MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 223 Rare initiative

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In fact, the truth about the irrational situation of the two is actually...

Before about half a column of incense, the flowers made a shadow in the summer rain and trepidation, and slowly extended his hand toward Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing couldn't avoid it, but she closed her eyes and looked at her neck with a look of death.

"噗通...噗通..." Xia Yuqing clearly heard the sound of his heart disordered, and then...

"Little sister, what is the bruise on your neck? This is awkward!"

“Ah?” Xia Yuqing opened his eyes and looked at the flowers in a wrong way.

After seeing the banter in the bottom of his eyes, the small face sank, and immediately understood that he was being played, and the speechless flower took a look.

Just want to complain, but see the flowers and make a close to myself, if you feel: "And, I haven’t felt it yet, this will be close to me. Little sister, what is your lips? How do you look a little swollen?"

"!" Xia Yuqing was shocked, and suddenly remembered the sad experience not long ago, licked his lips and found that the lips were really swollen, and instantly felt that... the whole person is not good!

Xia Yuqing, who is concentrating on coping with his three brothers, is unaware of how his current posture with flowers is fascinating.

Xia Yuqing was shrunk into a group because of her fear. The whole person was covered in her body, and the hand that had just touched the bruise on her neck had not been recovered. One face was to see Xia Yuqing. The red lips were slightly forward, and it was like the whole body was pressed against Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing hasn't thought about how to flick his three brothers, and he saw that the image of the flower that was originally in front of him was stabbed in general, and he moved from his own body.

In the next second, an unusually sharp dagger fluttered with a bright sway, flying from Xia Yuqing's eyelids, and plunged directly into the wall on the side of Xia Yuqing, giving a big voice to the boss. ring.

“What are you doing?” There is another question that lies with the east and comes with an expression of anger and coldness.

Xia Yuqing looked stunned at the cracked side of the wall, and the face at the door was gloomy, killing the wind and the wind, and then I remembered that I had just made a variety of actions with the flowers, the general attack will not be Just saw them... so misunderstood?

Xia Yuqing's head was blank for a second, and then the little man in the brain couldn't help but uttered a long scream. After the egg was finished, the general attacking adult was very angry and the consequences were very serious! The world really has to be destroyed in advance!

Compared with the whitening face of the Xia Yuqing brush, the flower is not nervous at all, and it’s a bit of a look at the doorway. It’s like a person who’s just being slammed by a dagger. The person you wear is not him.

"You can be considered to be coming, so slow, waiting for this seat to fall asleep."

"..." This kid is bold and just made such a thing. This will be able to talk and laugh with the killing of God. I really don't know if he should brave his courage, but he still has no heart.

"The Emperor..." Xia Yuqing lingered from the wind for a moment, finally recovered, quickly rushed down from the couch, went straight into the wind, did not pay attention to the ugly face, a flutter In his arms, he explained nervously. "You don't misunderstand the emperor. The three brothers are just... just helping me see the wound, not what you think. There is really nothing between us. You must believe me. !"

"Look at the injury?" The gloomy face of the wind has changed slightly, and I can't care about it. I hurriedly straightened the person in my arms and wanted to see where Xia Yuqing was hurt.

The people on the side were also shocked to hear the words, and they quickly converge on the expression on the face and twisted their brows.

"On the neck." The flowers made everyone see the face full of gloomy, and the eyes kept sweeping on Xia Yuqing, and he kindly reminded him.

A few people stunned, when I remembered that when I saw two people, the hand that made the shadow seemed to be placed on the neck of Xia Yuqing.

Instantly, a few pairs of eyes brushed all over the neck of Xia Yuqing, only to find that Xia Yuqing’s neck was actually a circle of bruises, and looking at the bruised shape, it was like being used by people. The traces left by the hands dead.

The wind and the hand stroking the traces on the neck of Xia Yuqing's neck can only be such a deep imprint. I can imagine how much strength the savage person used at that time. That person... really wants to set the summer rain to death!

As long as you use a little more force, or if you take it for a while, the people in front of you can't wait to appear or be rescued by flowers.

