter the capital, and after he enters the capital, it will be the most exciting time for the drama.

Now that Tong Baihu and his party have come to Tongzhou, many people in Beijing have received the news. For a while, it didn't look obvious on the surface, but in fact there were more than one family or two staring at this place.

Feng Sheng fell asleep and woke up, and Tong Baihu personally brought her meals.

Now Feng Sheng's daily meals are cooked by Tong Baihu himself, watching people, afraid that someone will tamper with it.

Knowing that Feng Sheng didn't like people staring at him while eating, Tong Baihu put down the tray and left. However, there are still people guarding the door, once Feng Sheng is attacked, someone will rush in as long as Feng Sheng calls out. This is already the only way to guarantee her safety and give her some freedom under the current circumstances, because after arriving in Tongzhou, Uncle Yu and the others have left, and it is inappropriate for them to stay in this place where everyone is watching.

The meals are hearty, with three dishes and one soup.

Feng Sheng picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat. She ate very slowly, and after a few mouthfuls of rice, she found a small note in the rice.

She put down her chopsticks and opened the small note, which was written in unfamiliar handwriting. She didn't look at it carefully, crumpled up the small note and threw it on the table.

There was a river fish in the dish, Feng Sheng picked up the belly of the fish with chopsticks, and sure enough there was also one in it. Open it and see another strange handwriting.

This kind of situation has happened frequently around her recently, and sometimes she really admires those people, how they managed to stuff several notes into one meal.

And these notes, without exception, were sending her some kind of news, how to pull the prince down from the stage.

The contents of these messages are all kinds of strange, and even based on this, Feng Sheng also learned many secrets that the prince does not know. For example, the prince's concubine is the concubine of a certain official's younger brother's family, or which official gave benefits to the prince in a certain month in a certain year.

Almost unconsciously, she became an arrow, a bow and arrow to deal with the prince. Now many people are handing her arrows, hoping that she will shoot the prince off the horse with one arrow.

Would these people think too highly of her?

Feng Sheng laughed, and lost his appetite to eat, so he went to scoop up some soup to drink.

When scooping the soup, I found that the handle was wrong and a little rough. This situation happened twice recently, Feng Sheng is no stranger to it, so he turned the spoon over to look at it.

Finally, there is a normal one, with a few small words engraved on the handle, don't move, don't speak, wait for me.

This is news from King Wei.

It was only him, and the content of the message was like this.

She also received such a message last time.

Feng Sheng continued to drink the soup, and after finishing half of the bowl, he rubbed the handle of the spoon on the bottom of the bowl twice, and the writing on it disappeared. As for the few small pieces of paper, she tore them up and threw them into the soup, stirred them with a spoon, and it was still a bowl of soup with ingredients added.

She got up to wash her face, and when she was wiping her face with a handkerchief, Tong Baihu's voice came from outside.

"Fengfu, are you ready to eat? After eating, you are ready to leave."

Feng Sheng walked over to open the door: "Brother Tong, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Arrive in Beijing one day earlier, and settle down sooner. You don't know that the brothers have reached their limit recently."

That's right, even during the day and a half of rest in Tongzhou, it was actually for Feng Sheng to rest, while the people in Jinyiwei were still in high spirits, fearing that something might happen to them.

"I'm fine, I can leave anytime."

Soon the group set off again and gradually approached the capital.

The news of Fang Fengfu and his party's arrival in Tongzhou was naturally passed to the crown prince.

Unlike others, he was full of anxiety.

What he was afraid of was not Fang Fengfu, but someone who used this person to do things. In fact, none of the recent disturbances were caused by this, so the prince hated Fang Fengfu even before he saw him. If he had known that this person would cause so many things to him, he would have ordered someone to kill him long ago.

But no one can think of it, including Prince Duo, who has never even met this little man, and he doesn't know why the other party always targets him.

In fact, this was just an illusion, he and Fang Fengfu had no grudges, nor did the other party mention him a single word. But it just so happened that the crown prince lost too much in this matter, so he followed the steps in a leisurely manner. He would never know how many wrists were broken here. Only the biggest and most involved person was left. I thought that the other party would not have the guts to move , but it just moved.

