MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 192 It must be the way I opened it.

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Yuying heard Xia Yuqing's exclamation but a glimpse of it. His eyes went back and forth between the two people. He asked, "Do you know?"

"of course……"

"Of course I don't know." Xia Yuqing had not had time to finish, and was quickly interrupted by Jin Lao, who was a sneak attack on Xia Yuqing not long ago. "How can the acquaintance be known to the old woman?" ”

"..." Color old man, don't think that you will change your vest, I won't know you! If you want to refute, you will also let the red stamp on your face disappear. I will go!

"Grandpa, is this the face of your face? How swollen such a large piece?" Yuying suspiciously looked at Jin Lao, and suddenly saw the glorious record on the face of Kim.

The big baby heard the exclamation, looked up and glanced at Jin Lao that benefited from his glorious red footprints, and his eyes twitched slightly. With a sneer, he broke away from Xia Yuqing and took his hand. He ran to the wind and smacked his clothes. He looked up: "Father, it is him, the person behind the river is not at the river." That blame the old man. Look, his face is still hung with his footprints."

A few people on the side, except Xia Yuqing and the two children, the people who arrived later because the old man looked at his face and did not see his true face, this will hear the big baby's complaint, In addition, Xia Yuqing only saw the shouting after the person, but it was a reaction, and all the brushing eyes were moved to Jin Lao’s body.

Yuying heard the words of the big baby, and turned to look at Jin Lao: "Grandpa, you..."

" admit the wrong person." Jin old neck twisted, picked up the small blanket on the rocking chair and covered it with his body. He turned his back to the crowd and prepared to come and die.

"..." Is this the predecessor who is the same as Master? I feel that I am still childish than Master, and don’t just pretend to die. ! I knew that I would lose money by doing this. I don’t want to do anything that is casual and indecent as a girl! This is Xia Yuqing who looks at an old man who is deceiving himself, twitching his mouth, and not knowing what to say.

"..." This is the alchemy predecessor who is famous in the country, no one knows, no one knows? Why does it look so unreliable? It’s really no problem to pin the future of Laos and his own big hatred on him. This is a face that is calm and awkward, staring at Jin Lao, and beginning to hesitate.

"..." This is the old man who doesn't have a little bit of practice in the clouds? Although it is expected that this may be strange, and there are some strange old men, but seeing it is another matter! This is a bystander who has been thundered by the truth.

A sigh... After a long while, Yunxiao took the lead in returning to the gods. The string called the rationality in the brain can be regarded as completely broken. Screaming and rushing toward the old man: "Damn color." The old man, even the sister of Qing Qing did not let go! If my grandmother doesn’t call you to find a tooth today, I will follow your surname!”

The movement of Yunxiao was too sudden and too rapid. When the people on the side reacted, the old and the young had already been twisted together.

"Hey, what's the matter with your girl? How can I hit the old man? Tap it lightly..." Jin Lao was not prepared, so he was slammed and scared him to almost fall off the chair, but in fact There is no good place to go, basically it is so pressed by the clouds on the chair.

Yan Tingfang and others looked at the rare domineering side of the cloud, all in the same place, until they heard the pain of Jin Lao's pain, they just woke up like a dream, and helped to pull the frame.

The wind looked at everyone who was already in a mess. The arms were slightly stunned, and turned to look at the side of the cloud. The sneer said: "The six kings guessed the identity of the old man at the beginning, so at that time Will it stop?"

The more you licked your ears in the clouds, the innocent spread of the handkerchief: "In fact, I am not very sure. I have never seen Jin Lao in five or six years. But just a few days ago, I just heard Master’s indignation and said that I just The new type of organator that was researched was searched by someone, and it can be used on the fishing rod. I don’t know if I can fish and can be used for self-defense. I always feel the feeling of deja vu when I saw the fish. At that time, Jin Lao was squinting at the face, but the voice and tone of the speech did not change at all. Together with his own temperament, we also understood... cough, so I boldly guessed that the indecent younger sister The person is..."

After holding the two children, Xia Yuqing, who dared not go deep into the battle circle, heard the words of Yunzhongyue. Somewhat strangely: "Is the fish raft made by Master? Master and the old man met?"

"It’s just a acquaintance. It’s just a bad friend who grew up wearing a pair of pants."

Xia Yuqing slightly stunned, and suddenly remembered that the wind and the cloud have said that the old man and his master are the same name. At that time, she only thought that these two old men were just names... I didn’t expect it to be old knowledge.

Xia Yuqing was amazed, and suddenly heard a scornful voice in the noisy crowd: "Hey, isn’t this the little girl who is the size of his son? Is it so big?"

