MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 187 What are you paying for?

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Xia Yuqing took the tray and walked out of the doorway of Cheng Hao Temple, and was taken to the past by Fu Gonggong, who had been waiting anxiously outside.

"How? How? Did the emperor say anything? Did you punish you?" Fu Gonggong asked Xia Yuqing with a nervous face. This kid is brought in. If there is something wrong, Xia Yuqing is punished, and he will certainly blame.

Xia Yuqing was suddenly caught, and she was shocked. After seeing the people, she was slightly relieved. She smiled and said: "Nothing is ok, the emperor and the maiden just let me... the slaves left to give them cloth. When they finished the dishes, they let the slaves come out."

After Fu Gonggong listened to Xia Yuqing, it was a big sigh of relief. His face sank and stared at Xia Yuqing. He said that "you are really good, this is the first time you wait for someone to make trouble." In the face of the emperor, I dare to dare to make a scorpion. I really don’t want you."

"..." Xia Yuqing listened to Fu Gonggong's reprimand and silently turned his eyes. This time, she is really more embarrassed than Dou Yu, obviously she is too poor to bear the ability of the cloud, only to look at her own eyes will be scared, it is not good to cut her things!

Although Xia Yuqing was screaming in the heart, but on the face, she could only helplessly: "It is the slave who is wrong. The slaves have crude benzene. Although they have done rough work before entering the palace, they have never served." Coupled with the slaves, a small common person, who had never seen such a noble person in the emperor's empress. In the first time, it was inevitable that there was some tension. Even the father-in-law was the fault of the slave, and asked the father-in-law to spare the slave.

Fu Gonggong is not a hard-hearted person in the end. Seeing Xia Yuqing’s pitiful appearance, it’s not good to blame again: “Fortunately, this time the emperor is a magnanimity, there is no trouble, or you have a few heads. It's not enough to cut. But you are so clumsy, don't go to the front to serve the people in the future, so that you can help your family to stay in the imperial kitchen to help you, although the chance of getting the empress of the empress is less, but it is not good. What life is dangerous."

"Yes is." Xia Yuqing nodded and said that he was playing Taiji with Fugong, while observing the guards of the palaces around him, looking for the path to escape.

"Okay, it’s not an example. You are too scared to go back to the imperial kitchen."

Xia Yuqing could leave when he heard it, and he smiled and said: "Hey, the slaves will retire first."

"Go and go." Fu Gong publicly raised his hand and let Xia Yuqing leave. Then he thought of something like it. He turned back and said, "Wait!"

Xia Yuqing’s footsteps slammed into the air, and he turned back and nervously said: “What’s the matter for the father-in-law?”

"What is your name?"


"The family still doesn't know what your name is." Fu Gonggong looked at his face with a look of iron and steel, and reacted with some dull summer rain.

"Oh oh oh..." Xia Yuqing suddenly realized that "the slaves... the slaves are called Xiao Anzi, and the father-in-law called the slaves Xiaoanzi."


"Right right, the time is not early, the slaves have to go back to the imperial dining room, and let go!" Xia Yuqing looked up at the sun on his eyes, smiled twice, turned and ran.

Leave Fu Gonggong looking at her back, helplessly sighed and turned away.

Xia Yuqing bypassed a palace wall and flashed into a relatively secluded bamboo forest. He threw the **** costumes on his body and threw them into the hidden rockery on the side. He suddenly recovered when he first entered the palace. Dressed up, then went out and asked a small **** to ask for directions.

Fortunately, the long princess just entered the palace, the squad is quite big. Those little eunuchs have seen Xia Yuqing, but she lost her way in this palace. He is very enthusiastic to name her the way out of the palace. .

When Xia Yuqing rushed to the gate of the palace, a little princess of the princess palace had been waiting in the place for a long time. When Xia Yuqing came out, he could not help but be a little surprised: "Xiaogongzi, how come you ran out alone? What is the little **** who leads the way?"

Xia Yuqing suddenly remembered the little **** who was forgotten in the yard, and he seemed to forget to move him back. However, I am not playing hard, should I not sleep for too long?

