MTL - Fei Pin Ying Qiang-Chapter 76 Ending (below)

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On the sixth day of February, Qi Yunruo got up and seven or eight prostitutes gathered around to wear a large red embroidered dress. Qi Yun opened his hand and let them move, and Green was carrying a bowl of rounds and said: The master has a few to eat, and the slaves have heard that you have no chance to eat much at night."

If Qi Yun sat down and stretched out his foot and asked him to put on his boots, Zhang mouth ate two meat balls, and he swayed his head and said that he would not eat.

Today is the day when he and Li Wei are overjoyed. He is celebrating with all the eyes. Everyone who appears in front of him has a smile, but his heart is strange, so... Today, he To be with the prince... No, it’s the emperor, getting married?

His dress was smashed by eighteen embroidered women for a month and a half. He was so complicated that he stood up and tried it. He only felt very heavy. After wearing the modified Kowloon Four Phoenix men’s crown, the sky was already bright, the prostitute They retired, and a rite official came over: "After the king, you should go out."

Qi Yunru nodded, the main entrance of the Molianyuan was opened, and the servants squatted and screamed for a thousand years. Qi Yunruo waved his hand and walked on the red blanket and stepped out.

The ancient man Yundi Wang wife can not be called a "wife", because the wife is homophonic in "Qi", no one under the sun can sit on the same level as the emperor, so it is called "after". After Qi Yun was enshrined as a queen, Li Wei ordered the name "Yiang Niang" to be "Jun". Li Yu's shackles will remain in the Prince's Palace. Apart from a few too embarrassing, there is no such thing as a "mother". The master.

After Li Yu sacrificed his ancestors, he went to the Ci'an Palace and gave the emperor the Queen Mother the prince. Today, the Empress Dowager also wore a formal dress. After Li Qi got up, he called him to sit down and asked, "I heard that. Will you go out to the Prince’s House to meet you in person?"

Li Wei nodded.

The Empress Dowager: "There are no emperors who are well-off, and no one has personally welcomed the pro."

Li Xiao smiled. "Grandma, I want to be a grandson."

The Empress Dowager sighed with a sigh and looked complicated. "Suner, I know that you like him. I never thought that you would do something that the emperor had never done before. I even thought about it. You took Qi Yuze. After coming to the palace, I will cover it for you."

"Grandmother," Li said seriously. "If Xiao Qi is alive, he will lack the words "being righteous". From his birth to the present, his identity has never been recognized by people. I don't want to grievance again. Give him what he didn't have, and hand it to him in front of the world."

"Well... um," the Empress Dowager nodded and his eyes softened. "I understand, Grandson, you can rest assured. Hey, you are welcoming you at Prince Edward, I haven’t reacted before, you Where is the Ziyang Bofu placed?"

Li Wei said faintly: "Xiao Qi has no connection with Ziyang Bofu."

The Empress Dowager did not continue to say anything. He gently pushed Li Wei, and Li Wei stood up and gave the Taihuang Empress a head. "Grandmother, after the grandmother married, she ordered the elder sister to return to Beijing. ”

"Yaoer..." The Queen Mother’s eyes flashed with tears.

"Grandchildren are gone, grandmother."

"Well, in the future, you will live well." The Empress Dowager wiped his eyes and looked at him.

Li Wei was indeed the first emperor to personally meet. In the Imperial City, there are not many people in the city. When Li Wei went to the Prince’s Palace, Qi Yunruo took the person to the door and prepared to get on the carriage. If Qi Yun heard the sound, he saw Li Wei coming from afar. I couldn't help but smile.

Their dresses are very similar, but they are embroidered on the clothes of Li Wei. If Qi Yun’s clothes are in addition to the phoenix, there are various trees and flowers that represent the queen. It’s just the atmosphere of his clothes. I can’t see such a beautiful dress. Qi, the Queen's wedding dress is a standard system of time, representing the noblest existence under the emperor of this country. Li Wei also saw Qi Yunruo, Qi Yunruo thought back to six years ago, but it wasn’t Li Wei who went to Ziyang Bofu to meet her. Qi Yunru’s carriage was mixed in the dowry of the Qi Ni skirt. The tassels did not let him open the curtain and let people see it. No one knows that there is a young man in the carriage of a car.

Li Wei dismissed the horse and went to Qi Yunruo. Qi Yun looked at him with ecstasy. This man really gave him everything. He left Ziyang Bofu six years ago and his life track was changed.

Li Wei reached out and Qi Yunruo handed it to his hand. The two did not say a word. Li Yuyue went to the horse. Qi Yun was dragged by him, sitting behind Li Wei and reaching for his waist.