When I heard the words of Jin Lao, the action of the beggars on the hands of the clouds slammed. Jin Lao took advantage of her moment of pause, a smart turn.

The same posture, the same movement, only happened to different people.

"Hey... How do the girls in this year have such a small chest? Hey, nothing to eat something like pig's feet, papaya, or something, or you really want to become a princess."

"..." The bamboo house died for a few seconds, and Yunxiao was so stiff that he was in the same place. A pair of beautiful nephews got the boss, and the water pattern of the circle began to wander around the eyes. Finally...

"Oh--" The crisp slap of the slap with the girl's screams rang through the bamboo house, and it was earth-shattering. "You **** old ghost, go to hell! Hehe..."


After a quarter of an hour, Yunxiao fell in the arms of He Wenzhong, tears could not fall down, and the eyes were red, so that the people on the side could not help but feel bad. He Wenzhong wiped the tears on her face with a slap in the face, and stroking her shoulders and comforting him: "It’s okay, it’s okay, you won’t let the blame old man touch you again.”

The initiator who caused all of this has already re-sit back on the rocking chair, a red mark on the old face, how to look at it... ridiculous.

Yu Ying took a handkerchief wrapped in boiled eggs from the side and handed it to Jin Lao. He sighed: "Grandpa, take a look, or you will have a toothache in the morning."

"Don't you touch the two hoes? Isn't there a piece of meat, can you make such a big gas? Oh, it hurts, it's really cute when you are a child, how to grow up with a month." The old man said to the cloud size son, this girl can't be placed next to the moon girl. He doesn't believe it. Now look at it... see what it looks like? If he can bite his teeth and let it go, let this girl I am..."

"..." If it was the beginning of the cloud, she really put her head on the cloud, it was really terrible! Xia Yuqing looked at the old man's small eyes with a blank look and couldn't help but shudder at his imagination. Reaching out and touching his frightened little heart, the dark road was okay, but she was a little bit stunned, but at least her head was still awake, and she did not send Xiaoxi to the tiger's mouth!

"What do you say about this old ghost? I dare to say bad things about my father and mother. Is it because I just didn’t play enough? I want to eat another punch." Yunxiao heard the complaints of Jin Lao. All of a sudden stood up from He Wenzhong's arms, and pulled the sleeves and wanted to move forward. Fortunately, He Wenzhong was very prescient, and hugged her from behind, not letting her approach the old half.

Jin Laojian Yunxiao was restrained, but he got up and went up: "The old man is telling the truth, you a girl shouting and killing, whoever saw you dare to marry you?"

"You..." Yunxiao looked angry at the old man's teeth. He Wenzhong was hugged with a low voice. "Don't dare to dare, don't listen to him and talk about it, hurt your body, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Xia Yuqing looked dull and looked at the golden old man who had done a bad thing, but he had to admit that the old man in front of him was really like a cloud, and he was a sulky and sulky nuisance! Compared to him, his master is simply a Maitreya Buddha of the angel level! Sure enough, there is a contrast to see whether it is good or bad. Master, I used to be unfilial and not filthy. I can’t find you good. From now on, I will change my self-study. I will filial you so that you can eat more greens. !

"Grandpa, you don't say a few words, this is what you are wrong with." Seeing the old and the young and picking up, Yuying reluctantly sighed, and finally he persuaded.

Jin Lao received his own baby granddaughter with a little bit of warning eyes, although he still wanted to refute a few words, but he could only swear, and licking his painful side face did not speak.

Xia Yuqing saw some guilt in his heart, and it seems that this old man listened to his granddaughter. In this case, can they pass the Yuying girl...

Thinking about this, Xia Yuqing was busy pulling the sleeves of the wind and wanted to pass this message to him. The wind blew, watching Xia Yuqing constantly look at his own eyes, could not help but smile, touched her head, and expressed her encouragement to her rare observation.

Jin Lao used a warm egg for a long time and looked at the old face. He felt that the pain on his face was not so obvious. He only looked at a few people with a pair of eyes: "Cloud boy, the old man knows you. Let me, take you This group of people ran to the old man. Is this going to be a house or a house?"

After tossing for a long time, I finally got back to the topic. The more the cloud turned, the more white-eyed: "It’s certainly something to come to see you. But before that, the old man, there is something very important to inform you."

"What happened?"

"In fact, there is nothing. It is the first indecent assault that you just took. The little apprentice that my master had just received recently, the empress of the kingdom of Laos, our youngest little sister, the apple of my master, the most hopeful clothes in this life. Passing people, you said, if Master knows that you just moved his heart when you first met, what would happen?"

