MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 145

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Feng Sheng couldn't hold back, and choked up sobs.

Since she was born, because of her mother's poor health, she was brought up by her father alone. Apart from being sick all year round, the memories her mother gave her were just lamenting why she wasn't a son.

So Feng Sheng has no specific image of 'Mother' at all in her mind. The only female elder who makes her feel warm, trustworthy, talkable, and understandable is the mother-in-law Lihuang Guifei.

Holding back tears, Feng Sheng told all about the past.

Including when her father hurriedly married her out to avoid misfortune, when her faith collapsed and depressed, when the sun's family disliked and isolated her because of this sudden marriage, when she cheered up when she heard the news of her father's death, when she used her grandson's The family's desire to climb the dragon and the phoenix took advantage of the third prince who suddenly visited the Sun's family, escaped from the Sun's family by chance, and went to Yangzhou to become a teacher for Fan Jinchuan in her disguise as a man, to investigate the inside story of the salt administration secretly, and to her The re-meeting with the King of Wei brought her to Beijing only after setting up an overwhelming situation.

Afterwards, Li Huang Guifei knew all about it.

In order to rescue Feng Sheng, King Wei would rather bear a useless image of being trapped by love in front of Emperor Jianping, and even made a promise not to fight for power, and even persuaded the imperial concubine Li to speak for him in front of Emperor Jianping.

After the big wedding, she was silent for several years in order to keep her promise, and finally rose to court at the right time.

This story is too long and complicated. After knowing the ins and outs, Imperial Concubine Li felt sorry for her son's infatuation, and pitied Feng Sheng for being lonely and helpless. She didn't know how she got here in those days.

In the end, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sat opposite each other and shed tears. It was still under Qianru's reminder that they cleaned their faces and put on makeup.

But the redness of the eyes could not be covered by makeup. Seeing this, the two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled.

Everything disappeared in this exchange of eyes and smiles, and the noble concubine Li Huang said: "Speaking of which, this matter is serious, but it is not as serious as imagined. Your Majesty is an insider. Since he has allowed it, the matter is nothing. The people deliberately muddied this pool of water, wanting to ruin Yue'er's reputation and stir up His Majesty's dissatisfaction with him, I'm afraid this idea will come to nothing."

In terms of understanding of Emperor Jianping, the imperial concubine Li Huang is the most important person in this palace.

She seemed to be out of touch with world affairs, and she never mentioned anything about government affairs in front of Emperor Jianping, even the King of Wei and the Imperial Concubine Li had very little mention in front of Emperor Jianping.

Only talk about family affairs, never about errands or anything.

Including this time when King Wei went to Shanxi, the situation was so difficult that Imperial Concubine Li was very anxious in private, but she never mentioned it in front of Emperor Jianping.

But she is the one who is smart.

In the past, everyone thought that Empress Chen was smart and understood Emperor Jianping's thoughts, but they didn't know that she was the one who fell to the bottom in the end.

Because of her delusion to interfere in the government affairs, she could not please Emperor Jianping just because of this.

Therefore, what the Royal Concubine Li said actually hit the key point.

Some people who were acquiescing in the Jianping emperor's capital wanted to use this to attack the king of Wei. This is not a blow to King Wei, but a blow to the impression of this person in Emperor Jianping's heart.

"Of course, the courtiers' impression of Yue'er is also affected. But this is a romantic affair..." Lihuang Guifei smiled, and said: "You must know that romantic affairs can't be on the stage. Who in the whole capital doesn't No one can afford to pick and choose a romantic affair. As long as you don’t mess up and your Majesty has no influence, you are not afraid of anything. Only you—”

Imperial Concubine Li sighed, and patted Feng Sheng's hand: "I'm afraid I will be criticized for a while, but don't worry, no one dares to say anything in front of you. Since no one dares to say anything in front of you, then we will pretend that we don't know Bar."

A flash of surprise flashed in Feng Sheng's eyes, Lihuang Guifei's handling method was exactly as she thought.

This is currently the best solution.

Turn a deaf ear and pretend nothing happened. As long as Emperor Jianping passes the test well, there is nothing else to be afraid of. Whoever dares to come to her, Princess Wei, with rumors, will naturally find ways to make the other party suffer.

There is a lack of everything in this capital, but there is no shortage of smart people, and there are not many fools who can stand in front of them.

Afterwards, after talking to Concubine Lihuang, Feng Sheng went back to the residence.

