MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-~ Extra Chapter 5: Where is the fox?

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In order to keep the body of the empress who died unfortunately a year ago, his heart and soul, the earth-moving emperor, finally swayed under the erosion of the years, and liked another woman, this woman is still falling from the sky, the road is unknown. Female assassin!

As soon as this news came out, the entire capital did not know how many people were waiting to marry. It was thought that the Queen’s Empress was dead, and she had the opportunity to fly to the top of the phoenix. The officials of the Manchu dynasty and civil servants were rushing after hearing that the woman was a female assassin. Of course, among these officials, there were many daughters in the family who were waiting for their words. They tried to use their daughters to go deep into the harem and win the favor of the emperor, causing a chicken to ascend to heaven. It is also a step-by-step person. After all, the popularity of Xia Yuqing was a favorite of all, but everyone is obvious to all.

The vast majority of the people said that they really scared when they heard the news. After all, a year ago, their emperor was still in front of all the faces, proclaiming that the Queen is the first of his life. Will be the last queen. How long did it take, the empress of the Queen was horrified by the traitor. For this reason, the emperor did not want to give birth to a whole year. In the end, he still couldn’t stand the enemy’s killing of the knife, and he fell in love with other girls.

Although the people of the public feel that people are going to go to the tea, the vows of the mountain alliance are still there, but the personnel are all wrong, but the feelings are sentimental, and they dare not have any excessive discussion. After all, it’s a matter of royal chores, and they can make irresponsible remarks. Since the ancient royal family, the fact that a man is guarding a woman for a lifetime is still rare in ordinary people, let alone this man is still an emperor. As an emperor without the harem of three thousand Jiali, 72 is already rare, how can he still be extravagant for a lifetime to be a woman who has already been buried in the jade for a lifetime.

In this way, the people just sighed for a while, and there was no real love in the world. They sighed a few times for the former empress who had brought them countless topics, and then there was no more discussion.

At this moment, I don’t know if my reappearance has already plagued the culprit of a pool of drowning water. I was lying on the dragon bed of the Qing Qing Temple and I was sleeping darkly. I don’t know what day it is.

Until the sun glaring out of the window sneaked in from the window and sneaked on the edge of the bed. The more obvious light shined through the gauze into the bed, illuminating the whole bed, and the people on the bed snorted slightly. . One hand blocked the forehead, and the other hand fell on the edge of the bed and explored the gauze.

Through the bright daylight, it is faint to be able to see that the white hand is very beautiful, so it is imaginable how intense the battle in this room last night was.

Xia Yuqing opened her eyes reluctantly, and moved her body slightly. After feeling the exhaustion that seemed to be falling apart, her mind suddenly woke up.

After a short period of stiffness, Xia Yuqing smashed the big shackles. What happened yesterday was also like a raging flood that swept the brain of Xia Yuqing, and almost immediately made her head crash.

After I finally understood the ins and outs of things, Xia Yuqing finally couldn’t help but burst into a thick mouth in his heart, lying in a big slot, attacking adults, you big beast!

Xia Yuqing clearly remembered that yesterday she listened to the advice of the old **** stick. After many hardships, the guy from Anzhen Yu broke into the well and re-worn it back. So lonely, standing in the lotus pond in a yard not far from the dry temple, not being said to be wet, but also being an assassin who was unidentified as an unidentified assassin, and was almost caught by those priests. The punishment is waiting.

When I was in the first place, the wind rushed in time, not only recognized myself, but also dressed in wet clothes, and I had to find a place to change clothes. In front of all the guards’ eunuchs, I would play myself. Picking up, obscuring everyone’s sight, and holding myself back to the dry temple.

Although I was very comfortable, at that time, Xia Yuqing still wanted to vomit. I always attacked the adults. I was soaked and there was nothing wrong with it, but I didn’t hurt my legs. You are like a serious injury. What kind of trouble is it to hug in! Didn't you find that the women's eunuchs on the side saw us like this, and all their eyes were so fast that they were so big?

However, the Tucao was able to return to this place, once again seeing the wind, seeing the people she was worried about, there is nothing more to make her happy, and nothing can hide this joy.

For the first time, the wind will recognize himself. Xia Yuqing said that it is absolutely false to be touched. Therefore, at that time, the sweetness in my heart, completely immersed in the joy of coming back, and Xia Yuqing, who couldn’t help but sneak in, did not have a dangerous arrival. When she returned, she was already hungry for a long time. The wolf fell to the hot spring pool and became a dish for the wolf to the mouth.

It turns out that with a wolf, you have to be conscious of being eaten at any time.