"Little sister?" Jin Laoyi, squatting from the rocking chair, walked toward Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing saw that he suddenly came toward himself, remembered the indecent assault that he had suffered not long ago, and hurriedly took two steps back. The winds obviously also thought of this, and quickly stepped in front of Xia Yuqing, staring at the old man who came towards them.

Jin Lao touched the moustache and looked up and down Xia Yuqing for a while. He shot both hands and suddenly realized: "You are Xu’s old man who is hiding, how can we not let the old man look at it? Little apprentice! It’s very cute to give birth, that is, if the chest can be bigger, it’s better. Or, the old man will help you to make up, use the old man’s secret pig's feet to stew papaya, and after you eat it, let you suddenly ... evil spirits..."

"..." lying in the trough, your attention can not be moved to other places, don't mention this embarrassment? Also, whoever wants to eat your kind of Laozizi pig feet stewed papaya, all the wolf **** horses go to die to die!

Xia Yuqing had a big red cross on her head, and the smile on her face was completely frozen, and she almost bite a silver tooth. Sure enough, this old man is really not annoying! See you later, he must go around the road!

The wind squatted sideways, and the whole person of Xia Yuqing was completely behind him. He looked at Jin Laodao like a smile: "This is not a worry for the old and old, and love is so good, I like it."

Jin Lao was swept away by the wind and cold eyes. Suddenly, he felt that it was cold, and he stared at the wind and looked at him. He pointed to Xia Yuqing and said: "You are the one who is the girl?"

The wind picked up his eyebrows and nodded calmly.

Jin Laojun licked his nose: "No wonder that such a big reaction, it turned out to be a married woman. Hey, such a small girl has already become a relative, but unfortunately it is a pity."

"..." Hey, what are you regretting? Even if I am not a married woman, I am absolutely impossible with you, and the old cows should have a good time to eat the tender grass and horses! Who else is a little girl, you are a little girl, your whole family is a little girl, the grandmother of the two brothers is almost forty years old, the children have two, the little girl, your sister!

"Golden old, I advise you to still play the lesser idea of ​​my little sister. I don’t want to say that my lover is a master. You just don’t have to be able to stand up. You don’t know what to respect and love. The goodness of the good." The more the clouds look at the ugly face of Jin Lao’s move, some gloating.

"Oh, it’s just a kid who doesn’t have a hair. I’m afraid he won’t be? Don’t say this kid, it’s your father’s father’s coming. You don’t have to be able to drop the old man.” Your third brother is not deeply loved by your master. It is still not played by me. Your master has nothing to say."

"..." Jin Lao, Master's love for the younger sister and the third division is not a grade. Believe me, you have to dare to move a little sister, a master, Master will really fight you!

The more I saw the old man in the cloud, I didn’t listen to my advice. It was natural to extend the claws to Xia Yuqing and watch the sky silently.

The consequences are of course, a bright light flashed past, everyone in the field and even Shao Zitang have never seen how to take the wind, Jin Lao only feels the face is slightly cool, stunned the side face, a son The sense of damp was passed from the palm of your hand, and everyone just listened to it, and someone couldn’t afford it.


The dead silence began to spread inside the bamboo house, and everyone heard a scream of awakening.


Xia Yuqing and others looked at each other and looked at each other again. They were all a dull appearance. What is the situation now, they seem to come to ask for help, this has not yet begun to ask, it is a sense of guilty to confuse people!

After a rush of wild horses, Jin Lao was finally in the middle of the crowd, and he was waking up under the slap of the slap in the face, but it was just a coincidence that he did not apologize to the handsome face when he looked up. Going back, the atmosphere is abnormal, pointing at the wind and whispering: "You stinky boy, actually... dare to dare..."

The wind smirked and laughed, like a smile and a smile, glaring at the old man: "Is there anything I dare? Gold seniors, you wouldn’t just want to scare you to scare you? If you don’t have six princes at noon today, You have already been on the top of the mountain. Now you should be glad that we are asking for you, otherwise the sword on the kiss is your neck!"

"..." Asking for me? Is your attitude like asking for me? ! The two little beards on the old man's mouth trembled and sighed.

"Okay, this is the grandfather you are not right." Yuying sighed and came out to play round.

Jin Lao did not do it anymore. An old face looked sadly at his little granddaughter: "You have turned your elbows out!"

Yuying’s face sank and he glanced at him: “Who is convinced that I and Cher will not be a ritual girl any more, can it be there?”

Kim’s old man sighed, and some of his sadness and sorrow were screaming at his little granddaughter, an unwilling but somewhat guilty guilty expression, like the daylily under the scorching sun... stunned.

