MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 244 Huang Daoji, should marry

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Xia Yuqing and others stared at the man who suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor and looked very stable. ⊙四⊙五⊙中⊙文

The man looks like he is in his early forties. A handsome face with a similarity to Shao Zitang is filled with a gentle smile. It doesn't look like Shao Zitang's sharp face, but it is a bit more approachable.

Ok... a gentle, elegant middle-aged uncle! Of course, this is under the premise of not paying attention to the black ash brought out from the kitchen at the point on the face.

Just when everyone was attracted by the appearance of this uncle, when they were surprised, everyone suddenly heard a scream, and everyone looked at it and watched the domineering side of the ring. The snoring female overlord is like a butterfly that sees flowers, and rushes toward the man.

"Hey, come, Xiang Gong! You are finally ready to cook, I have been tossing for a long time, starving to death, let's go eat soon. Hey? Xiang Gong your face is gray."

"Hey? What? Where?" The man sneaked and hurriedly reached out and tried to wipe it off, but was pulled by Mrs. Shao.

"When you don't move your face, I will wipe it for you." Mrs. Shao took out the Jinpa in her sleeve and carefully wiped the black ash from the man's face. He smiled and urged: "This is good, Let's go eat, go quickly."

Everyone was so stunned that the woman who was still murderous in the last second was like a little woman, leaning on a man’s arms, no one was spoiled, it was really a chicken skin that could not help but fall. pimple.

"..." The woman's heart is under the sea, and this face is really changing, it is too shocking! Woman, it really is a difficult creature! This is the voice of all the men present.

Master Shao is also the head of the middle-aged uncle who touched and touched the person in his arms. He responded lightly, then he held the hand of his wife on his chest and turned and prepared to leave.

Mrs. Shao, like a little wife, let him hold it. Then he thought of something. He turned his head and screamed at Shaozi Tang, who was still lying on the ground. "Small sugar, although you lost, this time, my mother-in-law Adults don't care about villains, don't care about you, just you can say, you don't want anyone, you have to be this girl. If so, just slap, and quickly put the girl into the door, the mother is waiting to hold the grandson It!"

"!" Mrs. Shao’s words came out, and everyone was shocked again.

What does Mrs. Shao mean? This is to admit the girl, do not mind the origin of the girl, ready to become a girl and Xiao Shangshu? I just shouted and screamed and killed, how can this effort become a slap in the face of Xiao Shangshu? Uh... this is how amazing the gods turn! Why do they suddenly feel that their heads are not enough? They don’t understand everything that happens in front of them!

The onlookers are still confused, let alone the authorities of Yan Tingfang. She thought that she and Shao Zitang could not have been able to get Mrs. Shao’s understanding in this life, at least in the short term. But what is the situation now? Mrs. Shao, is she recognizing herself?

The only thing that is calm is the wind and Shaozi Tang. The former is expected, while the latter is a bit of a clue from the conversations of two off-line mothers.

Shao Zi Tang squinted at the double squatting and stared at the first one. Then he took control of the crowd and took the arm of his old man's arm to prepare the soles of the feet to smear. Mrs. Shao, his face was heavy and he sighed coldly: "Give me stop!"

Mrs. Shao, who was eager to escape the sin of sin, and Mr. Shao’s foot at the same time, stiffly turned around and looked at the wolf, not far away, and was holding up the court, the son with a bad face, laughing two channels: “small Sugar sugar still has something?"

Shao Zitang raised his eyebrows and took Yan Tingfang off the stage. He approached Mrs. Shao and approached him step by step: "This is the child who asks you, mother, what do you mean by those words? What is this? what happened?"

Shao Zitang’s people who had been stunned all returned to God, brushing them, and everyone’s eyes were all concentrated on Mrs. Shao’s body, full of doubts and inquiry.

Mrs. Shao was stared at by some people with some guilty conscience, trying to maintain the calm on the face, looking at the sky.

Master Shao couldn’t help but cough twice, and smiled roundly. "That, you haven’t eaten yet? It’s not too late, the old man just finished the meal. If you don’t give up, Why stay with me to eat together? If the food is cold, it will not taste good."

