MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 239 Long-awaited big wedding

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The night was sitting on the horse, and the black cat who had been in his arms had already succumbed to Xia Yuqing and others when he caught up with Xia Yuqing and others.

At this moment, I heard the awkward question of the wind, but there was not much reaction at night. The face still had a faint smile: "Is this not a smooth road? Is it too stingy for the king?"

"Shun the road? From the border all the way to the capital, the night son this road is really smooth enough?" Shao Zi Tang sneered, the eyes revealed a bit of cold.

The night face is not changed: "This is fate."

"..." Several people were blocked by the night's four or two pounds. This is not the old antiques that have lived for decades. The skin is really a bit thicker than the city wall.

Xia Yuqing opened the curtain and looked at the outside situation. Seeing the wind, a few people were a bit whispering about the night, but they didn’t do it. They couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To tell the truth, Xia Yuqing is really not suitable for the great-grandfather who suddenly emerged from the night, especially when he sees his face that is small with himself.

Xia Yuqing definitely does not admit that she was hit by the night face that is completely inconsistent with her age. Grandpa, is this year really so tender?

Xia Yuqing’s attention was all attracted by those outside, and he did not find any darkness in his own carriage.

Sitting on the opposite side of Xia Yuqing, the big baby squinted and stared at the black cat who was always behind his sister, like a follower.

After the night of the night, the black cat was once again entangled in his mother and sister, and after the mother was wrapped up, the father was busy dealing with the old man wearing the teenager’s skin. After taking care of the mother, can you entangle his sister and want to make trouble? Really be dead?

The big baby thinks like this, the chill in his eyes is getting deeper and deeper, but the culprit is still very repentant.

"Little black little black... giggling..." The second baby just sat next to the big baby, and the little black man slammed up from the ground and directly plunged into the arms of the two babies, happily sticking out his tongue in the second The baby's face groaned and straightened the second baby.

啪嗒 大 - Big baby sees the shape, the blue ribs on the head burst in a flash. Unexpectedly, the little hand stretched out, accurately grabbed the black neck and pushed it to the back.

The second baby suddenly felt that his body was light, and some doubts blinked. As soon as he looked up, he saw the big baby faceless and smashed the black. He was ready to throw it out of the car. He was shocked when he arrived: "Brother, don't."

The action of the big baby's hand is because the second baby's shouting screams, but it is this hesitation, so that the little black under his hand has a chance, the sharp cat's paw is holding the hand to the big baby. scratch.

"Ah...dudu!" Xia Yuqing, who was attracted by the movement of two people and one cat, saw this scene and was shocked and screamed, and hurried forward to check the injury on the big baby's hand.

"Fortunately, it's just ruined. The wound is not too deep. Don't know if you don't touch the water in a few days?" Xia Yuqing carefully checked the wound on the big baby's hand and took a clean piece. The handkerchief bandaged him a bit, and it was a little relieved.

The big baby didn't respond. The two eyes stared at the little black in the baby's arms. The little black that was just brave and unusual seemed to find that he had smashed the big disaster. The shackles shivered in the arms of the two babies. .

When the baby sees it, his heart is soft, and he looks up at his round face. He politely asks: "Brother, Xiaohei is not intentional. Don't you blame it?"

Xia Yuqing sees her own baby, and her heart is soft. It is a wave of water. Followed by a persuasion: "Little black is not intentional. Just dub you and grab it to scare it. It will scratch you, you will Give it a go."

The big baby looked at his face with a big face, a small pair of eyes, and stared at himself for a moment. He had no choice but to compromise: "Look at the baby and mother's face, and then spare you once."

"Oh, my brother is the best." The second baby cheered and held the little black in front of the big baby. "Little black and black, thank you brother."

Xiao Hei is very clever and snorted at the big baby. Just when the big baby feels that he is too small to make a big fuss, when he prepares to be merciful and forgives it, he sees it in the angle that the second baby and Xia Yuqing can’t see. He licked his teeth and looked like a provocative one.


The smile on the big baby's face was awkward, and the blue ribs on the head were so easy to burst back, and they silently put their hands into their purse.

