MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 220 More and more ferocious!

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Xia Yuqing slammed his thighs hard, biting his fingers, and actually felt the pain. It seems that only this way is not a dream, he can stop his exclamation.

After smashing a microphone, she was not accidentally trapped in such a small cabinet, and she even heard such awesome things. The more people who know this year, the faster they die, oh, let go! This amount of information is large, she wants to lick her ears and not hear the window.

Xia Yuqing is very crazy in the cabinet and wants to scratch the wall. However, she can't do anything in the present, and this one can understand who can understand.

Xia Mingxuan was obviously shocked by the sudden and unexpected words of the soft-hearted Emperor, but he immediately found the small movement from the side.

A pair of dangerous glimpses swept past the wardrobe where Xia Yuqing was located. After seeing a small piece of clothing corner sneaked out under the closet, he smashed his eyebrows, twisted his eyebrows, and took his eyes back without any traces. .

Xia Yuqing saw Xia Mingxuan suddenly look at her heart and screamed a few times, and trembled with his hand to cover his mouth, preventing himself from accidentally screaming.

Xia Mingxuan's gaze made Xia Yuqing think that he was discovered. Hey, this time it was discovered, it will be destroyed, it will!

Fortunately, Xia Mingxuan’s gaze did not stay on the closet for too long and he took it back, letting Xia Yuqing breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mother, what have you just said? the daughter of the former Princess? Isn’t the former dynasty already destroyed? How can there be a former Princess, how could she..."

When the Emperor Jiajia of Guijia met Xia Mingyuan and asked about this matter, he couldn’t help but smack a clear cold light. Even with his eyes, there was a bit of grievance: "Yes, the former dynasty has already been destroyed, and there is no previous dynasty princess." The only thing left is the monk, and the little monk now!"

Xia Mingxuan looked at the annoyance of his mother-in-law's face without disguise. Shen Sheng asked: "Mother, what is going on?"

Soft Jiahuang Guiyu deeply looked at Xia Mingxuan and smiled lightly: "Xuan Er, you must know that the country of Xia Guo is not very beautiful, and the time of Jianchao is not very long. The founding emperor, the emperor, your grandfather, was born in the hands of the emperor and the emperor."

Among the four countries, Xia Guo’s Jianchao time was the shortest, but only after the two dynasties. Xia Guo’s dynasty emperor, Xia Yutian’s father, was only a general who held powers. He was hailed as a different king because of his martial arts. Because of his righteousness, he was the charisma of the country and the people, and he was accepted by many people. Love. In the end, in the case of the former emperor's failure to go to politics, he was supported by many people, exposing the uprising, destroying the former dynasty and boarding the throne.

"The former emperor and the youngest daughter of the former dynasty, which was pulled down by your grandfather, was the little princess of the former dynasty. Because he was born with a congenital deficiency, he was sent to the ancestral hall outside the city, and was raised by the scorpion. The betrayal escaped."

Xia Mingxuan’s face changed slightly and whispered: “Is that little princess...”

"Yes, the little princess is the mother-in-law of the little monk." The regent of the Emperor Jiajia is like a recollection of what is happening. The resentment in the eyes is getting stronger and stronger. "The monk escaped because he was hiding in the temple." After the monk grew up, he did not know where to know the things of the former dynasty, and he disguised himself as a gimmick in the palace. When the new emperor ascended the throne, he intended to stab the new emperor."

When the soft Jia Huanggui said, there was a moment of distortion in his face. If... If she could see the situation at the beginning, she would not know the prophet one step earlier, and when the gimmick first appeared, she would start with a strong hand and cut off all the possibilities between them. Then everything else would not happen. What?

Unfortunately, there are not so many in this world, so when things happen, no one can change.

"The former princess punctures the new emperor, and sin adds to sin!"