"Is it delicious?" Xia Yuqing heard that there was delicious food, and his eyes were slightly bright. The eyes of Shao’s master also became hot. "Is there a delicious chicken drumstick?"

"There are some."

Xia Yuqing thought about it, but still did not feel relieved. He whispered a whisper: "How is the cooking of Emperor and Shao?"

The wind hasn't had time to answer. Mrs. Shao, who heard Xia Yuqing whispering a question, couldn't sit still. She stepped forward and said, "That is still to say, it must be a lever. My family's craftsmanship is the best in the world. The goods are genuine, the children are not deceived, no one can. You love to eat or not, I can eat without eating alone."

Xia Yuqing saw that Mrs. Shao’s appearance was not like a fake. She couldn’t help but feel a little heart. She reached out and pulled the sleeves of the wind. “The emperor... I just accompanied the two children to use the lunch and didn’t eat at all. I’m so full, I’m... a little hungry.”

The wind looked at Xia Yuqing’s pitiful appearance, and couldn’t help but smile: “That’s why it’s better to be respectful and to harass Shao Shao’s uncle.”

Shao Zitang still wants to ask again, but he was forced to hold it by Yan Tingfang. When he looked down, he saw the eyebrows that Yan Tingfang did not agree with. He was reluctant to say: "Let's eat first."

Ever since, I just shouted and screamed and killed, and the mother and son who were dying of my life and the people who were horrified on the side gathered so harmoniously before the same table.

Xia Yuqing looked at a table full of unusual meals, and sincerely said: "It looks so rich, it smells very sweet, these...all of them are made by uncle?"

Master Shao heard Xia Yuqing's appreciation, and he smiled very embarrassedly. He said modestly: "The insects are tricky. The lady likes to eat all kinds of food. The old man tried to learn a few tricks with the teachers everywhere, so the lady wants to eat. You don't have to bother to run around. The craftsmanship of the old man is not as good as those of the masters, but it is okay for the wife to solve the problem occasionally. You should try the tastes first, don’t know if you want to come at first, these are all I don’t know what it’s like for your lady’s taste.”

When Shao said, he warmly greeted everyone to move chopsticks.

"..." Really... It’s really a good man at home in the new century. Even for a little bit of appetite for Mrs. Shao, a big man just puts down his body and squats and washes his hand for soup. What a noble sentiment! Compared to him, he can do this...

Xia Yuqing turned her head very sadly and looked at the wind. She also liked to eat. Why didn’t she see the general attacker sacrifice for her, and went into the kitchen to make a meal for herself?

The wind was starved by the summer rain and some hair, and coughed twice: "Hey, we have green core is enough."

"..." excuse, this is definitely an excuse! Although the green core is good, she will have to marry one day. What can I do then? Oh...

Xia Yuqing felt that her little heart had suffered a devastating blow. In order to soothe her injured soul, she decided to turn grief into appetite and decisively focused on those meals on the table.

Just as Xia Yuqing put a chicken leg into his mouth, he heard a bang, and the pots and pans on the whole table all beat.

Xia Yuqing was shocked, so he looked at the chicken legs and fell into the soup in front of him, splashing the blossoming soup. Oh, my chicken legs!

Shao Zitang stretched his face and sat on the opposite side of Mrs. Shao. He raised his hand to the table and sipped a low voice: "Don’t give me a sloppy eye. This will not be the case. I said, what is the matter? ?"

"..." This family likes to shoot a table when they are angry? The table is innocent, and my chicken legs are innocent! Xia Yuqing looked at the culprits of the sorrowful sorrow, not far from the culprit, and was a waste of food condemnation.

Mrs. Shao’s son was also shocked by a glimpse of his son. After returning to God, he was unwilling to show his foot on one side of the chair. He said with excitement: “What is it? Is it great? I am your mother, I haven't been in charge for a few years, but it has become so big and small, is it against the sky?"