"Beep, don't be impulsive! This thing is still too dangerous to keep, confiscated and confiscated!" With a scream of Xia Yuqing, there was a movement of chicken flying dogs in the carriage.

Afterwards, I don’t know why the suspicious death was a few seconds, and I heard a cry of earth-shattering cry: “Wow, my brother is a bad guy, my brother is a bad guy!”

"..." The big red crossroads on the big baby's head are all over, and a pair of scorpions yin measurement looks at the culprit causing this tragedy, gnashing their teeth.

Damn, one day, he will cook this dead fat cat alive and make a cat soup!

Ever since, when all people have not noticed it, not only the war between the adults has started, but a fierce battle that is small and small has also quietly kicked off.

After entering Xiaguo, there was no trouble in the road. After some rushing, everyone finally returned to Kyoto in the country.

As soon as he returned to Laos, Yunxiao intended to go back to the palace with Xia Yuqing. When he first entered the city, he listened to He Wenzhong and said that his mother had not seen her for a long time, and she missed it.

Xia Yuqing listened, this is a good opportunity for the cloud to please the future mother-in-law and do a good job in the relationship between mother and daughter. Immediately, with a big hand, he let Yunxiao accompany He Wenzhong to go to the house and go back to the palace.

As for Xia Yunyun, it is not necessary to say that the children who have followed the cold Ruofeng are born. Naturally, they can no longer live in the museum. After asking for the opinions of the people, they are embarrassed to follow the cold and return to the prime minister.

Fortunately, the cold lady and the cold master knew that Xia Yunyun had his son's child when he got the news. The two couples were shocked, and on the other hand, they were delighted. Because of the cold temperament of the cold, they had been worried about the son for a long time before they couldn’t ask for a wife. I didn’t expect it to be with the summer girl for a long time. Even the baby has it. On the one hand, he blamed his son for being confused. This made the wife of the future daughter-in-law bigger, and even let the wife run with the ball, making the daughter-in-law and their future grandchildren life and death, and scratching their hearts.

Thinking of this, the two old couples wanted to take advantage of their own son's family law. It’s a pity that they haven’t waited for them to do this. Cold Ruofeng has already had a rare impulse, and she rushed to Xia Guo alone.

Poor couples are looking forward to wearing in the country, worrying that their sons and daughters are still worried about the future grandson, but later heard the news from the palace, saying that it is a letter from the Queen's maiden, and the future daughter-in-law is both mother and daughter. The two husbands and wives also knew that the summer girl was the empress emperor of the empress, and the three princesses of Xia Guo! Although the couple are surprised, they don't have much reaction. As long as they are the children of the white family, the character is good, the appearance is not bad, and the son can see it. Now it is important that both the mother and the daughter are safe. Hey, that's the old grandson they have been looking forward to for a long time!

Since I learned that Xia Yunyun and others are about to return to the DPRK, the old couple will face the east side every day, and they will look at the three quarters of an hour. It’s really hopeful to wear the autumn water. It’s hard to bring people back, how could they let Xia Yunyun take them? Baby granddaughter staying outside? I learned that a few people will come back these days, and people have already prepared the room.

I learned that Xia Yunyun had to take the children with him for a while, and the old couple were overjoyed and walked, and they rushed to the door early and greeted them personally.

As soon as Xia Yunyun got out of the carriage and walked down with Ruo Fengfeng, he saw two people, and his face became more and more smashed.

Although she hadtily left Xia Guo in the first place because the situation of the great emperor was critical and excusable, she still felt that she was somewhat embarrassed about the two. After all, when they were temporarily living in Laos, the two men were really good at themselves, but they finally had their grandchildren in their stomachs, but they told them nothing, and they were still unmarried. Even the children are born, do not know what they think, will they feel themselves... I don’t know shame?

Just as Xia Yunyun’s rare uneasiness, he suddenly felt his hand tightened slightly, and the cool temperature passed through the slender knuckles, which made her calm down a lot.

The cold lady and the cold lord apparently also saw the tension of Xia Yunyun, and took the initiative to go forward as before and laughed with a smile: "Is the girl coming back? Is it better on this road? Is there any trouble?"