Yuying whispered a sigh of relief and turned to look at Xia Yuqing and others. He said: "My grandfather has been in the mountains for a long time, and some of them are not stunned, so everyone laughs."

"Amount... Nothing is okay, anyway, we have something wrong with it, and it hurts our predecessors. Fortunately, there is no danger, otherwise..." Are we not white? Xia Yuqing silently wiped the cold sweat on her head.

Yuying listened to Xia Yuqing’s words but smiled: "This sunny girl is afraid of misunderstanding. Grandpa is fainted, not because the male son was too heavy, but because he is a grandfather...he is fainting."

"!" I am going to go, it turns out that this old man is dizzy! I said that the general attacking adults have stunned people. The victim’s granddaughter is still so calm, and the feelings are embarrassing that he is stunned by himself!

"British children, this kind of thing should not be said to the outside." Jin Lao see granddaughter actually exposed his short in front of outsiders, the old face was red, hurriedly stalked his neck and shouted.

Hey, I didn’t expect this old man to be a thin face. This is good, and he caught a weakness of him. I don’t know how to faint **** face! Xia Yuqing's head melon seeds quickly moved, thinking about how to use these advantages to take a certain old man.

"Well, don't make trouble, say business. Jin Lao, do you still remember this girl? The daughter of the prime minister, Yan Tingfang." The cloud glanced at the crowd and was unable to remind him.

"The daughter of the prime minister?" Jin Laomeifeng picked up, and the smile on his face suddenly converges. He looked at the court and said, "Are you still alive?"

Yan Tingfang stunned, and hurriedly stepped forward: "Golden seniors, thanks to the Queen's wife, I will not be able to survive."

Jin Lao suddenly realized: "It turned out to be the month of the moon. At that time, I said that the moon, the temper, how could it be from the three boys? But... you come here, it’s hard to make it, you want to ask the old man to persuade the things that happened in the past. Yunxiaozi that wood?"

"This is not the case, the emperor now knows the truth about the prime minister..."

"I already know? Since you already know it, then you still come to the old man, it is definitely a more serious matter." Jin Laoshuang stunned, and asked the people to glance at them.

"Cough, this is actually the case." The more the eyes of the cloud, the more the people's eyes repeat the story and the current situation, and also specifically mention the situation of Yunzhongli and Helianming.

After Kim’s quiet listening, he snorted and some smug and a little angrily said: “The old man said to Yun Xiaozi that year, the wild girl looked not so simple, he did not believe it, and the old man also followed He had a trouble, but the kid was a rafter. He didn’t say how to say it. He was so angry that he went to the wild forest for so many years. Now, let’s eat a big loss? Hey, don’t listen to the old man. Words, if you lose money in front of your eyes, you should let him learn a long time, only to know that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside!"

When Yunxiao heard this, it was wrong. He wondered: "Is it strange, the old man, you didn't because the father-in-law didn't let you approach me, did you accidentally move over with my father? How can it change now? Is it because the uncle's affairs have fallen out with my father?"

The old man with a mustache shook and snorted: "How is it possible? The old man is so generous, like the little man who has fallen out of trouble with your father because of such a small incident?"

"..." Don't say, it's really like!

Kim’s disdainful cold snorted and turned to look at the clouds and asked: “Is it the month’s head to let you come to my husband to help?”

"Well, that's right."

"That month, the girl did not say what benefits to the husband after the incident?"

Benefits? A few people looked at each other and all of them were in the same place. In the letters of He Lianmingyue, they only said that after the incident, they were swept but demanded and must be satisfied. I can't say what good things can be given to Jin Lao after the event!

"Ah, hahaha, this is of course, of course, there are of course, waiting for the emperor and the emperor to get out of the predicament, Jin Lao, you have the best, and I believe that the emperor and the emperor will not treat you badly." Two voices, no money, opened a short check, anyway, after the event, he would go back to Laos to find a wife, and when the emperor came to the death, I wouldn’t recognize it, and look at the old man to find the witness.

In the middle of the cloud, the bottom of the heart is playing with a small abacus. Unfortunately, the old man has been through a hundred battles. A lot of age is not so good. After listening to the words of Yunzhong, he immediately found the loopholes in his voice. His face was apathy: "You mean . . . They didn’t intend to give the old man any benefit?"


The suspicion of this moment in the cloud undoubtedly confirmed the speculation of Jin Lao, the old man snorted, lie down on the rocking chair, pulled over the blanket on his body and turned his back to the body: "Don't go."

“Why?” Several people exclaimed, and were shocked by the sudden change of Jin Lao.