Xia Mingxuan’s timely interjection brought back the soft Jiahuang Emperor’s memory from the memory of the past. He said with a sarcasm: “Yes, sin plus sin, no matter what kind of guilt, it’s enough for the little monk to die thousands of hundred. The second time. Only everyone did not think that the emperor would like the monk, hahaha, only one side, just saw one side, the emperor was actually fascinated by the fox. For her fascination, even life safety, The national community is disregarding, and it is arguing that the swearing will be saved."

"..." I am going to go, the feelings of my father and mother-in-law have such a beautiful love story! Love at first sight, do you want the beauty not to be so bloody? !

No... no! What is the situation now, is it that the cheap mother who is so eager to meet is really a former Princess? Isn’t that the enemy of Xia Guo who is in front of the blood? ! If you die, you will find that you will die. The general attack is to save the tile. Xia Guo is terrible. Let's go back to Laos!

"and after?"

"Later, what else can you do later? Your father and the emperor are lost in the heart, and the monk is lost in the sense of reason. It is hard to conceal the identity of the monk with the pressure of Nuo Da, let the people outside just tell her. It was a stunning dinner on the embassy dinner, and an ordinary palace lady who turned into a phoenix."

Soft Jia Huanggui thought of the situation at the time, her face became more and more ugly, and she had just entered the palace not long after. Excellent looks, distinguished identities, and the Queen Mother's support for himself, in this palace can be described as infinite, unparalleled. But because of the appearance of the woman, she still looks good on the surface, but who knows how much she hates when she is alone!

"The monk can basically be called a special pet after entering the palace, so it will not be long before the monk has the little monk. It is also considered that the little monk is a big man, from the monk who has been pregnant, the palace I don’t know how many people have made a scorpion to her. In the end, she even gave birth to the little slut."

When the words of the soft Jia Huanggui were out, Xia Yuqing hidden in the closet was taken aback.

Peaceful peace was born? When the mother was born, she was born safely. Then why did the general attacking adults tell themselves that... Her mother-in-law is to give birth to her own ... the amount, the birth of the original Lord and the difficulty of giving birth?

"The mother-in-law thought that the girl and the pro-marriage would be a last resort. I wonder if the mother-in-law is too naive. The little monk returned to Xia Guolai twice and it is very likely that I already know these things... ”

"..." No, the emperor and the empress, in fact, I didn’t know anything at the beginning of the tile, but now I know all about it, or I know it from your mouth.

Xia Yuqing has a thought of God. If the Emperor Jiajiao knows this fierce truth, is it first to dismantle himself to vent his hatred? Or do you first mad at vomiting blood and die?

"So, the only thing you want to say is the mother-in-law?" Xia Mingxuan listened to the exaggerated interpretation of the soft-hearted emperor, and licked his lips and whispered back.

Soft Jiahuanggui took a look, looked at Xia Mingxuan's cold and hot look, and suddenly raised a bad premonition in his heart, some excited: "Isn't that enough?"

Xia Mingxuan took a look at the soft-hearted emperor, and picked up his eyebrows: "The ones that the mother-in-law just said are the past grievances of your previous generation, and have nothing to do with the children and her."

Soft Jiahuanggui took a breath of cold air and looked at Xia Mingxuan unreasonably. It was like the first time in his life that he had known his son who had been raised for more than ten years: "What do you say? Xuan, you are also like your father. Was it fascinated by the little monk? How can you say such a thing?"

"Mother, don't worry about this."

"You are my son, how can you care about your mother-in-law? Especially this thing is related to that little monk."

"Mother, you don't want to call her a little monk. She is not a little monk. Why do you want to involve her in the last generation? She doesn't know anything, she is innocent!"

"Innocent?" Soft Jiahuanggui can not help but retreat two steps, looked at Xia Mingxuan with a blank look, "You actually said that she is innocent? You have seen several times, you even dare to raise you for her." The mother-in-law argued for it and said that she was innocent? The fox was born out of fox, and what kind of soup did the mother and daughter give to your father and son, so that you all died for them?!"

"..." What is the situation now? Because of the mother-in-law war that I triggered?