Xia Yunyun saw that the joy on the faces of the two men did not seem to be reluctant, and the tension also dissipated a few points. I was embarrassed to say: "Mrs. and the lord can call me Yuner. This road is very good, no trouble."

The cold lady, the cold master, heard the truth and asked for it. He called out in a warm and intimate voice: "Yun."

After shouting, the two pairs of eyes will be fixed and stare at the little doll held in Xia Yunyun's arms. The glare of the eyes is really what Xia Yunyun wants to ignore.

Xia Yunyun saw the look of the two people, and they were really funny. The uneasiness that had come along the way also dissipated a lot. The children in the arms were hugged up and whispered: "Baby, this is Grandpa. grandmother."

"Right right, grandparents!" The two old people who are looking forward to Sun Cheng’s idiots are frozen, and they can’t wait to hold this soft, cute little thing, this is their baby granddaughter and granddaughter!

The baby has been two or three months old, still can't talk, only two **** eyes are staring at the two strangers who are staring at themselves. Squatting for a while, but it was a very grinning smile, revealing her toothless pink mouth.

"Oh, the little granddaughter smiled at me, Master, you see no, the little granddaughter smiled at me!"

"I saw it, my little granddaughter smiled at me, it was so cute!"

"Yes, it’s so cute!"

Seeing their own baby, a smile made the two people so happy, Xia Yunyun's heart also put down a lot, tempted to ask: "Mrs. Lady want to hold a baby?"

"!" The two people who were still staring at the little baby and didn't look at their eyes raised their heads at once. The light in the eyes almost swayed the eyes of Xia Yunyun. "Can you?"

"Of course, you are her grandparents, of course, can hold her." Xia Yunyun smiled and handed the child over.

The two men took care of the past and smelled the milk scent of the child. Then they looked at the child and were not afraid of life. They only stared at their mammoth eyes with black grapes. The hearts of the two were immediately soft. A pool of water: "Hey, my little grandson, how can you be so cute?!"

Mrs. Cold, holding her soft baby in her arms, turned her head and looked at the cold man and shouted: "Master, you look at it, how beautiful the child's eyes are, like Yuner, it must be a beautiful person in the future."

The cold master also wants to hug the little granddaughter, but she doesn’t dare to rob her wife. Secondly, she only knows how to hold such a small thing. She is afraid that she will fall into her. Dry up and blinked: "Well, look at the eyebrows and the nose is very similar to Maple."

"Well, my mouth is a bit like Ruofeng. The face is really more like Yuner. It is really cute."

Xia Yunyun listened to the two couples very excitedly discussing how much the child is like, and slightly relieved. This child usually cries when he sees a stranger. Today, seeing grandparents is not afraid of life, not yet. Stop laughing, it is obvious that this kind of blood is not a general magic.

Putting down my heart, Xia Yunyun froze and smiled at the people on the side: "Like you, they seem to like the baby more. I didn't see them from the time they just turned around, even Didn't look at you."

Leng Ruofeng looked at the eyes of Xia Yunyun’s eyes because of the excitement. The light was light, the lips were slightly hooked, and the conciseness was clear: “The generation is pro.” It’s still not in line with the cold face on his face. The expression reached out and punctured the waist of Xia Yunyun.

Xia Yunyun was almost stunned by his legs, his face was reddish, and he looked at him with anger and anger. This guy is really a little joke. It’s still outside, he dares to...

"Right, have you given my baby granddaughter a name?" Cold lady teased her baby for a while, and teased her baby so loudly that she thought of something and turned to ask.

Xia Yunyun listened to Mrs. Cold and asked, "Buy it, I don't have time to take it. I don't have any good ideas with him. Will the wife and the lord help me to get one?"

At the time of Xia Guozhi, he was in dire straits. There was no such thing as a good name for the children. Although he took a few scattered things, he didn’t care much. After he was bored, he left. One sentence, go back and let the grandparents take them, they must be very happy, and then they will stop.

In fact, when the two of them can name their baby granddaughter, it is indeed a hundred and twenty willingness to nod and say: "We take it, we will take it. It is sloppy to take the name. Let us Think about it, think about it."

Leng Ruofeng saw that the two were still preparing to stand at the door and twisted their eyebrows. In the end, they couldn’t help but remind him: "Oh, what are we going to enter the house?"