"..." A few people at the table were once again stunned by Mrs. Shao’s heroic, one by one, with wide eyes and unbelievable look at Mrs. Shao, a face full of ghosts.

Master Shao himself was watching habits. It was obvious how many juniors were scared. How many of them were still awkward. They were deeply dragged by Mrs. La Shao’s sleeves and whispered: "Mrs, don't be excited, don't be excited. ""

Mrs. Shao wakes up as she dreams, and finds that there are outsiders on the side, hurriedly converging one side of her own female man, sitting right at the end, and regaining the warmth and grace of Xia Yuqing and others.

"..." Is this a double character? Or is this originally a female hero in the lady's skin? !

Shao Zitang looked at his mother's pro-formed form but tried to hide it. He laughed and said: "This time, I am still a mother, and I have been with my father for many years. I have a lot of convergence, but I didn't expect it..."

When Shao Zitang said this, Mrs. Shao once again exposed her nature. She reached for a shot on the table and shouted: "What does the stinky boy say? Do you say your own biological mother?"

"..." In fact, we also want to ask you, do you have your own son? Xiao Shangshu has just been killed by you, okay? Is it difficult for you to become a small book?

Xia Yuqing looked at Shaozi Tang's mother and son with a blank look, and Sensen felt that he had given this wonderful family a smash!

"Well, let's not say that some of these are not, refreshed, say, what is this all about? If you don't say it, I will leave your future daughter-in-law away from home!"

"You dare!" Mrs. Shao said with a sigh of relief, "You can roll, my daughter-in-law and future grandchildren must stay."

"..." Mrs. Shao, your face is too fast, too? Just a bitter and hateful, and swearing to want to drive people out of the evil mother-in-law's face, this will become a wife to lead the door, the son kicked out of the wall? !

Yan Tingfang couldn’t help but feel a little red. She and Shao Zitang had been together for so long, and the behavior of being a little intimate was very pitiful. At most, I have a small hand, and I have kissed one or two small mouths occasionally. What future grandsons are so fast...

Shao Zitang seems to have expected that Mrs. Shao will be the reaction, coldly screaming: "That said."

Mrs. Shao sank her face, suddenly snorted, and followed Shao Zitang to take a picture.

Xia Yuqing did not check and was shocked. The sweet and sour pork ribs on the chopsticks were slammed and fell to the table. Oh, my sweet and sour pork ribs! Is it easy for me to eat something? If there is anything you can't finish eating, then? I am angry...

"It’s not a strange thing to say about this matter!" Mrs. Shao snorted and looked at Shao Zitang with blame.

"What are you doing?" Shao Zitang looked at Mrs. Shao inexplicably.

"Yes, it's you! You said that some of your brothers are almost the same. You look at your nephews and you have already become a family." Now the two children will run and jump. The cold boy, we had several sisters gathered in the same year. When I was together, the one who said the most was him. Everyone was worried that he would not be able to find a wife after his temperament. He couldn’t give birth to a doll. But now, the beauty is not saying, the little daughter is more lovely. It’s very much that the two old guys of the cold family are holding their little granddaughters everywhere, and they are all boasting. Everyone can’t help but want to go up and punch them two punches?”

"..." Mrs. Shao, you are the fruit of the red fruit! Xia Yuqing was very disdainful to see Mrs. Shao, and her heart had already raised some speculation.

Mrs. Shao is still chanting. Obviously, this grievance has been saved for a long time: "This will even be the little goblin who looks better than the girl. Now it has already been kissed. Tasteful."

"..." If she remembers correctly, Xiao Shangshu still ill in bed, which is called a small day to have a taste?

"Not only that, but the mother also heard that it wasn't just them. Even the family's uncle who didn't look very open had already set a marriage, but the girls were still relatively small, and they had to wait a little longer to get home. There is only you, only you are not disappointing! Fu Bo said that you brought a good girl to go home, and the mother was happy for a long time, thinking that you have finally opened this kid, but you were the most hated to bring people before. Going home, this will lead people to think that is to be settled. Just for this, I and you are rushing to catch up from the place where the bird does not lay eggs, but I did not expect that you two Ming Minglang has the feelings and intentions to grind all the birds all the time. It’s really you’re not in a hurry. I’m anxious to see this girl.”