Innocent little white rabbit until that moment is to understand the real intention of the big grey wolf eager to let her come here to change clothes, but unfortunately, it is too late.

When the back was against the cool marble flow table, Xia Yuqing was sober, and stiffly said: "The emperor, what do you want to do?"

The narrow and long phoenix eyes of the wind swelled slightly, staring at the people underneath, and the thin lips scorned, showing a sense of abstinence under the pool.

Abstinence your sister! If this guy is abstinence, there is no one in the world who is afraid of color! The soul of the dragon is weak, where is your claws touched!

Xia Yuqing looked at the slender and slender, straight and gently stroked along his neck. The look of concentration was like studying how to make a quick hit, cut off his throat and make Xia Yuqing hard. The cold sweat that was shocked by life. After that, Xia Yuqing saw the fingers of the wind slowly crawling into the collar of the jacket that had just closed on his neck, and opened slightly, as if he wanted to see something.

The collar on the neck side was completely opened, which made Xia Yuqing feel a bit cold. It also made the butterfly birthmark of Xia Yuqing's lower neck fall into the popular eye. The wind and the eyes flashed slightly, and the breath of the whole person changed in a flash.

It was a pity that Xia Yuqing was busy at the time and wanted to put the clothes on, and did not notice. Although there is a husband and wife relationship with the people in front of you, but this body is still a big yellow niece. Being so stunned, even if this person is him, Xia Yuqing will be embarrassed. But before, Xia Yuqing really put the clothes together, and the whole person has been completely embraced by the man.

Xia Yuqing was shocked and wanted to struggle, but it was tightened by the other side. The voice of the man was slightly hoarse but also magnetic: "Don't move, let's take a good hold."

Xia Yuqing struggled with a slap in the face, his eyes slightly tightened, and his eyes were full of surprises. The general attack on adults is... crying?

Somehow, Xia Yuqing suddenly felt sour and swollen, and the feeling of both joy and sadness suddenly rushed into her heart, and her eyes were so hot that she could not help but float a few tears.

The originally resisting hands slowly reached behind the wind, clinging to his waist, obediently buried the whole person in the familiar and warm embrace of the other.

The tears that swayed in the eyelids almost poured out, but the next change of summer rain and sunnyness felt the change of someone.

In an instant, the style of the painting suddenly changed, and the tears that moved and grateful were so hard to fall back. Xia Yuqing was close to the clothes on the wind, and gnashed his teeth: "The emperor, where is your hand touching? There is..." What's wrong with the untimely things below you!

"Love, you are told not to move, you still move, this can not be quirky." The head of the wind crouching on his shoulder finally lifted up, like a smile.

Xia Yuqing clearly saw that the original wave was not shocked. The old well-waveless scorpion seemed to ignite the two small blazing flames at the moment. The fierceness of the fierceness revealed the green light of the hungry wolf, as if only one glimpse You can completely remove yourself into the abdomen.

Xia Yuqing immediately took a cold air, Mom... Mom got an egg, what cried, what is grateful, is deceptive! The reason why this person’s voice is so low and dumb is the reason for the emotion! I’m blaming myself for being too naive, I’m sure I’ll cry for myself!

Xia Yuqing is really regretful that the intestines are all green. When I think of my heart, I am so stupid.

Xia Yuqing twitched his mouth and tried to avoid the windy claws. He smiled and said: "The emperor, the courtier has just returned, some tired, what are we going to say?"

The wind and lips were hooked, and even the beautiful phoenix eyes were lifted up slightly. The whole face was filled with a deadly temptation in the moment, which made Xia Yuqing look at it again.

Oh, mygod! I didn’t see it in January, and the general attacking adult became even more enchanting. The beautiful man is a **** horse, it is... no, I have to hold it! Ah, ah, the total attacking adults, for a whole month with you, dreaming of dreaming of you, thinking that you are thinking of crazy people who use the beautiful man, is a foul, is definitely a foul!

The wind saw the summer's dodging, and the eye was a little unbearable, but the soon one couldn't bear to be pushed into his eyes quickly. When he blinked, the eyes were filled with strong momentum. .

"That can't be done, love, some things are urgent, and there is no time to delay."

"Amount..." Xia Yuqing's mouth is stiff, and the eyes of the wind are not allowed to refuse. I feel that the whole person is not good.

"Love, when you are not there, you are keeping your body in jade. Now that Ai is finally back, should it be compensated?"

"..." I am a big attacker, although I can be very happy for you to keep me as jade. But can you say that everything is my fault, how sinful it is to me, especially... can you not touch my waist at this time!