Thinking of this, the heart of the heart of the jump, only feel that the heart seems to be stunned by what, initially felt only slightly tingling, but slowly spread little bit into a hard load.

Looking at the ignorant look of the person in the arms, the wind once again felt what is called fear, obviously said that it will not let her suffer a little bit of damage, but in the end...

Xia Yuqing saw the wind and touched his neck. He hadn’t put a word for a long time, his eyes gradually became dark and difficult to understand. I don’t know what to think about, some guilty constricted neck, and said: “The emperor, I really didn't do anything with the Three Emperors, you have to believe me."

Xia Yuqing’s pleading brought the wind back from the gods to the gods. Looking at the expression of Xia Yuqing’s bird, she could know that she was scared by this day.

The heart was soft, and the wind sighed softly. He reached out and took Xia Yuqing into his arms thoroughly. He whispered, "How did the injury on the neck come from? Who is it?"

Xia Yuqing did not resist, the obedient nest entered the windy arms, smelling the familiar taste of this person, the originally nervous and uneasy heart was settled a little bit, and reached out to hug the waist. Muted voice: "The four emperors are angry for a while... oh."

When Xia Yuqing said this, everyone clearly felt the wind and the quiet atmosphere of the whole body, and suddenly became forced, but this time no one felt that he was a big problem.

Xia Yuqing’s neck injury, they all saw it, and such a deep imprint saw that the man was dead. Although I didn't know how to take it down later, if I didn't have time to close it, then Xia Yuqing, the person... might just disappear from heaven and earth.

If you think of Xia Yuqing, if it is so gone, what will happen to the wind? Everyone shuddered at the same time and couldn’t imagine it.

"It's okay, it's okay, now it's okay." The wind sighed with a few fortunate voices echoing in the house, and I don't know if I was comforting Xia Yuqing, or comforting myself.

Xia Yuqing was silent for a while, only to calm down the mood, looked up from the windy arms, and looked at Xia Mingyuan and others.

Just talking, the more the eyes in the cloud have seen her slightly swollen lips, wondering: "Small sister, how do you look a little swollen, what is it for you?"

Xia Yuqing was amazed, and she looked at her guilty and held her own voice. She laughed at two channels: "No... nothing, I have been getting angry recently, toothache... Yes, toothache!"

"Don't hurt? Isn't the tooth swollen cheek? Which tooth hurts the lips?"

"Amount...not a toothache. When I woke up this morning, I didn't pay attention. I accidentally bumped into the bedpost and got my mouth, ah hahaha..."

"Crash on the pillars of the bed? Did you give your mouth a slap? The little sister-in-law is so embarrassing, it’s all swollen!" The more the cloud touched the chin, the more he looked at the lips of Xia Yuqing. , 啧啧 sighed.

"Well... isn't it, when I got it, I will kill me soon! Cough, it's good, don't say this, it's a shame to say, don't say anything."

Xia Yuqing tried to maintain her expression on her face, making herself look less guilty, and she was swaying in the clouds, hoping that he could let go of his own, don't get entangled in this issue.

The wind and the air looked at Xia Yuqing’s every move, and the small eyes that came from time to time, and the twinkling eyes flashed, knowing that this is the performance of Xia Yuqing’s guilty conscience. This girl is obviously lying, but why should she Lying, is it...

Not waiting for the wind and deep, one person has jumped out unwillingly, and interjected: "The swollen lips of Xia girl are the ones who are forced to kiss by the four emperors, oh... The fire of the ground is really making me a pure boy who doesn't understand people... Hehe..."

All of them turned their heads all at once, and they looked at the amazing Hu You with disbelief. The expressions on their faces were completely frozen.

Ye Hao wanted to reach out and hug Hu Yu’s mouth, but it was still a step later. Looking at the shocked eyes of everyone, Ye Hao smiled twice: "Children are not sensible, like talking indiscriminately, don't mind, don't mind, I will take him away, and take him away."