Xia Yuqing, who was hiding in the closet, listened to the fierce squabbles outside, and became speechless. God knows why she is innocent! The confused hat was detained with a big hat of the former princess daughter who did not want to say that she did not do anything. Why should she be called a fox singer for no reason?

Your sister's fox, your whole family is a fox! Although my sister often said that she wants to climb the wall, but my sister is also a very laborious person, okay, this is the main attacking adults, how can I go to hook other men? And I still don't know when I hooked up with my four emperor's brother. Is it too sloppy to convict myself? This kind of crime is really sinful!

"Mother, this thing has a sense of proportion, you don't..."

"There is a sense of proportion, what is the size? Do you still want to step on the footsteps of your father, but also cover the little monk? Your best measure is to hand the little monk to the mother, let the mother come. deal with!"

"!" Xia Yuqing was shocked. This soft Jiahuang Emperor took a bite of a small monk who looked at himself and his unsuccessful mother-in-law. At first glance, it was a long-standing grievance. If the four emperors were really her. Speaking of a soft heart, I handed over myself, and it was a minute to go to the hands of the soft-hearted emperor.

Xia Yuqing's heart beats like a thunder, for fear that if he is not careful, he will never be able to see it again.

Xia Mingxuan was silent for a while, or biting her lip and returning to the soft Jiahuang Emperor: "Mother, you give the children a time..."

Soft Jia Huanggui looked at Xia Mingxuan's embarrassing appearance, and some of his heart could not bear it, but more of it was the anger of his son who was affected by Xia Yuqing.

When Xia Yuqing's mother kissed her man and let Xia Haotian confront her with her, the husband and wife were no longer as close as they used to be. Now the sultry daughter has come to seduce her son and let herself have been raised for so many years. She has always been guilty of her own son and resisted herself. The two most important men in life are affected by the two mothers and daughters. The soft-hearted emperor has a hateful itch. I can’t wait to take Xia Yuqing out and kill it now.

Thinking like this, the soft-hearted emperor's eagerly raised a little bit of disappointment also suddenly vanished, and the look of Xia Mingxuan became sharper: "Xuan Er, not the mother-in-law wants to be embarrassed." You also know that Tuo's original is also a big gate clan of the former dynasty. When the emperor hit the world, how could it be so successful to get to the throne if he had the help of the Tuoba people? Xia Guo’s world can be said to be half The Tuoba family has come. The Tuoba family is a benefactor in the Xiaguo royal family. In the eyes of the former Yu Yu, it is the enemy who does not share the sky!"

When the soft Jia Huanggui said this, Xia Mingxuan’s face became a bit ugly.

Soft Jiahuang Guifei will not miss this point naturally. The face can't help but raise a faint smile again. She took a shot of Xia Mingxuan's shoulder and said: "Xuan Er, if she doesn't know her identity, it will be fine. If she knows How can you still get along with you, the person who has the blood of the Tuoba family? The mother-in-law is also for your sake. There are thousands of women in this world, and the looks are better than those who are excellent. Why do you want to leave such an extremely dangerous person to your side for a moment of joy, so that you can endless troubles? Listen to the mother-in-law and give her to the mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law will find you later than her. Thousands of times for you."

"..." Well, I know everything now. Your idea can only be developed towards the second possibility, that is to say... surely, the four emperors are going to kill themselves? Oh, the more you know, the faster you die, the ancients don’t deceive me!

The enthusiasm of the soft-hearted emperor has obviously achieved some results, but Xia Mingxuan’s face still struggles.

Soft Jia Huanggui also knows that it is too tight and easy to counter-productive. He sighs: "Mother also knows that you can't bear it. This will make it difficult for you to make decisions. It's really hard for you. So, mother-in-law gives Your day, after a day, if you really can't get it, the mother will do it for you."

Said that the soft Jiahuang Guifei turned and wanted to leave, Xia Mingxun paused, and temporarily compromised: "Well, mother, the children sent you out."

