MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 194 Fucking this way too!

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At the gates of the capital of the capital of the country, the pedestrians coming and going are slowly coming in like the past, slowly coming out. The only difference is that the block is inspected at the gate of the city, how to see how some fierce and savage guards and soldiers.

"Stop and stop, the one in front, right, that is you." The two carriages were about to enter the city gate, and they were shouted by the officers and men and stopped drinking outside the fence.

With the help of the driver, the carriage stopped, and one of the leading soldiers would raise their hands toward the small soldiers. The small soldiers immediately surrounded the two carriages and rummaged.

"This official? Is this what happened? How did my old lady go out to explore the city and come back to the city to martial?" The driver of the car took advantage of the gaps that the little soldiers rummaged, and the leader The defending sergeant inquired about the news.

The other party looked at him: "There have been some rebellious elements in the city recently. The princess has orders, and the whole process is checked. However, there are suspicious persons who report immediately and must not be mistaken! If anyone dares to sneak in rebellion, once found, it must be capital punishment."

The groom took a sigh of cold air and a frightened expression: "So terrible, we still have less to go out in these few days. The official has worked hard and worked hard!"

For a long while, the small soldiers just jumped from the carriage and marched toward the defending city. "There is no suspicious person in the car."

The commander nodded and waved the person behind him to open the fence and let the carriage drive in.

The groom who just inquired about the news and the groom on the other car looked at each other and nodded slightly, and re-strategized into the city.

The carriage slowly entered the city gate and drove into a very secluded alley.

"I have already entered the city, come out." The disguise of the groom and Shao Zitang jumped from the carriage and knocked gently toward the car.

In a short time, everyone who had done the same thing gradually went down from the car.

"Oh, it’s really killing me!" Xia Yuqing took two children and walked off the curtain. He took the wind and helped the car, taking a deep breath and feeling a word.

"Hey, under the car for so long, the neck is almost broken." The cloud that climbed out from under the car smashed his own ruined neck and snorted.

"What happened? We only walked for a few days. When we came back, the whole city was martial?" Yunxiao walked down from another carriage and asked.

"Isn't this obvious? The cloud four hoes are ready to get started." Jin Lao took the two granddaughters' help and walked down from the car, tilting his mustache and snoring.

Because of him, everyone's face became dignified.

"I don't know what happened to the father and mother now?" Yunxiao asked a little worried.

"It should be fine, otherwise the four emperors should have searched the trails of the clouds and scribbled the roots." The more the cloud touched the chin, he whispered back.

The wind nodded and looked at the tiredness on the faces of everyone. He whispered: "We will find a place to rest for a meal, and then let people go out and inquire about the news."

"Well, it can only be like this."

The people in the boat and the Lawton looked for a relatively clean inn, ordered some meals, and everyone ate a few mouthfuls and put them down.

"Hey, emperor... brother, are we still going back to Weifu?" Xia Yuqing swallowed the last bite of the dish, looked at all sides and whispered a question.

The wind was too late to answer, and I heard the rumors of the two people whispering behind them.

"I heard that no, the Blue Master was arrested."

In a short sentence, everyone's face was changed. The wind and the more people in the cloud looked at each other. They took a cup of tea from the teacup on the table and continued to listen to the discussion behind them.

"Blue adult? Which blue adult?"

"Is there no blue adult yet? Isn't that too the history of the blue-blue hero?"

"What? That blue adult! Isn't that big blue man a brother of Wang Hao, the king of five kings? How can anyone dare to catch him?"

"You don't know about it. I heard that the princess personally took it, and said that the big blue man and Wang Hao were originally the spies sent by the country to our country."

The face of Xia Yuqing and others changed again. Looking at each other, the eyebrows were somewhat surprised. Blue big brothers and sisters two ... identity exposed?

"What, Blue Master and Wang Hao are the spies sent by Laos? How is this possible?"