After the completion of the language, Ye Hao took a slap in the air, and fled the wind under his feet.

Xia Yuqing looked at the back of the two people, stayed for two seconds, suddenly reacted, and burst into a thick mouth: "The trough, dare you two, I was already watching it at the time, even I was almost smashed. I want to be indifferent to death, and when people leave, they will appear slowly. You two bastards, don’t run, this grandmother won’t beat you to find a tooth, and my grandmother will follow your surname!”

Xia Yuqing’s angry roar is tantamount to indirectly admitting the authenticity of Hu’s words.

The house was dead for a few seconds, and suddenly a low laugh: "Hey..."

Everyone stiffened and looked at the sound. He was smiling at the flower and couldn’t help but smile: "That, hahaha, sorry, it’s really a younger sister..."

"..." Xia Yuqing listened to the laughter of the flowers, and the instinctive felt the danger.

"It turns out that the younger sister, your lips are swollen by a strong kiss!" The more expression of the face in the cloud is sloppy.

"Tian Lei slammed the fire, the little emperor you..." Xia Ming made a bitter look at the far face, but if you look closely, you can see the gloating that is hidden in his eyes.

"Hey, this time you seem to be wearing a green hat." Of course, this time, there is no shortage of Shao Zitang, the fear of the world is not chaotic, what is a good brother? A good brother is jumping out of this time to insert two brothers.

"..." Xia Yuqing looked at the men of the community downhole stone, once again felt the slaves from the world malicious, without such bullies! If you guys are so ignited and provoke the feelings of the couples who are separated from each other, are they not afraid of retribution? Can you still have fun playing? Qaq

Xia Yuqing has been desperate for the so-called friendship in the world. She has to dying to do the last self-help. She turns her head and looks pitiful: "I am not a volunteer, I am..."

Xia Yuqing did not have time to finish, it was like a cockroach, the chicken directly went out, how familiar this position!

"Emperor...Imperial, what do you do, let me down, let me down! I really didn't happen with the four emperors, it was an accident!"

Sure enough, I am not afraid of the same opponents of God, I am afraid of teammates who are dragging their legs, hey, Hu Youxiaozi, this time you are really miserable, oh...

Xia Yuqing’s shouting shocked everyone singing in the courtyard not far away, and several people sang a glance at each other and said with amazement: "This voice seems to be the little son who wants to visit His Royal Highness last time?"

"No, it’s so bad, I’m going to call my Highness, something big!”

A group of hoes rushed to find Xia Mingxi, Xia Mingxi heard that their own friends and friends, the little emperor was difficult, and went straight to the scene of the crime.

As soon as I walked out of the yard, I ran into the darkness of the face. I was convinced that I was prepared to discuss the ambitions of my own little teacher and sister. It seemed like a smashing ball.

The wind and cold swept Xia Mingxi, and sighed: "Where is the nearest wing?"

"..." Whose home is this? ! Although you are jealous of the Emperor of Laos, or the emperor's brother-in-law, but in the other's home, the emperor's arrogance to the master is so arrogant to make a real husband? !

Xia Mingxi’s heart continued to vomit, but he still couldn’t show it at all. The stiff body slammed the direction for the wind.

Xia Yuqing, who was caught in the wind, looked at him with a look of resentment. The face was full of sad reminders: Hey, Erhuang brother, I have spent so many years of brother and sister feelings, you swollen See you can't save!

Xia Mingxi received the accusation of Xia Yuqing, and made a confession of Xizi’s heart. He did not want to be born: Xiaohuangmei, not the emperor’s death, it’s too powerful, the emperor’s ability is limited, and love can help. ! Moreover, this is your chores, you still solve it yourself, I am such an outsider is really not good to intervene, so the little emperor you still ask for more blessing, I am optimistic about you!

Xia Yuqing looked at Xia Mingxi waving a small handcuff to say goodbye to her innocent appearance, silently in the bottom of his heart for him than the root of the middle finger, the second brother, I counted you through, and friends!

