MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 177 About not?

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Yan Tingfang was pressed under his body for a moment, and it took a moment to get up. The line of sight once moved down, staring at the dagger that was **** on the ass, and his face was white. He hurriedly released himself and held it on the handle. That hand.

"..." Niu, how about you pull out the knife! What is it on my ass!

"Thorn thorns... Assassins, assassins, comers, catch assassins." I don't know who exclaimed, the original factors suddenly appeared and the people who were stunned all of a sudden came back, shivering backwards A few steps, I was afraid to become the pool fish that was caught.

Ji Miaoyan quickly stepped up and stopped in front of Yunshan. Hezeyan hesitated for a moment, only to get up and follow the past, but also in front of Yunshan, looking at the two people who fell into a group.

Yunshan looked at the movements of the two without traces, and the bottom of the eyes crossed a deep thought.

"Don't stop... don't misunderstand, this is really just a misunderstanding! I am not an assassin!" Suddenly looked up and was pointed at by a number of swords and swords, scared a big jump, and refused to hang on the ass. Dagger, hurriedly laughing and raising his hand to surrender.

At the same time, it is still very resentful to cast a very resentful complaint to the side of the child: the wife, you actually gang murder with the traitor!

The two chief culprits have a calm turn, and the power does not know the man who was thrown out of the knife by their partner.

"..." Tsui, Xiao Shangshu, are they not so irresponsible, the masters must cry and have wood!

Xia Yuqing sympathetically looked at his master brother, and painted a cross in his heart silently, Master, you are not in hell, who goes to hell, rest in Amen... After that, he turned his head very much, and he The two together pretend not to know someone.

"..." Count you!

"Fuer, you are fine." Lan Yingran aimed at the opportunity, stepped forward, and helped Qi Tingfang to leave the danger zone first, and asked with concern.

"Blue girl is okay?" Yunshan heard the voice and turned around very worried, whispered.

Although Yan Tingfang was unwilling, he knew that he had missed the best opportunity. He had to pretend to be frightened and shook his head and retreated to the back of Lan Yingran.

Lan Yingran took this opportunity and hurriedly proposed: "The long princess, Fu Er's body is somewhat uncomfortable. I was shocked. I hope that the princess can allow her to go back to rest first."

Although Yunshan still thought about the combination of Lan Yingran’s daughter and Ji Miaoyan, but now this situation is really not suitable, she nodded and said: “The blue girl was shocked, go back to rest, and then bring the gift to the palace. Visit and give the blue girl a false accusation."

"I don't want to pull people down." Shao Zi Tang was looking forward to being stupid. He suddenly heard a harsh voice and couldn't help but stunned. Just turned around and saw the wind and the torch.

A few people stunned, Shao Zitang took the lead in returning to God, stepping forward, and holding the hand of Yan Tingfang: "Master, the slaves will send the lady back."

When Lan Yingran saw Shao Zitang appear, he sighed and said: "Take care of the lady."


Shao Zitang helped Yu Tingfang to walk past Ji Miaoyan. Even if it was easy to change, Ji Miaoyan seemed to be able to feel a trace of difference. His eyes stayed in Shaozitang for a few seconds, but fortunately there was no extravagance and other troubles.

Yan Tingfang was dragged away by Shao Zitang, and the attention of the people was turned back to the unreasonable body who was still on the ground and did not know how to get away. Fortunately, there was a dark clothes today, and with the cover of the night, the dagger that was tied to his buttocks was not noticed by others, but it was not good for a long time.

"Who are you, how can you appear here? Do you want to sneak your priest? If you really want to, otherwise..." Xizeyan saw the eyes of everyone concentrating on the "Assassin" who had become the shackle of the shackles, busy stepping forward, high Asked loudly.

"This is really just a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I am not an assassin, I am just...just..." Suddenly smiled twice, and the faint eyes glanced at the long princess after Xize’s body-building. In fact, I am right... I can’t help myself with the princess, I can’t help it for a while...”

"Hey..." Xia Yuqing's eyes widened, and his face stared at the unbelievable. Hey, Master, you are really dead, but in the face of our family, Tsui’s face to other women, is not to be killed!

If it is unreasonable to know that Xia Yuqing thinks at the moment, she will be madly holding her neck and whispering a few times: Who is it that the old man is doing this? The reason why Laozi is doing this is a matter of expediency and expediency. I don’t want to hang on the buttocks and slash the daggers. It’s too fucking!

"What?" After listening to the unreasonable answer, the original noisy courtyard was caught in a suspicious death, and suddenly there was a terrifying horror.

Unexpectedly, the brain was a little bit stunned, reaching out and licking his own ears, and glanced at the man who was more excited than the party, and his eyes quickly passed through.

"What is it called? In front of so many adults, what kind of system is it so loud?" Yunshan seems to think that Xize is too embarrassed to make this move, screaming and screaming.

Xi Zeyan's face was white, and some unwillingly hanged his head; "The court is rude, please your sin, but this person..."

Heze’s research on the evil spirits has a look of ignorance, and his eyes are full of guard and haze.