Li Wei once thought, did the Emperor have any feelings for Zhou? After the week, it was the younger sister of the Emperor. It was dignified and beautiful. At that time, Zhou’s family was no bigger than the family. The emperor finally set up the week instead of the Yu’s. It was obvious that she was affectionate to her. After the emperor’s emperor’s week, he secretly encouraged the week afterwards. At that time, the Queen Mother Blue, the contradiction between Zhou and the Blue Empress, deepened step by step, and finally broke out in Li Wei. Finally, the Queen Mother Lan returned to the Ci'an Palace for the grandchildren and the Zhou Dynasty. Did the Emperor have a love for Yu? He is also a member of the 40th year of the year, but the first emperor, no matter which young beggar he loves, has not neglected the singer's love. One year's favor, the mother-in-law is more and more unable to see his position, if not Qing Wang lost his way and gave them a way to live their mother and son. Now, he can’t be safe in the palace.

The emperor was close to fifty years for the monarch. He had countless women. After Li Hao was enthroned, when the young monks moved out of the palace, the haunting voice of the harem was shocking. Some of them were held in the hands of the emperor a few days ago. They are doing the dream of giving birth to the son of the first emperor, and Li Wei numbly watched them leave in batches. Those teenage girls will only be accompanied by the ancient lamp ancient Buddha.

This is the imperial power. Countless people dream of what they want. He doesn’t even have to speak. Those wealth and women will flock to him. He can’t be in front of him in a word, but Li Wei feels that it feels too cold. It’s chilly and biting, and it’s like being alone in the mountain peaks. When the wind blows, he will be blown down by the wind.

Qi Yunruo's wristband is on his waist, but his strength is very weak, but it seems to give him infinite power. From then on, he can take root on the cliff and stand still, never worry about falling. If there is no Xiaoqi, what will he look like now?

Qi Ni skirt may not die, may be able to give birth to his nephew, Ji Wei and Wei Wei will not turn out the big storms in their own suppression, and then he will have more women, every few years, from all over the country The source is constantly being sent, and many children are born. These children will fight after they grow up, will they stand on the sidelines? Li Xiao smiled. If it wasn't Xiao Qi, he might die in the northwest.

The emperor was married, and the ten-mile red silk, Li Wei was horse-ridden, Qi Yunruo smiled behind him: "The emperor, don't be so fast, Ji Shi is still early."

Li Lan pulled the reins of the horse and waited for the horse to stop slowly. He suddenly turned his direction and said: "Stay steady."

The officials around him were shocked: "The emperor, where are you going?"


If Qi Yun knows what he wants to do, he buried his head behind him and laughed. His clothes hem red brocade was blown by the wind. After Li Wei drove out of the imperial city, Qi Yunruo looked sideways and looked at the scenery on both sides. Looking at them, for a while, the talents were kneeling on the ground, and one by one looked up and looked at the young and powerful new emperor with his queen.

At noon, Li Wei took Qi Yunruo slowly into the door from the main entrance of the palace. Qi Yunruo looked up at the huge plaque. He felt that Li Wei was holding his hand and gradually exerted strength. Qi Yunruo smiled sideways and crossed. After crossing that limit - in the past, he went to the palace twice, not to go here. After Li Hao was enthroned, he did not come to the palace. After entering the palace, Qi Yun, if sitting on the shoulders, will be in a big ceremony in the Zixiao Temple, in front of the Taihuang Tai, three to nine, to be married.

The Empress Dowager sat on the main seat and said gently: "Get up."

When Li Wei and Qi Yunruo stood up, the Empress Dowager recruited and waved, calling Qi Yunruo in the past. She looked at Qi Yunruo. When Qi Yun remembered Li Yao, who was originally in the northwest, she suddenly took the lead and called: "Grandmother."

The Empress Dowager’s smile was softer. She waved her hand and sent a tray to her. The Empress Dowager personally took the above things and handed them to Qi Yunruo’s hand. “I am old, have you to do these things. I can also enjoy the blessings."

Qi Yun, if he looked at the back of his hand, nodded. "Grandma, I will not live up to your expectations."

After a delicate and cumbersome etiquette, Qi Yunruo sat in the dragon/bed of the palace of the Zixiao Temple, waiting for the end of the palace feast. The former empresses were waiting for the emperor in Jingyang Palace, but Li Wei took them. The place of the wedding is located in the Purple Temple of the exclusive emperor. In the afternoon, after Li Wei and Qi Yun accepted the worship of Baiguan, the palace feast began. After a few cups of light, the palace man slowly led Qi Yunruo to come here. Qi Yunruo said to Li Wei early, he did not want to stay in it. Waiting for the end of the banquet, although Li Wei did not know why, he still agreed.