Xia Yuqing was busy with the spit, and there was a moment of loss of consciousness, and it was this instant loss that was destined to show her defeat. When she returned to God, the wind was already close to her waist and leaned down and kissed, by the way... overwhelmed.


When Xia Yuqing reacts and wants to resist, it is too late.

Being thrown into the hot springs, there is only one thought in Xia Yuqing’s brain when the water splashes. I am going to go, always attacking adults, my body is the first time, you give me a lighter soul!

After recollecting, Xia Yuqing suddenly fell on the bed, and burst into the face of the bed, the eyes were full of complaints.

That abominable beast, animal! They all told him to be lighter, and even made himself weak now. The most important thing was that she could not see his figure on the first morning of her return. After eating and wiping, I will turn around and run something. You are a heart-breaker, Chen Shimei!

Xia Yuqing didn't know that it was almost a night when she didn't sleep all night. So she kept quietly beside her. She saw her strange and familiar sleepiness for a whole night, as if I will imprint this face forever in my heart.

When the day was bright, I heard the little **** outside urging myself to rise up and reluctantly get up, drop a kiss on the amount of Xia Yuqing, carefully cover the quilt on her body and arrange it in the dry palace. The matter was incomparable and left the Qing Palace.

Xia Yuqing was busy complaining about the wind, and did not find that there was already a **** outside. She found that she was awake and went to the bed and whispered, "The goddess, you have to get up, and the slaves will serve you."

Xia Yuqing heard the news coming in from outside the bed, and it was a stiff, stunned face, and the voice was...

That's right, standing on the side of Xia Yuqing's bed, the **** that is separated from it by the account is the green core.

Last night, several gimmicks from the Fangfang Temple got the news, knowing that there was a female assassin suddenly in the palace. The most important thing is that the emperor saw the female assassin and not only sinned her, but also took the female assassin back to the dry palace in front of the palace palace women.

The people who had served the Xia Yuqing in the past had all the news, and all the questions were asked about what the female assassin was, and they were able to make their mothers feel unswerving. After the death of the goddess, they never touched other women. The emperor’s first meeting made such an amazing move. It is a pity that several gimmicks and guards who witnessed this incident yesterday said that when the woman appeared wet, she wore a strange costume and her hair was a little scattered. They simply couldn’t see the true face of the other party and they rushed to the emperor. Take people away.

What the guards couldn’t say was that the girl had only worn a thin white dress on her upper body. It was a thing that was simply referred to as a white shirt in modern times. It looked soaked when it met the water. ... Later, when the emperor came over, he found this and directly carried people into his arms, blocking everyone's attention. Before leaving, I was stunned by the crowd, and I was soaked with obvious murder and cold eyes, so that they could have the illusion that their next moment could be dug their eyes and their lives were not guaranteed.

When I got this news, many people in the Fangfang Hall couldn’t help but raise their expectations. Will it be... Will the goddess come back? After all, they have stayed in this palace for so long, and they have only seen the emperor be so different from the maiden.

Although many people have just raised this expectation and quickly vetoed themselves, only because many of them initially watched their family's body lying in the coffin and went out into the earth. However, there are still some people who have kept this expectation in their hearts. Green Core is one of them, especially in the early morning, when they came to the Qing Dynasty, they called her to wait for the night of the Qing Dynasty. After the woman, the expectation in the heart of the green core became more and more intense.

The hands of the green pistol ooze a layer of faint sweat because of the tension. At this moment, the slightly covered gauze smashed from the inside in a moment, and the people in the bed sneaked out in the next moment. Head, two eyes sparkling look at the green core.

The green princess took a breath of cold air and was shocked by the sudden appearance. Looking at the eyes, the green core has a moment of suffocation, I really thought that Xia Yuqing came back, but after seeing the entire face of Xia Yuqing, her face was restrained and revealed a bit of disappointment. .

No... not a goddess, this face is not a goddess.

More expectation, more disappointment. In a short few seconds, the green nucleus that experienced the ups and downs suddenly had some grievances, and the heart was even more resentful to someone.

It’s not a goddess, that is to say, the emperor is really like a woman who was originally unknown to her, not only let her spend the night in the Qing Dynasty, but also pointed the closest neighbors to the woman, the goddess. It has been less than a year.

It was absurd that Greene knew that she had such a big rebellious idea, but she couldn't help but think that she couldn't help but wait for the woman who had served her for so long.

The green core is entangled, and suddenly I heard a familiar excitement called: "Green Core, it's you!"