Seeing that Xia Yuqing hung two lines of noodles and tears were taken away by the wind, Xia Mingxi had a small face, just to breathe a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a slap in the back.

"Hey... Grand Brother, don't scare me, people will scare people when they are scared." Xia Mingxi turned his head and looked at the person behind him, complaining with a small face.

Xia Mingyuan looked up and down Xia Mingxi for a while, and smiled lightly: "Isn't it always saying that I have been sick in bed, and I am closed to the door? How can this look at the temple and look like you are quite alive?"

Xia Mingxi suddenly slammed, and embarrassedly laughed twice, and shifted the topic: "Emperor brother, how come you have time to come to my house?"

Xia Mingyuan and Xia Mingxi are both a mother, and their feelings have been very good. Whether it is before Xia Mingxi’s crossing or after crossing, Xia Mingyuan is very caring for this younger brother. The two also often move around, Xia Mingyuan walked Xia Mingxi's residence as free from his own backyard, but after playing Xia Ming's distant relatives, there was little time and space to move around Xia Mingxi.

This time, the grandmother of his own family suddenly appeared in his backyard. How can he not be surprised by Xia Mingxi?

"It's not for the little emperor, this thing will be said later." Xia Mingyuan just swallowed back when he just exported. This emperor has a few pounds and a few of them. He knows that this matter should not be brought in.

"Oh..." Xia Mingxi seemed to understand and nodded. Then he thought of something general, and some worried. "That, big emperor, little emperor, really doesn't matter? We..."

We really don't have to come out to help out? Look at the dark face of the wind, how do you look like you want to have a domestic storm? ! Poor my lively and lovely, innocent and kind little emperor, the only hard-working friend in this world, it is necessary to die under the violent anger at home.

"Is it out?" Xia Mingyuan picked up his eyebrows and looked at Xia Mingxi. He whispered, "Are you sure that you are helping out, not helping you? And you think that the man will simply let him go. People?"

Xia Mingyuan said this, Xia Mingxi suddenly felt the neck cool, and a little sense of justice that was finally born was so annihilated in the cradle.

"Hey, we have less responsibility for other people's chores." Xia Mingyuan appeased and patted Xia Mingxi's shoulder to persuade.

Xia Mingxi’s face was full and her face was firm: “Well, I listen to the emperor’s!”


Xia Yuqing did not know that she had been completely abandoned by her unscrupulous Erhuang brother. At this moment, she was so hard to be forced into a recent room like a chicken.

With a bang, the door closed and completely ruined her chance to escape.

"The emperor..." Xia Yuqing’s opening and mouth wanted to ask for mercy. Before he spoke, he felt that he was thrown into a soft bed.

Although the wind is in anger, he still knows how to restrain himself. This lost the cleverness, Xia Yuqing will not be injured.

After rolling around on the bed, she did not wait for Xia Yuqing to spread her feet and escape. A black shadow was covered and she quickly took off her slightly swollen lips before she could react.

"Hey..." Xia Yuqing was so big that he looked at the deep and deep eyes of the person who was pressing on top of him. Somehow, I always felt that I saw a little bit in the eyes of this blessed man... .

The action that was originally intended to struggle was so stiff and stiff, and the hand that stretched out became obedient to the windy and generous back.

The wind seemed to be aware of Xia Yuqing's catering, and the ink-colored eyes passed a touch of light. The lips that kissed Xia Yuqing became more and more unscrupulous, and the tongue dexterously and toughly opened the Xia Yuqing's teeth. I want to go deeper.

Unexpectedly, because of this movement, Xia Yuqing, who was obedient, was somewhat discomforted, and even the hands behind the wind were tightened, clutching the popular clothes. Pain said: "Hey, don't... hurt..."

Xia Yuqing's unclear snoring sounds into the ears of the wind, causing him to be shocked and hurriedly retired from Xia Yuqing's mouth.

Xia Yuqing got empty, and immediately coughed up, and reached out and touched his painful lips.

Seeing her like this, she was a little nervous when she frowned. "Where is it hurt? Hey."