After going back, he gave instructions on how to deal with it, as if he didn't know about it. People from the Sun family also came to the door, but Feng Sheng didn't see them, so he went straight to the door and blocked them.

I won't go into details about how anxious and fearful the Sun family was when they returned home.

Because it was too calm here, the rumors spread again and again, and gradually I felt bored.

Coupled with the Double Ninth Festival of September and Nine, another banquet was held in the palace. This time, Imperial Concubine Li changed her usual low-key attitude and made faces for Feng Sheng in various ways, which almost revealed the attitude of the higher-ups.

Fewer and fewer people mentioned this matter. If there is no husband or family member who is an official, since he is an official, he must know how to be interesting.

The attitude of Imperial Concubine Lihuang showed the attitude of Emperor Jianping.

No one dared to hate the emperor, unless he didn't want to be the official anymore.

Some people were not reconciled, and found the censor to impeach Wei Wang for robbing his wife.

But what about the evidence?

It's just gossip, you have to show the evidence. And the next day, the imperial censor was impeached, and the house was restless. If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world? You didn't take care of your own affairs, so you ran out to impeach others.

This matter became a joke, and Emperor Jianping released the censor to serve as a county magistrate in a barren land, so this matter can be regarded as qualitative.

But this matter is still unfinished, and I don't know that the people behind it are not reconciled, some people still want to fish in troubled waters, and some people actually mentioned the case that brought down the prince.

That case back then involved a wide range and had a great impact, which is still vivid in people's minds.

Not only were all the officials of the Lianghuai Salt Administration sacked, but a court elder and several high-ranking officials were also involved. The most affected one was none other than the former prince of Prince Hui.

The majestic crown prince of a country was demoted to the common people because he allowed his subordinates to wantonly accept bribes and sell officials and nobles. It was only in recent years that the prodigal son regained the throne.

At that time, the person who uncovered the case was an unknown soldier, whose surname was Fang and whose name was Fengfu. This person was unknown, but he only had the fame of a scholar, but because he was the master of Mr. Fan, the chief official of Lianghuai Salt Administration Reform at that time, he won the holy family and was ordered to assist in the reform.

Some people said that this Fang Fengfu was from the Fang family, and Princess Wei was this Fang Fengfu's younger sister, but others said that the Fang family had no sons in the same line, and only one woman named Fang Sheng.

Then someone said that Fang Fengsheng was loved by Fang Yan, the head of the front family, and raised him as his son since he was a child. Maybe this Fang Fengfu was Fang Fengsheng's pseudonym, or Fang Fengfu, who made such a noise, has disappeared all these years?

But no matter what others say, the case of that year has been brought up again, and the role of the surname Fang in it is beyond doubt. If Fang Fengfu hadn't dared to pull the prince down from the horse with his own body, the prince would not have lost his position as the heir apparent.

Thinking about the involvement between King Wei and Fang's family, something seems to be clear.

It has long been said that Fang Fengfu is only a nobody, how could he bring down the majestic prince, it seems that there is another story behind it.

And all of these stories are related to the king of Wei. There is a prince behind him who seems to understand everything. Combined with King Wei's attitude towards things over the years, it seems that there is no dispute, but in fact, this master has a lot of disputes.

The most believable rumor ever is never how well you make up the story, but to give people what they want and let them complete the rest. If there are three points of falsehood mixed with seven points of truth, it will be even more convincing, because the person concerned may not be able to help but think that this is the truth when they hear the rumor.

On the eve of Wei Wanglin's return from Shanxi, his long-accumulated good reputation was ruined by two rumors. Now when people mention King Wei again, it is not King Wei who went to Shanxi to relieve disasters and accomplished his meritorious deeds, but King Wei who stabbed his brother behind his back with a calm surface.

If it is combined with the previous years that King Wei has always been a member of the prince family, the true face of King Wei seems to be known to the world at last.

King Wei came back at this time.

When he arrived in the capital, he went to the palace to report on his work, and then returned to the mansion, but the atmosphere in the mansion was not very good.

Feng Sheng is in a very bad mood these days, although she told herself that it was all caused by someone behind the scenes, but no matter what the achievements of King Wei's departure from Beijing for nearly a year, it was all because of her being ruined.

And this matter will have an impact in the future, so no one can be in a good mood.

Because of this, she has lost weight rapidly for a while, and she has no appetite for meals.