The green core was shocked, and the tearful eyes were lifted up. When it was too late to ask, it was thrown to the ground by the figure that was thrown toward him, and the soft blanket came to the back and gave a loud noise to the boss. It’s not very painful, but the person who is holding his own body is pressing on his own, and it really makes the green core a little breathless.

"Green-green green-green, I want to die, I want to die, oh..."

Almost instinctive, Green Core is very helpless back to the sentence: "In fact, what you really want to say is that you want to die from the slaves, not the slaves."

"Spell, green, this kind of thing you know in your heart, why do you say it?"


Green Core shook his head helplessly, and then his neck suddenly jerked, almost on the spot. The stiff neck is like a rusted neck, slowly turning to look at the strange girl who is still in her arms. He tempted to ask: "You are... Goddess?"

Xia Yuqing naturally returned the sentence: "Of course it is me, or else..."

Xia Yuqing has not finished, but also noticed the abnormal atmosphere around the atmosphere, and looked up at the green eye.

The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds with their eyes wide open, and the tears of the same eyes appeared in the eyes, after a while...


"Green Core..."

Two or two goods opened their arms at the same time, and the other party reported a full, tearful and vertical.

"Hey, the goddess, the slaves thought that they would never see you again in this life. It was a scary slave."

"Hey, green, and the maiden thought that it would be hard to see you in this life, but fortunately, I finally came back."

"Why are you right? The slaves said that the Niangniang people have their own natural world. How could they just go? The slaves heard that the emperor brought a woman back to the Qing Dynasty, and immediately knew that it must be the goddess. You are in this world. Also, the goddess, you can make the emperor so sincere. Mothers..."

"Green Core..."



In an instant, the dry Qing Dynasty, which was still full of tension, became a touching scene of another relative and friend, touching and touching, until...



"Can you talk about it from the slaves first? The slaves are dying."


After a rush of wild horses, the green core that was crushed under the back of Xia Yuqing was finally able to catch his breath and climbed from Xia Yuqing.

Green Sui couldn't stop breathing, while constantly looking at Xia Yuqing on the side, and looking at Xia Yuqing as uncomfortable, he spit out a sentence: "Women, how did your face become like this?"

Xia Yuqing heard the green core, unconsciously touched his face, hesitated for a moment, a face of a positive color patted the green core of the shoulder: "This is actually a long and long story."

"...the goddess you can make a long story short."


The main servants on the side of the Qing dynasty have been distracted. On the other side of the pilgrimage, the disputes over the civil and military affairs of the dynasty are also raging.

The wind and the face were lazy and leaned on the dragon chair. Although there was a bit of tiredness between the eyebrows and the night, but the spirit was surprisingly good, it just confirmed an old saying. Everything is refreshing!

Everyone looked at him in this pose, and somehow the heart suddenly gave birth to a few ominous premonitions. Looking at the appearance of the emperor, is it true that the female assassin in the rumor is very fond of? This is not a big deal for them! Many officials have begun to move around and think about how to switch ports.

Yan dyed the cold eyes and watched the wind under the temple. He reached out and grabbed the person on the edge. He whispered, "Do you think that our emperor looks very good today..."

"Moisturizing?" Shao Zitang heard the inquiry of Yan Dian, and spit out two words.

The Yan dyed eyes are slightly cool, and a hero sees the same expression: "Yes, right, you feel that way too. Look at his rippling look, how to see how it is like how easy it is to open your stomach and eat the taste of the mountains and seas. Yesterday night..."

"Who knows?" Shao Zitang sneered at the corner of his lips. He always felt that the implied face of the wind was so flat.

"The **** fell into the cliff that year, but we saw it with our own eyes. The corpse under the cliff was also we personally retrieved. Now the emperor is so, is it really a new joy? Isn’t this the case..."

Yan Ding is thinking of something that can't be said. He looked at him with a look of horror. From the beginning, he had been silent and cold, and he swallowed a hard mouth and asked: "If Feng, the three princesses?"

Leng Ruofeng had a cold face and said with a blank expression: "Go out."

"Going out? Where can the three princesses in this early morning go?"

Leng Ruofeng screwed her eyebrows and meditated for a moment: "Yun said, I heard that a woman lured her brother-in-law to bring a green hat to her sister. She had to go to see what kind of fox was, even her sister. Dare to grab."


A few people died around for a few seconds. Yan dyed his mouth and swallowed a bit, and asked again: "That is, the three princesses have now entered the palace?"

"Yeah." Leng Ruofeng nodded calmly, and looked at the ashes of Yan Dian and added a sentence, "When Yun went out, he seemed to say..."