"..." So, you can't help but help? ! Xia Yuqing looked stunned and looked at Mrs. Shao’s indignation. My heart secretly spit, Madame, although your God assists did play an unexpected boost, but you don’t have to know it in advance, you are not afraid to play with your son and future daughter-in-law.

Shao Shao looked at Xia Yuqing and other people's sluggish expressions, and once again slammed the round: "Mrs.'s temper is more urgent, but also straight, but she is not malicious, you don't care too much."

Shao’s voice did not fall. Mrs. Shao had already slapted the table and completely gave up the disguise: “The children of the rivers and lakes don’t have to be too particular.”

"..." Xia Yuqing and others... silent.

After Xia Yuqing took a moment, he cleared his throat and carefully asked: "So, did the lady know the things before the girl?"

After Xia Yuqing finished, Shao Zitang noticed that the hands of the people around him began to cool down a little. The hands that had never been released from beginning to end were slightly tightened, silently telling that only each other It is the comfort that is clear.

Yan Tingfang snorted, silently bowed his head, and the hand that was handed over turned into the slender knuckles of the other side. The fingers crossed and the lips slightly raised.

Mrs. Shao listened to Xia Yuqing and asked him not to hide. He said: "Well, I did know it from the beginning. After all, I want to be a future wife. If I don’t investigate all my background, how can I Peace of mind?"

"On that day, in front of the beauty of the family, Madame, you..."

Mrs. Shao looked at Xia Yuqing with a puzzled look: "The beauty is too Fu? You said the little goblin, oh, this nickname is really apt, it's not bad."

"Yes, yes, I think so." Xia Yuqing blinked brightly, staring at Mrs. Shao, quite a few heroes seeing the same, seeing the feeling of hatefulness.

"Coughing cough..." The wind coughed and coughed, pulling the two people's almost deviated topics back again.

Mrs. Shao was busy convulsing the expression on her face. She said: "Yes, I knew it before that. I was worried about these two stuffed gourds at that time. There was just one chance, no need to use it."

"..." So at that time you knew everything, and then you were watching our jokes completely? Xia Yuqing was brushed with blood by this cruel truth.

"...the ones that you said in front of the beauty Tai Fu that day were also deliberate?"

When Xia Yuqing just asked for an exit, Yan Tingfang’s face was all white, and Mrs. Shao took her every move and nodded. “The reason why I said that I want the stinky boy to be that. When the head is out, the girl is wronged, and the stinky boy should also comfort the jade to comfort him. At that time, the feelings of the two men will not advance suddenly. Who knows that this stupid boy is so unspoken, don’t say anything. In the early days, it was the ugly face of the girl who was so ugly. The kid didn’t even know how to send her a gift. It’s really unresolved. The child is too similar to me and my family. I have to I thought it was my own birth."

"..." Your approach to Xiaoshangshu is really not very similar to your own!

"I am... that is not..." Shao Zitang listened to Mrs. Shao about the things of the day and could not help but feel embarrassed. He was not anxious at the time but was fake, only... but he was really embarrassed to make too intimate moves with the girls before. In a nutshell, it was only somebody who was a child. Shameful... shy.

I knew that at that time, he shouldn’t care about it, let his mother make so many messy things, hey, regret it, not regret it!

Mrs. Shao has a look at her own son, and her face is very iron-free: "What are you, according to your speed, when can I and your grandson hold your grandson? So I forced myself to do so." ”

Xia Yuqing and others looked at Mrs. Shao’s facelessly, "Hey, son is not a device, but also the old lady, a top two. The heart is so tired, life is helpless, I feel no longer love, the old lady wants to hold her grandson easily ?? The hard-working appearance, secretly in the heart for Shao Zitang to point the candle, put on such a mother, Xiao Shangshu (Shang Shu adults) you rest in peace!

