MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 103

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There is a common saying in the folks, "Three-times, six-sit, seven-rolling, eight-climbing, three-month-old children should be able to turn over, but Brother Ping can't. In fact, it's not that he can't, it's just that he is too fat, and he struggles to turn over. Out of ten times, two times may be successful, and the rest are struggling between being about to turn over or not being able to turn over.

Just like now, this kid is also stubborn, it’s okay if he can’t turn it over, just try again later, but he doesn’t do it, he grabs the corner of Wei Wang’s clothes with one hand, and pushes himself hard, it’s been stuck there for a while, Feng Sheng couldn't stand it anymore and decided to help him.

Unexpectedly, before he stretched out his hand, King Wei glanced at him, obviously trying to stop him.

"Look how pitiful he is."

Feng Sheng pointed to his son with a flushed face, wouldn't a father feel distressed?

"Where there is a will, there is a way. If you don't even have the perseverance for such a small thing, how can you talk about doing big things in the future."

When she heard this, Feng Sheng was drinking tea and almost spit it out.

"How old is he, what do you want him to do?"

"Perseverance needs to be practiced from an early age," Wei Wang said.

"It turns out that mother trained you like this at the beginning, but why did I hear mother say that you were greedy for food and sleep when you were young, and when you were as old as Brother Ping, you slept more than half of the day, so you ate like him. Same fat."

When she told him that he was fat when he was young, King Wei felt inexplicably ashamed, so he could only pretend nothing had happened, and said, "Brother Ping is fat? This is the case with all babies, and it will grow when they grow up."

"You don't see Xiaoliu like this. He is so fat that the nanny can hardly hold her." Feng Sheng said, reaching out to pinch Brother Ping's chubby **** that was exposed outside, "Look at this little **** that is fat." Yes, fleshy."

The milk baby's skin is delicate, especially the skin on the little buttocks. Feng Sheng pinched it a little reluctantly, talking to Wei Wang while pinching. But soon she realized that something was wrong, King Wei didn't answer, she subconsciously looked up, and saw him looking at her quietly.

Looking at the chubby flesh under her fingers, she recalled just now that she said that King Wei was just like Brother Ping when he was a child. Could it be that King Wei's little **** was also so fleshy when he was young?

Little Fatty, King Wei!

Feng Sheng's face turned red immediately, she pretended to be calm and withdrew her hand, and went to serve tea again.

Wei Wang asked someone to take Brother Ping away, and there were only two people left in the room. The meaning in this behavior was too obvious, Feng Sheng couldn't ignore it if he wanted to, so he could only move to the side, and then moved a little move.

"What are you running for?"

At some point, King Wei actually came over, Feng Sheng racked his brains but couldn't figure out how he passed the kang table at such a speed and appeared beside her.

"I didn't run away," she smiled dryly, reaching out her hand to block it, "what do you want to do, it's not dark yet."

He looked calm, very indifferent: "It's nothing, I just see that you like pinching brother so much."

Feng Sheng continued to laugh dryly: "I just pinch it casually." He still didn't forget to hide his hands behind his back.

"Then why are you so guilty?"

"I'm not guilty, how can I have a guilty conscience?"

He pulled her in front of him and stared at her dangerously: "When you pinched brother Ping just now, were you thinking about my king's childhood?"

"How is it possible, I think what you did when you were a child." She spoke very righteously and impassionedly. But in my heart, I was thinking that this person is so amazing that he knows what she is thinking in her heart.

"How dare you say you haven't? Then why are you blushing?"

"Did I blush?" To prove that she didn't, Feng Sheng touched her cheek, "It may be because I drank hot tea just now."

She is so good at sophistry, anyway, King Wei has given up on letting her confess, and he chose to be more direct, hugging people to block her.

Until they could not breathe steadily, King Wei pressed her forehead and said: "Anyway, this king believes that you have no good intentions, so don't make excuses."

Ever since she had Brother Ping, every time Feng Sheng went to the academy, she always came and went in a hurry, instead of just staying for a day like before.

She was going to the academy that day, when she ran into Han Ying as soon as she left the gate of the palace.

She saw Han Ying's expression was in a hurry, as if something had happened, and after asking, she realized that it was Xiao Yinzi who caused the trouble.