"...what?" The ominous premonition of Yan Dian's heart became more and more intense.

"She said that she was going to find Mrs. Tai Fu and Mrs. Shang's book to enter the palace together. Hey, he would still slap on the setting, and it would be a lively event."

"What!" Yan dyed after listening to the cold Ruofeng almost could not control the screaming out, found that someone on the side looked over, hurriedly lowered the voice and silently bowed, but the mouth was unable to twitch.

Picture is lively? I see the three princesses are afraid that the world will not be chaotic! With those people entering the palace, if you really hit someone in a certain place that you shouldn't have seen, you still haven't turned the corner on the spot?

Yan Ding looked at Shao Zitang with a look of bitterness, and the two men could still be so calm, but this is really a big deal.

In the heart silently stunned the old half of the Yan dye image is to think of what is generally, some difficult to look at cold Ruo Feng asked: "If Feng, you say ... If your wife and the emperor fight, who would you help? ”

If Ruo Fengfeng screamed, she almost did not hesitate and took it for granted: "My wife."

"Why?" Yan dyed and shocked, staring at the face of Leng Ruofeng with a strange look.

Leng Ruofeng gave him a faint look and spit out a sentence: "Yun can give me a baby, can the emperor?"

"Oh..." Yan dyed completely stunned, and this sultry sorrow died in the iceberg, and it really didn't sound, it was a blockbuster, but...

"It makes sense, um." Yan dyed for a moment, and nodded and nodded. Sure enough, if the emperor really had another new love, the people who defended the hoe, including his wife, would fight with their emperor. He still had to help his wife.

Brother, although I really want to help you, but in this case, it is your empathy, the beginning of chaos and the first, the brothers I just follow this fair and fair attitude, so you must not blame me, Amen ......

Yan Dian made a lot of psychological construction in his heart, and felt that the whole person was reborn and reborn. He did not find that those people who listened to the corner on the side all stared at him with unusually different eyes.

When Shao Zitang listened to the conversations between the two friends, he couldn't help but sigh. When he was silent for a long while, he was helpless and spit out two words: "Idiot."

Just as the three of them were whispering, the ministers who were eager to move were finally unable to withstand it.

Several highly respected veterans looked at each other and one of them came out in the crowd. Step by step: "The emperor, the minister heard that an assassin broke into the palace yesterday. I was very worried. I don't know if the emperor could be injured. That assassin Where is it now? Weichen thinks that the assassin dared to break into the palace so daringly, and behind the scenes, he was afraid that someone would instruct, and also invited the emperor..."

The man has not finished, and the wind has interrupted him with impatience: "Assassin? Who said that the assassin was in a palace yesterday? Why don't you know?"

The first and foremost old man stunned and looked up in amazement: "The emperor..."

The wind squatted up from the dragon chair, and looked down at the officials in the condescending position. He chuckled: "Sakamoto thought that the adults were the leaders of the court, and the temperament was naturally higher than ordinary people. The rumors stopped at the wise. It’s just that things happen to the adults, but they don’t want to overestimate the adults.”

The slogan of the imposing slogan succeeded in allowing the presence to be reconsidered after the veteran’s request, and the faces of several other veterans who were in the same breath were changed. The expression on the face was not wonderful.

"The emperor is observing, and the micro-committee is also thinking about the safety of the emperor. The sudden sudden break into strangers in the palace is a worrying thing. The emperor's heart is not willing to care more, but it is difficult to protect the person's mind and use the emperor. The tolerance is to murder the emperor. The emperor is the body of Wanjin, and there must be no difference in the pool. These things must not be tolerated, and please ask the emperor to think twice!"

When the minister came out, the atmosphere above the hall suddenly became very subtle.

Yan dyeing and other people are looking at the idiot-like look to the voice, the mind is not pure, using the generosity of the emperor? This person is in the red fruit to tell everyone that their emperor was fascinated by a female assassin, lost rationality and judgment? Do not say whether this matter is true, even if it is true, this is only the emperor's harem thing, even if it is the matter of the Queen Mother of the Empress, which round will get you an official to dictate? To put it bluntly, the emperor looks like a woman. If you have to ask the opinions of Wenwu Baiguan, can you decide whether to include it in the palace? This year, there are so many wonderful things. I have seen brains and have never seen such a brain.

"That is according to the meaning of Yan Daren, if you do not dispose of this private harem, it is not clear, not holy, and disappointing Yan Daren's loyalty and loyalty?" Feng Yan said this while still hanging on his face. Smile, but the momentum of the whole body has changed significantly.

