MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 100

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Zhao Wang suddenly ran out to be a good person, not for the sake of the eldest prince and Wu Wang, but just to show himself and make trouble by the way.

Everyone understands this truth, so although King Wu and King Zhao didn't speak again, they both looked at King Zhao.

Seeing this, Feng Sheng couldn't help but look at King Wei. Seeing his expression of coldness, he guessed that he would definitely not participate in these things. She finds it a little funny that a few people who add up to almost a hundred years old are fighting for favor and bickering like children. How did she know that Emperor Jianping had many sons, so she had to find another way to have a sense of existence.

The so-called being favored is just to see if someone has a sense of presence. This sense of presence is not only in front of Emperor Jianping, but also in the eyes of the world. These princes grew up in the court, and almost none of them understand this, just like the thirteenth prince, who just said something casually just now because he is not very old.

All this happened very quickly, and within a few words, the princes exchanged a few tricks with each other. Emperor Jianping sat on the first place, as if he didn't realize it. Empress Chen stood aside, smiling, and said: "Where is the imperial concubine, don't let Xiao Shiliu be carried up, don't delay the auspicious time."

Actually, Feng Sheng didn't really understand the rivalry among women, she just instinctively felt that Empress Chen's words were a bit weird, so she went to see Concubine Li Huang. Her complexion is very good, she looks plump and rosy than before, she is obviously not a few years younger than Empress Chen, but she feels a generation younger than her.

The sixteenth prince was carried up.

Today he is a little birthday star, dressed up very happily, wearing a bright red suit. He ate very fat, chubby, Feng Sheng hadn't seen him for a while, and he was much fatter than before.

She is very cute, with a pair of big blinking eyes, a chubby face, small hands, arms and legs are all fleshy, when she sees Concubine Li, she stretches out her hands to hug her, muttering in her mouth, I don’t know what she is talking about, the voice of milk People's hearts are about to melt.

Imperial Concubine Li took him, her arms sank immediately, Emperor Jianping glanced at Fu Lu, Fu Lu hurriedly stepped forward and said: "How can I let the empress hold you, let me be a servant, the sixteenth prince and old slave hold you OK?"

He smiled and teased Xiao Shiliu, but Xiao Shiliu didn't recognize human nature, so he wanted to grab Fu Lu's hat with his hand. When the little hand went up, it was torn crooked, and a few strands of hair were torn off. Seeing Fu Lu's distressed appearance, and Xiao Shiliu clapping his hands and laughing, everyone laughed.

After some tossing, Xiao Shiliu was placed on the long table in the hall.

There are many things on the table, all of which are used to catch Zhou, and the jade pendant of Emperor Jianping is also among them. When Little Sixteen saw so many gadgets, he wanted to rush over to grab them. The nanny hugged him and coaxed him for a while, and asked him to pick out the one he liked. I don't know if he understood it, but the fat boy crawled over.

I saw him grab this to have a look, and grab that to feel it, and he didn't seem to like it, so he threw it aside. All eyes in the hall were on him, and the correct one was on the jade pendant of Emperor Jianping.

No one hoped that he would be caught, but hoped that he would be attracted by toys like rattles, so that maybe it would make Concubine Li Huang lose face in front of others. This time, Empress Chen sent an emerald horse, a rattle, a small slingshot, etc. It is said that they were the toys of the First Prince when he was a child.

Empress Chen has treasured these things for decades, which is enough to show that she values ​​them, so bringing them up at a time like this is not considered negligent. But out of their hearts, parents hope that their children will be smart when they grow up, preferably with both civil and military skills. If Xiaoliu really catches this kind of gadget, he will be ridiculed. Not talking.

Xiaoliu finally caught the slingshot, held it in his hand and tugged at it. If it were an ordinary child, it would be over, but with Xiaoliu's love of the new and dislike of the old, the masters didn't speak, and no one dared to say anything. I can keep watching.

Sure enough, Xiaoliu's interest passed quickly, and he threw away the slingshot.

At this point, even Feng Sheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, there are things with good meanings, such as pens, inks, paper, inkstones, seals, swords, etc. No matter what Xiaoliu catches, at least there will be no jokes, and Feng Sheng will not be so nervous , and therefore when Xiao Sixteen caught the last jade pendant, she was not even surprised.

After the Zhou Catch Ceremony, everyone dispersed.