"Cough, I don't know. I didn't see other people after I got out of the latrine. It is estimated that something was temporarily called away. Without him leading the way, I lost my way, if I met other little eunuchs. Let them help guide the way, and I will still wander around in the palace."

"No wonder, the slaves said that the son hasn’t come out for so long. It turned out to be... Hey, the little **** is too irresponsible. Fortunately, the son has met other people to guide you, otherwise the palace is so big. It’s not an odd thing to lose someone.” The little girl twisted his eyebrows and said with a lingering heart.

"Yeah, yeah, this palace is so big and easy to get lost. It's not too late now, let's go back, or your Highness should be angry." Xia Yuqing was busy with this topic.

Xiao Yan did not suspect her, busy with Xia Yuqing into the sedan chair, went back in the direction of the Princess House.

Xia Yuqing did not dare to breathe a sigh of relief until he sat in the sedan chair. He reached out and touched the two letters lying in his arms. He rubbed his lips and looked at the bottom of his eyes.

Xia Yuqing has already left for the house, and the little **** who was forgotten in the small yard by Xia Yuqing still slept very well, until the night when the two eunuchs patrolling through the secluded courtyard Only discovered him.

"Ryan Ryan, wake up, wake up." The two little eunuchs and Ryan entered the palace at the same time, and they knew Ryan. At this moment, seeing his red fruit lying in the yard was also shocked, and he hurriedly shaken him. shoulder.

Ryan woke up from his sleep and saw two little eunuchs wondering: "How are you two here?"

"We still want to ask you, how are you lying here? And haven't worn clothes yet? What about your clothes?"

After one reminder, Ryan discovered that his clothes were gone, and he was lying on the ground with a red strip. The summer night was still a bit cold, and he got a goose bump.

"How come I didn't wear clothes?"

"This has to ask yourself, you have even been stunned by your own clothes, don't you know what's going on?"

"Oh, I remember when I seemed to lead someone, then someone shouted, there are pigs flying in the sky. Ah, I know, I was stunned by the pigs flying in the sky, my body The clothes must have been stolen by the pig."

"...the pig that was flying in the sky gave a dizzy? The pig also sneaked your clothes?" Are you **** teasing us two? The two little eunuchs stared blankly at Ryan, and one of them stepped forward and reached out and touched his forehead. He wondered: "Strange, no fever, how can you talk nonsense?"


"Hey, you said, will Ryan be... hit the ghost?" Another little **** was too timid, looking at the black and white autumn, the lonely and lonely courtyard, asked.

Ryan and the little **** in front of him were stiff and turned to look at the small courtyard behind him. His face was white: "This yard seems to be the one where Shujia County lived."

"Shu Jiajun Lord?! That is the daughter who did not know how to think about it, the daughter of the former Lingnan Wang who was hanged by a neck--Shu Jiajun master?" The timid little **** was a white face, and his teeth were shaking. .

"Yeah, this yard seems to be the one she had hanged."

"..." The voice did not fall, and several people unexpectedly silenced, and they looked at each other for a while.

Suddenly, there was a cold wind blowing in the courtyard. The wind blew through the hollow gap in the yard, and made a screaming voice, like the scream of the midnight ghost.

"Wow, ghost, run fast." The most timid little **** screamed and turned and ran.

The other two people reacted and their faces changed. After looking at each other, they dropped one of their hands and quickly rushed out to the outside.

The cold wind of the night rushed into the courtyard, making a burst of horrible sounds for a long time.

Ever since, Xia Yuqing’s sneak into the harem has become a spiritual event under the cover of the palace ghosts. Although it is publicized, no one has insight into the truth of the matter.

When Xia Yuqing followed Xiaoxiao back to the Princess House, the night had quietly arrived. Xia Yuqing wanted to go to the princess to report it. How did she know that she had not yet had time to walk into the courtyard where the princess was, and she was stopped. It was said that this evening, the princess had already announced that Heze had been waiting for it. She is gone.

Xia Yuqing was slightly stunned and looked at the two people in the courtyard not far away. Heze research seems to have felt the gaze she projected, raised her head, and handed her a provocative look to her, and she saw that Xia Yuqing had a sigh of relief.

