MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 135

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The situation here is not very good.

Although he persuaded those officials to find local big households to donate, it was a pity that the effect was not good.

It's not that those big households don't borrow, but the amount they lend is very small. In fact, it is also conceivable that they are not specialized in the grain business, how much grain can be stored at home, and a large amount of grain can be stored during a famine.

There are a few big grain merchants in Shanxi, and the king of Wei also sent people to persuade them repeatedly, but these people were either not to be provoked, and if they were provoked, they would stab a hornet's nest. Of course, it doesn't mean that Wei Wang can't afford to provoke him, but it's better for him to be in a stable situation now, and it's not suitable for him to cause trouble for himself.

Or they are extremely bachelors, complaining and crying about being poor, so they have to open the granary to let people see if there is any food.

After all, Shanxi has been in drought for two years. Even if they had food, they sold out last year. Who would have thought that there would be another year this year. According to this, it is not unreasonable.

Things stuck.

King Wei also knew that there was no rush for this matter, anyway, talk is better than nothing, and those big households can donate some. I donated this time, and if I go back later, I can always force it out again, anyway, it’s just a trivial matter.

And here, Feng Sheng visited Chen Hao, Huang Jinfu and others successively. Not only that, she also asked Mao Dan to entrust her relationship with others, and pretended to inquire about several maritime merchants who were in a similar situation as Chen Hao, and saw that they were really restless and didn't think about eating or drinking. , Asked the door everywhere, only to confirm that this matter is true.

Seeing that the winter solstice is approaching, now that King Wei is not here, the Palace of Wei still needs to go back to take charge of the overall situation by himself. Feng Sheng left Mao Dan in Suzhou to continue inquiring about news, while she brought people back to the capital.

Just like when she left Beijing, Feng Sheng quietly returned to Wei Palace.

You Dequan is in charge of the mansion, the mansion is exactly the same as when she left.

Feng Sheng didn't care about resting, so she asked someone to prepare water for her to take a bath and change clothes, and then hurried to the palace.

It has snowed several times in the capital, the glazed tiles on the roof of the Forbidden City are covered with a thick layer of white, the bluestone floor on the corridor is wet, and a lot of snow has piled up on both sides.

Mostly because of the snow, there were very few palace people walking outside the palace. Even if they occasionally met a few, they came and went in a hurry as if there was something urgent.

Feng Sheng always felt something strange, but he couldn't explain why.

When they arrived at Xianfu Palace, someone had already gone in to report, Amber came up to meet her, and with the help of Taozhi and the two, she helped Fengsheng get the cloak.

"The empress didn't expect you to come back at this time. The young master is inside. The empress is worried that the young master will be brought by the nanny, so she puts it by her side to watch."

During these days away from home, Feng Sheng was most worried about her two children.

One is less than six years old, and the other is less than one year old.

Although Imperial Concubine Li said that it was fine to entrust the two children to her, no one dared to say whether someone would take advantage of the opportunity to attack in secret this time when King Wei was on an official mission. My heart is anxious all the time.

It wasn't until seeing Brother Xuan that Feng Sheng's heart was only half let go.

"I knew you must be thinking about the two children, but I didn't expect you to come back so soon." Li Huanggui said with a smile.

Seeing Concubine Li's ruddy complexion and relaxed brows, Feng Sheng knew that nothing major happened in the palace.

"My daughter-in-law is on an errand this trip, and the matter went well, so she hurried back. It's almost the winter solstice, and the winter solstice is a big solar term. It's shameful for my daughter-in-law not to come back. Besides, although His Highness is not in Beijing, after all, the family The age is busy, and everything has to be taken care of by the daughter-in-law, otherwise there will be a joke." Feng Sheng said to Concubine Li with a smile while taking Brother Xuan from the nanny.

After receiving it, I realized that brother Xuan had eaten a lot, and his hands were very heavy.

Brother Xuan is also bold. Although he has no memory of his mother, he is very familiar with the smell of her body. When he entered Feng Sheng's arms, he looked a little aggrieved, as if wondering why he hadn't seen her for so long.

But he is also naughty, seeing the dazzling pearls on Feng Sheng's head, he wanted to reach out to grab her, but Feng Sheng was unprepared and caught by him, and his hair bun almost fell apart.

"Oh, you little troublemaker, you messed up my mother's bun. Hurry up, the nanny will take the child, Qianru, you ask someone to come in and help Princess Wei do her makeup." Imperial Concubine Li ordered.

Brother Xuan was hugged away, he seemed to be reluctant to let go, he stretched out his hand to ask Feng Sheng.

