MTL - Fei Pin Ying Qiang-Chapter 63 Spring night

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Qi Yunruo helped Li Wei stand up, Li Wei leaned on his body, Qi Yunru looked back at the wolf's Qi Ni skirt, his eyes full of disgust and hatred, Qi Yunruo turned around, in the Dongmeiyuan everyone chilling eyes In the middle of supporting the prince to go out and leave the Dongmeiyuan, he shouted to the idle prostitute insider: "Don't go to the small sedan!"

Li Wei was so quick and eager that he looked at Qi Yunruo and laughed. "How come you?"

Qi Yunruo calmed his face and held Li Wei on the sedan. Li Yu looked up painfully. Qi Yun asked: "Would you like a doctor?"

"Don't make people laugh," Li Yan closed his eyes and pulled Qi Yunruo to his side. "You will do it."

Qi Yunru blushes and nods.

Li Wei asked again: "How come you?"

Qi Yunruo has not answered, he just keeps sweating for Li Wei, sorts out clothes for him, winds with his hand, and the small sedan quickly arrives at the Mollian Court. If Qi Yun tells people not to ask Jing Er and his nephew to come out, take Li Wei to go. The bedroom.

On the second day, when Li Wei woke up, his headache was splitting. He looked at Qi Yunruo sideways. He was still asleep, his face was pale, and Li Wei was looking for his hand and shook it tightly.

Li Wei lay down for a while, got up and dressed, and a red mark on his neck spread down and gradually hidden under the clothes. Li Wei himself wore a robe and opened the door. Su Ge whispered outside the door: "The slave I went to the palace early to tell you about the disease."

Li Wei nodded and sat on the chair and rubbed his forehead. He didn't use breakfast, went back to the bedroom and looked at it for a while, and went straight to the backyard.

In the last night, Qi Yun went to Dongmeiyuan directly for no reason. This is what Li Wei asked after she was awake last night. Xiao Qi and her two children used dinner together, and they read books in the house, but they waited. He does not return. If Qi Yun is a little flustered, several prostitutes are embarrassed. I feel that if Qi Yun is too much, Wang Ye and Wang Hao are serious couples. Wang Ye stays in Wang Hao’s house and does not come back. Isn’t this a normal thing?

However, Qi Yunruo felt that it was impossible. The Qi Ni skirts of the previous few days were the same as the crazy women. Wang Ye was tired of her. Even today, even if the Qi Ni skirts are aggravated, Wang Ye will carefully consider it. He has no reason to stay at Dongmeiyuan. ... and Qi Yun feels secretly deep inside, Wang Ye will not do that, Wang Ye is thinking of himself, he will come back.

Qi Yunruo proposed to go to the backyard to look at it, but even the green scorpion around him had a difficult face: "Adult, this, I am afraid this is not appropriate, if Wang Ye and Wang Hao have already rested..."

"Wang Ye is like you are not fake, but this is a good reputation..." Green Xuan also said.

Qi Yunruo stood up and said coldly: "Then I will go by myself."

He wants to go, others don't dare to stop, but in his heart, he feels that Qi Daren is gentle on weekdays, but now he is so arrogant, even the prince is not allowed to stay in the hospital of his wife, and will soon be rejected by Wang.

If Qi Yun walked to the backyard, Wang Fuzhong was brightly lit. He later ran all the way to Dongmeiyuan. Dongmeiyuan closed the courtyard door early. If Qiyun didn't think much, he knocked on the door directly, but no one responded to him. In fact, if there is a man who dares to say that Wang Ye and Wang Hao have fallen asleep, Qi Yunruo has no way, but it is that there is no movement. If Qi Yun is more suspicious, he will scream at the door and anger: "Quickly open the door! You I don't know who I am!"

Qi Yunruo swollen his hands, and at the end he was shooting on the side, while using his feet to slam the door, the small **** who was watching the door was finally scared, and opened the door to him. Who knows that if Qi Yun came in, he saw that he was witnessed. The scene - Wang Ye step by step, but firmly moved to this side, Qi Yun if you saw a very bad thing here, Wang Ye was too embarrassed, Qi Yun Ruo ran over, Li Wei was suddenly hit by him - At that moment, if Qi Yun could not describe his feelings, he would only be lucky to arrive.

Li Yu tossed Qi Yunruo overnight, Qi Yunruo whispered when he was asleep: "Wang Ye, Wang Hao is still your wife after all..."

Li Wei put his head in his arms and kissed his hair. "Hurry up, don't think about it."