The huge pressure from the upper level swept the court, so that all the people in the downstairs were all white.

The Yan Daren felt the killing of the child toward him. He was so scared that he softened his legs on the spot. He fell to the ground and shivered: "Chen...there is no such meaning. Chen is only worried that the harem will be mixed with ulterior motives. People, hurt the emperor..."

"This point, Yan Daren may not have to worry. The person with ulterior motives in your mouth is not only knowing, but she was originally a harem person. This is more certain than anyone. What should I do? I have my own plans." I don’t need those who don’t know anything about you to say anything about it. After three days, it coincides with the birthday of the Empress Dowager. At that time, the party will hold a night banquet in the Imperial Garden to celebrate the birthday of the Queen Mother and celebrate the return of the old man. At that time, all of you have given your eyes wide open, and who is this old man, don’t offend the offended people. As for now, give good shuts to your mouth, don’t let you In your mouth, I heard any rumors about the people in the palace. Otherwise, I don’t mind sending you to the Taishi, a university student who was a year ago."

As soon as the wind and the words were exported, the officials in the entire hall were shocked. In the past year, the wind has lost a lot of loved ones. Compared with a year ago, the whole person seems to be no longer as sharp as it was in the past, but it has grown a bit restrained. Because of this, the short break of this year has brought back the courage that these people were scared by the suffocation of the early years, and they have gradually recovered some of the winds when they were just in the throne. Unscrupulous shadow.

But they have forgotten that a lion that is sleeping is still the king of the forest. It is easy to shred the other creatures on the side with a little open paw, not to mention that the lion has been completely ruined by someone. Awakened, all of them are in the first level of alert, just to protect the treasures that are not easy to return to their arms. At this time, I dare to pluck the lion's mouth, it is purely looking for death!

A group of officials had been wrong for a moment before they turned around and hurriedly screamed to the ground and shouted: "The Emperor Shengming."

Other officials heard the sound of awakening, and they rushed to imitate the law. For a time, the four characters of "Emperor Shengming" kept echoing in the sky above the Golden Temple.

The wind and cold swept the crowd, and the gaze seemed to be watching a group of cockroaches who were stunned and stole.

Half a sigh, the wind smashed a sentence: "Retreat." Unrequited turned and left the Golden Temple.

A group of officials sighed with enthusiasm for leaving, but a few people in Yan dyed silently looked at each other, tacitly nodded to the side and retreated, and followed the direction of the royal study.

The wind seems to have been expected that these people will not be obsessed with the upswing, the footsteps of the advance, directly turned to smile like a smile to the three.

"How many other things do adults have?"


A few people in Yan dyed looked at the sullen look of the wind, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but pump out. He resisted the urge to throw someone up and sigh, and took a deep breath: "Let’s say What kind of female assassin is going on?"

The wind swept three people, but the lips were slightly raised: "As I said, just the old man is back."

The three men couldn’t help but see the pure smile of the wind and lips.

A year ago, after Xia Yuqing fell down the cliff with Xia Mingxuan, they never saw a smile from the man’s face.

A few of them will never forget. On that day, a few of them focused on the summer rain and the wind, and they quietly rushed toward the black people. The intention was to remove the obstacles at the moment when he was close to Xia Mingxuan, so that he could pull Xia Yuqing back more smoothly. But none of them could have imagined that Xia Yuqing did not know when to bring the pistols used by their princes in the ordinary days to "do nothing", and did not even think that Xia Yuqing would not hesitate to pull the gun at that time. Xia Mingxuan was approved, and the method of burning jade was adopted.

They always thought that the girl was very timid, but she never thought that at that critical moment, she was the bravest and the most embarrassing. She was embarrassed to others and more embarrassed to herself.

It was too unexpected for this side of the incident, and it was too late for them to react and rush to catch people. They just watched her as if she had broken the kite. She fell into the abyss with Xia Mingxuan. She looked at her friends who didn’t care what they wanted, but they couldn’t do anything about it.

They will never forget how terrible the face is when they find the head of Xia Yuqing on the cliff. Fortunately, at that time, I didn’t find the head of Xia Mingxuan under the cliff. Otherwise, they had no doubt that even if the person became a dead body that could not die anymore, the wind would surely break him down. .

However, to everyone's surprise, the wind stunned the body after Xia Yuqing for a whole night, and suddenly the original state was restored the next morning. They only missed the strange look of all of them: "She is not love, love is not dead, she will come back." It broke the eyes of everyone.