"So I said that the real person does not show up. On weekdays, I can see the blue master and Wang Hao. Who can think of it... Hey, the five kings have been pitiful. They have been closed for a long time on weekdays, and they have been sick and raised. This is being implicated. ”

The two said this, and another person on the side inserted in, whispered: "That's not necessarily, you can't guarantee that the five princes are not even tired, don't you say it? Is it the five kings colluding with the country?" In an attempt to be unfavorable to our emperor, fortunately, the princess’s eyes are on fire, otherwise ah..."

"Oh..." When the words came out, everyone was in a burst of sorrow.

"And, you don't know. It's not just the blue man and the king, but even the Wei family is actually the spies sent by the Shu State to stay in the capital!"

"Wei Jia? Is the Wei family who is the richest man in Beijing?"

"Yes, right!"

When the news came out, there were more people talking on the side.

"This country is also deceiving too much! Even the Wei family are their people. This Wei family has been in the capital for several years. This emperor has made people lurking in our country so early. No one has found out that it is really impossible to prevent it. If you think about it, you will be afraid. Fortunately, there is a long princess..."

"Right there is a long princess."

Xia Yuqing and other people stared at the table in front of their eyes, listening to the people behind who began to grieve at the country, and praised the princess, one face is not very good-looking.

The wind was silent for a moment, and licked his lips and sneered: "There was a fight, the woman... really is not a simple character."

"What should we do now?" Shao Zitang did not expect that Lan Yingran and Wei Yan were discovered so quickly. They must know that in the years before, they were all safe. Is someone ventilating the letter, or is it that some people have long known that it is just waiting for this opportunity?

"In the end, we still have tired of them. Weifu can't go back now. For the sake of the present, we can only be careful. Under the premise of not letting our whereabouts be exposed, what is the current situation?" I turned my head and looked at the clouds.

In the middle of the cloud, I nodded intently. "There are not many people coming and going here. You should settle here first. Nothing should try not to go out. I will explore the residence of the four emperors this evening."

"Two brothers alone?" Xia Yuqing is rubbing the rice grains on the mouth of the two babies. When he hears the words in the clouds, he raises his head and looks worried. Even if she is off-line, she knows that there are cases. How severe it is.

The more the cloud sees the worry in Xia Yuqing’s eyes, the micro-hooks in the lips, it’s very proud to raise his head and smile: “Of course it’s a person, little sister, don’t forget what you guys are doing, one person. It’s good to do things, but with too many people, it’s just a hindrance.”

Xia Yuqing groaned and nodded, but it was a rare quiet.

The more laughed in the clouds, the more people got up, the close to the wind, and the voice heard by only two people returned: "Five emperors have contacted the teacher of Qin Wang, and they are expected to arrive in Beijing tomorrow. Before the time, protect the little sister and Xiao Yan, don't make any mistakes."

The narrow and long phoenix eyes glimpsed a little, and the eyes of the clouds squinted, the five emperors? The five kings who have been sick in bed on the bright side of the country? Especially the five kings now seem to be in deep prison.

How did such a person contact the Hou Qin Wang and tell the news to Yunzhong Yue? Is there a connection between Yunzhong and Wuwangye, or is it temporary? It seems that they have left a hand in the middle of the cloud, and this is really more and more interesting. Before everyone’s cards are all displayed, it’s not necessarily who the deer will die!


At this time, the imperial court has begun to take action, and at the same time, in the prison of the country, there is an extraordinary drama.

The cold drops of water dribbled on the ground, making a burst of crisp sound, and there was a damp smell everywhere in the dark.

Lan Yingyao sat on the dilapidated bed of straw and looked at the man who was sitting in the corner and away from him, and secretly clenched his hands.

"Wang Ye, there is nothing to ask the courtiers?" Lan Yingyao bit his lip, after all, it was the first step to break the silence of the stalemate between the two.

In the corner, when the five kings of the dynasty, Yu Yun, listening to Lan Yingyao’s screaming, there was no half-point movement, and even the posture of leaning against the wall did not change.

Lan Yingyao looked at him like this. He felt his heart cold down a little bit, licked his lips and lowered his head. He said that he said, "I didn't tell you the truth. I am not right. But if you believe in it, don't believe it. For so many years, I don't think I'm sorry for you."