Xia Yuqing listened to the final conversation between the two men, and my heart was loose. I thought that these two big Buddhas could be considered to be gone. They were busy with their ears attached to the closet, listening to the opening of the room, closing it, and the footsteps. Gradually, this is a complete relaxation, and a glimpse into the closet.

Listening to the corner of the horse is really not tiring! Xia Yuqing took a deep breath and the heart was lifted again.

Just now, the soft Jiahuang Emperor said, one day, one day after Xia Mingxuan did not do it to herself, she would...

No, I can't sit still here, she must find a chance to escape! Xia Yuqing thought so, hurriedly reaching out to the door of the closet.

Unexpectedly, the hand had not yet had time to touch the closet, and the originally closed closet was opened from the outside with a slamming sound.

Xia Yuqing was shocked. He widened his eyes and looked at the figure that opened the door of the cabinet. The figure against the light seemed to be coated with a layer of faint enamel.

However, Xia Yuqing was scared to shrink inside after seeing the face of the man, and the person who opened the cabinet was going back and forth... Xia Mingxuan!

"!" Damn, is this person not gone? Why are you coming back so soon?

"Listen enough, come out?" Xia Mingxuan looked at Xia Yuqing, who was shrinking in the closet, and no longer had a false mask, and said with a soft lips.

Xia Mingxuan, who has converged his nature, has made Xia Yuqing feel panic, and now the man who reveals his nature makes Xia Yuqing instinctively want to escape.

Danger, danger! This man is very dangerous in front of me! The intuition of small animals tells Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing’s hands and feet were stiff and she wanted to go backwards, but she found that she was unable to move under the gaze of Xia Mingxuan’s pair of eyes with a few haze.

"Come out!" Xia Mingxuan's voice is not big, not too harsh, but the opposite is a bit of tenderness and lure, but Xia Yuqing is scared to be a stiff, she clearly heard from his words If there is a little threat, if you don't come out of it according to him, then you must lose yourself.

In keeping with the green hills, not afraid of no firewood, the hero does not eat the standard of loss before the eyes, Xia Yuqing, although extremely reluctant, but still trembled from the closet climbed out.

In the closet, the nerves tightened for a long time. As soon as Xia Yuqing climbed out of the closet, he only felt that his legs and feet were numb, and the body unconsciously leaned forward.

Xia Mingxuan was shocked, and he quickly reached out to try to hold Xia Yuqing. Xia Yuqing was shocked by the sudden shaking of his hand. He couldn’t think too much...

"Oh..." The loud slap of the slap sounded through the bedroom.

Xia Yuqing was able to stand firm with this force, stunned and looked at his murderous hand, and Xia Mingxuan’s hand that was quickly opened by himself. The whole person was petrified.

Lying in the trough, doing this kind of thing at this time, I really do not want to die is not a model of death! What should we do now? The four emperors will not kill themselves in a hurry? !

Xia Mingxuan apparently did not think that Xia Yuqing would resist himself like this, and his eyes could not be traced through the madness of the haze.

The house was so plunged into a suspicious death. On the occasion that Xia Yuqing’s nervous face began to whitish, Xia Mingxuan finally broke the deadlock between the two.

"You just heard it?" Xia Mingxuan’s question was waveless, as if talking about the weather.

Xia Yuqing only felt a heart jerk, looked up and looked at Xia Mingxuan and took the lead. "If I said that I had just heard nothing, would you let me go to the four emperors?"

Xia Mingxuan stunned, and smiled and smiled: "What do you think? Little emperor?"

"..." I seem to be... I don’t want to make a move! Ah, for Mao, every time I drop the chain at this critical moment, I have to be stupid and crying. Xia Yuqing's inner villain thoroughly casts his body and tears flow into the river.

"I... I didn't mean it! I just came over and wanted to thank you for the last night. I went to eat in the morning, didn't personally thank you, I felt quite uncomfortable. Who knows... Who knows? If you didn't see you, you heard the sound of the emperor...the emperor, and then the brain..."