Ok, since you are rushing to serve the princess, I am happy. And I originally wanted to come to the holiday, this does not cost so much.

Xia Yuqing took two letters and turned and hurried back to his yard, thinking about giving the two letters to the cloud and getting more quickly.

I didn’t know my own move, and it fell into the eyes of everyone on the side. It’s true that it’s still a good way for the Greeks. After a few days, the Greeks regained their glory. Like the former sons, the little son was squeezed out. Look at the little son now sad, rumor!

The servants along the way looked at Xia Yuqing and returned to the yard with a sympathetic look. Then they regained their gaze and went to work. It's not because they don't have a guilty heart, but such a scene has been repeated many times in this house, and even with them are a bit numb.

Xia Yuqing rushed back to his yard, and was quickly pulled in as soon as he opened the door.

"Oh..." Xia Yuqing snorted and slammed into the arms of the wind.

"Nothing happened? After the palace, what accidents have occurred, is there any difficulty?" The wind and the eyebrows peaked slightly, and Junxiu’s face was a rare smile, showing some obvious concerns.

Xia Yuqing glimpsed, looking at the people in front of him and the different aspects of the week, a feeling of unclearness spilled from the bottom of my heart, and the words that Helian Mingyue said to her not long ago appeared in her mind.

"It’s not as good as he was to be honest with him when he arrived."

"Nothing happened. Emperor, I..." Xia Yuqing just wanted to speak, and was interrupted by a light cough that was uploaded from the side.

"That... I don't want to interrupt you, just... you should pay attention to it, I am still standing here." The more awkward in the cloud reminded the two of them, the uninhibited Xiu En loves the horse, it is Too flashy dog ​​eyes have wood!

"Two brothers, how are you here? Oh, yes, I will go with you and Jiang soap, Jiang soap?" Xia Yuqing stunned, and remembered that he would go to Yunzhong and Jiang Zhaorou. in.

"Cough, Jiang girl has already left." The cloud is over the top of the wind, and the eyes are slightly miserable.

"Then why don't you go?"

"..." Little sister, do you think I am willing to stay as a light bulb? Do you know how terrible it is to stay with your family for such a long time under one roof? ! If not... he is too lazy to stay here!

The deeper the cloud took a deep breath, the only way to hold back to the mouth of the mouth, some helplessly said: "I stayed to want to know, what is the situation of my emperor now? Is it really serious, or say..."

"Oh. If you don't say that I have forgotten it, the cloud will not be ill, and the life of the dragon will be boring, so don't worry."

"Is not sick? But the servant is not saying..."

"He is sick."

"Pretend to be sick?" The more the cloud was smashed, the one looked at it with the wind.

The wind was also a little surprised, whispered: "What is going on?"

"I don't know very well. But it doesn't matter. They worry that I can't tell the situation. I wrote a letter to the emperor and the two brothers, let me bring it out to you." Saying, Xia Yuqing is busy from his arms. The two letters that had already been hot were taken out and handed to two people.

The two took the letter and looked at each other. At the same time, they broke the letter and spread it out. The result...

With a bang, two suspicious cracks appeared on the faces of the two men.

Xia Yuqing was puzzled and looked at the two people since they opened the letter, they have been standing still, twisting their eyebrows, and rushing toward the windy side, but the eyes are...

"Where, what is this?" Letter? Is the general letter of the appearance of this ghost character?

I was stunned by Xia Yuqing and raised my eyebrows: "Do you know what you brought back?"

"Amount..." Xia Yuqing took the letter in the hands of the wind, and whispered, "Is it difficult to be stalked on the way back? Oh, but I obviously have a good protection for them!"

On the way, she clearly held them all together. Could it be that the steals of this year have been cultivated to have the strength to take the space? !

"This...should be the letter that Huangfu wrote to us." The more complex the face in the cloud, the more subtle.

"Well?" Xia Yuqing stunned, looking at the letters in the cloud in the hands of the same seemingly ghostly characters, some doubts: "What is this cipher? To prevent letters from falling into the hands of others, deliberately arranged the secret number?"

