MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 213 Still stupid, swollen, broken

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"Damn, at this time, is it hard to move the tires when I ran?" After a short silence, Xia Yuqing screamed in a mess, and instantly felt that the whole person was not good. Read novels to the net

"Is it going to be born?" The face of Leng Ruofeng's face shattered for a moment, and a pair of scorpions got a boss who was overwhelmed. He turned to help for a few people. "What should I do?"

"..." Brother, we are also men, have never had children, okay? How do you know what to do? A few big men’s faces changed slightly, but they looked at each other.

"I am still stupid to do what I want, since I have to be born, I can't be so bumpy. I have to find a place to put the three princess down first." Seeing a few men who can call for rain in the weekdays. I didn’t have any anger, and I stood in the same place and didn’t know how to be good. The only Tsui who had experience in delivering births couldn’t help but sigh.

A few people were shocked, and then they woke up and wandered around, busy holding Xia Yunyun and rushing toward a nearest remote courtyard.

"Hey..." Xia Yunyun whispered with a low bite on his lips.

Leng Ruofeng clearly felt the slight trembling of the person in her arms, and her heart was tight. She leaned over and kissed her with some whitish face. She whispered: "Yun, don't be afraid, nothing is fine." I don't know if I am comforting my heart or comfort myself.

Tsui looked around at a few people, biting her lip and whispering: "The situation is urgent now, and it can only be spelled together. Three princesses, rude. Niangniang, can you burn with the girl? The water is coming, and some of your big men are going out to guard, don't mess up here."

A few big men who can't do anything at all, this club was shouted by a gimmick, but they still know what they are doing. They don't dare to refute a word. They touched their noses and followed the summer rain. Going out.

"The prime minister..." Tsui looked up and placed Xia Yunyun on the grass, holding the hand of Xia Yunyun, and the cold-blooded maple that was not ready to leave.

Leng Ruofeng looked up at her and glanced at her lips: "I stayed with her!"

Leng Ruofeng’s eyes are full of unbearable persistence. Tsui’s child is slightly stunned, but he doesn’t say anything. He only keeps Xia Yunyun’s legs moving: “Be careful not to let the three princess bite his tongue.”

Leng Ruofeng nodded and silently reached out to Xia Yunyun, actually wanting to let Xia Yunyun bite his hand when he was hurt.

Xia Yunyun looked at the hand that was close at hand, and stunned it. He reached out and held the hand of Leng Ruofeng. He shook his head slightly hard. "I am not too painful now, it doesn't matter."

When Tsui Yi listened to Xia Yunyun, he knew that Xia Yunyun was still in the painful period before giving birth. He sighed with relief: "The three princesses should take a break and raise some physical strength. Otherwise, they may be sad. ”


On the other side, Xia Yuqing and Yan Tingfang came out of the house to find a place to boil water.

"This yard seems to have been idle for a long time, and it looks so old. Where can I go to find something to boil water?" Yan Tingfang looked for a long time, was smashed by the dust, and coughed.

Xia Yuqing did not pay attention to what she said, and looked at the yard with a little disappointment. All her attention was concentrated on Xia Yunyun's body. This will be a good time to take a look at the courtyard's four sides. The more I look at Xia Yuqing, the more I feel the inexplicable familiarity.

"Queen Empress, Empress Niangniang?" Yan Tingfang's slap in the air pulled back the rationality of Xia Yuqing's journey, and he turned his head and said: "Ah?"

When Yan Tingfang saw her sorrowful look, she couldn’t help but frown. Some worried: "What happened to you? His face is not very good, is it uncomfortable?"

Xia Yuqing touched her face, and some of the disappointing whispers: "Is it? Ah hahaha, I don't know how, I always feel this place... a little inexplicable familiar." And a bit inexplicable discomfort.

Immediately after the two people heard the words of Xia Yuqing, they smacked a glimmer of light.

It was too late to continue to explore, and everyone heard an unusually noisy cry outside: "On the other side, they went over there."

"Those Royal Forest troops have caught up." Xia Yuqing's face changed slightly.

"Nothing, you are going to do your business, we are blocking here, we will not let them go in and disturb you." The wind smacked Xia Yuqing's head and whispered comfortably.