Feng Sheng couldn't help it, and he didn't want him to hold the pearl hairpin, so he exchanged it with him by holding down the skirt. Seeing a new gadget in his hand, Brother Xuan then shifted his attention.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty knows that Brother Xuan is by my side. With His Majesty watching, no one in this palace dares to put his hand in. As for Brother Xun, he lives with his sixteenth uncle. Every day he Uncle Sixteen took him around to make trouble, that's fine."

These arrangements were all told by Imperial Concubine Li to Feng Sheng before she left the capital, but she said it again at this time, which reassured Feng Sheng even more.

It made her feel even more grateful and admiring for Concubine Lihuang. If Concubine Li was not behind, she would not have given up her two children and went south with confidence.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law gossiped for a while, then waved everyone back and asked Qianru to stand guard at the door. Only then did Imperial Concubine Li look anxious and ask Feng Sheng about King Wei's recent situation.

How could she not be in a hurry, but the Royal Concubine Li was in the palace, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she couldn't be in a hurry, and she couldn't show anxiety.

If Emperor Li was in a hurry, who would believe that King Wei's errand would be done?

"I dare not ask His Majesty about this matter, I dare not even inquire about it, for fear of offending others, but I know the situation is not good. Recently, Your Majesty is busy with government affairs, so some rumors have reached my ears more or less." Li Huang The imperial concubine sighed, a little tiredness appeared between her brows.

Feng Sheng didn't dare to hide anything, so he told the general situation, and everything was going well. It is said that King Wei sang two empty city plans in a row, which bluffed those local officials. Now they are helping King Wei to persuade local big households to donate, and they also said that Jiangsu has also borrowed a batch of grain.

With this batch of food, plus the donations from those big households, no matter what, we can cope with the present.

Don't look at Feng Sheng's easy-going words, Li Huang Guifei's face is also beaming, in fact, both of them know what's going on, but they just don't want to say it to make each other worry.

Just talking like this, I saw that it was getting dark outside.

Feng Sheng was about to go to the study to pick up Brother Jue, when she heard footsteps outside, followed by a small cannonball rushing towards Feng Sheng.

"Mother! Mother!"

Brother Jue was sweating profusely when he ran, and bumped his head into Feng Sheng's arms. This is because he withdrew his strength, otherwise Feng Sheng might be bumped into an accident. Just because of his habit, he was reprimanded by Wei Wang countless times.

Seeing that her son had so much 'strength', Feng Sheng felt relieved.

The sixteenth prince walked in behind and said, "Sister-in-law three."

Feng Sheng nodded: "Sixteen has grown a lot taller."

"I've also grown a lot taller." Brother Pian said not to be outdone.

Seeing him like this, everyone laughed.

Imperial Concubine Li left Fengsheng to have dinner in Xianfu Palace, during which time Xu Lihai, a young **** from Qianqing Palace, came, and it was said that His Majesty would not come to accompany Imperial Concubine Li to eat at night.

Although Feng Sheng has seen many similar situations, it once again made her feel Emperor Jianping's love for Imperial Concubine Li.

It's getting dark early in winter, and after dinner, Imperial Concubine Li didn't keep Feng Sheng any longer, and asked her to leave the palace with her two children. Afraid that the road would be unsafe, he even ordered guards to **** him.

Qianru sent Feng Sheng out of the gate of Xianfu Palace, before leaving, both of them hesitated, Feng Sheng made a gesture and asked Tao Zhi to take the nanny and brother Ping to the side to avoid it.

Just then, Feng Sheng saw that although Concubine Li was blushing and seemed to be fine, but Qianru occasionally showed a look of worry, she figured that there must be something wrong, but Concubine Li had kept this matter a secret, and she didn't want Feng Sheng to know .

"Since your highness went to Shanxi for disaster relief, and you followed him to the south of the Yangtze River, a lot of things happened in the palace. His highness, King Hui, got a Taoist priest from somewhere, who is proficient in alchemy, medicine, and divination. For Beijing Among them, several elderly nobles cured old diseases, and made a few divinations for His Majesty, which are said to be very effective.

"So far, the Kunning Palace and Prince Hui have been on the rise. Your Majesty has repeatedly made faces for King Hui in front of others. Although the power of the palace is still in the hands of our empress, the Queen has recently been on the verge of making troubles, and has been in contact with the noble concubine, Concubine Shu, Concubine De, etc. Cong Mi, it is estimated that the conspiracy is not small... The empress is worried about His Highness's situation outside, and she is afraid that you will find out that you are in a hurry, so she let the servants hide it from you, but this kind of thing can't be hidden... The Winter Solstice Ceremony will be in a few days , it's time to worship the Heaven on the Mound, I heard that His Majesty intends to bring King Hui with him."

On the day of offering sacrifices to heaven, all relatives of Emperor Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty would go, let alone the prince, but since Emperor Jianping said that he wanted to bring King Hui with him, it was not just a literal meaning, but probably referring to King Hui holding a sacrifice Bottle after the emperor.