Xia Yuqing heard the sound of the wind and the anger of the wind, and the tearful eyes looked at the wind, it was very wronged: "The pain inside the mouth."

After a sigh of relief, he carefully touched the lips of Xia Yuqing and looked closer. Only then did he find that there was a very deep mouth on the slightly swollen lips of Xia Yuqing.

The wind seems to think of something, his face is awesome: "Is this also Xia Mingxuan?"

Xia Yuqing groaned, his face shimmered and shook his head: "No, I want to bite him... I accidentally bite myself."

The wind slammed, watching the poor appearance of Xia Yuqing's mouth, and asked a question: "Do you bite him?"

"Yes!" Xia Yuqing said with an angry voice, "I am not willing to do it. He is... that's it. Can I not bite him?"

The wind looked at Xia Yuqing's indignant grievances, no longer asked, only staring at Xia Yuqing's little face without a word.

Xia Yuqing was looked at by his hair, and some uneasy movements took the initiative to explain: "At that time, I just wanted to escape, but I didn't expect to be caught, but I didn't think that the four emperors would say... …like me."

Speaking of this, Xia Yuqing felt a keen sense of change in the wind, and scared his neck again.

The wind was slightly dangerous and picked up his eyes. He asked: "He said he likes you?"

Xia Yuqing licked her lips, hesitated and nodded truthfully. If she couldn't trust her in front of her eyes, who else in the world could convince her.

Although I always know that Xia Mingxuan’s thoughts on Xia Yuqing are not simple, but now I’m surprised to hear Xia Yuqing’s personal statement: “You are brothers and sisters!”

"But... the four emperors said he..."


"He said... we don't have a real blood relationship."

The wind screamed and stunned again, and looked at Xia Yuqing deeply. The meaning of Xia Yuqing's words... If Xia Yuqing is not the blood of Xia Yutian, it is...

"Do he really say that?"

"Well, I heard him telling what the soft Jiahuanggui said, and Huang Guifei did not refute after listening, it should be true."

Xia Yuqing said this, the windy eyebrows were even more profound.

There is no rebuttal to the soft-legged emperor, which means that... this person is not the person who flows the blood of the Xia Guo royal family. Ten is ** is... Xia Mingxuan.

When I think of it, the sultry face suddenly becomes dark and difficult to understand. I think of Xia Mingxuan’s face similar to that of the soft-carved royal prince. It is ruled out that Xia Mingxuan is stealing the pillars, and the civet cat is changing the prince’s income. It is ... the children of life outside the soft Jiahuang Guifei and Xia Haotian.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the royal family. Many of the sorrowful sorrows are in order to regain their glory, and they will not hesitate to take risks. They have a relationship with people other than the emperor. If this kind of thing is not detected by luck, it is to confuse the royal blood, give the emperor a green hat, and sin the king. But if luck is good, but concealed, but the mother can rely on the child, the world is glory.

In the heart of the wind, there are thousands of turns, but the face is not obvious. Xia Yuqing saw the wind for a long time and didn't talk. For a moment, he was not sure about his thoughts. He cautiously called: "The emperor?"

The wind fluttered back, watching Xia Yuqing look at himself with an eye, remembering what she said, and both of them suddenly sinked down and reached out to touch the neck of Xia Yuqing. The vinegar rolled and said: "He likes you since he likes you. Why is it hurting you?"

Xia Yuqing touched the scar on her neck and bowed down: "Hey, because I bit him, he is very angry, then I think... I certainly can’t die, I want to beat him without success, but I am angry. He, he ended up licking my neck..."

Xia Yuqing’s intermittent narrative allowed the wind to guess the situation at that time, and his face became a little gloomy. However, compared to these, the wind is more concerned about Xia Yuqing's slightly dodgy eyes, with his understanding of Xia Yuqing, this is definitely the performance of Xia Yuqing's guilty conscience, she must have something... did not say.

"Love, are you still having something to linger?"