At that time, they almost thought that the wind could not stand the blow of losing the hoe, and they were crazy. Later, they found that the wind became more moody than the mood, and there was no smile on his face. It was no longer annoying for those women who wanted to enter the palace. The heart that is worried about it is whether it should be put down or should continue to be carried, but now...

Shao Zitang recalled everything that happened a year ago, and then reminiscent of the words that had just been popular. The eyes were smeared with a touch of light, and he said: "The old people? They are the old people we all know, or the only ones that the emperor knows." ?"

Shao Zitang's deep-seated questioning made Yan Yan and Leng Ruo at the same time, and his mind emerged with some kind of vision.


The wind greeted the gaze of the three inquiries, and the eyes passed a faint smile: "If you are so curious, why don't you know how to know yourself?"

The wind screamed and looked up and looked at the sun above the head, which was emitting a certain heat. The heart was secretly calculating that this summer Xia Yuqing should have gotten up and dressed up. I don’t know if she saw the surprise she arranged for her. What an interesting reaction.

The three people on the side looked at the face of the wind and showed the ridiculous smiles for a long time. They looked at each other for a while, and somehow there was some coolness behind them. That...not really what they think? !

On the other hand, Xia Yuqing, who is completely unaware that she is about to become a rare animal, is sitting in front of the vanity mirror while enjoying the service of the green core, while coping with the question of why the green core is like 100,000.

"Mother, where have you been going during this time? At that time, Tsui's sister and Su Gongzi went back to the palace and told us that the empress was taken away by the monks, and we were all scared."

When Xia Yuqing remembered that he was taken away by the four emperors, the two of Cui Er struggled and seemed to suffer a lot of injuries.

"What happened to Tsui and the masters? Is it badly hurt? Is it all right now?"

Green Core saw the summer rain and turned to the head, and looked worried about the situation of the two children, it is rare that some of the big reversal of the head turned Xia Yuqing turned back, no good airway: "The goddess is still worried about yourself. The accident of Tsui’s sister and Su Gongzi did not cause any serious problems. It has already healed. The goddess does not shift the topic, confessed to being wide, resists strictness, and listens to the slaves.

"...Oh." Xia Yuqing said with a voiceless voice, and his heart silently spit, how did it last a month, the green temper became so big? Is it difficult to be used by the second division during the time when he is not there?

"I finally hoped that the emperor would come back, but I didn't expect that it would be the goddess of you..." Green Rui couldn't help but pause when he said it here. It seems to have fallen into the memories of the time. Trembling, "They all said that the goddess you fell off the cliff, already... but we are not willing to believe that the goddess went so far, and at that time the emperor also insisted that the goddess did not die, will definitely come back. It was strange that we had already seen the body of the maiden, but when we heard the emperor, all of us felt that he was right. The maiden did not leave, and one day, I will definitely come back."

Xia Yuqing heard the slightest tremor in his heart, and he was glad that he chose to come back at that time and returned to the place where so many people were waiting for themselves.

"Speaking of this..." Green Core saw that Xia Yuqing did not respond. His face was actually a little ridiculous, and he chuckled. "The slaves have to say something for the emperor. The goddess, the emperor is not here." In this year, even the fingers of even the other women have not touched, and you have been able to keep your body as jade. Now you should be good at this..."

"..." Green Core, I haven't seen you in a month? They were all broken by the two brothers! The second brother is a soul. In the days when I was absent, I did something about the pure and kind little green nucleus of my family. It turned her into such a thing... it was difficult to parry! She said, how was the sudden attack on the adults last night, suddenly, so suddenly, the original... It turned out that... I haven’t touched a woman for a year! But she is still so hard to hit the gun, is it a tragedy? !

Xia Yuqing secretly sighed for a few seconds in her heart, looking up at the forty-five degrees of sorrow and sorrow, the guy who attacked the adult is so small, it would not be the account of this year, just waiting for her to come back. Paying off debts? So, is she now carrying huge debts? ! She now regrets that she still wants to wear it back to modern times.

Thinking of this possibility, Xia Yuqing's inner villain silently dropped two lasagna tears. Suddenly, Xia Yuqing seems to have noticed something, and his body is stiff, and his eyes wide open his head and look at the green core: "Green Core, you just... What to say? One year? You said that from my cliff to the present After a year..."

Green Core did not expect Xia Yuqing to ask this, for a moment, also confused: "Yes, the goddess you ... do not know?"

This kind of thing, the goddess didn’t even know, it’s hard to be a coma before the maiden, or in what dark days, can’t tell the place where this evening is? The green core opened a big brain hole because of the doubts of Xia Yuqing. The little ones in the brain couldn’t stop screaming because of their own ideas.