Having said that, Lan Yingyao’s words have already been soaked in a few minutes, don’t go too far, and let the people on the side see the tears falling on their faces.

Speaking, just when Lan Yingyao thought that the people around him would never pay attention to himself, he suddenly heard a sigh. In the next second, his slightly drooping face was lifted up. A familiar face with a bit of a distressed face.

"Oh..." couldn’t hold back anymore, and flew into the other’s arms, clasping the other’s waist and whispering, “I’m sorry, sorry...”

At the moment, Lan Yingyao’s mind was over and over again. After encountering this man, she has been obsessed with this secret. After so many years of sensation, she has forgotten the secret that she has been obsessed for many years and forgot. Some things exist and exist. It is not that you have forgotten what you can do and nothing has happened.

Sudden changes have shattered her dreams of knitting for so many years, and for the first time in her life, she has tasted the fear of being called bones. She was afraid, afraid to see the betrayed anger from the man's eyes, to see the deceived disgust, and even more afraid to see him deeply disappointed with himself...

Yun Yu Shun listened to Lan Yingyao’s crying, and it was a sigh. Later, it was a slight relief. He reached out and took a shot of Lan Yingyao’s head: “This is what you have been doing with your eldest brother for years.” What about me?"

Lan Yingyao trembled, and looked up at Yunyu Sulphur with disbelief. His eyes were full of surprises, he... know...

"With the bed for so many years, if you don't find it at all, you can only say that you have been married for so many years."

"You..." Lan Yingyao wants to ask, since you have already discovered the same, why not ask yourself? But think about this, but it is not what you should ask, because the person who concealed from the beginning is himself, and even if Yun Yusu asks, does she really dare to answer it truthfully? She... is not sure.

Yun Yu sulfur seems to see what she thinks in her heart, chuckle: "I just think that even if it is a husband and wife, you need to have a little secret of your own. Even if I am, there are some things that have to be hidden from you. However, I did not expect this secret to be so unexpected, not a surprise, but a shock."

Lan Yingyao heard that the Yunyu sulfur discourse did not have his own annoyed anger. Some surprised he looked up and immediately seized the key points in the Yunyu Sulphur words. He said: "You have hidden me? ”

Yunyu sulfur lips slightly hooked, the corner of the eye swept to the side, as if he noticed something, snorted and whispered and coughed up.

"What's wrong? Is it too cold here, and it is ill?" Lan Yingyao heard the cough of Yunyu sulfur, suddenly became nervous, and refused to ask about the matter just now, stepping forward Yun Yu sulfur chest, anxiously asked.

The body of Yunyu Sulphur has always been bad. Now staying in such a cold place, it is a ghost to see a doctor. Lan Yingyao's face was white, and she was in a hurry, but she was pulled into her arms by Yun Yu and Shun.

"Jade sulfur?"

"Hey..." Yun Yusu, in the current position, blocked Lan Yingyao in his arms. It’s like watching Lan Yingyao in a hurry. He is anxious to pat his chest for the recurrence of the old disease.

"Don't be loud, there are people staring at it." Yun Yu sulfur lowered his voice and whispered.

Lan Yingyao glimpsed, carefully looking over the gap between the clouds and the body of sulfur, and it was not surprising that a teenager dressed as a servant was staring at the other side of the prison.

The horror of Lan Yingyao’s eyes flashed past, but then her attention was once again attracted to the man who was holding her: “Your illness...”

Yun Yu sulfur did not answer, only looked down at her with a low smile. Lan Yingran suddenly understood it and finally understood what the concealment in Yunyu’s sulphur mouth was: “You...have you been sick?”

Yunyu sulphur slightly nodded and nodded. On the shoulder of Lan Yingyao, he whispered: "I will explain it to you later. Rest assured, wait in this prison, we will be able to go out soon." It is."

Lan Yingyao is another glimpse. She thought that she had been able to understand this man in the past few years, but today she discovered that this man may not have seen it at first.

However, since he still chooses to believe in himself even if he knows that he has something to hide from him, then this time, she will give her heart to the trust of the other party as she used to.