It is worthy of being a predecessor who belongs to the 21st century. I did not expect to be able to make a secret in such a place. And she actually made two copies when she did it. It’s really too forked. It’s just an ancient version of 007! No, it is 007 than 007!

"...No, you think too much. I think Huangpu should be just too lazy to write."

"..." Xia Yuqing's smile on his face cracked for a moment, and his eyes widened and he turned to look at the clouds. "Can't you write?"

"It will be a meeting, but... the words written by Huangfu are normal only to Huangfu himself."

"..." Is this different from writing?

"But it is strange to say that the ordinary letters, the text of the emperor can know, but that hand is really people... difficult to compliment."

"..." Xia Yuqing silently waited for a few seconds, well, the child who couldn't write a brush-writing word was a semi-literate woman in ancient times. She finally realized it.

"In this case, the second brother, you should have seen the way of writing this letter before?" The content of this letter..."

In the middle of the cloud, the cockroaches flashed over and coughed two channels: "It doesn't mean you can understand it."

"...that is, you can't read it?" Xia Yuqing looked desperately at the cloud and nodded. "Oh, these two letters are not useless?"

Losing myself was so careful to bring them all the way out of the palace, the result turned out to be useless!

"Of course not. I don't understand, it doesn't mean no one can understand."

"What do you mean, there are other people who can understand the content to be explained above?" The wind and the eyebrows pick a simple, clear and clear point.

"Yes, I don't understand, but one person can definitely understand."


"Small sly." The more the cloud, the more natural, said, looking at Xia Yuqing's eyes and detachment with a bit of contempt.


"So, after the six princes will go back, let Wei Yan call the disease, and send a small slave to the princess to report. After the news of love, I will go to the princess to tell the holiday, saying that our brothers are worried about the uncle, wanting Going back to the government to look after the care for a few days. Then we will return to Weifu together, let Xiaoxi explain to us the meaning of the above things."

The voice of the wind has not fallen, Xia Yuqing’s eyes have quickly turned up, and in this princess’s house, she has been shut up for so many days, and she has been annoyed with her. If there is a general attacker, she will run away early. And since she entered the Princess House, she has never seen two children and Yunxiao and so on, and I don't know how they are doing now.

"Well, there is no reason for the long-term princess, the princess has no reason to buckle you." Moreover, she only used us as a **** at the beginning, and now the goal is basically reached, even if they don’t go back, the princess I am afraid that I will not be much more concerned.

"That's good, the two brothers, you are going back soon to say to Wei Bobo." Xia Yuqing grabbed the hand of Yun Zhongyue, his eyes sparkling.

"just now?"

"Of course it is now, or how long it will take, hurry up."

"..." Xiao Shimei, have you lost it when you run out of it? If you talk about the right thing, you will let the gods and horses go. Do you want such a force? !

In the middle of the cloud, I still want to say the last two sentences. I suddenly feel that there is a coolness behind me. He always feels the dangerous approach when he turns to the hidden area all the year round. When he looks up, he will be stern on the summer after he is on the rain. The scorpion, the heart is cold, just to export, it is so hard to get stuck in the throat, and then swallowed back.

"You must be careful, I will go first, see you tomorrow."

Xia Yuqing thought that Yun Zhongyue’s face was so ugly that he should complain to himself. After all, he waited for himself for a whole day. As a result, he did not say two sentences at the end, and he was driven out by himself. He did not expect him to speak. After another half-day, it seems that I saw a flood of beasts, and turned and ran, it’s hard...

Xia Yuqing was puzzled, and suddenly heard a low laugh from behind him: "Love 妃..."


"If you remember correctly, are you in the palace with the long princess?"

"Yeah." Xia Yuqing stunned, stupidly back, without realizing that someone's smile is moving in a dangerous direction.

"In this case, you should always be with the long princess. How can you get the two letters from the Queen of the Republic of China in the eyes and eyes of the people under the eyes of everyone?" I was very humble and asked very low.

Xia Yuqing felt that a chill came straight from his feet to his back, and he smiled twice, and returned two steps: "Ah, hahaha, I remembered, I didn't seem to eat anything from noon, good. Hungry. You haven’t eaten yet, I’m going to find food for you.”