Although Xiao Yinzi was studying in the academy, he still kept in touch with the beggars he had befriended before, and would always run outside every time he took a bath. She didn't violate the rules of the academy, nor did she sneak out, so the teachers in the Women's House couldn't be restrained.

Yesterday was Xiumu in the library, and Xiao Yinzi never came back after he went out. At first, Han Ying wondered if something happened, but there was nowhere to look for it. But just as he thought so, a little beggar came to the academy to ask for help , Said that Xiao Yinzi was taken away because he offended someone he couldn't afford.

The little beggar was not very old, and he didn't speak very clearly. After Han Ying asked for a long time, he only knew that he was captured by the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi. It seemed that Xiao Yinzi and the others stole someone's jade pendant.

Han Ying is just a girl, so it doesn't matter, he can go to the deputy head, but he is afraid that Guan Qian will dislike Xiao Yinzi, which will not be good for her to stay in the academy, so he came to find Feng Sheng.

"So did they steal other people's things?"

"Princess, I still know little silver, this child will not steal other people's things." Han Ying said, beckoning to the side, and a little beggar ran over from not far away.

He was very dirty, his face was like a little tabby cat, he was not very old, probably about the size of Xiao Yinzi. After Han Ying's explanation, Feng Sheng knew that this was the legendary Xiaodouzi. In the past, Xiao Yinzi often sneaked out from the academy, and it was said that he went to see Xiaodouzi.

Han Ying asked Xiaodouzi to tell what she knew. Xiaodouzi had never seen such a noble person as the princess, and she was too scared to speak. Later, I mustered up the courage to speak up, but I couldn't tell why. According to Xiaodouzi, no one with them stole the jade pendant, and they didn't know how the broken jade pendant appeared in the ruined temple where they often stayed.

It was also a coincidence that when Xiao Yinzi went back to the ruined temple, the officers and soldiers came behind him. He escaped the disaster because it was convenient for him to go out. Xiaodouzi also knew that he had something to do with the government, and it was useless to think of any solution. He heard Xiao Yinzi said that the gentlemen of Jinjiang Academy were all very good, so he rashly went to the academy for help.

So someone deliberately framed it? Or someone stole the jade pendant, but the companion didn't know about it, but how did the government know about it, and still go to catch it?

But this information let Feng Sheng know that Xiao Yinzi is innocent, so she can help.

Without further ado, Feng Sheng asked someone to go to the affairs office in the front yard to call for a servant, and then took a group of people to Wucheng Bingma Division.

The so-called five-city soldiers and horses are actually a collective name. The correct ones should be the east, south, west, north, and middle city soldiers and horses. It's quite complicated to manage, but to catch a group of beggars and use the Wucheng soldiers and horses, it's a bit overkill.

Xiaodouzi didn't know which city Bingma Si arrested. He only knew that he was going to the West City, so Feng Sheng went to the Xicheng Bingma Si Yamen first. When she arrived at the place, she didn't get out of the car, and asked the servants from the incident office to lead Xiaodouzi in to find someone, while she and Han Ying waited outside.

Although he is a servant, he is not an ordinary servant who comes here on behalf of Wei Wangfu. The affairs department is in charge of welcoming and dispatching the guests and banquets of the palace, and it is necessary to deal with everywhere. It is also clear that the people in the Wucheng soldiers and horses are all from Beijing. Most of the commanders and envoys of the city soldiers and horses are relatives of the emperor.

After entering, there was no nonsense, first reported the background, and pointed out that one of the female students was from Jinjiang Academy, and the Wucheng soldiers and horses arrested the thieves, and they also arrested the thieves, and even arrested the students of the academy.

Little did they know that the people in Bingmasi's yamen were also muttering about this matter. Jinjiang Academy's current limelight in the capital is not to be mentioned, and the clothes of the students in the academy are uniformly equipped, which is very different from ordinary people.

It has a pale blue bottom, a toga with large sleeves, a wide soap-colored piping on the placket and cuffs, and a belt of the same color around the waist.

Some look like raw shirts, but they are not.

On the front of the skirt, there are cyan embroidery patterns, which at first glance look like some kind of pattern, but are actually designed by Feng Sheng himself. The symbol named after Jinjiang Academy can also be regarded as a kind of identification.