When Leng Ruofeng said this, Mrs. Cold finally found out that she was too happy to see her daughter-in-law and her granddaughter. She even forgot to let people go in and directly blocked the door.

"Hey us! Yuner, you must be tired all the way to the boat, go in and take a rest. Especially you, Yuner, just after giving birth to the child, it’s not so long, it’s not good, I’ve been able to tell. The small kitchen has prepared tonics, so that you can make up for it. People say that having a baby is the most hurtful. I heard that when you have a baby, it is still difficult to produce. If you are not well-fed, it is not enough."

Xia Yunyun did not expect that the cold lady would care for herself like this, and her heart was warm and smiled: "Thank you."

The cold lady heard the words but she was somewhat unhappy. She said with anger: "There are family members in the future, and the lady’s wife calls for more births."

Xia Yunyun lived, and some of them were embarrassed. Only half a word spit out a word: "Mother."

"Good boy and good boy."

The cold lady was overjoyed, and the cold man was not lonely: "And me."

Xia Yunyun called once, it is not so awkward, but this time it is quite straightforward: "Hey."

"Okay, let's go in." Cold lady is satisfied with the cold master, busy holding the baby rate advanced door.

Leng Ruofeng stepped forward to Xia Yunyun's waist, and it was clear and concise: "Go."


The family reunion here is very happy. On the other side of the palace, somewhere, because of someone’s return, it’s lively and extraordinary.

"Dear, green, my maiden, I am back...have...have..."

With a familiar long sound, the movement of the green core was a meal, and the brush went back. The white that originally sunbathed in the yard also brushed the squid and squid, and the two eyes sparkled in the direction of Xia Yuqing. All the people in the Fangfang Hall stopped their movements, and they stunned their eyes. Look at the voice.

When Xia Yuqing returned to the palace, she immediately went straight to her kennel, Fangfang Temple. When she walked to the door, she saw a girl in Tsing Yi standing at the door. She was slamming in front of her eyes and flew forward. I just felt that I was swept away from my own side.

With a bang, Xia Yuqing was so scared that he had a sudden brake. It was almost because of inertia that he threw out the little black in his arms.

"Green Princess, I haven't seen it for more than a year. The girl of Green Pis is really more and more Peugeot. Over the past year, I have missed the Green Princess girl all the time. For the first time in my life, I feel what I call a day, such as three autumns. , Green Princess, my thoughts on you are really like the river, the endless stream, rushing to the sea, never to return. Green Princess girl..."

"..." Everyone looked at this sudden change, and they were all ignorant.

"Voice..." The first thing that came to reflect was Xia Yuqing. Listening to the two brothers of your family, you lied and didn't make drafts. The sweet words of the sweet words came to you, and you couldn't help but utter a vomit and shake off the goose bumps.

"Oh, little sister, what's wrong with you? Is this a big reaction, isn't there another? It's too fast, even if the pier says that you still want a sister, you don't have to go back to the country." The second child. At this speed, how can you let the two brothers feel what I am? No, I have to work harder! Green Princess..."

"..." You have it, you have it all. I was disgusted by you, okay?

Moreover, the second brother, not the younger sister, I said that you are not the master's piece of material at first glance. Speaking of this kind of love is not a feeling of affection, but does it feel that it is good to be hairy? Finally, Xiao Shimei, I have to remind you that the masters of the long-term battlefield can fall a few heads in front of the gimmicks in my palace, not to mention the half-hanger of your half-way, you think that you Can the level hit a hit? Don't think about it!

Xia Yuqing held the black and silent in the heart and scorned the clouds. Sure enough, the last sorrowful call of the cloud was just shouting for the exit, and the green core couldn’t stand the trembling. He resisted the impulse in his hand and smacked his face and gnashed his teeth: "Yun Gongzi, can you take your hand off my body first? I can't move."

The green core reminded me that the more I found out in the cloud, I just had a moment of excitement and even grabbed the girl’s arm and never let go. I laughed twice and hurriedly let go: “Ah, hahaha, I am not seeing the green girl too. ...oh..."

"..." Oops, it was kicked, it must be very painful. The audience’s face was dull.

