MTL - Fei Pin Ying Qiang-Chapter 46 Acacia

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Qi Yunruo and a couple of boys and girls who had been bought back together spent a night in an empty room. The next day he woke up and felt that his body was sour. One of them gave them a miscellaneous **** and ordered them. Going on the road today - they rely on a few carriages to travel, and it takes three or four days to reach the Yi Wang.

If Qi Yun washes his face with cold water, he only feels tired and hungry, and he is worried that he will not search for himself in the city. Although Qi Yun is still not sure how much trouble he has caused to Cheng Sizhen yesterday, The Yi people who chased their own way are not good to send. After they smashed the ground of the temple, they should go to the troubles.

Qi Yunruo walked out of the room with some gloomy atmosphere, the two beaters in the yard looked at him, the human tooth is a Yi people, surnamed Mo She, is doing some cattle and horse luggage, here is a small yard not far from the people market, except There are more than a dozen of them in the other houses, and there are many slaves of different ages. Moshe frowned at him and said, "Is it full? Come and work when you are full!"

When Qi Yun nodded, he found that Moshe was not only selling people, but also selling some goods when selling people, like spice cloth, Qi Yun if he moved things, Moshe observed him for a while, saying: "Where did you escape from? of?"

Qi Yun Ruoyi, and immediately said: "It is Fengjia!"

Moshe frowned, "Well?"

Qi Yun Ruo said: "Don't you know that the Feng family will soon have an accident, and the king of the country will pack them in a few days. I will not leave now. Do you still have to give them a lot of trouble?"

Moshe muttered: "Is that thing really true?"

Although Qi Yunruo did not know what he was talking about, he nodded: "The Feng family is not small, and it will happen sooner or later."

Moshe looked at Qi Yunruo with a squint and asked, "Are you not doing rough work?"

Qi Yunruo said: "I am the account, writing and accounting."

Moshe did not realize that when he came back from the Yi people with a lot of money, the New Yuan Dynasty probably changed. The Feng family is the biggest one of their Yi people. If they are defeated, the Yi people For many years, there is no beginning.

At noon, the team traveled, Moshe and a dozen of drivers took a dozen fresh slaves and goods ready to sell. Qi Yunruo sat in the middle carriage, the carriage was shed, everyone could see at a glance. He noticed that the patrols of the past were listed. A suspicious person would go to check. Qi Yunruo and other people were mostly yellow and thin. Moshe was a formal person with formal procedures and did not attract the attention of those people.

From the people's market to the city, and then from the city to change the way out of the city, Moshe's team was stopped in the middle of the journey, Moshe pleased to stuff a purse in the past, smiled: "What kind of person dare to find this official? ?"

The patrolman stuffed the purse into his waist, and his face was a little slower. He said, "Look for a woman... Are you all going out of town?"

Moshe found out the instrument: "These are sent to the Yi people. The official documents are also signed. These girls are poor daughters, and the official is going to check."

The patrolman only glanced at it and found that he didn't have the person he was looking for. Mosher's oxcart occupies the road. He can't see the expensive sedan chair in the distance. The patrolman said: "It's okay, let's go." ”

Moshe said thank you, continued to take the carriage, the soldiers continued to move forward, and the last person suddenly said coldly: "Stop!"

Qi Yunruo’s heart suddenly shrank.

Moshe stopped and cautiously said: "This official, what else do you have to tell?"

The tall patrolman walked over to the carriage of Qi Yunruo. Qi Yunruo lowered his head and heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, and his heart lifted up. The footsteps stopped, and Qiyun’s squatting was shrinking. Grab the chin of Qi Yunruo's teenager and raise his face.

"Grandfather... is this?" Moshe looked at Qi Yunruo, and the cold sweat flowed down.

Qi Yunruo’s hand was already tightly gripped, and suddenly there was a dissatisfaction screaming behind him—“I still don’t let it open! You stopped the Dakang’s ambassador into the palace! When you missed the hour, wait for the lord to blame! An official of the Embassy of the New Yuan Dynasty rode on the horse. Behind him was two delicate small sedan. The official held the whip with a sullen look and was very dissatisfied with the fact that someone was blocking the road.