Qi Yunruo waited in the Purple Temple, and the two palaces stood by the side. If Qi Yun looked around, he thought that Li Wei was living alone here for a few months, and he stood up curiously.

"After the king..."

Qi Yunruo smiled and said: "I am leaving, you don't have to follow."


The Zixiao Temple is the third largest palace in the palace. It is towering. The front hall is used by the emperor's office. The apse is the palace. The terrain is extremely high. You can see the four palaces and bring everything to the bottom of your eyes. Li Wei lived here for a few months, did not change much layout, but some details were changed to the same as Wangfuzhong. Qi Yunruo’s personal belongings were sent from Prince Edward House yesterday. Li Wei stayed here and did not send it. Other palaces. Qi Yunruo found the 12 Zodiac glass ornaments that Li Wei sent himself a few years ago, and the book he was reading recently.

As night fell, the sound of Li Wei’s return to the palace sounded, and Qi Yun’s eyes turned and looked at the green scorpion that entered the palace with him. The green sly would like to cover the red yarn on the head of Qi Yunruo. Li Wei walked in. I was still stunned, and soon he understood it. He smiled and said, "You come back early, just for this?"

Qi Yunruo said: "I always feel that the deletion and change, the remaining rules are not much, this can be left."

"Good." Li Wei sat next to him.

Two rows of palace ladies were sent to the wine, and Qi Yunruo and Li Wei each took half a scoop. Li Wei noticed that Qi Yunru was looking at him and said: "There is no alcohol at all."

If Qi Yun nodded, he drank half a scoop of wine, and the children and grandchildren did not have to eat it. It meant that the "sitting bed" of many children and grandchildren did not have to be used. Li Wei waved his hand and asked people to go out. He was curious. Q: "Why do you want to add a hijab?" He thought that Xiaoqi would not like others to regard himself as a woman, and the same etiquette as a woman.

Qi Yunruo said: "I don't want to ask you to see me as soon as I come in."


"No reason."

Li Wei looked at Qi Yunruo, and Qi Yunruo looked at him under the red gauze. Li Wei finally reached out and smashed the red gauze. The lights were shining, and Qi Yunruo’s screaming light flashed. Li Yan reached out and pressed Qi Yunruo’s head and put His face pressed against himself.

When the two men's lips and teeth are handed over, Qi Yun closes his eyes, and the scene of the past is reappearing in front of his eyes. The water gallery is just a glimpse of the glimpse. He carefully looked at Li Wei’s time. He was a relative who was outside the Dongmei courtyard and opened the window himself. After seeing his back, he did not expect that Li Wei would suddenly come back. Then the next day, he was called by the tassel to serve the prince, Wang Hao got up, he was kneeling in front of Li Wei, Li Wei told him to look up.

He remembered the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus. He drank wine in Jiu, and fell asleep in the flowers. Who knows that when he woke up, he saw Wang Ye, and Wang looked at him quietly, but he said nothing, he said that he Lost, Wang Ye helped him up and pointed to the road to Dongmeiyuan.

He remembered that the Qi Ni skirt hinted that he was waiting for the prince. When he remembered the mother, he couldn't help but cry. Wang sat on the side and asked himself to rest.

When he remembered the snowfall, he followed the prince, and the prince first talked about his ambition.

He remembered going to the people's market that night, he stayed in the Mo Linyuan, he was a little scared, because the prince looked angry, but on the bed / up, Wang stroking his face, the look gradually eased, the bed is thick I covered the candlelight layer by layer. Even though Qi Yun felt ashamed, he clearly remembered the scene of the day and clearly remembered the temperature of Wang Ye.

He remembered the northwest horn and returned to Beijing. He remembered the half-year-old glory and remembered the footsteps and knocking on the door when he was unclear.

If I didn't meet him... What would I look like now? If Qi Yun wants to, he does not know that Li Wei also thought about the same problem today. I don't know that Li Wei is equally grateful. The world is mournful and told them to meet in the world.

"Small Qi."


Li Yan kissed Qi Qiruo’s face intimately. Li Yan took Qi Yunruo to stand up and walked out of the temple door. Qi Yunruo saw his eyes in the sky, and the blossoming fireworks bloomed beautifully. In the height of the Purple Temple, only Li Weihe If Qi Yunruo two people, Li said: "I will not be able to afford many people in my life. When you know me, I am also a wife and a wife, and my children are both full, but since today, all my love will be delivered to you, Xiao Qi.. ...." Li Wei looked at him.

"I have never regretted it." Qi Yun Ruo laughed.

The biggest fireworks bloomed on top of their heads. If Qi Yun looked up and looked at the lights, he looked at the man beside him, silently thinking that God would not treat me. He leaned on Li Wei and reached out and hugged him.

They will stay together until the end of their years. 2k novel reading network

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