Xia Yuqing was in a stiff state, turned to look at the face of the wind and smiled like a smile, and laughed twice. He raised the white flag and surrendered: "I said... I said... Four emperors, he also said... I, The amount, wrong, is the former Xia Yuqing. When I was young, I said that I would marry him, be his wife, and be his person. However, this thing can’t really blame me. It was the former Xia Yuqing, I really I don’t know anything. I swear by the sky that I really only have one of you in my life. Heaven is a testimony, the sun and the moon are for me, I..."

Xia Yuqing was busy with the heartfelt heart, and looked at her tight face, and she came to the extreme expression seriously, and couldn’t help but whispered.

Xia Yuqing heard the wind and the sound of the wind stiff, not waiting for her anger, I felt that I was caught in the waist from behind, and there was a slight heat in my ear, which made her itch behind her ear. .

"Well, I believe you." The low and soft voice of the wind came from behind, letting Xia Yuqing tremble slightly, but his heart was somewhat suspicious. How do today’s general attackers say this?

Xia Yuqing didn't know what to pick up, and the wind didn't talk anymore. The house was in a moment of silence.

Xia Yuqing was somewhat uncomfortable and shrank in the arms of the wind. The two kept on one after the other, and they were stuck in the bed in a tightly attached position.

For a long time, Xia Yuqing seems to have made a certain determination, whispered a question: "The emperor, just ... continue to continue?"


Xia Yuqing took a deep breath and repeated the courage and repeated it again: "I said, the one we just had to continue?"

The wind and the moonlight saw the tines of Xia Yuqing's slightly reddish ears, and the lips were slowly hooked up.

Xia Yuqing saw that the person behind him did not move. The more he was too shameful, he couldn’t wait to find a hole on the spot to bury himself. How could he be impulsive and say this?

Just as Xia Yuqing repented, the one who was close to Xia Yuqing’s waist suddenly turned over to Xia Yuqing’s body. Under the eyes of Xia Yuqing’s strange eyes, she reached out and touched her slightly swollen lips, whispering. Road: "Is it painless?"

Xia Yuqing stunned, this only understands that the wind is understanding that she is hurt, only... but today...

Xia Yuqing shook his head gently, and for the first time since the crossing, he took the initiative to reach out to the wind and grabbed his neck. He was not very comfortable: "I... I want you."

The wind smashed the gods because of Xia Yuqing's rare initiative. He bowed his head and kissed Xia Yuqing's cheek. He whispered, "Well, you will be careful."


The clothes are untied little by little, obviously the same movement, but because of the hands of different people, it brings a different feeling to Xia Yuqing, just because it is this person... Only this person is different!

Xia Yuqing on this evening was totally active, because she wanted to prove her existence by the temperature of the person in front of her, and prove that she is still alive in this world.

Xia Yuqing did not tell the wind that the moment Xia Mingxuan slammed her neck, her figure appeared in her mind. Somehow she suddenly remembered the words that had been said to her at that time, and the one she left was the most painful.

She doesn't want to be the one who is suffering, nor does she want to see this person suffering. It was not until that moment that she understood how much she did not want to leave this person.

Red account swaying, ** account warm, perhaps because of a rare initiative, too much investment, or perhaps this day's toss is too tiring, only once ended Xia Yuqing tired to sleep.

The wind swayed through the moonlight outside the window, caressing the summer rain and the wet hair, and looked at the bruises that were difficult to dissipate at the neck of Xia Yuqing. He bowed his head and kissed Xia Yuqing’s forehead.

The bottom of the eye was a cold light that was cold. Someone dared to bully this head on his head. If he didn't send a gift back, it seemed a bit unreasonable.

At night, a cold wind blew through the window, and Xia Yuqing was somewhat chilly and hid in the windy arms. She looked at her with a slap in the face, and reached out and pulled the quilt on both of them, pulling her whole person into her arms.

The light and shadow outside the window swayed, mixed with the gutters in the house, covering the warmth of a room.

------Off topic ------

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Xiao Qinger's rare initiative, to compensate for the recent hard work of the general attacking adults, Mina Sang 520 happy what? (づ ̄3 ̄) づ╭~

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