Xia Yuqing also looked at Yunzhongyue with sympathy. The second brother said that he couldn’t do it with you. You don’t believe it, you are guilty! The green core is really nothing at all. Oh, no, my feet are in love.

The green core was neatly tidying up the clothes that he had been smashed. He looked at the person who was squatting and squatting on the lower part of the body. He hurriedly walked toward Xia Yuqing.

"Anniling, you can come back, the slave is really trying to die you and the little princess under the small hall." Green Core is very enthusiastic to meet the summer rain.

Xia Yuqing just wanted to respond with a few voices, and suddenly heard a burst of screams: "Wang Wang Wang..."

When Xiao Baigang heard the sound of Xia Yuqing, he rushed out from the backyard. As a result, he did not expect it... It was hard to hope that the owner’s arms would hold another black cat!

"!" Because of the return of Xia Yuqing, the enthusiasm emanating suddenly seemed to be splashed with cold water and completely annihilated.

What followed was the extreme panic and the anger of the sky, the master...the master actually brought back a new darling, don't be white!

"Oh, Xiaobai, how can you get fatter when you don't see you in a year? Come over and touch me to touch your little ass. Look at the long flesh." Xia Yuqing just turned around and saw Xiaobai calling for the dynasty. When I rushed over, I felt that my feet were heavy and I couldn’t help but be a little surprised. The goods were so heavy!

Xiaobai listened to Xia Yuqing's words, the dog's ears buried under the white hair squatted, and the two eyes shone brightly toward Xia Yuqing. Hey, the owner still liked the uncle, and did not want this uncle.

In this way, Xiao Bai’s suffocation was enough, and he walked into the front of Xia Yuqing with his own short legs, and started his head in the rain of Xia Yuqing’s arms. sound.

"Wang Wang Wang..." Newcomers, don't be too arrogant. I want to know that I am familiar with you here. I want to tell this big brother to know later?

The little black-eyed eyes looked at the toes and provoked their own provocations. Once they wanted to give themselves a fat cat, the glass cats showed a bit of disdain.

"Oh..." Idiot!

The little white ears squatted up, and even with the white hair that was erected, what did the **** cat just say? It’s just a cat, it’s...

"Wang Wang Wang..." You are an idiot, your family is an idiot!

"Oh..." Stupid!

"Wang Wang Wang..." You! You have come over to me, this uncle wants to single out with you.

"Oh..." I am too lazy to care about you.


"Hey? Are they dry?" Xia Yuqing looked at the two cats and looked at the two cats. You came to me, so it was no fun.

"...the goddess, they seem to be sharing their feelings."

Xia Yuqing glimpsed, looked at the little black in his arms, and then glanced at the white squinting on the ground (actually gnashing his teeth, glaring at him), as if he understood what he said: "You can understand the other person's words, It’s so lively and the feelings are good.”

"..." The green core standing on the side of the mouth can't help but scream, the goddess, which eye you see, the two animals have a good relationship, don't you see the little white hair Stand up, do you want to swallow each other's appearance?

"If you are so speculative, I will be relieved. Xiaobai, this is Xiaohei. Recently, I am new to our new friends in the palace. Xiaobai is a good old man to take care of Xiaohei, can't just bully others... Wow, What do you do with white?"

Xia Yuqing’s voice did not fall, and Xiaobai, who had been kneeling on the ground, aimed at Xia Yuqing’s body, and flew toward the black of Xia Yuqing’s arms.

"Wang Wang Wang..." Let you look down on me, let you look down on me, die.

Xia Yuqing was shocked by the sudden burst of white and white, and only when he could make a scream, the whole person fell to the ground.

"Anniling!" The gimmicks on the side saw that Xia Yuqing fell and all of them were shocked and hurriedly looked forward.

For a time, the door of the Fangfang Temple became a mess. After half a sigh, I finally recovered calm, but white...

"Xiaobai, how can you just rush to the niece, what should I do if I hurt the damn? Today's dinner is cancelled, give me a good time to think about it!" This is the green core that hates iron and does not become steel.

"Xiaobai, Xiaohei just came, I don't know anything. How can you bully it with your qualifications? You are so disappointing." This is a sad Xia Yuqing.