"The old man is not a fool. This kind of hard work is not good. The old man will not do it! What's more, when Yunxiaozi was so stingy, wouldn't he touch his family's head? Even with the old man's eyebrows Now, if it is difficult, I think of the old man. What does the old man do to save him?"

"..." Color old man, you just said that you don't remember hate, now it is noisy to come here! Can you not be proud of this critical moment!

"I will go, I will know that you can't rely on this old man. At this time, you have become a tortoise, and you can't save it! After paying the father's mother, you have been respected by you for so many years. Your conscience has been eaten by dogs. No one should stop me. Today, I must fight him even his mother doesn't know!" Yunxiao listened to Jin Lao's words that he didn't care about himself. When he was on the road, he didn't want to ignite the cartridge. Hit the front.

"Predecessors..." Yan Tingfang pleaded with a sigh.

"Who are you called? The old man is not your predecessor, you admit the wrong person." Jin Laoyi, a dead pig, is not afraid of boiling water, lying straight on the rocking chair, not willing to turn his head to face them.

"..." Come again with this trick, can you not be so naive! Xia Yuqing took a look at Jin Lao and turned to comfort the cloud.

Just when everyone can't wait to beat up an old man who hates to tickle his teeth, he has been standing on the side and watching the change of wind and whispering and asking: "What good do you want?" ”

The words of the wind finally made Jin Lao’s back move toward their heads. They turned to look at the wind and smiled. “I don’t want to be the emperor of the Shu Kingdom.”

The wind is too lazy to entangle with him, straight into the road: "Say, what do you want?"

Jin Lao turned around and touched his chin and thought for a long while. His eyes slid back and forth around the crowd, and his eyes were slightly brighter, stopping at a place not far from the wind and Xia Yuqing.

Just when everyone thought that his thief had not changed his mind and wanted to play Xia Yuqing’s idea, he saw him reaching out to Xia Yuqing’s side and said with joy: “The old man wants this female doll to stay for the old man to be a granddaughter.”

"Hey?" Xia Yuqing and others glimpsed, looking in the direction he pointed, facing the innocent eyes of the second baby.

"!" lying trough, this dead old man has not yet given up, indecent adults will forget, this club actually wants to extend the claws to children, simply beasts, wrong, is not as good as animals!

This time, I changed to Xia Yuqing and smashed my sleeves, and I was ready to go forward. The original anger was hurriedly followed by He Wenzhong to hold her and advised: "Sister Qing, calm and calm."

"The soul of that sorrow wants to start with my daughter. How do you calm me?" Xia Yuqing thought that this old man might do something bad about his own pure and innocent baby, and he angered. I can't wait to be the incarnation of Godzilla on the spot, swallow this poisonous beast and kill it for the people.

Compared with Xia Yuqing's anger, the wind is surprisingly calm, and the lips are slightly smeared with a slight curvature: "Yes, as long as you can win the children, they are willing to go with you."

"!" A thunderous sigh, Xia Yuqing on the spot petrochemical in the same place, the total attack on adults is this ready to abandon their mother and child two? Actually... actually...

"How difficult is this?" Jin Lao got a self-righteous smile from his rocking chair and walked toward the second baby.

"What do you want to do?" Shao Zitang, who knows the bad nature of the wind, looked at Jin Lao, who walked toward the two buns, and whispered. ,

The wind was stunned and sneered: "You will know soon."


"Little girl, I am your grandfather, hey, come over, Grandpa will buy you sugar to eat."

If it is normal, the second baby will have to eat sugar and will not talk about throwing into the other's arms, but now...

Hey, this old grandfather looks so terrible! The second baby was scared by Jin Lao to shrink behind the big baby, only showing two big eyes and staring carefully at Jin Lao.

Jin Laojian second baby not only did not go forward, but also a few steps back, some anxious, reaching out and wanting to bring people back, but was blocked by the big baby: "Don't touch my sister with your dirty hands."

"What? Stinky kid don't mess, play while." Jin Lao did not put the warning of the big baby in his eyes, pushed the big baby and then wanted to extend the claws toward the second baby.

"I said, don't touch my sister with your dirty hands..." The big baby was full of wind and rain with some annoyed voices. "Can you understand?"

Along with the question of the big baby gnashing his teeth, everyone only heard a scream, an unusually gorgeous silver pistol has appeared in the hands of the big baby, the black hole of the muzzle accurately against the old man’s head, Jin Lao’s The two eyes suddenly tightened, and everyone on the side was also collectively surprised.

"!" Dudu, you play pistol again! Will be alive!


------Off topic ------

Thank you for all the money, 676514, guixixi99, 13769178752 for one month, two moon tickets for ghost dolls, three monthly tickets for 18674520153

么么哒(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~


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