The prince was pacing back and forth, and there were two obvious marks on the fine Persian carpet.

No one dared to disturb him, even if it was a concubine whom he favored the most recently, who wanted to see him outside, no one dared to report. We all know that the prince has a bad temper these days. When he is closed in the study, it means that he must not be disturbed.

But someone still knocked on the door, the voice was very soft, full of fear.

"What is it?"

"Your Highness, the empress has sent someone here."

These words stopped the Prince's irritability, he waved his hand and said, "Let him in."

Soon someone came in, it was a eunuch.

When the other party raised his head, the prince found out what year this person was, and he was an **** who was Queen Chen's confidant and was highly relied on.

"Eunuch He, why are you here today?"

"The servant was ordered by the empress to send a few words. The empress said that she was afraid that you would not listen to what others said, so she sent the servant here."

The prince smiled, but did not speak.

"The empress said that His Highness should guard against arrogance and impetuosity..."

The crown prince interrupted him in an irritable tone: "Eunuch He, you also know about these recent things. It's all like this. The queen mother still tells you to guard against arrogance and impetuosity?"

He Nianjin smiled and said: "The more chaos there is, the more calm your Highness should be, only in this way will you not be in a mess. Your Highness probably didn't know that Fang Fengfu and his party were intercepted by someone on the way from Tongzhou to the capital..."

"Who is it? And who planted spoils on the orphan?!" The prince shouted violently.

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. In fact, since Fang Fengsheng and his party set out on the road, many people have been staring at them, so these people are well aware of the attacks they encountered along the way.

The crown prince once had the idea of ​​killing people to silence him, but was stopped by Queen Chen's orders. Who ever thought that he didn't make a move, but there were quite a few people who did it secretly.

This is undoubtedly framing, now everyone in the court doesn't know why Fang Fengfu was escorted to Beijing, everyone is eager for him to go to Beijing, only his family doesn't want him to go to Beijing, so there is no doubt who did it.

It is the first time in his life that the prince has such a deep understanding of what it means to jump into the Yellow River.

"Could it be that the queen mother ordered someone to do it?" Seeing that He Nian didn't answer, the prince asked suspiciously.

It's not that Empress Chen has never done this kind of thing before, the prince was annoyed that she was framed by others, Empress Chen prevented him from doing it, but she herself ordered Fang Fengfu to do it instead.

According to what Empress Chen said, it doesn't matter whether Fang Fengfu enters the capital or not, what he will say after he enters the capital is not important, and how others attack him is not important, what matters is what Emperor Jianping thinks.

Such a blatant killing and silence, the prince knowingly returned to the crime. Is it really a knowing crime? It is more likely that someone else framed it.

So the more the prince was attacked, the more Emperor Jianping would lean towards him, because that's how Emperor Jianping came when he was the prince.

"It's not your majesty, but she's fine. She was rescued by His Royal Highness King Wei who came back from Fahua Temple. Now she is escorted by King Wei to Beijing, and she will probably arrive tonight."

"King Wei?" The prince pondered, and suddenly grabbed He Nian's hand: "Eunuch He, what do you say..."

"Your Highness, don't think about anything else. Your Majesty asked the servants to come for this reason. Not to mention that King Wei would definitely not listen to His Highness. If King Wei really made a move at this time, you would not be able to cleanse yourself even if you jumped into the Yellow River. Your Majesty asked the servants to come I just want to tell you that if there are no other accidents, this person is nothing to be afraid of. His Majesty ordered him to be escorted to Beijing, just to put on a show, and also to test how many people secretly covet the throne. Your Highness, please remember, as long as you don’t mess up, the empress will No chaos, no one can shake your position."

He Nian had already left, the prince went to sit down on a chair, and finally felt relieved for the time being.

On the other side, the team that was intercepted and dispersed combined with King Wei's team and set off on the journey again.

In the name of protection, King Wei got into the carriage where Feng Sheng was sitting.

His face was dark from the moment he got in the car, and Feng Sheng didn't know what to say to him. She wanted to pretend that she didn't know him, but this person had done too many things for her, and she really had no face for doing so much.