Xia Yuqing worried about a few people, and remembered that Xia Yunyun, who was still in the room at the moment, still took Zhai Tingfang to find something behind.

The wind and the eyes sent Xia Yuqing to leave, and looked at a few people, no need to speak, several people have invariably moved their eyes to the pursuit of soldiers not far away.

Xia Yuqing forced herself not to listen to the outside fight, and took Yan Tingfang into a room in the backyard. She was very skilled in finding out what she wanted from the house.

"Queen Empress, you..." Yan Tingfang looked at Xia Yuqing's movements, and she just saw that Xia Yuqing had entered the room. She didn't think much, and went straight to the cabinet where things were placed. There was no hesitation in it, as if she had known that things had been there, and she had already known the various furnishings in the house.

When Yan Tingfang shouted, Xia Yuqing found out that she was not right. After she saw this yard, she always felt that there was something hidden inside. The instinctive feeling of an indescribable ominous feeling made her feel very Not comfortable.

"Queen Empress, you... nothing."

Xia Yuqing licked her lips and barely smiled: "Nothing, we will first boil water, and others will say it later."

"Yeah." Yan Tingfang could see that Xia Yuqing did not want to say that although she had some doubts in her heart, she was not too reluctant. She nodded and helped.

A few people were watching the courtyard surrounded by the group, and the eyes were a bit cold.

"If Feng's guy-in-law has a child who is so life-stricken, no, wait for him to do the wedding day, he must fill him a few cups in order to eliminate my hate!" Shao Zitang glanced at the lining army who were not far away. I said with a sly look, but if I look closely, I will find that there is not much smile in his eyes.

"Oh, I see Shangshu adults, you are a big man, you are fast, not only the daughter-in-law, even the children are now born, and you are... oh, it really is a heaven, an underground, if I will not Balanced." The more sly smile in the cloud, the straightforward tone.

Shao Zi Tang’s dangerous glimpse, looked at the cloud for a while, and took out a big white tooth and smiled lightly: “I’m not good at all, it’s better than the five kings, who you haven’t touched once.”


The wind faintly glanced at the two men who used each other to ease their tension, too lazy to be with them. But he does not want to interrupt, and some people do not want to let him go so easily.

The more you see in the clouds, the more you can't ask for it in Shaozitang. I moved the target to the windy body. I screamed coldly: "Hey, I am helping you now! How do I stop here?" The singer of the prime minister should also owe me a favor. As the saying goes, brothers and brothers pay, although you are not a brother, but how can you say that you are a brother? I will not ask you to overdo it too much. As long as I go back to Laos, remember to give me a wedding with the Green Princess. It is good to have our lovers who are happy with each other."

"..." Five lords, can your skin be thicker? Shao Zitang is very disdainful to see the cloud in the eyes, the heart is really the enemy is invincible! Love and affection? He can't see it at all, and if he really feels sympathetic, why bother to let the wind blow up for his marriage? This person is really the heart of Sima Zhao, everyone knows!

The wind faced the rogue request from the cloud, and only rewarded him with a blank eye. He calmly said: "This year the brothers still have a clear account, not to mention the brothers."

"..." The smile on the face of the cloud was so stiff that he widened his eyes and looked at the wind with disbelief.

The popularity is still not enough. It adds a sentence: "And, the green core is the person who loves you, you can't do it."

"..." Sister brother, are you not eating the little sister? At this time, it’s a shame to pretend to be a wife and a strict horse!

Yunzhong Yue thought that no one in this world was thicker than the two brothers and sisters of his own family, but today he knows what is called a heavenly person! Brother, you are so treacherous, does the younger sister know?

Shao Zi Tang smashed the gleaming expression of the opportunity of the wind and the wind, and dismissed the cold, the five kings were really courageous, and even dared to bargain with the bargaining conditions, purely looking for death. I have to know that the man whose heart is black from the inside to the outside has never suffered from anyone since he was five years old. Even the emperor is often smashed by him and the Buddha is born. He dares to hit the muzzle. Going up and being killed is a matter of minutes.

A few people just like Hu Kai for a while, not to mention that the tension around them has dissipated a lot, but the situation has not changed in the slightest.

A few people were watching the Yulin Army, who was gradually approaching, and the smiles of the complexion slowly converge, and they reached out to their weapons.