The patrolman who had already reached out to Qi Yunruo was pulled to the side by his chief. The chief shouted anxiously to Moshe: "Not fast!"

Moshe nodded in a hurry. "Yes, yes, the villain sinned, sin..." He ran trot and pulled the reins, greeted the horses and quickly rushed over the city.

The former embassy official had just looked down and turned to the back: "Go ahead."

After the patrolman’s patrolman waited for the roadside and other people to pass by, the sergeant dismissed it: “Which is horizontal! It’s just a seven-story official! It’s really a slap in the face of the Dakang officials. It’s really losing the face of our new Yuan people.”

Qi Yunruo's heart has not been put down, he heard the ambassador arrived, and suddenly bit his lower lip, he can not look up to find his brother, can not make a voice to hear, can not put emotions on the face... ... Wait until the team went far, and there was no inspection of the soldiers. Qi Yunrui turned back and looked at the crowds there, but there was no shadow of the car.

Ji Xian sat down and suddenly waved: "Stop the car!"

Four lifted the sedan suddenly stopped, and next to the original Rong listened to the movement, but also called people to stop, the horse riding in front of the official came back and asked: "The two adults, what is it?"

Ji Yan looked a little confused. He looked at the curtain in front of him. After a while, he faintly said: "Nothing, take the sedan."

At the gate of the city, Moshe submitted the documents, but they were not released smoothly. The goalkeepers first looked at the girls as usual. One of them squatted and trivially touched a girl’s chest, and the girl screamed and avoided. The soldiers burst into laughter. Moshe accompanied the laughter and sent out two purses. The soldiers said again: "Men also want to see."

Moshe’s heart is a mention. The slaves are crowded into three carriages. A delicate boy is dragged off by two soldiers. He laughs and says: “So good, don’t the girl’s children dress up as men?”

If Qi Yun bites his teeth, a boy next to him is also scared and shivering. The boy who is caught on the ground is crying and screaming. Moshe has nothing to do. Qi Yun is so angry that until a goalkeeper general arrives, a whip smashes past , angrily shouted: "Fun bill! Tell you what to do!"

The soldier was shocked and busy letting the boy go.

The general angered: "Is it checked?"

"Okay... I have checked it."

"Not yet released!"

The boy who was dragged off the car ran to Qi Yunruo's car, hugged his head, and sobbed softly. Qi Yun couldn't help but move over and hugged him.

Moshe’s team finally got out of the city. Moshe looked at Qi Yunruo’s eyes. If Qi Yun looked back, there was nothing unnatural in the look. Moshe finally did not say anything. He said to the grooms: “How much money I have to manage today! Don't drive fast! Wait until the Yi people throw all these lost goods!"

Qi Yun patted the boy's back and whispered: "What is your name?"

The boy trembled: "My name is Zhou Liang."

Zhou Liang seems to be only 13 or 4 years old. The woman who sold him yesterday insisted that he was fifteen. He said that he did not eat much and would work. If Qi Yun looked at Zhou Liang’s small arms, his heart was a sigh. The boy who was patrolled by the chin came over and said: "My name is Yu Yu."

Qi Yun Ruo whispered: "I am water."

The road of Xinyuanguo is still flat, but there are few roads in the territory of the Yi people. Zhou Liang can't eat anything on the bumpy road. When he eats it, he will spit it out. He will look sallow in a day, but he will eat it in the rain. Well, I also ate Zhou Liang’s not eating. Once Mosher passed by, he sneered: “It’s ok to eat, no wonder your family wants to sell you.”

The mood of the rain suddenly fell, and the whole grain cake was thrown aside, and Qi Yun comforted him: "There is something good in Mosher's mouth, don't listen to him."

The rain is sulking and boring: "If I was sold by my biological parents, I wouldn’t have been self-small. Also sold me."