Qi Yunru finally slept in the past.

Li Lan went to the front of Dongmeiyuan. The courtyard door could not see the footprints of Qiyun Ruo that last night. Li Wei walked in slowly and came to the front door of the Qi Ni skirt. He said: "Open the door."

The prostitutes on the side were busy going forward and opened the door. Li Wei saw that the Qi Ni skirt was wearing the suit last night, but it was slightly sorted out. It was not so messy. She sat on the head and looked at the front elegantly and elegantly. No longer exist, Li Wei waved his hand and let people go out.

Qi Ni skirt sat without saying a word, Li Wei looked around for a week and found that the incense burner had disappeared yesterday.

Li Lan walked over and leaned down and asked: "Wang Hao, do you still think that you are not wrong at all, the wrong ones are all others?"

Qi Ni skirt coldly said: "I was right! I am your wife! But you would rather love a man! First is the season, then Qi Yunruo, you are corrupted! I am forced by you!"

Li Wei stood straight and took a deep breath: "You are doing right, you can play with the fate of others and not allow others to press on your head. Wang Hao, do you know that you are here after you marry? Everything I say, everything I do, knows."

Qi Ni skirt stunned, and soon she remembered, "Cheng Wei..."

Li said: "When you enter the government, you want to □ □, this is understandable. After all, you are the wife of the king. But you want to take the eldest son of the king as a tool to suppress the season, the king likes Xiao Qi You want to kill him with the joint season, this is the reason why the king wants to take him away, not because Xiaoqi has confused the king."

Qi Ni skirt bowed his head and looked away.

Li Wei continued: "Xiao Qi went to the north for the king twice, and every time he hangs on the line, Xiao Qi returns to the capital to help the king break the case, but you know all the time to intrigue with the people. Sons... Now, you still feel that you are completely wrong, are the kings and Xiaoqi wrong?"

"Wang Ye..." Qi Ni skirt trembled. "But I just want to be a husband and wife, I want to give you a donkey, I just stumbled..."

Li Wei’s eyes are full of pity. “Do you want to give birth to a scorpion for this king, or do you think you have to have a son?”

Qi Ni skirt is dumb.

Li Weidao: "On the night of last night, when you toast, the king thought, if you sincerely correct, the king will continue to respect you as a wife, Xiao Qi will always be under you, but you want to son "Give the king a medicine," Li said with a sigh. "You, you all only use this king as a tool in the back house, and use this king as a fool. What reason does the king like you?"

Qi Ni skirt looked at him dumbly. When Li Wei turned and wanted to leave, she finally felt regret. The remorse of the sky was drowning her whole person. Qi Ni skirt rushed and cried: "I know wrong. Forgive me, please give me another chance..."

Li Weidao: "It is already late."

I have found Xiao Qi, Li Wei thinks, in my life, I will never give others a chance.

Qi Ni's skirt squatted on the ground, watching Li Xiao's back go away, suddenly laughed. "I know, but they still don't understand... haha, haha, hahahaha-" The nephew smiled and smiled and cried.

"The group of idiots! They won't understand..." Qi Ni skirt cried and laughed again. "Qi Yunruo, I lost to you, Qi Yunruo!"

Qi Yun only woke up in the afternoon. He opened his eyes and turned over. He felt a sore body. He suddenly remembered something. He sat up at once and couldn’t help but scream. Li Wei was not far away. The official document, a few steps came over, frowned: "How come up so."

Qi Yun Ruan said: "Wang Ye! You have not gone to the backyard! How is Wang Hao?"

Li Wei did not give him the clothes to close, to cover the traces of last night, and slowly said: "It has been solved."

He said plainly, Qi Yunruo understood, muttered: "You solved it yourself, it is like this..."

Li Wei also put Qi Yunru into the quilt. "It's still early, let's go straight to dinner later."

"...this is the time..." Qi Yun remembered that he also had official duties. He wanted to get up, but he was returned by Li Wei. "There is nothing big, is it the king's words, Can't you compare to a small long history?"

If Qi Yun didn't move, he smiled and lay down. Li Wei sat on the bed and touched his face. He whispered, "Is it still hurting?"

If Qi Yun pulled the quilt up and covered his head and didn't talk, he heard Li Xiao's low laughter. Li said: "Don't tease you. At night, you have the crisp radish, the cucumber, and the black glutinous rice porridge." Put honey."

If Qi Yun’s eyes are exposed, “these are all very good.”


When Qi Yun noticed that Li Wei took the book in the palace, he could not help but ask: "Which family have to do something happy?"