"..." This is not a word, but collectively used the eyes of condemnation to look at the audience around Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was stabbed by the eyes of everyone, and silently slammed into the corner of the side and shed tears. Hey, the owner really didn't love Xiaobai, but he only heard new people laughing, but the old people didn't cry.

Must be abandoning Xiaobai too fat, no good hug before, hey, the master should not be white. After Xiaobai, it will be like the nephew in the harem that was said to be the same as the nephew in the darkness.

The first second was still in the Xia Yuqing's arms and pretended to be bullied by the weak black and white cats. After a second, he turned his eyes at the white corner of the corner in the place where Xia Yuqing and others could not see. In this way, I dare to glory against myself. I really don’t know how to live and die. Hey, look at how you will play after you are young.

Holding the sister and the big baby who came behind Xia Yuqing, I saw this scene. His eyes flashed slightly. It seems that he can properly find the next league for his own use. The abominable dead cat actually hurt his pistol for a long time. They have been forcibly confiscated by the mother. If it is not good to report it, how can it be worthy of itself? Humph……

Xia Yuqing here because of the return of Xia Yuqing, the chicken flies, the undercurrent, and the wind is here, just after returning to the palace, it is not anxious to go back to the Qing Dynasty, but instead directly toward the long Sun’s Ci Ning The palace went over.

When the rushed to the Cining Palace, Meixi just took the lunch out of the inner hall and saw the wind stunned and hurriedly bowed to the ceremony: "The emperor."

The wind smiled and asked: "After the mother?"

"The Queen Mother just used lunch, this will be chanting in the ancestral hall, the emperor you..."

"You can do it yourself, aunt, you are going to do your own thing."

"Hey!" Meixi responded and slammed out.

The wind slammed the door and walked into the inner hall. The smoke in the hall was scented, and the sound of the wooden fish struck was heard.

Chang Sun’s hearing was somewhat doubtful about Meixi’s return and his movements turned around and turned: “Meixi you...”

Just as soon as I saw the wind, I stood behind my body. Chang Sun’s family couldn’t help but be surprised and delighted to get up. “When did you come back? Don’t say it in advance with your mother, and the mother will pick you up. where are they?"

The wind smiled and smiled, and responded one by one: "I just came back, I heard that my mother has not dared to disturb my mother after retreat recently. I love you and two children, let them go back to the temple."

When Chang Sunshi listened to the wind, he knew the wind. This is something he wants to say alone with himself. This only opened a few people in Xia Yuqing. He asked: "Is there something to say to my mother?"

The wind nodded and opened the door to see the mountain: "After the mother, the princess of the country has been ... a few months ago."

Chang Sun’s body was shocked and shocked. In fact, she did not know anything about Yunshan’s affairs. That day, I heard that a few people have left the country to go to the country, she has already expected, but she has been reluctant to admit it. Now that she was confirmed by the wind, she was amazed. The little girl who was always holding her own sister was really no longer alive.

"After the mother, before the death of the princess... I left this." In the eyes of Chang Sun, there was a bit of bitterness in the eyes, and a sigh was taken, and a letter was taken from his sleeve. .

If the cloud is here at this moment, I will be shocked to see this letter. This is not the letter he had stolen from the Princess of the Long Princess.

Chang Sun’s squatting looked up and looked at the wind with a strange look. It took a long time to be like an electric shock. He hurriedly took the letter from the windy hands.

After seeing the familiar handwriting and signature on the envelope, the long-term Sun was finally unable to withstand, and even his fingertips shook slightly.

When I saw it, I didn’t stop at it. I said: "After the mother, I just remembered that I had to go out for a long time. There are still many urgent things waiting for the treatment in the past, so I will go back to the Qing Dynasty and bring love at night. Hey, come over and accompany you for dinner."

Long Sun smiled and nodded. "Go."

The wind turned and left, and along with the door of the inner hall.

When Chang Sunshi left the scene, he immediately couldn't wait to open the letter in his hand and watched it. The more he saw the eyes of Chang Sun's eyes, the more reddish the tears began, and the tears began to roll in his eyes.