Emperor Jianping still had papers to read, so he didn't stay any longer. The King of Wu said that it was rare for the brothers to meet together, and shouted to drink. The king of Wei followed them.

Empress Chen said that there was a banquet in Kunning Palace, and she said it would be for Xiaoliu Shiliu's birthday. She said it in front of people, and Lihuang and Noble Concubine couldn't refuse, so she had to accept it, but she didn't go with Empress Chen. He reasoned that he wanted to change clothes, and he took Feng Sheng along.

Feng Sheng thought that Imperial Concubine Li had something to explain to him, but unexpectedly, she did not, Imperial Concubine Li went in to change clothes, while she stayed outside to drink tea.

While drinking, Imperial Concubine Li came out from inside.

"Let's go."

Feng Sheng immediately put down the teacup, stood up, and followed her.

"Don't be nervous, just go for a cutscene."

Feng Sheng was a little embarrassed, she wasn't really nervous, but it was true that she was a little apprehensive. Thinking back when she just got married to King Wei, Empress Chen got a poisonous hairpin the next day. It was fine before, but now she still has one in her stomach. In addition, Empress Chen is indeed a little abnormal today, no wonder Feng Sheng thinks too much.

"Are you thinking that she has changed a lot, so there must be monsters?"

Feng Sheng didn't hide anything, and nodded.

Imperial Concubine Lihuang sighed, and said: "A woman's resilience is extremely strong. When she recognizes the reality, she will do everything possible to grab what is beneficial to her. You see, she is courteous for nothing, but she is just showing herself in front of others." Identity and presence. It’s like this in the palace, it’s too big and there are too many people, losing existence is equivalent to falling out of favor, and a woman who’s out of favor is worse than a dog in the palace.”

Feng Sheng didn't know what to say, and after a while he squeezed out a sentence: "Then what should I do?"

"What should I do?" Seeing that she was speechless, Imperial Concubine Li laughed lightly, and said, "Ignore her, do whatever she wants."

Feng Sheng doesn't understand how women in the palace live, but seeing Concubine Li like this, it kind of means that I will stand still while letting him blow the wind and rain. This is a kind of confidence, and I don't worry immediately.

"Your Majesty knows about your pregnancy. Don't worry, she doesn't dare to do anything in front of everyone." Before entering Kunning Palace, Imperial Concubine Li said to Feng Sheng.

Feng Sheng actually understood this truth, but it was just that Empress Chen's act of giving away the poisonous hairpin on the second day of her wedding was quite crazy to her. However, Imperial Concubine Li and the Empress are old rivals, since she said so, she has nothing to worry about.

The banquet was over at Kunning Palace here, and King Wei also ended there.

Feng Sheng didn't go back to Xianfu Palace with Imperial Concubine Li, and went directly out of the palace with King Wei.

Wei Wang drank wine, and his body smelled of alcohol. After Feng Sheng became pregnant, he was sensitive to the smell. He was sticky, and she couldn't stand the smell, so she pushed him. Maybe Wei Wang really drank too much, and was pushed against the wall of the car by her, now Feng Sheng was dumbfounded.

"I did not do it on purpose."

King Wei glanced at her: "You despise me."

Feng Sheng was a little embarrassed, there was nothing he could do, he pointed to his stomach: "It's not me, it's him."

This excuse is so good that even the king of Wei is speechless, he can't argue with the unborn child, he can only glance at her and forget it. Feng Sheng also knew that he had gone too far, so he hurriedly served him tea and water, and served him a cup of tea, this time was considered over.

King Wei asked about what happened after he left, Feng Sheng briefly talked about it, and then said what the imperial concubine had said to her. King Wei didn't say anything, his eyes were dark. After a while, he said: "They are not fuel-efficient lamps."

Feng Sheng thought for a while, and said: "I think the queen is like that, the concubine mother..."

Wei Wang took her hand and rubbed it in the palm of his hand: "Don't worry, the matter between the concubine mother and her is not a day or two, it's just that the concubine mother always avoided it before, and now the concubine mother doesn't dodge it, and she can't." What about the mother and concubine. Besides, at their level, whether they live a stable life is largely linked to their respective sons. As long as the elder brother doesn't stop, as long as she still wants to think about the crown prince, the father will definitely suppress she."