Lan Yingyao clung to the clothes of Yunyu Sulphur and said: "Well."

Yunyu sulfur lips and micro-hooks, once again coughed a few times, watching the juvenile stalking teenager did not find the same, turned and left, only slightly relieved, the eyes under a trace of obvious killing.

"What's wrong?" Yun Yu sulfur let go of Lan Yingyao, stepped back two steps, and found that Lan Yingyao looked sad and worried.

Lan Yingyao shook his head, and some worried: "Nothing, I am just a little worried about my brother, I don't know how he is doing now."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Although Yun Yushui comforted Lan Yingyao in this way, she was somewhat worried. She looked up and looked at the only narrow window that could bring light, and the face was slightly cold.

What Yun Yun and Sulphur did not think was that through this window, the distance between the seven or eight cells was now the most worrying thing.

The whistling whistle of the flying whip is accompanied by the painful sorrow of the cruelly treated person.

"Blue Master, are you still planning to recruit?" Yunshan leisurely sat on the edge of the cell, and enjoyed the service of the people on the side. He took a cup of tea from Xizeyan's hand. Blowing, lazy asked.

Was hung on the shelf, and the blue shadow that covered the whip was scared and gasped twice. He smiled and said: "The meaning of the long princess, the minister does not understand."

"You are a chaotic thief..." Heze researched and excitedly excited, pointing to the blue-ray, just thinking about yelling, but was interrupted by the blue laughter of Lan Yingran.

"Hehehe, chaotic thief? I don't have a blue-eyed dog who knows that the person who is aiming at the brother-in-law is yelling at me and accuses me of being a chaotic thief."

"You actually yelled at me as a dog!" Xizeyan's face was blue, and the whip in the hands of the person who executed the side was a slap in the face.

Lan Yingran snorted again, but once again laughed low: "I... I didn't say who the dog is. Why should the Greeks be so anxious to be seated?"

"You!" Xizeyan's face was green, and he raised his whip and wanted to start, but he heard a lazy but implied warning of a few warnings: "Enough, come back."

Heze researched a shock, although the heart was unwilling, but still relished to the side of interest.

Yunshan waved the face-lifters who were kneeling on the ground and kicked their legs. They got up and walked slowly toward the blue screen.

The nails dyed with the red pigment gently slid across the blue-skinned throat, so that even if it was whipped for half a day, the blue-eyed, which had never been smashed, hit a cold, and the cold sweat flowing behind it.

"Oh, my brother-in-law? Looks like, the blue adult really knows something, saying, where is the nephew hiding now? On the day of the night banquet, those people are actually a group with you?"

"What the Highness said, the minister did not understand."

"Oh--" With a loud voice, Blue-faced face was hit **** the side.

"I still want to lie!" Yunshan squinted with a violent color in her eyes, and slammed the blue chin's chin, forcing him to look at himself. "The woman is not a blue girl at all. The palace sent people to check, the blue girl is proficient in a variety of musical instruments, but it does not impeach."

Lan Yingran's face brushed a white, widened his eyes, and looked at Yunshan with amazement.

Yunshan smiled at the low level, and opened the blue chin's chin. She took out a piece of jinpa and wiped her hand stained with blood. He said indiscriminately: "This palace did not think about it, you actually did this. The daring, dare to play in front of the palace. The fake blue girl actually wanted to assassinate the palace. The palace said that there is so much blood in the endless, the original...hehe, blue adult You are so bold and courageous! Say, who are these people? Is it a chaotic party in Laos? Are you also mingling with them and secretly returning to Laos?"

Lan Yingran's face changed slightly, but he still bite his teeth and didn't answer.

Yunshan seems to have expected that the blue-ray will be this reaction, do not care, turned back to the original place to sit down, pick up the cup of tea that is not so hot, and blow it again: "Blue does not say it does not matter. Anyway, this palace is not incapable of finding out, but this palace has been in the blue for many years, no merits and hard work, just thinking about giving the opportunity to the blue man. It’s not a big deal for the blues to care for themselves, but Blue adults can't help but cherish the blue ladies and blue girls who are now suffering with the blue adults. They can now also be in this jail, waiting for the blue adults to help them."