Brother Ping didn't go back to the mansion today, and someone from the palace has already reported that he was detained by his sixteenth uncle. Feng Sheng didn't even have any appetite without Brother Juan's company. There was a large table for dinner, and she took a few mouthfuls before putting down her chopsticks.

"Princess, you should eat as much as you want." Tao Zhi persuaded from the side.

"I'm not hungry." After thinking for a while, afraid that the servant girl would persuade her again, Feng Sheng said again, "You can fill me with a bowl of soup, and put it away first, remove all of these."

Taozhi can only take orders to make arrangements.

Feng Sheng went to sit on the big kang, and there was still a half-read book on the kang table.

She picked it up, and turned to the page she had seen before according to the bookmark, but she was not in the mood at all, and couldn't read a word after flipping through it.

While he was in a daze, a burst of movement swept in from outside the house.

Before Tao Zhi and the others had time to salute and say hello, a man appeared in the room, it was the dark and thin King Wei.

King Wei became much darker and thinner, but he became more energetic, his eyes were shining brightly.

Feng Sheng didn't recognize him for a moment, and then realized that he was back.


"What? Can't recognize it?" Wei Wang came to sit beside her, and Feng Sheng hurriedly sat down.

He still had a smell that belonged to the wind and dust, without the familiar scent of incense. Feng Sheng suddenly felt unbearable when he thought about his hard work outside for more than a year.


"I'm hungry. You used dinner? I see they are busy removing the tables, so don't remove them. I'll eat something casually." Wei Wang said.

The maids on the other side were busy removing the table, and put the things on the table again, removing all the cold ones, and then served some hot dishes from the kitchen.

The return of King Wei set the whole courtyard in motion, and Feng Sheng also stood up and arranged around.

After the meal was set, she accompanied her to the table and sat down again.

King Wei's demeanor was very good, even though he was obviously very hungry, he ate at a leisurely pace, but his eyes were always on Feng Sheng, which was a good look.

The key point is that his eyes won't make outsiders think they're out of line, but Feng Sheng is very affected, feeling like he's sitting on pins and needles, and he can't even think about those troublesome things because of the ups and downs in his heart.

After the meal, the hot water in the bathroom is also ready.

When King Wei went to take a bath, Feng Sheng went back to the kang to read a book, but after reading for a while, she couldn't read it. After thinking about it, she asked someone to make the bed again. Thinking about how he came back, he must be extremely tired, but when thinking about his eyes, he felt that something must happen later, but she couldn't bear to violate his wishes, all in all, it was very complicated.

This side is still entangled, and Wei Wang has already come out of the bathroom over there.

He was only wearing a middle coat and trousers, and the skirts were not fastened. His thin but strong chest was exposed, and his long black hair was dripping with water, leaving a water stain along the bathroom.

Feng Sheng hurriedly took a dry handkerchief and wiped his head with him.

Before he wiped it a few times, he was pulled onto his lap.

At some point, everyone else went down, leaving only two people.

The candlesticks on the table were burning quietly, emitting a faint yellow light. Under the light, it became more and more like a layer of honey had been smeared on his chest, Wei Wang Fengsheng had never seen such a.

She was a little nervous: "I helped you dry the water on your hair."

King Wei grabbed the handkerchief and threw it aside, and the man pressed up.

It's been a long time since I did it, but Wei Wang was very excited, but Feng Sheng didn't get into the mood for a while. Finally felt a little bit, Wei Wang is over.

Feng Sheng's heart was pounding, thinking of saying something to him, but Wei Wang continued to pull her and came again for the second time.

The second time it was King Wei's turn to take his time, Feng Sheng was beyond excited.

In the end, she closed her eyes, the corners of her eyes were red and stained with tears, her mouth was vague and she didn't know what to say. King Wei turned her over, her sweaty chest pressed against her bare back, and after a few vigorous efforts, the two of them boarded the Bliss together.

After that, I didn't say anything, and when I woke up again, it was already dawn the next day.

It seems that after Xiaobie got along very differently, the two had breakfast together, Wei Wang looked lazy, but Feng Sheng blushed at every turn.

Obviously the two have been married for many years.

Finally had time to talk, Feng Sheng didn't want to hide it, and was about to tell the matter, Wei Wang pulled her over, rubbed her hand and said: "I know all these things, I went to the palace yesterday to face the saint, father He also said a few words to me."

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