If Qi Yun couldn't help but slap his shoulders comfortably, Zhou Liang's little face had already brought water. "My mother is dead, my stepmother enters the door, I am right and wrong, I am right." The little boy brought by the stepmother is better than me... My stepmother said that I stole the money. I beat me and locked me in the firewood. Later my stepmother said that I was rushing with her. She didn't have me, I sold her by her."

Yu Yudao: "You are more pitiful than me."

Zhou Liang cried even more fiercely. If Qi Yun was helpless, he thought for a while and suddenly smiled: "In fact, I was also sold by me."

Zhou Liang looked at him with tears.

Qi Yunruo said: "He has always been bad for me, I don't know why, I am used to it... My mother is outside, I have left a lot of money for me, he gave it up and gave it to his daughter. I am dowry and I sold it."

Zhou Liang couldn’t tell if he was more pitiful or if the water was more pitiful, twitching a few times, not crying - only the three of them took the lead, and the rest of them talked about why they were sold, and parents were gambling. Ghosts can't afford money, and they are sold by relatives...

The ancients separately had poetry clouds, "When you look at the intestines, you can't go back." These people are not sent, only the miserable companions.

Qi Yunrui stirred up the spirit: "Don't worry! I heard that Dakang Princess of Dakang is a rare kindhearted person. It is gentle and virtuous and gentle and gentle. We are going to serve the princess. When we kiss each other, we are hot. Together, there will be good days."

Zhou Liangdao: "Are you talking about it?"

Qi Yun Ruo said: "It is true." Wang Ye's sister must be the gentlest and most kind and best master under the sun, she will be kind to these poor boys and girls.

On the last night of the arrival of the Yi Wangdu, Qi Yunruo could not sleep at all, his heart was jumping - is Wang Ye now in Wangdu? Did he see his sister? How is he now?

Turning over, he thought again, I don’t know what happened to Ji’s brother in the New Yuan Dynasty. Did you propose to withdraw the spy, what is it? Did he find the phoenix? Did you start with the Feng family?

They are sleeping. If Qi Yun leaves the carriage, Moshe is cold and cold: "Where are you going?"

Qi Yun was shocked. After a while Qi Yunruo said: "I don't want to run away, I just want to go down."

Moshe looked at Qi Yun for a while and waved: "You come over."

If Qi Yun hesitated for a moment, he went forward and followed Moshe for a while. Moshe felt that something was wrong. Qi Yunruo’s appearance, the soldiers who repeatedly inspected on the road—he was always observing his slaves, and the soldiers had movements. When Qi Yun is obviously too nervous. He realized that Qi Yunruo's identity may not be as simple as he said.

“Are you really a Feng family account?”

The night wind blew, and Qi Yun wrinkled his eyes and looked at Moshe’s voice.

Moshe sneered aloud: "The Feng family are all Yi people. I didn't even think about it for a while. When you look at the Han people, how could it be a Feng family?"

Qi Yunruo said: "All have arrived here, do you want to tie me back to the prison?"

Moshe said: "I just want to know who you are."

If Qi Yun does not answer the question: "Moss boss, I see what you know. The founding father really wants to start with the Feng family. Since then, the status of your Yi people has plummeted, no longer comparable to the past. Thinking about it should be the enemy of all the Yi people, and I am also the enemy of the thoughts. Is this enough?"

Moshe was silent for a long time and slowly nodded.

Qi Yunruo breathed a sigh of relief, Moshe said: "Let's go."

Qi Yun shook his head and said: "I have sold you to you."

Moshe snorted: "I haven't given you any money. You didn't even sign the deed, even if I paid for it, you will only get me trouble if you stay here."

Qi Yun rushed: "You sold me."

Moshe Fox suspected: "Do you want to mix in the Qiang king to do anything? Are you an assassin?!"

Qi Yun is silent.

Moshe seems to be scared by this speculation. He hurriedly said: "I am a small temple here, and I can't accommodate you as a big Buddha. From now on, we still have to go to work! I will never tell you."

Qi Yun Ruo sighed: "Have you seen me as a thin assassin? I was a prisoner of Cheng Sizhen, and escaped without any skill."