Stepping out of the harem battle involves the imperial court, Feng Sheng can easily understand that Emperor Jianping does not want to establish another prince, if the middle palace department still does not give up, it will inevitably clash. So what about King Wei, if King Wei had intentions for the crown prince, what would Emperor Jianping do? Feng Sheng felt that he suddenly understood something, could it be that Emperor Jianping raised up the imperial concubine in order to suppress the queen?

Thinking about it this way, and then thinking about the unconscious smile on the eyebrows of Concubine Li, she suddenly felt a little cold.

Feng Sheng didn't tell King Wei about this kind of subconscious thought, maybe King Wei understood it, so he took it easy, only she would make a fuss.

After waiting for the first three months, he asked the imperial doctor Wang to ask for his pulse again, and after confirming that riding in a carriage would not affect the fetus, Feng Sheng could finally lift the ban.

Even so, King Wei did not allow her to go to the academy every day, only once every few days.

Now everything in the academy is on the right track. There was a number one scholar in the small building before, which brought great popularity to the academy. I also heard that the lecturers here were actually Hanlin from the Imperial Academy. Countless people came here to seek scholars.

After every Spring Festival, some families are happy and some are sad. Some have passed the exam, and some have not passed the exam. Those who fail the exam will usually return to their hometowns, and those whose families are rich and don’t want to go back to their hometowns will usually choose a clean place to live in central Beijing and study knowledge carefully so that they can take the exam again in the future.

Because there was a number one scholar in Xiaolou before, many scholars who did not want to return to their hometown came together to seek accommodation in order to be happy. Because before the academy allowed lodging, it was for the convenience of the scholars who came to catch the exam. Whether this is still the case after the exam, there is no regulation on the academy side.

At that time, Feng Sheng was just pregnant, and she didn't come to the academy for many days, and Guan Qian couldn't make the decision, so he could only procrastinate. Who would have thought that these scholars stayed in the academy for a few days, and felt that the atmosphere here was free, so they were willing to stay and study, just for the lectures every ten days.

It should be noted that those who can reach the status of lectures are all well-studied and accomplished in Confucian classics. This is also due to the fact that King Wei came forward to ask Emperor Jianping to let the Hanlins of the Imperial Academy come here to give lectures.

The students with the lowest income in the men's hall are scholars who started as scholars, and those who can pass the exam show that the foundation has been laid firmly, and what is lacking is just the heat to make a fuss. But if you want to do a good job in the essay, there is too much knowledge in it. Discuss with each other among classmates, and seek advice from famous teachers. These are all ways to be promoted on the road to imperial examinations, and Jinjiang Academy undoubtedly gave everyone this way.

Lectures held once every ten days are not only taught by great Confucian scholars, but also discussed among students. A kind of atmosphere has gradually formed. style of study.

Feng Sheng came to the academy for the first time after the lifting of the ban, and happened to be giving lectures.

In the bamboo grove, I saw a person sitting on the stone platform, scattered all around were students wearing school shirts, some were holding books in their hands, or using bookcases as desks, and they were all eager to write, all of them were listening very loudly. serious. On one side is a small river that passes through the village. Because it converges into a pool in the academy, the water is green and blue, so it is also called Bishui Pool.

The sound of water bubbling and the sound of birds are crisp, like a paradise.

This place was arranged by Feng Sheng at the beginning. It is said that you can eat without meat, and you cannot live without bamboo, so bamboo is the most planted in the academy.

At this moment, Feng Sheng was wearing men's clothing, standing in the forest and looking there, suddenly felt that the place was well furnished.

"Princess, why are you here?"

Feng Sheng turned her head and made a shush gesture, and walked out of the bamboo forest with the visitor. During the walk, the visitor was very nervous about her, as if she was afraid that she would fall.

It was Guan Qian, the deputy head of the mountain.

"Let me take a look." Feng Sheng didn't say until he walked out of here.

"But you—" Guan Qian only looked at Feng Sheng's stomach, and felt that it was too impolite, so his eyes flashed left and right.

"Okay, I'll go to the women's hall to have a look, you are busy."

After finishing speaking, Feng Sheng walked away with a flick of his sleeves, Guan Qian looked at her back and broke out in a cold sweat.

Feng Sheng's unrestrained attitude only lasted around a corner, because Wei Wang was waiting for her standing under a tree at the corner.

"Ben Wang speaks a word, you disappear, it seems that you still can't lack people by your side."

"I'm just going to have a look in the woods." While speaking, Feng Sheng was still thinking that if the women's hall had such a grand scene someday, it would be worthwhile for her to bother.

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