"So, my mother, all of today is just a play that you are self-directed and self-directed?" Shao Zitang coldly glared at his face, staring at the opposite person, as if Mrs. Shao said a word. Just rushed toward her.

"..." It turned out that she said that she had just entered the door and ran rampant. It was clearly working, and no one was alone. She was so stunned by her, and the original shackles were waiting at the beginning. It’s just that you are not waiting for yourself.

"Son, don't look at me like this, I will think that you love me deeply. You are so deep in love with you. Although you are a little bit like you, but the mother is so deep-hearted, the person who is determined will never Bewildered by your imaginary skin." Mrs. Shao looked at Shao Zitang with a look of grief and grief, and she refused to accept the other.

"...mother, speak people." Shao Zitang gnashed his teeth and said a word back.

Mrs. Shao’s face is a whole, slightly screaming: “This can’t blame me. If you are active at the beginning, can you make a decision? Can you say that, this is helping you, if it’s not such a trouble, you are now It’s so close, this little hand hasn’t let go yet.”

Yan Tingfang heard a small face and red, and hurriedly wanted to withdraw the hand that was handed over with Shao Zitang. However, Shao Zitang had an early insight into the opportunity, but instead he did not let go, but he held it tighter.

Feeling the gaze from the bet on all sides to the two hands, Yan Tingfang became more embarrassed, slightly draped his head, let the blush spread from the neck to the face, but did not cling to his hand.

"In this way, the child still wants to thank you." Shao Zitang squeaked a bite of silver teeth, and heard that Xia Yuqing and others on the side were really cold behind.

"Cough cough..." Xia Yuqing saw the situation is not good, hurriedly screamed round the road, "Mr. Shao is also good for Xiao Shangshu."

"Hey!" Shao Zi Tang screamed no longer.

Mrs. Shao heard the words and immediately cast a grateful gaze toward Xia Yuqing. Xia Yuqing returned with a smile. After all, she was still curious: "Mr. Shao really doesn't mind the girl's..."

Even if Mrs. Shao is a child of the rivers and lakes, is this kind of thing really not to care if it doesn't care? The ancient temperament is not so open, right? Especially this big family.

"When I first knew it, I didn't mind if it was fake."

"!" Mrs. Shao’s words put the atmosphere on the table and the slowdown into a stalemate again.

"However, after I learned about the beginning and end of things from Qianrou, I didn't mind it."

Qianrou? Isn't that the name of the mother? Xia Yuqing looked back and looked at the wind: "Mr. Shao has long been looking for a mother, then have you already known this thing?"

The wind faintly smiled and looked up at Mrs. Shao: "After the encounter with Shao Yong in Tai Fu Fu, I went to the palace and went to find the mother. After the mother, I was not prepared to hide it. I only said that Shao Yong was in the near future. The daughter-in-law and the future grandson have a headache, so it’s best not to intervene."

"..." This guy really knew it from the beginning, so it would be so calm!

Mrs. Shao looked up and took a look at the wind, and laughed and said: "The wind boy is still as smart as before, when did he find something wrong?"

If it is not a clue, this kid will never go to his mother to ask his own affairs for no reason.

The wind smiled and smiled: "When I was listening to Shao Yong at the time of Tai Fu Fu, you didn't feel right when you said those words. Shao Wei, although you like straight words, you don't like to export people who hurt people. And after listening to the mother, he said, When you entered the Shao family, you were also obstructed by the old lady..."

Mrs. Shao took a deep look at the wind and then moved her eyes to the opposite side of the court, and spit out a sentence: "Shao Jiarong can not be a dusty woman to be the master of the house."

Yan Tingfang was shocked, his face brushed white, and he unconsciously lowered his head and did not dare to go to see Mrs. Shao’s eyes.

"Look up and look at me!" Mrs. Shao suddenly sang a low drink, which made Yan Tingfang again surprised. The reflective eyes widened and looked at Mrs. Shao.

"Mother..." Shao Zitang sees this and Mrs. Shao wants to be awkward, and can't help but want to stop Mrs. Shao, but she is stopped by Shao's master around Shao.