"Oh, come to thank the temple?" Xia Mingxuan looked at Xia Yuqing with a meaningful look. He smiled lightly. "You are sure that you are not running away, are you being forced to the temple?"

"..." Four emperors, are you a **** operator? How can it be so accurate? This unscientific!

Xia Mingxuan saw Xia Yuqing's appearance as a guilty conscience, and he knew that he was guessing right, and he was so stunned that he walked toward Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing laughed twice and tried to explain the delay time: "Ah, hahaha, you are really joking about the four emperors. There is no shop in front of the village. Where can I go? And the four emperors have clearly said that. You have already let people tell the big emperor and the singer to pick me up, why should I repeat it many times, do you say it? Ah hahahaha..."

Xia Mingxuan did not laugh, but only pressed towards Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing's expression on her face was completely frozen, and she couldn't stop moving back. Xia Mingxuan went further and she stepped back two steps.

"Four...four...four emperor brother, what do you want to do?" It would not be so fast that I would like to give myself the local law along the old demon. No... No, she doesn't want to die, especially if she doesn't want to die so badly!

Xia Mingxuan's lips and corners are slightly hooked, and the face of the country's allure shows a few fascinating expressions that are similar to those of the popular time.

It is a pity that when such expressions are placed on the windy body, Xia Yuqing will be confused by the popular beauty, letting it do whatever it pleases. But now on Xia Mingxuan's face, but Xia Yuqing feels the extraordinary horror, so I can't wait to swallow myself into the belly, only let her feel cold behind, reflective want to escape, but at the foot but not at all Come on.

"What do you think?" Xia Mingxuan raised his lips and smiled.

Xia Yuqing was caught off guard, and his foot was slipping. The whole person fell backwards. When Xia Yuqing thought that his head was in close contact with the hard floor, he suddenly felt that he was in a soft place. .

Xia Yuqing stunned, opened his eyes and looked down, almost burst into a foul mouth, when did he retreat to the bed? Is this not a self-investment? And such a pose is easy to lead to misunderstanding!

"The four emperor brother, can you go down from me first?" Xia Yuqing asked a stiff face and was shocked.

Xia Mingxuan’s lips are light, and he smiles like a smile: “If I don’t?”

"..." Is it difficult for the four emperors to be ready to work in this place? So in the end, the last soul of my own soul turned out to be a bed? And it is not the bed of the general attacking adults, but the bed of a strange man? ! When the general attacker knows his death, how do you think about yourself? Red apricots out of the wall? Not keeping the woman? A traitor adulteress!

Xia Yuqing was scared and excited, and his face looked pale and eagerly eager to see Xia Mingxuan: "Four emperors, I really didn't deliberately eavesdrop. Well, I admit that I just heard it, and I know everything. But I swear by my temper, I am a weak woman. I really don't have any thoughts about Xia Guo. You must believe me. So, look at our brothers and sisters, do you spare me a life? ”

Xia Mingxuan did not speak, and she was pressed against Xia Yuqing's body and stared at her, not moving.

Xia Yuqing saw that he didn't have a little bit of expression, and his heart suddenly pulled out the cold, biting his lip and swearing to death: "Well, since the four emperors are not willing to let me go, then look at our brothers and sisters." Can you stop killing me here? Can we change places?"

Xia Yuqing said this, Xia Mingxuan finally had a little reaction: "Do you think I want to kill you?"

"Hey?" Isn't it?

Xia Mingxuan saw the doubts in Xia Yuqing’s eyes, and the twilight was slight. He grabbed Xia Yuqing’s swaying wrist and pulled her two hands over the head and completely stopped it.

"Why do you want to change places? Is it because of the man? You worry that he knows that you are being pressed on the bed now, will he be angry?"

Xia Yuqing struggled for a meal, Xia Mingxuan naturally noticed this, the smile on his face slammed, and the whole body filled with a dangerous atmosphere.

"You care about that man?"