Xia Yuqing did not know that because of his own question, the situation of his disappearing time in the brain of someone has become synonymous with many prisoners, such as prisoners, detention, binding play and so on. There is only one thought in her mind at the moment, one year, it is a year! She only spent a short month in modern times. How did it become a year?

Xia Yuqing was shocked for a few seconds, and suddenly remembered that she would wear it back to the meeting. An Yuyu told her that she had been in a coma for nearly four months. At that time, she did not know anything. Now I want to come to different times. The speed of time is different. I have been here for nearly four years, and it is four months into modern. So she went back for a month and came back for a year.

That's right, it must be like this. At the beginning, Yunxiao said that she had been through her two years earlier than her own, two years and twenty months, that is, more than twenty years. When she had just passed through her mother, she hadn’t married yet, so it’s really similar. Mom, she didn't even find this. Fortunately, she went back tossing for a month and came back. If she hesitated for a year or two, when they came back, wouldn’t they all be taller than her? !

At the thought of this possibility, Xia Yuqing was in a mess on the spot.

"Mother, girl, what's wrong with you?" Xia Yuqing's disappointment made the green core somewhat worried, and called out several times.

Xia Yuqing wakes up like a dream, and coughs two channels: "It's okay, I just remembered that it wasn't very good recently. It was a bit of a memory, and it was memorable."

Green Core suspicion looked at Xia Yuqing a few eyes, the guess in the heart went to the speculation of the party, and never returned.

After a while, the green core sees that Xia Yuqing is not willing to do more entanglement on this issue, gently sighed and brought the topic back: "The goddess, you have not told me how your appearance will become like this... ”

It’s hard to be beaten by a traitor, and it’s forced to change his face. Missing, my poor goddess!

Xia Yuqing heard the subconscious touch of her face, turned to look at the figure reflected in the bronze mirror, although the face was not beautiful, but the win was delicate, clean and refreshing.

"Is this face hard to read? I think it's okay."

The green core mouth is pumping: "...the goddess, the slave is not saying that this face is not good. The slave is just wondering how your face will be completely different from before."

Xia Yuqing once again snorted and coughed: "Green Core, this is really a long and long story."

Greenery silently turned a blind eye: "Mother, don't be sloppy with the slaves. The slave has just told you, you can... long... words... short... say."


Just as Xia Yuqing was troubled by how to explain to the green core that she had changed her face and changed her face, a sudden noise from outside suddenly saved her.

"Three princesses, Liu girl, and a few ladies, you can't go in! Before the emperor left, he told me that no one can get into it without his permission. Otherwise, he will take the slave and wait for a crime. what!"

Xia Yuqing heard the little eunuch's words, and the three princesses, Liu girl? Is it the three emperors and the children?

Not waiting for Xia Yuqing to be happy, I heard a familiar voice coming in, with a few familiar arrogance: "We are really going to go in today. I will personally go to explain with him." , all the consequences we bear. Now, let go!"

"Yes, today you just have to let it, don't let it go, don't let the princess lean on the edge, otherwise don't blame the princess in the princess's hand."

Just like the domineering and arrogantness of the original, accompanied by the familiar whip, the identity of the coming person is clear. Xia Yuqing can almost figure out the familiar red figure through the closed door.

"Hey, three princesses, Liu girl... don't you... don't come, stop them!"

The noise outside is getting bigger and bigger, Xia Yuqing can no longer stand up and can't stand up. I want to see these ones soon, but they are only a month, but they are like sisters who have never met each other forever.

However, Xia Yuqing had only time to stand up and turn around, and he heard a loud noise. The gates of Nuo Da’s dry Qing Dian Temple were so hard that they were smashed from the outside, crashed down, and made a loud noise from the boss.

The planks landed and raised a lot of dust. During the dusty rolling, two familiar figures stepped into the house at the same time. One of them was full of phoenixes, and it was covered with a haze. It was a low-pitched one: "Where the foxes ran to this seduce me." The emperor came, I still don’t roll out this lady!”

Xia Yuqing was in the same place, and he remembered the picture when he first saw Liu Yilai in the same year. How do you think about this scene? It is a bit familiar!

------Off topic ------

Thanks jj0123 for the flowers

Thank you - this life 丶 this song, zhengyue227 monthly ticket

Thanks to the 5 flowers of Manzhu sunny day

么么哒(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

Recently, the circuit has been rectified, and the circuit has been powered off from time to time. There are times when the document has not been saved for more than a thousand words, so it’s so sloppy, tears, ask for touch/(tot)/~

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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