"Meeting is fate, I never expected to see His Highness here."

Wei Wang patrolled her almost greedily, she became dark and thin. Now King Wei really wants to beat her up, he has grown up so much, she is the most daring and reckless woman he has ever seen.

He even planned it before he came, how to teach her a good lesson, it can be seen that he was reluctant to part with someone.

"It's not fate, this king is here to see you."

Feng Sheng was surprised.

That is to say, the attack just now was intentionally made by King Wei, and he shouted "Stop the thief?"

"You are not afraid of being discovered!"

"I can't find it!" Since he did it, it must be foolproof.

"Come here?" He held out his hand.

"What did you do in the past?" Feng Sheng was a little flustered, and asked a stupid question.

"If you're told to come here, come here. There's so much nonsense!" As soon as he said that, he pulled her over and kissed her.

I called you over, of course to kiss you.

Wei Wang kissed more greedily than the previous few times, Feng Sheng wanted to struggle a few times, but somehow he was weak and struggled. King Wei didn't let go until they kissed each other to the point of suffocation.

"Do you remember what this king told you before?"

"What?" Feng Sheng was a little confused, subconsciously asked.

There was a faint grinding sound.

"Fang Fengsheng, this king is not joking with you. This king knows that you want revenge, but don't forget who you are facing. It is the prince of a country. He was named the prince when he was five years old. It has been more than 20 years now. , he was born in the middle palace, he is the eldest son of His Majesty and the Empress, and his status is beyond words. And Empress Chen is His Majesty's original wife, and the two are young couples. If you think that you can kill the Crown Prince with just your little plan , I am afraid that the prince has died many times over the years."

King Wei said these words into Feng Sheng's ear, gnashing his teeth, and it made her ears itchy.

Of course Feng Sheng knew that the crown prince was not easy to deal with, if it was easy to deal with, she would not take risks this time. But as he said, if such a person misses this opportunity, she may never have another chance.

"How do you know if you don't try?"


Feng Sheng put on a bright smile, and stepped back a little: "It's like this now, His Royal Highness King Wei, don't say these useless words anymore."

"Do you know that from the moment you step into the capital, you are dead. If His Majesty wants to protect the crown prince, he will not let you go."

"Maybe Your Majesty doesn't want to protect the crown prince?" Feng Sheng laughed.

"If Your Majesty didn't want to protect the crown prince, you wouldn't be here now."

So this is a dead end, Feng Sheng knew it very well, but she still came.

"I know that my life is about to come to an end, so what is the meaning of His Royal Highness Wei Wang's visit?"

These words angered King Wei again.

"Are you sure that this king will save you?" Wei Wang has never been an irritable person, and outsiders have always commented on him with emotion and anger, but only when facing Fang Fengsheng, he repeatedly broke the precept, as if he Many years of Buddhahood have been cultivated in vain.

"I never dared to think that way." Feng Sheng said subconsciously.

Seeing his jaw tense, she couldn't bear it, and said a little bit bitterly: "Actually, if I could choose, I don't really want to see His Highness here. You are a prince with a high status, and I am just a commoner girl, stubborn and immoral. ,not worth it."

This is a bit deep, so deep that King Wei couldn't bear to look directly at it.

He never asked himself why he wasted time on this woman over and over again. He doesn't have this kind of personality, he always takes one step and sees ten steps, but with her, he doesn't want to ask so many why.

"Remember my king's words, don't move, don't say anything, I will do the rest, you still have a chance."

The word of refusal was already on his lips, but Feng Sheng chose to swallow it.

"it is good."

She promised so readily, but Wei Wang was a little uneasy.

"This time, you must listen to me, don't be willful."

"it is good."

"very nice?"

Feng Sheng nodded: "I will wait for Your Highness to save my life."

Wei Wang had never seen Fang Fengsheng like this, so he believed it and softened his color.

Afterwards, the two teams separated in front of You'an Gate, Feng Sheng was sent directly to Dali Temple, while King Wei returned to Prince Wei's Mansion for the next step.

But he soon realized that he was cheated by that woman Fang Fengsheng again. Instead of keeping her promise, that woman poked a hole in the sky.

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