Li Weidao: "A few days later, Wang and Yong Wang left Beijing. The brothers said that they would give them a table of banquets. I am going to find a few things to send them together."

Qi Yunruo frowned and asked: "Where are they going?"

Li Yu said: "Going to Suzhou to compete for merit, they think they can easily suppress the most brave Xiqiao and Tujia people in their hands."

Qi Yunruo smiled. After a while, he got up and dressed, and his footsteps were still soft, but he did not let Li Wei help him. He moved out the door and sat down to eat. If Qi Yun felt that he was very hungry, he thought that he had no food for a day. He drank two bowls of thick porridge and offered to go out for a walk. He said: "You can't stay in the house all day. Now it's not hot or cold, it's best to go out and walk."

"You are sleeping a lot, don't want to sleep?"

Li Wei said, but with Qi Yunruo going out, the scenes they came back last night were really scary. Qi Yun’s attention to the green Xuan and the green eyes was somewhat unnatural. It was about the thing of yesterday, and Qi Yun didn’t care too much. In the past, there is no need to pursue it.

On the second day, Li Wei went to the restaurant and said that he would go back to the restaurant at night. He would return to the house very late. If Qi Yun didn't have to wait for him, Qi Yun had no intention of calling the Wangfu any news. Anyone who can easily enter and leave the palace is a face-to-face management. If Qi Yun is not good at speaking too much, he will only repeat it over and over again. If someone dares to speak outside, he will not be light.

After three days, Qing Wang and Yong Wang left Beijing. This is like a signal. All the forces in Beijing were concentrated on the Li Wang, and Qi Yunru’s efforts were in vain. The officials of Yushitai and Hanlin Academy were like chickens. The blood is generally excited to start playing the 淳王帷幕幕不修,宠爱奸佞—saying everything, or saying that the king’s house is arrogant but the king’s wild silver, and the king’s theory is slap by the king, or that Wang Wangyi At the beginning, he was very disrespectful to his wife. Others said that Qi Yunruo and Wang Hao had moved their hands. Wang Ye defended him, and Wang Hao was not allowed to approach Qi Yunruo. He also detained Wang Hao...

When Qi Yunruo just knew the news, he received a message from the inside of the palace, and announced that he would enter the palace.

Wang Ye is not there, Qi Yunruo is stupid, and the group is rushing in the house, and Gu Ge said: "Now the prince is still in the palace, adults should not be afraid, you just go into the palace."

"But... the emperor, that is the emperor..." Qi Yunruo was panicked and helpless. He sat down and said, "What if the emperor really listened to those words?"

Su Gedao: "Then you can't resist it..."

Qi Yun’s face was changed to the official uniform, and he followed the insider into the palace. Before leaving, he gave a bulging purse to the insider. He smiled and asked: “I don’t know what the emperor’s call is for?”

Insider said: "We are also serving outside, and we don't know the meaning of the emperor."

Qi Yunruo sat on the small sedan with two people, and his heart was in the top and bottom. Like his six-product family, he did not say that he did not see the emperor. Qi Yunru thought that he had no chance to see the emperor, who knows that today he is carrying a name The palace is coming. If Qi Yun’s sedan under the palace gate, this road needs him to go over. The emperor is now in Wuying Hall... I don’t know where the prince is.

There were too many people on the way, just in front of Wuying Temple. If Qi Yunruo saw the University of the University come out, the literary scholar looked at him contemptuously and snorted.

Qi Yunruo frowned, and did not want to care about this old thing, but the university scholars walked over with his hands and said: "The ancients are lucky, never have a good end, and the prince is a sage who has the talent of the world. Oh, what a pity..."

Qi Yunruo said: "This time the great man is a big man."

The university’s gentry’s sleeves, “Dare to speak up, this is my duty and other duties.”

Qi Yun Ruo sighed: "What evidence did you find this time?"

The university student did not think about it: "The world is all..." He stunned himself and suddenly stopped talking.

If Qi Yun sneered, a servant came out of the temple and said: "Qi Daren, the emperor declares you to go in."

Qi Yunruo said: "Xie Gonggong." After that, he walked into the hall.

If Qi Yun’s heart is like a drum, he will not dare to look up. When he walks in a few steps, he will kneel down. He said: “When the micro-committee Qi Yun sees the holy, the long-lived Saints live forever.”

The voice of the emperor came from far away, "Well, flat."

When Qi Yun stood up, he heard the voice again: "Let's come over."