Until after reading the last line of words, Chang Sun’s finally seemed to be overwhelmed. The whole man fell down on the ground and whispered sobbing. The dumb voice screamed the name of the person who wrote the letter: “Shan Shan, Shanshan..."

The wind screamed and stood outside the door, listening to the movement inside, and made a sigh of sigh.

The letter he handed to Chang Sunshi was indeed the letter that Yunzhong had found in the Princess House. It was because of this letter that the more doubts in the cloud the relationship between the princess and the grandson, and later the letter Stayed with him.

He didn't tell Chang Sun that the letter was stolen. The long princess probably never thought that this letter would be handed over to Chang Sun's hand after her death, not to tell Chang Sun, he... actually I have already read the contents of the letter before.

In fact, the long princess of the bowl of safflower was not necessarily ignorant, or he would not ask at the end of the letter whether Chang Sun’s safflower was deliberately made. This letter has been suppressed by the princess in the darkness. She is afraid to get a positive answer, so that the last hope in her heart is annihilated. On the other hand, she is afraid of getting a negative answer. Years of hatred collapsed overnight, what did she live with? What do you continue to support yourself to go on? At that time, she actually... couldn’t get back early.

I have to say that people are such contradictory creatures. However, these are not important now.

"The emperor." Meixi still had some peace of mind and turned back.

The wind shook her head at her. At this time, let the people inside be quiet and quiet. I believe that after this time, the grievances of the older generation can really come to an end.

Not far from the wind, when the dinner was approaching, the wind and the summer with a few people, together with the little apprentices, who were not willing to go to the palace to eat and drink, went to the Cining Palace to play late. At the time of the meal, Chang Sun’s mood has clearly calmed down a lot. In addition, there is Xia Yuqing on the side to make her happy, the two children sell Meng to discuss, the smile on the face of Chang Sun's face has become more and more profound.

A dinner meal is very enjoyable, except that Xu Lao mentioned that his own little child Sun actually went to Jin Lao’s old guy’s door and blew his beard, screaming that an old man had no exercise, even the children were abducted, everything else was very It’s fun.

The imperial and Xia Yuqing are the people who have broken the heart of the emperor. The most happy person is the one who has been regarded as a veteran of the old cow and has been a slave for more than a year.

The soul is weak, these two uneasy minds are finally coming back, and now you can be free! Regaining his freedom, he wants to be married and dear, decisive to be a pro!

Tai Fu, who has already wanted to become crazy, will go straight to the royal study room the next morning and tell him that he wants to go to the family. He has enslaved himself for so long. This time he is not allowed to be allowed. This time he Say what you have to marry from Yuan! Otherwise... he will die for him!

It’s so popular that I watched Yan dyeing in order to become a kiss, crying, screaming, and swearing, and swearing a few yawns, it’s only under the urgency of staring at Yan dyeing. The marriage of two people.

This can be used to give Yan dye to the United States to hate the world, he finally got married! It’s too easy!

The marriage affair of Yan dyed spread, and Ruo Ruofeng screwed his eyebrows and felt that he owed Xia Yunyun a wedding. He discussed this with the cold lady.

The two elderly people also felt that the two children were born, and it is time to have a real name. For the proposal of Leng Ruofeng, both hands and feet are in favor, and it is better to hit the day instead of hitting the sun. Married on the same day.

As soon as the matter was circulated, the entire capital of the Shu Kingdom knew that the two ministers of the top pillars and the squadrons had to be married on the same day. Since then, the good man who has talents in the capital has lost two more. How many girls are broken.

The two young talents in front of the emperor were married on the same day. The scene was not grand. The red sedan of the day, the red makeup of ten miles, was huge and enviable.

Yan dyeing smiled all day long, and smiled at each visitor. He smiled straight and everyone in the house worried that his own young master would not be allowed to laugh and smile. It is.

However, that night, after Yan Dian saw a big wave of the wedding banquet, I was afraid that the world would not laugh again, and there was only a while of twitching in the corner of his mouth.

"How come you come to me? Don't you go to Ruofeng?" Yan dyed his face and looked at the eagerly moving Xia Yuqing and others. He always felt that... there is a very bad kind. Premonition!

------Off topic ------

Thanks to the all-fifth evaluation vote of 13580241329

么么哒(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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