Just as the two teams finally began to confront each other, a few people suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

Is it difficult to get a reinforcement? ! The face of the wind and the face changed slightly, and the other two looked at each other, and the face became more and more dignified.

"All of them are holding hands!" The dignified low drink came from the rear of the team, causing some people in the place to be shocked.

Originally against the popular martial arts of several people, the martial arts army was shocked, all of them consciously spread, leaving the way for the people behind them.

A few people who were eager to look at the man approaching from behind the team, the hand holding the weapon not only did not recover, but the grip was tighter.

Xia Haotian saw a few moments of the wind and the obvious sigh of a moment, surprised and shouted: "Yes!"

The wind did not answer, and the squatting eyes swept past Xia Haotian’s face, thinking about how likely it was to hold Xia Yutian at this time and let them let the road open them out of the city.

The emperors of two different countries are so confronted, no one has the next move until...

With a bang, a sound of the basin fell over, and everyone listened to the figure and rushed out of the room. The face was anxious: "The amniotic fluid is broken, what should I do? What should I do... ..."

Xia Yuqing's exclamation came to an abrupt end, so he looked at the man who suddenly appeared in the yard - his own cheap boss.

"You..." Xia Haotian just saw the wind and other people, and already had some speculation in his heart, but he did see Xia Yuqing, especially in this place, Xia Yuqing, his face is still not available. The emergence of containment is obviously a bit surprising, this is nothing...

"That...small slut!" followed by Xia Yutian, who was seen by Xia Yuqing, was also shocked by Xia Yuqing. After the reaction, the delicate face of the charm still had a moment of distortion.

Xia Mingxuan was close, listening to the whisper of her mother-in-law who was out of control, and her eyes crossed. Hands clenched into fists, and turned to stare at Xia Yuqing, who was still in a state of paralysis. It turned out... It turned out that... It was really not a dazzling one day, and she finally appeared in front of herself again. That day, and the little girl who was very similar to her that I saw in Xia Mingyuan this evening is...

"What's wrong?" The wind seemed to feel the tension of Xia Yuqing. She took her hand and asked softly.

Xia Yuqing wakes up like a dream: "Three... Three princesses have broken water, and they have not been born yet. Tsui said that her physical strength may not be able to survive the birth of a child. It will be dangerous. help."

When this is said, some people’s faces are changed at the place. People who know the inside are worried about the current dangerous situation of Xia Yunyun, but those who did not know the inside are...

"The amniotic fluid is broken? What do you mean, the three princesses are now having children?" asked the lady who was slightly changed in the face of Xia Yuqing.

That too hot eyes directly bet on Xia Yuqing, scared that Xia Yuqing could not help but back two steps, and some feared to grasp the windy clothes. Hey, the old witch’s eyes look like people’s life is swallowing up, it’s terrible!

"It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous! A royal princess, even... I’m pregnant, but I’m still...” Joka Royale screamed incredulously, as if I was afraid that others would not know it. general.

"Enough, shut up!" Xia Yutian's face was stunned, and Sen's cold eyes swept directly from the face of the soft-carved Emperor, and the heart of the soft-hearted emperor trembled.

How many years have you been? How many years have you seen this man look at himself so much? The cold eyes that looked like the dead objects, she never saw it again when she was the slut. I didn’t expect it to be many years. Seeing it again is the time when the deaf daughter appeared again.

That's right, it's because she must be because of her appearance. The face that is similar to the monk makes the emperor think of the monk,

Soft Jiahuang Guizhen thought so, turning his head and looking at Xia Yuqing's gaze has already stained a few points of sensation.

Xia Yuqing was stabbed by her gaze, and she became more and more nervous. The wind is also natural, and it will also be seen in the eyes of the soft-hearted emperor. The eyes also have a few killings. Is it the woman who buys the killer and wants to take care of her life? Since you want to move your own people, you have to pay some price first, and this price is often not affordable.

"Ah..." Xia Yunyun’s voice came out intermittently from the inside of the house. Xia Tiantian’s face became more and more ugly, and he whispered: “Call the doctor, don’t go to the doctor too!”

The eunuch, who was next to Xia Haotian, was awakened and was busy asking people to go to the doctor.