"Shao Jiarong can't be a mother of the rivers and lakes. This is what the old lady said to me when she insisted on being with her."

Yan Tingfang’s eyes suddenly shrank and looked at Mrs. Shao unbelievably.

Mrs. Shao will smile at heart: "I used to be unable to marry me. I feel that I am a woman in the rivers and lakes. I behave in a rough manner and behave in a vulgar manner. They are not worthy of their high-ranking family. But now?" I didn’t, but in the end, she became the most dependent and most trusted person. Fang, although I may be dignified and steady in the eyes of outsiders, but they are all fake, I am not a thought-old person, those The pedantic dogma is not my dish. As Zitang said, everything happened before you met Zitang. No one can change this. In this case, I only ask you, you have been Have you regretted your choice?"

Yan Tingfang groaned, and after a long while, she licked her lips and said with a firm face: "I don't regret it, and I don't have time to regret it, because there is no use."

If there is another chance of choice, Yan Tingfang feels that she will still choose this road, because she has no choice at that time, she wants to take revenge, and to seek justice for her mother, then she has to live.

Mrs. Shao’s eyes crossed a few points of appreciation and reached for a shot on the table. He chuckled: “Yes, that’s it. Anything that regrets is nothing but empty talk. If something can’t be changed, it’s over the past. This is what my Shao family will look like in the future."

"Crossing the past?"

"Yes, you avoid the past that was said to be a person, then use the days after that to let no one dare to say a word to you." Mrs. Shao’s eyes are slightly stunned, and a few of them are faint. Huaguang.

When Yan Tingfang’s heart was shaking, he had to face his face with a full face: “Thank you, Madam, Tingfang was taught.”

"This time is called my wife?"

Yan Tingfang stunned and turned to look at Shao Zitang. Seeing that he had nothing to say, this screamed: "Mother."

"It’s very good, then we will discuss the marriage between you. Mother has checked it. After seven days, it is a ecliptic, it’s a good time to marry.”

"So fast!" Shao Zitang exclaimed, surprised to see Mrs. Shao, the crowd was also a stunned silly.

Mrs. Shao gave him a look: "Is it so fast? You don't know how many steps are behind them! Or are you saying that what you just said is empty talk, you don't want to marry other girls at all?"

", no."

After Shao Zitang had not finished, Mrs. Shao quickly interrupted him: "That is so fixed. After seven days, you are married. You will be invited to send a wedding invitation and prepare for our son's wedding. Can't be worse than the little fairies and cold boys!"

"it is good."

Shao Zitang: "..."

"Shao Wei, you are so anxious to welcome the girl to the door, but I have thought about the old guys of the Shao family..." In the end, it was still very popular and thoughtful, with a slight sigh of relief.

Mrs. Shao’s eyes sneered and sneered: “Yang Gong, what do you think of Fang’s daughter-in-law?”

Shao Laofu’s singer replied with a sentence: “My son likes it.”

"I think it's quite good. In this case, we have no opinion on these two mothers, and we don't have the old guys who only know how to eat white food, but also rely on me to raise my own son's affair."

Xia Yuqing looked at Mrs. Shao with a look of worship. Hey, this is definitely an ancient version of the strong woman! That kind of distinction is just saying: Hey, my son’s family has no opinion. You who eat me and live with me use my rice worm to say half a word, I will let you go home and eat yourself!

Ever since, the wedding of Shao Zitang was so prepared under the slogan of Mrs. Shao that it was like a duck on the shelves. Everyone was once again shocked by the style of Mrs. Shao.

Shao Zitang’s upcoming servant’s servant spreads, and the girl’s heart in the capital of the country is once again broken, mourning the young talented and talented young man in the capital. However, it is not only these women who are grieved, but also two men who are extremely hard in Xia Yuqing Palace.

The last time I witnessed the dyeing of Yan Dian and Leng Ruofeng, the more and more the cloud has been subjected to a very fierce blow. For these predecessors who have won the beauty, these two hungry wolves who can’t see can express Envy and hate!