Said, Xia Yuqing turned to the soles of the feet and ran to the oil, but he was tempted by the wind, and he took the opportunity to look back.

" what? I'm going to find you something to eat, you let me go, what's the matter, let's talk about it after we finish eating."

"Want to eat, here, why bother to go elsewhere?"

"What?" Xia Yuqing struggled with a move, and asked with doubts.

Responding to her is someone holding a strong kiss with anger.

"Oh..." Xia Yuqing was blocked by someone, and the little fist greeted someone. It is a pity that no matter how hard she plays, no one has ever relaxed her embarrassment.

"Hey!" After a kiss was finished, the wind slid and slid her back collar and snorted. "The cat who does not listen to the action is still good to eat, so that the owner can worry!"

"Hey, isn't this all right? Don't..." Eat!

The final protest of Xia Yuqing was still drowned in the raging anger. This night, the wind and the full use of the body let Xia Yuqing remember this heavy lesson and take it as a warning!

Until the early morning of the next day, when Xia Yuqing was drowsy, the wind was too "profligate" to let her go.

As he fell asleep, Xia Yuqing faintly heard the sigh of the wind, and...

"Can't you lick a little? If you have three long and two short? Where do you go to find another one that you pay for?"

"..." Xia Yuqing's heart was shocked, and he wanted to speak something, but he didn't have the strength to move his fingertips. Before the consciousness disappeared completely, the idea that Xia Yuqing finally emerged was... damn, and at the end of the day, she still did not say that thing!

At the afternoon of the next day, Xia Yuqing received two **** circles from the bed and brushed up and finished, and received the news from Weifu.

Not to be expected, Xia Yuqing just ran to the long princess to explain the reason, the princess almost did not think about it, only lazy to say a morning to go back early, he sent Xia Yuqing away.

Xia Yuqing also received a white eye from Hezeyan before leaving, Xia Yuqing stunned for a second, and turned the right to see.

Xia Yuqing followed the wind and the front foot just left the Princess House, and the back foot Princess House blasted the pot.

"I heard that I have not heard of it? Xiaogongzi went back to Weifu."


"You don't know? It is the Wei family, the largest wealthy businessman in the capital. The little son seems to be a distant nephew of the Wei family."

"So, Xiaogongzi was recently left cold by the Highness, so sad, so I went back to my mother's house, oh yeah, isn't it, is it the husband's family? No wonder when I saw Xiaogongzi, Xiaogongzi's little face was white. Really, I feel distressed even if I am jealous."

"No, but... it shouldn't be like that. Xiaogongzi is sad and sad, but how can his so well-behaved child be like some people let the little temper go and leave. I just asked, because of the uncle's uncle, That is, the Wei master is sick, and Xiao Gongzi and his brother are not worried, this is going back."

"This way, Xiaogongzi is also pitiful. This is just the cold reception of His Royal Highness. Then he meets the elders who are sick. It is really a house leaking and raining all night. God doesn't hurt people, I really can't figure out what the great man has." It’s not that I have a long face, I still have some status in the middle of the DPRK, I will be able to show off and learn. I am not very decent. I am so cute and polite as Xiaogongzi. I gave him a good life and gave him more He had a buns, he said thank you to me, that little mouth is sweet... Hey, I don’t know what the Highness is thinking about, I will look at the Greeks who know the glory and glory, and the so-called little son who is so cold... ”

A group of three aunts and six women talked about the real excitement, but did not find that a certain figure has slowly approached. Until...

"Don't talk about it." One of them found one of the protagonists of the topic that came slowly from the distance, and hurriedly reminded several people to ban.

A few people saw the sound of the sound, and then they made a bird to the four sides, and each went to work.

Xizeyan looked at the scattered people, and his footsteps slammed into a fist. The hands on his side were clenched into fists, and the low-hanging eyes were swept through a noticeable killing.

Wei Ming, you better leave, don't come back, otherwise... don't blame me!

------Off topic ------

Thanks to amy72614 for the full five-point evaluation vote, 2 monthly passes and 5 flowers

Thanks to the monthly ticket of 13769178752

Thanks to Mo Xiaosang’s all-five evaluation vote

What is it? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~



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