Xia Haotian did not pay any attention to the other people in the hospital. He grabbed Xia Yuqing’s hand and said: “Everyone is waiting here. No one is allowed to come in without a command of defamation.

"The emperor, inside are the rebelliousness of these private palaces. It is dangerous for you to go in alone. Moreover, the delivery room is full of blood, it is better to let the courtiers or Xuan children..." Rojia Huanggui stepped forward and wanted to join Xia Haotian. .

Unexpectedly, I haven’t taken two steps, and I was forced back by Xia Tiantian’s cold eyes: “Some words don’t want to say the second time.”

After Xia Yutian finished, he ignored the soft Jiahuang Emperor, who was still in the same place, and Xia Yuqing, who was still unclear, walked inside the house.

The wind smashed his movements into the eyes, but the rare one did not stop it. He stared at Xia Yutian’s hand holding Xia Yuqing, and the exploration in the eyes of the wind did not decrease. His nominal old man, really has hidden secrets!

The soft-legged royal prince was thrown out of the house, and her red lips were almost bitten by her. A pair of beautiful scorpions were filled with cold cold sorrow and sorrow at the moment, but it was a bit horrible. .

The hostility of the Emperor Jiajiao is too obvious. Shao Zitang and Yun Zhongyue have also discovered this point. They all screamed at each other. It seems that this most noble woman in Xia Guo is not very good at that girl.

The wind was listening carefully to every sound in the room to determine the situation inside, and suddenly felt a cold sight behind him. If you turn your head and feel it, the eyebrows that are fascinating to Xia Mingxuan are already too beautiful and too much.

The wind and keenly saw the badness in the other's eyes. When the eye wave flowed, the wind seemed to find something, and the eyes suddenly shrank. After a while, the corner of the lips was slightly raised in a slight arc, welcoming Xia Mingxuan's slightly familiar pair of eyes and minds, things are really more and more interesting.

Xia Yutian took Xia Yuqing into the house and smelled an unusually strong blood. This **** gas made him feel awkward for a moment, as if he had returned to that night. At that time, it was such a big blood, and it was such a dark room. In the same place, two different people are experiencing the same pain.

"The emperor, the emperor..." Xia Yuqing's slap in the air pulled Xia Yutian back from the memories of the past, looking at Xia Yuqing's pair of eyes that were similar to his mother, but could not help but startled.

"What's wrong? Yuner... Yes, what happened to Yuner?" It seems that I don't know how to face this summer, and Xia Haotian has some hands and feet to shift the topic.

"Yeah?" Xia Yuqing doubted the gimmick, looked at Xia Haotian's side face always felt that his cheap old man had faced some confusion when he faced himself, the illusion?

Xia Haotian only took a moment to recover the calmness of the weekdays. He looked up at Xia Yunyun, who was crying from far away, and the man next to Xia Yunyun who held her hand and whispered something to her.

This man is nothing... Xia Tiantian’s eyebrows are twisted, his face has become a bit unsatisfactory, and he is moving forward with Xia Yuqing.

Cui Er suddenly felt a little unfamiliar breath behind him. According to Xia Yunyun’s legs, he turned his head and looked at it. Then he saw a man clutching Xia Yuqing’s hand and came over. If you look closely, you can’t help but pump down. The air is cold, is this person not the emperor of Xia Guo? Why are you coming back so soon? This is troublesome, they are afraid that they will not be able to go this time. And why does this person hold her mother, is she recognized the identity of the goddess...

In the heart of Tsui’s heart, there were thousands of turns, and there were some warnings in the eyes. Fortunately, Xia Haotian’s attention at this moment was not on her body, and her eyes directly crossed her Xia Yunyun who looked at her.

"Yun... How are you?" Xia Tiantian frowned, asked in a step forward.

Unexpectedly, when Xia Yunyun heard the voice of Xia Yutian, the body that was originally trembling was a stiff, and even the face with white brushing became extremely ugly.

"Don't come over, don't come over, don't come close to me, don't come close to me, don't want to take me back, I won't go back with you, no..." Xia Yunyun's voice became called by pain. Some were hoarse, and a pair of scorpions were awkward with sweat.