The blue-faced face changed, and the original calm appearance completely collapsed: "What do you want to do? They are innocent, don't touch them!"

"Innocent?" Yunshan seems to have heard a big joke, and grinned a few times with a grin. "Blue adults don't forget, what is your identity now? The spies of Laos, the traitors of Laos, colluding with the enemy. Sin, the sin of the company and the nine ethnic groups. And your baby, the daughter of the Golden King... Oh, since I’m covering the fake Miss Blue, I will be sinned by this really Miss Lan. I think this is good. ""

"No, you can't be like this to her, she is still a child!"

"This palace wants to see if this palace can be like this to her!" Yunshan's face sank, and interrupted the blue-reflective words, then he smiled and looked at the blue-eyed look, his eyes whispered, "blue Adults, whether love can be safe and sound, depends entirely on... your performance.

"..." Lan Yingran stared at Yunshan with a pair of scorpions, and the biting lips gradually ooze some blood.

The inside of the prison cell is surging, and the other side of the princess house has also ushered in an uninvited guest.

In the clouds, the moon was tossed in the long princess house for a long time, and I couldn’t find out the different messages from the messages I heard in the day. When I was boring, the cloud suddenly found that there was no one in Yunshan’s room.

So late, the four emperors have not returned yet? In the middle of the cloud, the heart snorted and remembered the letters that were found in Yunshan’s room that day.

Maybe there are any organs in the room that I have not found, and there is other evidence hidden! The cloud that did not want to return empty-handed, holding the attitude of trying again, once again broke into Yunshan’s room and rummaged.

Of course, the goddess of fortune is not so ignorant of Yun Zhongyue. After spending a lot of time to turn over the Yunshan room, the cloud has not been able to find a second secret.

As soon as the last piece of floor tiles in the Yunshan room was overturned in the clouds, a gentle light was projected into the outside.

Is it that the four emperors are back? The more anxious in the clouds, the body jumped out of the window and broke into the trees outside the window. After a while, the more the cloud found out that Yunshan was not coming back, but the gimmick of the vigil passed by. However, the cloud has also received the first new message after entering the government.

"His Lord has not returned yet?"

"Yeah, I heard that I went to the prison cell to personally interrogate the newly arrested traitors."

"His Royal Highness is really hard."


Seeing that the two hoes gradually drifted away, the Vietnamese side of the cloud only came out of the bushes and whispered: "The original blue adults were taken to the criminal department. The four emperors also personally interrogated, it seems that our Move faster."

The cloud grew up and prepared to leave. As soon as he looked up, he saw the round moon on his head. Somehow, he suddenly remembered what Xia Yuqing said to himself before leaving: "Two brothers, you should be careful when you go to the Princess House." If you are discovered, you will make a wish to the moon. Everyone says that making a wish to the moon is very spiritual. You can make a wish that the moon will satisfy your wishes, and a beautiful girl will help you to destroy the moon. They are."

"..." At that time, the cloud in the cloud was once again surprised by the brains of his own little teacher and sister. Once again, he was thundered, and he did not forget to vomit a sentence. For the hair falling from the moon, it must be a beautiful girl. Not a man? Shouldn’t a man be more powerful when it’s a fight?

Now the cloud is once again seeing the big moon on the top of the head. When I think of Xia Yuqing’s words, I can’t help but sigh. I muttered: “If you wish to make a wish to the moon, how can it not sell the four emperors to the country? The evidence fell and showed me, cut..."

The more the clouds stretched out, the fingers of the moon dismissed, and then the top of the head suddenly slammed. With a bang, something slid directly on his head, and then slipped to the ground.

"..." Isn't that so evil?

The more rigid the cloud, the ones who fell on the ground and picked up the letters, and turned them over. After confirming that the names on the pages of these letters were indeed the four emperors of their family, they couldn’t help but burst into the heart. .

Lying in a big trough, can you **** this way? !

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What? (づ ̄3 ̄) づ╭? ~



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