At that time, the guard who came forward did not take a closer look, so he brought him back. After he came back, he found out that he was a student of Jinjiang Academy and a girl. It must be that they caught the wrong person, someone deliberately framed her, so the situation froze, and she was locked up for a day.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the servants of the palace came out in a hurry and reported the matter roughly.

The people were indeed here, but Xiao Yinzi didn't leave, saying that they were framed by others and the real culprit was not found. If they left for no reason, this matter would become an unsolved case.

This time there was an inconceivable expression on the face of the man, as if he couldn't understand why these beggars were so ignorant. The man was arrested by the soldiers and horses. Now that the palace has come forward to ask for him, he is willing to release him. He has not suffered any disadvantages, and now he is not leaving.

What else do you want? Do you still want to rely on the power of the palace to mess around?

Although he didn't say anything out of respect, Feng Sheng could tell what was going on in his heart just by looking at his face. The seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's gate walked out under the name of the palace, and he was also number one in size. They can't suffer, and naturally they haven't suffered any humiliation. Of course, they don't understand the feeling of humiliation and the feeling of being wronged.

Maybe he understands, but the status of this group of people is lower than him, so he doesn't want to think about it, let him see what else he wants to do if there is smoke from the ancestral grave.

"Princess, how about I go in and have a look?" Han Ying said.

"Forget it, I'll go with you." Seeing that Han Ying seemed to want to stop her, she said again: "I'm curious what this girl wants to do."

In fact, Xiao Yinzi's heart was pounding now, she knew that the people from the palace had come forward, the princess must have known about it.

The princess is a very good person in her heart, and the people in the academy are very kind to her. She doesn't really want to trouble them, but when trouble and being wronged are juxtaposed, she thinks it is more important to clear the wrong.

It's a pity that this kind of persistence turned into uneasy standing in the face of Feng Sheng who suddenly appeared in front of her.

"I am a student of Jinjiang Academy. I have an obligation to protect the reputation of the academy. I was arrested and released without any reason. If outsiders know about it, it may damage the reputation of the academy." She poked her neck, But lowered his eyelids and said, his small face was full of stubbornness.

Feng Sheng didn't pierce her small thoughts, and asked with a smile: "Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to return myself and everyone else."

"Little Yinzi, why don't you forget it, it's good if you can let it out, what do you want to be innocent." Standing behind her, a lame middle-aged beggar whispered.

"That's right, what a big deal."

"Why do beggars want to be innocent? Anyway, they didn't get beaten."

Because of Princess Wei's sudden arrival, the atmosphere in this room was extraordinarily dignified, the servants stood there with their heads bowed, and the beggars spoke carefully. But because the room was too quiet, everyone could hear it.

"What's wrong with beggars, beggars can be arrested and released if they want?" It is probably related to their previous experience, and it seems a little angry to mention these small silver coins.

At this time, a person came in from the door, dressed in official clothes, was in a hurry, with a respectful face, and when he saw Feng Sheng, he hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted.

"I don't know if the concubine is coming, but the young one is far away from us. The commander and deputy commander are not here. The young one is in charge of the affairs of the yamen for the time being. If you have anything to do, please give me instructions. The young one will definitely serve you."

Feng Sheng didn't speak.

A yamen servant came up next to him and pulled the official aside and whispered for a while. This official is also a lot of drama, and immediately said loudly to investigate, strictly investigate, and must investigate things clearly.

Feng Sheng walked up to Xiao Yinzi, looked at her and said, "You don't resent these people's power, bowing down for power, and you don't resent yourself being wronged, and you want to clear yourself and everyone else. If that's the case, I'll leave this matter to you Do it, and rely on your own ability to give yourself justice."

Little Yinzi didn't expect Feng Sheng to say that, and looked up at her in surprise.

"What? No confidence?"

"I'm just a kid."

Sly girl. Feng Sheng smiled indifferently: "You are very careful, you have to have confidence in yourself. You can use these people, rely on your own wisdom to do it, you only have one chance. If it doesn't work, just tell Han honestly Go back to the academy."

"it is good."

Xiao Yinzi nodded, and said solemnly to Feng Sheng: "I will definitely not let the princess down."

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