Even so, Xia Yunyun was unusually resistant to Xia Haotian's approach at this time, and his hands clasped the hands of Leng Ruofeng, instinctively receding.

Xia Haotian did not expect that Xia Yunyun once again saw that he would be such an attitude, the wrongness was stuck in the same place, and the hand that just had to reach out was so hard and lived in the air.

Leng Ruofeng held Xia Yunyun in her arms and covered her face with her body. An expressionless face looked directly at Xia Yutian and brought a little hostility.

Xia Haotian looked at this big girl's stomach for a few months and did not appear. Now, when she appears, she has not had a good face with her daughter who is facing her "Yaowuwei".

Ever since, the atmosphere in the room has become so strangely dignified, and even the air has filled the taste of a smoke.

Xia Yuqing looked at the two men as if they were gazing at Mai Mang, silently covering their faces. I am going to go, is it a **** horse situation? In the future, Yuezhang and the future son-in-law will fight against each other. Hey, look like an adult, I love to collect your iceberg face. This is not what you can just want to be frozen into a hazelnut outsider, but your future Yuezhang adult! Have you not eat enough of the lessons of General He? If you are so stunned again, be careful that under the wrath of Yuezhang, you will hide the three emperors and your future son (daughter) and not give it to you!

The two men were busy with eye-catching battles. Xia Yuqing was busy hiding his face and spitting. The ultimate break of the indoor atmosphere was the busy child who was busy delivering for Xia Yunyun.

"The emperor, the three princesses are a little excited to see you. If you don't mind, can you please go out first, otherwise you will only drag on the princess and the womb in the belly."

When Tsui’s words came out, the faces of several people in the house were changed. Xia Haotian clenched his fist and seemed to be reluctant to leave.

Xia Yuqing couldn’t help but feel anxious. She couldn’t help but reach out and pull the summer jacket’s sleeves and hurriedly: “The emperor... the emperor, you see that we can’t help it here, but we can only add chaos to them. No, let's go out first."

Xia Yutian stunned, watching Xia Yuqing hold his hand tightly, with a little bit of obvious tension and cramped on a small face, but still firmly and looking forward to staring at himself.

Xia Weitian suddenly felt the heart stunned. Every time he saw Xia Yuqing, this face was almost exactly the same as the man. He always had the illusion of being separated.

The moment of the heart trembled, so that the suffocation on the surface of Xia Yu was dissipated in a moment, and there was a bit of shaking in the eyes. Finally, I sighed and turned and walked out with Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yutian's compromise made people in the house feel a little relieved, but Xia Yutian's attitude toward Xia Yuqing was also somewhat intriguing, but it is not the time to explore this.

The doctors in the palace came very fast, Xia Yutian took Xia Yuqing just out of the door, and those doctors hurriedly rushed over.

"The Emperor..." When the Emperor Jiajiao came out, he appeared on the face of Xia, and he just wanted to talk. He found that Xia Yutian’s attention was not on his body. The smile on his face faded and the face was more ugly. It’s up.

Can't wait for those doctors to salute themselves, Xia Haotian said with a cold face: "If the princess and the child have a half-point difference, everyone in the hospital will be buried."

The doctors of the doctors were white, and they rushed into the house with a rush of fun.

In the past, one minute and one second, there was a cry from the room and a scream of a woman’s pain, but I never heard the cries of the baby.

With the passage of time, the face of the outside person is getting more and more ugly.

"Not good, not good, the three princesses fainted!" A burst of exclamation from the inside, the people outside were all shocked.

Xia Haotian wanted to leave and rushed into the house, but he remembered the reaction of Xia Yunyun just now, and he was stiff in the same place. Just once again, he hated his incompetence at this time. It was because of that person, and now it is because of his daughter. Is it difficult for him to repeat the same mistakes? !

Just when Xia Haotian was frowning, and his face was gloomy as if he was ready to open the killing ring, he heard the rumor that Xia Yuqing was so anxious to turn around: "Three emperors fainted? What can I do? Ancient Medical treatment is so backward, how can it be smothered? If the second home is here, he must have a way to save the three emperors."

Xia Yuqing whispered whispered soft Jiahuanggui, a few people far away and did not hear, but the wind is a few people who are close enough to hear clearly.