Moshe hesitated, Qi Yunruo said: "I really want to go to Changping Princess account to find a way to live, you sold me, changed the money, there is no loss to you."

Moshe rushed him back to the carriage and said, "I have to think about it."

On the second day, he entered the kingdom and took the signature of the most powerful Burg Prince. Now Moshe was introduced into the city diligently, and Moshe was somewhat flattered. All the way, people lead the way, took them to the Prince's account of Prince Berg in the east of Wangdu. Far away, Qi Yunruo saw the conspicuous Han Chinese houses in the group account - the house is new, Qi Yun can not help but think, it must It is for the princess.

The Yi officials responsible for buying slaves said: "Fortunately, you are here today. At night, the big prince and the princess receive the grandfather of Dakang. These people have to wait for them now."

When Moshe took the money, he could leave. If Qi Yunru waited for the slaves to settle down, he would learn to serve the waiters and appear at the dinner party at night.

Moshe looked at Qi Yunruo in a vague way, and Qi Yun didn't notice it. Since he heard the Yi people say that the public mainly met with the prince, he couldn't listen to other things.

After the rain pulled him, he called his **** back. Zhou Liang whispered: "The three of us have to live together."

Qi Yunruo nodded, and the group followed the Yi people. After a while they saw a Han prostitute, and the Yi people called her "Watching a girl."

Looking at a group of slaves, Wang said: "You should wash it first, change your clothes, and then go see the princess with me."

The boys and girls finally saw a Han Chinese, and they looked excited. The heart of Wang’s heart softened. “Don’t be afraid, the princess is a good master. If you are obedient and sensible, the princess will be nice to you.”

If Qi Yun was equally excited, he saw Wang Ye’s sister, and soon he could see the prince. He and Zhou Liang and Yu Yu found a small tent to go in for a bath, put on new clothes, and ate a hot barbecue. And the big cake, the look of the younger boys and girls who are still somewhat cautious, followed the children to the room of Princess Changping.

The place where the princess lived was not too big. Qi Yun looked around a few times. The most outside is the living room. There is a study room inside. The inside is the princess's bedroom. A dozen people follow the look into the inner room. Soon. Wu Yu took a piece, and sent out the words "Give me a princess" and "Give a princess to the princess". Qi Yunruo was in the crowd and couldn’t help but look up -

It was a very beautiful woman. She cut her hair and turned her eyebrows. It was not too much to say that she was a fairy. She was sitting on a short collapse, her eyes gently watching the person kneeling down, her eyes in the week. Liang stayed for a while, Qi Yun, if he bowed his head, did not continue to watch.

Li Yao raised his hand. "You are getting up."

The people who squatted below did not dare to move. Li Yao smiled and said: "Look at you, help your younger brothers and sisters get up."

"Hey, you are getting up," he hoped to raise a man. "Our princess is not a responsible master."

The rain whispered to the cloud and said: "The princess is really kind..."

Qi Yun nodded and followed him. He noticed that there was another rich Han Chinese woman in addition to the princess and Wang Er. The girl stood beside the princess. The woman’s eyebrows were not bad, but she looked a little bit sloppy. When the princess opened her mouth, she looked at these slaves: "Our great prince is very good for the princess. When the princess comes, the big prince first builds a house for the princess, and buys a Han slave to call you. I used to live in the tent. The next person, doing everything is not good, everything is bothering me."

Looking at her, she frowned. Li Yao just smiled and looked at her former prostitute and said: "You always do things neatly."

When Qiner saw the princess, she did not hear what she meant. She pushed the boat to the slaves of several Han Chinese, and she was somewhat unhappy. She stalked the slaves: "These newly bought 贱/ slaves, I don’t know what the rules are, the princess. You can give me the person, wait for me to adjust the princess, teach the rules, and send it back to you."

Looking at the cool and cool road: "You are right, you are familiar with the things you are waiting for."

Celery looked coldly and unknowingly snorted. "What are you, a nephew who waits for the person, the master speaks, and you have a part?"

"The main son is not talking to me, but you are also the master?"

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