"!" Four emperors, this is... angry? Xia Yuqing's eyes suddenly tightened, suddenly remembered the words that had just been heard in the closet, the four emperors, he... like yourself?

Xia Yuqing had no time to explain anything, and he heard Xia Mingxuan smiled lowly: "It doesn't matter, I will let you forget that man. From now on, you can only think of me, my heart can only hold me alone, Qinger... ..."

"!" Xia Yuqing was shocked, and she couldn't wait for her to understand the meaning of Xia Mingxuan's words. Xia Mingxuan had already leaned over and pressed over.

"Hey..." Xia Yuqing suddenly felt that the lips were heavy, a familiar feeling came from the lips, and the eyes were wide and unbelievably looking at Xia Mingxuan’s close-knit face.

I was kissed by someone other than the general attacker... This information in the brain of Xia Yuqing is like an atomic bomb. It bursts open and makes her whole person blind.

When she came back to God, someone was ready to take a break and open her mouth. Xia Yuqing was so scared that she was the same, but she was only addicted when she was doing it. And the people in front of her make it, but she is very incomprehensible... disgusting.

With both hands being made, Xia Yuqing did not have the power to fight back, but even so... Xia Yuqing looked at the person who was pressing on himself, and glanced at it, opening his mouth to someone’s mouth and making such a bite... ...

Blood and pain spread in the mouth at the same time. Xia Mingxuan was a stiff, reflective from Xia Yuqing, and reached out and touched the blood leaking from his mouth. Unbelievably, he said, "You bite me?"

Xia Yuqing herself was sore and grinned. Just now she really wanted to bite someone into a red, but unfortunately she accidentally tried too hard and bitten herself qaq! This will be blood in her mouth, and she can't say anything about her pain.

Xia Mingxuan saw Xia Yuqing not answering, the expression on his face became more and more gloomy, and a face was repeated again: "You bite me!"

"!" Xia Yuqing was shocked and looked at Xia Mingxuan's dangerous atmosphere that was constantly spreading. There was only one thought in his heart. The four emperors would not be blackened at this time. !

Regardless of the pain on the lips, Xia Yuqing tried to escape into the bed with her legs on her legs, but she was inspected by Xia Mingxuan. She quickly regained the hand of Xia Yuqing and sneered: "Want to run?"

Xia Yuqing was stared by the cold eyes of Xia Mingxuan, and wanted to stop, but suddenly found that only one hand reached his waist, is...

"!" Lying in the trough, where is your hand touching?

"Four emperors and four emperors, you can't do this, we are brothers and sisters!" Xia Yuqing almost screamed.

"Brother and sister?" Xia Mingxuan's action was a slap in the air, and he whispered aloud. "Brother and sister? Qinger, have you just heard it in it? There is no blood relationship between us."

Xia Yuqing had a glimpse, and he didn’t dare to look at Xia Mingxuan’s eyes. He said dumbly: “Every time, even if you say so, we can’t...”

"Why can't you? Because that man?" The madness of Xia Mingxuan's eyes became more and more obvious. He reached out and touched Xia Yuqing's cheek and smiled lightly. "It doesn't matter, you will soon forget him."

Xia Yuqing didn't open her face and wanted to escape the touch that made her a goose bump. Xia Mingxuan also felt her resistance, slowly slowly moving her hand from above.

"!" Lying in the trough, isn't it like to want to overthrow the bow?

Xia Yuqing's face brushed a white, a pair of full of fearful scorpion motionlessly staring at the man who pressed above him. Something precipitated little by little in her eyes and finally broke out.

Xia Yuqing hangs on the right leg of the bed at a little bit, and the eyes are slightly dangerous. When Xia Mingxuan stretches his hand to his waist and prepares to untie his belt, he is aimed at the man. The fragile dead hole kicked hard...


------Off topic ------

Thanks to Yan Ruochun’s 4 monthly passes, Zimei and I have a monthly ticket for this song.

I know that after reading this chapter, someone wants to hit me, come on, the lid is ready to play, qaq

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