The wind and the eyes flashed slightly, seeming to think of something, and laughed low: "Yes, if it is that person, there must be no problem."

"But now the problem is... Su Qing 砚 him..." In the cloud, the more the eyebrows are twisted. In the country, they have seen Su Qingying’s shots. They naturally know that Su Qing’s medical skills are brilliant, but the problem now is that they don’t know where Su Qingzhen is.

The guy was beaten up by the wind last time. Later, although he got the rhinoceros horn in the palace of the Laos, he reacted to help the wind save too many people’s lives, work hard, and lose weight. It was very angry and they completely separated from each other. Now they see that they are going to go around deliberately. Which one will let them go back?

The wind looked like a smile, and looked at the cloud more and more, making the cloud more instinctive and feeling a little dangerous, what do you want to do bad things?

"Actually, Su Qingyu is now within the capital of Xiaguo, and if he is not guessing wrong, he should be here not far from here...where..." The wind pointed at the direction of the two people and succeeded in letting Several people are on the spot.

"..." Lying in the trough, is it so sure that Su Qingyi is in the vicinity of Mao’s brother-in-law? Brother brother, are you a reincarnation of the **** operator? For Mao, I feel that there is nothing in this world that you don't know. Don't be too sick to feed! This is the cloud twitching in the corner of the mouth, and the innermost heart is crazy.

"..." Hey, the general attack on the adults, is it swollen so clear the whereabouts of the two heads? If you go on like this, I will think that you are crushing him! This is a sly meditation, a serious summer rain.

"..." Well, the wind is so cute that people are keeping track of Su Qing. And according to this momentum, it is very likely that people will spend the rest of his life, squeezing out all his values ​​and exerting the heat of his life. Hey, it’s a pity that the doctors have been swayed by this kid. This is the only insight into the opportunities, Shao Zitang in the heart of gloating.

"With the strength of both of you, now that you have found Su Qingyi and brought him back, it should not be too late." The eyes of the wind swept away on the two, raising their lips and smiling.

The more the cloud touched his chin, he thought: "Would he not come over after he saw us?"

"Stunned and beaten, you can save people if you come over."

"..." Total attack on adults, can you not be so simple and rude! Do you fear that he will retaliate and smother the smother? Xia Yuqing licked his face and couldn't bear to look straight.

Shao Zi Tang and the cloud in the middle of a glimpse, looked at each other, and nodded and prepared to go out to find someone, but was stopped by the Royal Forest Army in front of the courtyard.

"Where do you want to go? Come and bring all these rebelliousness to the palace." The soft-hearted emperor returned to God, and gave a low voice, raising his hand to let the Yulin army behind him.

The Yulin Army surrounded the summer rain and several people, and also blocked the way out.

"They are preparing to let the three princesses and the children have a life and two lives?" The cloud in the middle of the ring has stepped back two steps and made a sound.

"Who knows? Anyway, it's not their wife and children who died. Who knows what they think?" Shao Zitang smiled coldly, but turned his inquiries into the wind.

The wind smiled, but turned around and looked at Xia Yutian. He laughed and said: "Forget it, it is not our wife and children anyway. If we die, we will die. If we are big, we will find a good one for Ruofeng. Although the three princesses are real but not named. Even if you find another one, the girls and girls should not mind."

"Emperor..." Xia Yuqing was anxious, just thinking about interrupting, he was held down by the wind. I saw the flashing smile in the eyes of the wind, Xia Yuqing, this is a slight relief, no longer say.

Xia Yutian’s back to the figure of the people finally turned, and after glance at the crowd, Shen Sheng said: “Let them go out.”

"What?" The soft Jiahuang Emperor smashed, and the flower was disappointing. "The emperor, these people are unclear, private palaces, heart-thinking, how can you let them go out casually? The emperor, this is just around them. The trick of the golden hustle and shelling, the emperor can't believe it, the emperor..."

"Shut up!" Xia Yutian couldn't help but open his mouth, and his face was cold and his face was soft. "They said yes, there is danger in life. It is a daughter of a beggar, not a daughter of you." The things that you decide will not be able to turn your fingertips. Let you let them go out, don't let them go? Don't forget, who is the real master in this palace!"

"Emperor..." others? The emperor said she is a stranger? The soft-faced emperor's face became pale and swayed back a few steps.