I didn’t expect this to happen long after, and another person was getting married! This two brothers can suddenly red eyes, why and why, the people around have been married one after another, and the two of them are still struggling, nothing can be done, can not continue this way!

As for the sauce purple, the two brothers who were completely stimulated decided not to die in silence. They broke out in silence and began to take the daring sword to take the slant and take the risk.

"Hey, recently, the master is very brave? Even in the middle of the night, I ran to climb the wall of Tsui’s wall and attacked the night. How could I not know that he was so fat?" Xia Yuqing yawned and listened to the side. The latest news from Shantou’s newspaper, said with a sigh of emotion.

"No, I heard that the battle situation last night was fierce. Su Gongzi was thrown out of the window several times by Tsui’s sister. She didn’t give up her heart. Finally, Tsui’s sister couldn’t bear to blow him down directly. This is Ansheng’s. The slaves heard that when someone saw Su Gongzi in the morning, Su Gongzi’s face was hung with two black circles. It seems that these few days, the sons are not able to go out to see people. ”

"Is it?" Xia Yuqing's eyes are slightly bright, but she really wants to marry her master brother now what is the virtue!

“Yeah, and the slaves have recently discovered that Yun Gongzi seems to be a little weird.”

"Two brothers, what happened to him?" Xia Yuqing asked with some doubts.

"Mother, you still have to look at it yourself." The gimmick of the briefing grinned and pointed to the front.

Xia Yuqing looked up and wondered, and saw the cloud in the back of the green core's ass, and the fart turned over.

"That, the girl of Green Princess, don't go so fast!" The more the cloud is, the more daring it is, the only thing that is so daring, only the entanglement of the scorpion, these days, the green core is wrapped around her, unlike before in the dark. But bragging about her.

The green core was really impatient when he was tossing these days. He turned his head and looked at him with a bad look: "What do you mean by Yun Gongzi, what do you do with me?"

Do you want to steal something from yourself? It’s not that she said, how big is this cloud son, how is it like a child, just knowing that it’s stealing something for nothing? Green Core looked helplessly, and suddenly became the kind of white face that only knows how to eat and drink.

If the cloud knows that the green core is thinking of her in the heart, I want to vomit a blood.

"Green Princess, you see that this Tai Fu adult and the prime minister are married, and the Shangshu adults have already become close relatives. Then we should also be..." The more the cloud is awkward, the focus is on getting what’s going on. He did not find anyone at all. There was a group of people who had quickly moved behind him, waiting to watch the show!

Lu Rui looked at him inexplicably, and it was strange. What did Tai Fu adults become? Although she is very happy for them, she is a little girl, and these big men are not married, nor do they need to follow her. And Yun Gongzi said us? When did they become us? Why didn’t she know that?

Green Core is very puzzled and said: "Tai Fu adults, they know what they are! It’s just a gimmick, there is no money to buy any gifts to send them, the goddess also said that the mind will come. If you want to talk about this If you want to find the niece, I really don't understand this kind of thing, I can't help you. Can you let me get it now? I am still anxious to help the hens prepare breakfast."

After the language is finished, the green core is ready to go around the cloud and go to the kitchen, but it is stopped again by the cloud. The green core is a bit moving: "Cloud son, you said that you are always pestering me." Other times, it’s no problem. If you are not busy, it’s fine to walk with you. But now the time is tight, the goddess should finish the grooming, and it’s time to prepare for breakfast. But because you have been pestering me, I am Now that I haven't prepared my breakfast, the maiden can't help but be hungry. If you are hungry, what do you want to do, let it go!"

The more the green sap in the cloud, the more unsatisfactory, the more anxious, and the troubles: "I... I didn't mean to hinder you, I just... just have something to say to you, you can listen to me and then go." it is good?"

Xia Yuqing, who was hiding behind the pillar, heard the words in the middle of the cloud and suddenly excited with the blood of the chicken. The two brothers had something to say to the green core. Could it be that they couldn’t help but want to confess to the green core?

The green core is also a glimpse, and the more eager the look in the eyes, the more unbearable in the end, standing and saying: "Well, I listen, you say."