Qi Yunruo realized that he was standing too far, and moved his head down a few steps forward. The voice said: "You look up."

Qi Yunruo looked up and saw a man wearing a bright yellow robes sitting on the couch. He looked like he was over half a year old, his hair was gray, his face was majestic, and his tone was unexpectedly mild. "Are you called Qi Yunruo?"

Qi Yun nodded.

The emperor nodded. If Qi Yun remembered those past events, he bit his teeth and didn't think about these things, but the emperor said: "Well, you look like your mother."

If Qi Yun was silent for a moment, he said: "It is true that some people have said this."

"Yang Sanniang..." The emperor still smiled.

Qi Yunruo looked up and finally knew that Zhiyalou’s back was actually the emperor, so it would only stand for decades, so his mother would know the emperor... but the emperor stopped saying this, and pointed a few folds. Show him, his face is still dull, "These are the ginseng king and your fold."

Qi Yunruo squatted down and said: "The emperor, since the king's palace went down to the northwest, such attacks have not stopped. Wang Ye was in danger in the northwest, but now he is attacked by the ignorant civil servants, in the days before the palace, Wang Ye and Wang Hao do have contradictions, but Wang Ye and Wang Hao have already said that it is a nonsense to be detained by Wang Hao. It is also a rumor that his wife and wife are killed..."

"What about you?" The emperor said lightly.

When Qi Yun stunned, he realized what the emperor meant and then bowed his head. "The emperor, the minister and the king...we..."

"Emperor!" If Qi Yun heard a gentle female voice, came from outside the temple, the insider opened the door, and an old woman with silver hair was supported by two aunts. The emperor was busy standing up from the couch and said: "Mother How come?"

The blue queen smiled and looked at Qi Yunruo.

The emperor also smiled and said: "Don't you go to move your rescuer?"

The Queen Mother Blue walked and said: "This is not the case. The mourners want to see the sweethearts of the children, but they have never had a chance. Today I heard that you called him into the palace, and the mourners came to join in the fun."

The blue queen said so straightforwardly that the emperor couldn’t continue to ask. The blue queen sat down and smiled and waved: "Good boy, you get up and look at the mourner."

Qi Yunruo stood up and walked over, the blue Queen's soft eyes swept over him, and she sideways said to the emperor: "How much merit does the child have in the northwest, can the emperor know?"

The emperor was silent for a while, saying: "The nephew said it."

The Empress Dowager smiled and said: "The situation of life and death is always different. The child is accompanied by Xiao Qi at that time. It is a fortune, the emperor, what do you think?"

The emperor looked at Qi Yunruo and nodded.

The Empress Dowager looked at Qi Yunruo: "And this is a smart and sensitive child, not a flower intestine, there is such a person beside the nephew, the mourner can be assured."

The emperor's eyes swept over a stack of folds, and the blue queen did not carelessly waved his hand: "Some people are idle, hey, it's because there is nothing wrong with the things beside them, these talents are desperately trying to catch the children." I don’t care about the private affairs of the country. I tried to spy on the house of the royal prince all the time. The emperor, now there is nothing in the middle of the country?"

Qi Yun, if he remembered the fascinating university student, couldn’t help but laugh, but had to hold back, the Blue Queen looked at him and said, "Do you say it?"

If Qi Yun does not dare to say, the emperor has no choice but to say: "After the mother, it is also because the nephew is not right."

"Is it wrong?" Lan Taihou said, "Is it a burnt temple or a loyal loyalty? The last time you were aggrieved, you only rewarded the gold and silver treasure. Hey, this time the child was wronged. ....." The Queen Mother looked at the emperor.

If Qi Yun was shocked and looked at the blue queen, the blue queen smiled and said to the emperor: "Although it is a boy, it is also a royal person. The sorrower is a good thing to appreciate. Don't be stingy in the emperor."

The emperor reluctantly sighed and shouted: "Huang Wei."

"The slave is here."

"Take a long history of Yu Yuruyi a pair of children, a pair of long-necked plum bottles in the official kiln," the emperor looked at his mother's face, and said, "Declaration, the ruling of the king's house, Shi Qiyun, if the five grades."

The blue queen smiled with satisfaction. After Qi Yunruo gave thanks, Blue Queen said: "There is still something to say about the mourning home. You have government affairs in the emperor, and the mourners will take the child to the Ci'an Palace first."

"The children are sent to the mother."

The blue queen swayed her hand, indicating that she did not need to send it, and Qi Yunruo helped to slowly leave. 2k novel reading network

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