Those of the Yulin Army were all left behind by Xia Yutian and all of them left the road.

Shao Zitang and Yunzhong nodded to the wind and rushed toward the direction indicated by the wind.

The wind and Xia Yuqing listened to the sound of a mess in the house, watching the back of the two people, there is only one thought in the heart, I hope... I hope to catch up!

The night is low, the moon is as cool as water, and Su Qingzhen is walking in a secluded street. Suddenly, it feels cold and the itch of the nose is so sneezing.

"It’s sneezing in the middle of the night, it’s unlucky!" Su Qing licked his nose, but before he felt his emotions, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He looked up and saw a black sack of hemp pockets toward himself. Covered.

"Ah..." A scream screamed through the night sky, and a few crows that flew over the night sky were shocked: "Oh..."


After Su Qingyu was put into the sack, he clearly felt that he had been shackled on his shoulders. He bumped his stomach almost all over the night and spit it out.

When he re-sensed the stability of the ground, he heard a familiar exclamation: "The second brother, Xiao Shangshu, although the emperor... the brother did say that if he did not come directly... but you don't need to... Are you robbing or robbing?"

This voice is... not what I think? Su Qingyi broke free from the sack and saw the Xia Yuqing and others on the side. He exclaimed: "How are you? Are you not in the snow country? How can it be..." He clearly inquired about the whereabouts of these people in advance. , deliberately avoided them, how is it still...

The wind seemed to see Su Qing’s thoughts in his heart, grinning: "May more than half a month ago, maybe... but now more than half a month is no longer, the news of Su Gongzi is really incomprehensible."

"..." Su Qingyan almost spurted out a blood, smart? Lingtong your sister, he has been hiding for a long time and even can not hide this pile of blasphemy, really owe them to my life!

"Do not talk nonsense, save people. Su Gongzi, we invite you to come today..." The wind and simple said the beginning and end of the matter.

As a result, Su Qingyi’s face, which is not very good-looking, is even darker. What is called life-saving, and saves one's life is to win the seven-level floating sect. Now it is two lives waiting for his own rescue. Buddhism, go to your sister's buoy. Laozi is a doctor or a doctor, not a stable woman! The last time I asked myself to dig my family's graves, I still want to let myself give birth to a woman. When I can do anything I can do? Lying in the trough, the doctor is also a person!

Although the stomach was burning in anger, the grievances of one stomach could not be vented. After seeing the painful sorrow of Xia Yunyun in the house, Su Qingying walked coldly and looked at Xia Yunyun's situation at the moment.

Not looking good, a look at those doctors and doctors who have been diagnosed and treated have become cannon fodder: "Where, you just gave birth to her, no wonder that they have been born for so long, the amniotic fluid has been broken for so long, how to still If you want to be born, you can't get down, can't you press her belly and help her? And you are too doctors, what are you doing, ginseng? Don't find some ginseng to hang her, no Is it almost mad at seeing her?"

After Su Qingyu finished, he immediately took the sleeves and went forward to help. Although a group of people have been transferred by Su Qing, they can come from him, and the situation in which the chaos has become a group has changed significantly.

After nearly half an hour passed, the baby crying out of the heart broke out.

Xia Yutian, who has been standing outside the door, finally couldn’t help but push the door and rushed. When he entered the door, he saw Xia Yuqing holding a newly wrapped baby doll. He saw him coming in a reflective and smiling at him. : "I was born, the father, the three emperors gave birth to a beautiful little princess like her."

For a moment, the annual rings seemed to turn back. It seemed that I saw the time between Xia and Tian. The woman who was sitting in the house turned around and smiled and said to him, "Hey, my daughter, our daughter." ”

Xia Yuqing saw Xia Haotian standing in the same place and looking at himself. Some doubts asked: "What happened? What is wrong with the child?"

Xia Haotian shook his head and stared at Xia Yuqing's face almost whispering and asked: "What have you just called?"


------Off topic ------

Thanks to 275486694 for the full five-point evaluation ticket, monthly ticket

Thank you for the moon ticket

Thanks for the flowers of 2508462238

Thanks to the 5 flowers of the grass

扑 么 哒 哒 づ づ づ 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 哎 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键 关键


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Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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