The deeper the cloud took a deep breath, the broken cans broke the road: "Green Princess, you see the Shangshu adults, they are all married, or else, we are also married!"

"!" Two brothers, you really don't sing, it's amazing! Such a simple and rude proposal is really not like you!

The green core was also scared by the more sudden words in the cloud. If you feel the courage to reach out and touch the forehead of Yunzhong, then touch your forehead: "Weird, no fever, how to start talking nonsense." Already?"


The more clearly the cloud did not think that Green Core would be such a reaction, busy explaining: "I am not talking nonsense!"

"Is that a joke? This joke is not funny at all."

"I am not kidding, Green Princess, I really like you, you must believe me!"

“Hey?” Green Core’s eyes widened, and he looked at the clouds in an unbelievable way. He pointed at himself and said, “Yong Gongzi, you said that you like me?”

"Of course! Otherwise, how can I stay here not to go?" The more I did not expect the cloud to be such a result, I said eagerly.

"You don't want to go here because our goddess is your little sister, so you can freely eat white food?" Green Core rounded a pair of big eyes, a naive said.

With a bang, the people behind the pillars listened to the green core and all of them slipped to the ground, green core, how slow is your reaction!

"So, said, Green Princess, you never know that I like you?" The more shaking the hand in the cloud, the white-eyed stare at the green.

Green Core said with a grievance: "You don't say I know?"


The more the cloud looked at the green face, the innocent little face, after all, did not come up in one breath, turned a blank eye and went backwards.

"Oh, Yun Gongzi, how did you faint? Yun Gongzi Yungongzi, I said that you are definitely sick, otherwise how can you always talk nonsense? Yungongzi, wake up, wake up!"

Xia Yuqing slowly climbed up from the ground and wiped the cold sweat on her head. The second brother, I am not saying you, don't say that the green core is inherently slower than the average person, that is, she is not slow, you directly skip the confession and directly propose, or is it straightforward to propose, believe you have a ghost! Ugh……

Xia Yuqing looked around and looked around. It seemed to have found something. He wondered: "Hey, what about the clouds? I haven’t seen her recently."

"Did you forget the girl? Shangshufu is too busy to organize the wedding, and Yunxiao has helped in the past few days."

Xia Yuqing thinks that Yunxiao, as the name of Yan Tingfang’s family, has been busy in Shaofu recently. He nodded and said, “Oh, I almost forgot.”

At the same time, Shangshufu has been hung in a room full of red satin, Yunxiao looked at the woman reflected in the bronze mirror, smiled slightly: "Fang sister is so beautiful, and Fang Fang sister put on the wedding dress must be more Pretty."

Yan Tingfang smiled and did not answer.

At this time, there was a footstep outside, and a few people saw Mrs. Shao walk with a bunch of hoes. He smiled and said: "Fang, mother is coming to give you a wedding dress, fast. Put on a try and see if you don't fit, and if you don't fit, let people go back and change."

Yan Tingfang nodded. She took the red wedding dress and reached out and touched the ornament. But she was not in a hurry to put on.

"What's wrong, don't like it?"

Yan Tingfang shook his head and looked up at Mrs. Shao: "Mother, I have something to say to you alone."

Mrs. Shao’s glimpse, the smile on her face converges: “You all go down first.”

"Oh, you go out first." Yan Tingfang glanced at the clouds behind him and whispered a sentence.

Although Yunxiao was worried, he nodded and retired with the group of hoes.

When the people in the house retired, Mrs. Shao said, "The people are gone, what do you say?"

"I have always wanted to tell you about my mother." Yan Tingfang's face was reddish, and she slowly reached out and picked up the clothes on her right hand. "Actually, I..."

After Mrs. Shao looked at something on the arm of Yan Tingfang’s white arm, the eyes suddenly shrank: “!”

------Off topic ------

Thanks to all the five-point evaluation votes of 18674520153

Thanks for all the five-point evaluation votes, monthly passes and 35 flowers

Thanks for the flowers of the cool breeze

Hug what? (づ ̄3 ̄) づ╭~

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