This position may seem ordinary, but it is unusual. Generally, only the crown prince of a country can stand in this position. After King Hui's crown prince was abolished, it was vacant for a few years, but last year it was King Wei who took up the position.

This is why King Hui and his ilk regard King Wei as a thorn in their side.

Now it is said that the Holy Majesty prefers King Hui this year. What exactly does the Holy Majesty want to do? Isn't it messy enough?

But at this time, Feng Sheng was thinking more about the Taoist priest that King Hui had entered. Could it be that the Holy One finally didn't hide his obsession with alchemy?

"Where is Jingshengzhai?"

Qianru covered her mouth with a veil and whispered: "It is said that His Majesty plans to build a Taoist temple in the palace."

Feng Sheng was silent, pondered for a while, and then said again: "Talk to concubine mother, let her not worry, at this time, if she is anxious, she will fall to the lower ranks. His Highness and I have our own opinions on external matters, but here in the palace let mother Concubine must be steady."

"Yes, Wangfei, this servant will definitely convey this."

All the way back to the Wei Palace in a carriage, it was already the end of the unitary hour.

Feng Sheng played with brother Xuan for a while, and then talked with brother Xuan for a while, asking him if he had encountered anything in the study room recently.

Brother Jue didn't encounter anything when he was in the study room, it was just that some prince from another palace intentionally provoked him or bullied him.

Don't look at the young brother, Feng Sheng occasionally thinks that this child is very wise and foolish. When someone provokes him, he usually ignores him. Besides.

Plus there is Shiliu on the side, anyway, brother Ping hasn't suffered any disadvantages yet.

After coaxing the two children to sleep, Feng Sheng called Zuo Yi to speak.

Because of Zuo Yi's calm personality, Feng Sheng stayed in Beijing to preside over the overall situation. If he wanted to ask for news from Beijing, it was best to get him from him.

Someone in Prince Wei's Mansion has been watching Prince Hui's Mansion, so Zuo Yi has news about some things about Prince Hui's Mansion.

"The old man ordered someone to investigate the origin of this Qingchenzi. This person has been unknown and traveled all over the world, but he suddenly became famous five years ago. He was called a 'living fairy' in Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, and Anhui. As for There is no definite information on how King Hui found him, but this old man feels that there is something strange here."

If you say that Feng Sheng didn't think too much in the past, but since she knew about the old affairs of the Chen family, she couldn't help but think too much when she heard about Jiangxi.

If she was right, Qingchenzi should be Qingchenzi from the Zhonggong family who knew about Emperor Jianping's private alchemy, and specially asked the Chen family to prescribe the right medicine, and found an opportunity to give Qingchenzi to Emperor Jianping.

Emperor Jianping trusted Qingchenzi, so he would inevitably listen to slanderous rumors, especially when it was said that Qingchenzi was good at divination. This kind of mysterious thing, in the eyes of a pragmatic person like Fengsheng, would be a monster.

If there is destiny, if good and evil are rewarded in the end, then there are still so many people who died unjustly in the world, Qing Chenzi is very good at divination, why didn't he figure out that he can only be a Taoist priest who offers slander?

There is also the winter solstice sacrifice to heaven, Feng Sheng always felt that Emperor Jianping would agree to take King Hui with him, it must have something to do with Qingchenzi.

Feng Sheng talked with Zuo Yi, but they couldn't come up with any useful solution. Feng Sheng also told him about the coastal matter, Zuo Yi thought about it for a while, then shook his head helplessly, saying that this matter was not easy to handle.

Of course Feng Sheng knew that this matter was not easy to handle, otherwise she wouldn't be impatient to return to the capital, just wondering if she could find a different way to find another way.

Thinking of this, Feng Sheng suddenly said: "I remember that there was a Daoist Qingfeng in Jingshengzhai, and now that Qingchenzi is favored, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and Daoist Qingfeng must be in a bad situation."

For a moment, Zuo Yi didn't think why the princess would ask Taoist Qingfeng, stroked his beard and said, "Daoist Qingfeng is still in Jingshengzhai, but His Majesty hasn't summoned him for a long time, but His Majesty will go to Yanzhou every day. Spring Pavilion."

Yanchun Pavilion is Qingchenzi's place of cultivation. It was originally a palace for concubines in the palace to play and enjoy the scenery, but now it is moved to Qingchenzi to practice.

After the Yanchun Pavilion, Jingshengzhai cannot be compared with Yanchun Pavilion in scale and orientation, which is enough to prove the attitude of Emperor Jianping.

"Find someone to inquire more about Taoist Master Qingfeng. It's best to find out if there is any conflict between him and Qingchenzi. You should ask someone to inquire first. Tomorrow, I will enter the palace and ask my concubine for help."

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