In the past few years, the southeast and the northwest have been rumbling everywhere. It can be counted as countless people. Now I see him like this. In my heart, I have already guessed the relationship between the two. I have gathered my eyebrows and smacked a corner of my lips. A bad smile, before the death of Yunshan for his death, the feelings and sounds: "Princess, the grass people heard that the Princess of the Grand Princess, the grace of the country, the country, the first beauty of today is really like it." But if you don't act low-key, you don't want to compete with the juniors for this limelight, so the throne of the first beauty in this world can only be allowed to fall. The grass people didn't believe it before, but today they saw that the rumors outside were purely nonsense. ""

"Bold, is this kid who is as sarcasm as the Princess of the Long Princess is not as beautiful as the outside rumors? Come here... Give this officer this..." Heze’s research was immediately excited, and he sighed low. Wave, I want to let the people on the side take it without any reason.

"Hey... this uncle, what's the matter with you? I talk to the princess, what kind of mouth do you insert? It seems to be the long princess house. Why do you give orders here? And, I haven't finished talking yet, You are so anxious to take it out of context, are you afraid..."


"Higashi, return."

"His Royal Highness!" Hize made a look of disbelief and turned to look at the princess. She saw some dangerous warnings in her eyes. She was coldly snorted and silently retired.

"Hey, how do you suddenly feel that the atmosphere between them is a little weird?" Xia Yuqing noticed that there was a slight difference between several people, and some doubts asked.

For Mao, she increasingly felt that her master and the Xi Daren seemed to be playing the two males and one woman. The most important thing is that this woman is still... the long princess? !

When I heard Xia Yuqing’s question, the people on the side couldn’t help but feel a little bit tough. The wind shook hands and took Xia Yuqing’s hand, and it was tight when Xia Yuqing returned to God and wanted to open it. Xia Yuqing couldn't open it for a while, but she had to go awkwardly and snorted.

The wind is stunned: "Isn't it very sensitive to this kind of thing on weekdays? How is it now dull?"

"This kind of thing?" Xia Yuqing smashed, and later reminiscent of all kinds of genius, the brain has a flash of light, the small mouth is slightly open, and once again the strange grows into an o-type, "It is difficult... What is the relationship between the Greek and the princess?"

No one answered, but the expression on the faces of everyone on the side has fully answered the question of Xia Yuqing.

"..." I am going to go, she actually saw the legendary live deaf child! Keke, okay, although it is not the man and man you want to fall in love with, but... the world really has something like a baby boy! Those yy before that...

Xia Yuqing’s eyes were staring at Xizeyan, not far away. After a while, I realized that the private life of this long princess was really... In this case, she is so bitter to the country. Qiu Shen, is it true that it was only the original and the pro-rejected, I feel lost face?

Xia Yuqing is here to clarify the relationship between the Greek and the long princess. The Princess of the Princess also began to look at the man who suddenly appeared on his own night banquet.

After drinking and retreating from Xizeyan, Yunshan took the initiative to step forward and looked far away. The sword was suppressed by the sword and could not move. The eyebrows were slightly picky and smiled: "You only said that your words have not been finished yet, this palace." It’s a bit curious, you still have nothing to say.”

There is no such thing as a smile: "The grass people said that the rumors outside are purely nonsense. But there is no intention to offend the princess at all. The grass people mean the rumors outside, and they never preached the long princess. Which of the other common fat powders can be compared with the long princess? It is an insult to the princess! The princess's look and temperament, the fish geese, the closed moon shy flower is not enough to describe, too vulgar! Long princess you The beauty of this world is unique in this world. It is like a lotus flower that is generally muddy and not stained. It is clear and not demon. It can only be viewed from a distance, and it cannot be played. Your nine-day fairy should stay in the heavens and overlook the world. The joys and sorrows of the clutches should not appear in the human world, causing a magnificent scene of people."

It’s not a cover that has been continually lingering in the Qinglou Chu Pavilion for a long time. This large section of sweet talk is really coming, and it’s a glimpse of the crowd.

"Oh, oh, sorry, lend me back." Xia Yuqing couldn't help it. He leaned on the popular shoulder and made a look of vomiting. When the master talked about sweet words, it really made people...can’t eat! Especially the master, you will not forget that you still have a knife on your ass? !

The text in front of the literary style, the graceful words of sweet talk, followed by a knife and a horse, this picture should be too beautiful!

The wind slammed his hand and patted the back of Xia Yuqing. Some of the bad-eyed asked: "Love you, you are not... and have it."

"..." You have it, you have it all! You are getting worse and worse!

Yunshan seems to have been praised by the unreasonable praise. After all, no woman does not like others to praise that she is beautiful.

"This son praised the palace like this, but... for this palace..."

"!" is over, just thinking about life-saving, habitually sweet talk, hope to win the other side's goodwill, let her let go. But he did not expect... This long princess is actually a character who does not follow the common sense. What should I do now? ! The daughter-in-law is still watching it. If she replies, the road to chasing her wife should be returned to the original point, but if she does not reply, her life will be worrying!

Suddenly, I pumped my mouth and felt that I had done another good death. I had to swear hard: "The princess is forgiving, the grass people are not offended. Just seeing the princess and the heavens, the heart is shaking, an excitement. on……"

"In this way, the son is really revealing. It is a rare blunt person in this year. If the son does not mind, how can he stay in the palace in the future? This palace will not treat you badly."

"His Royal Highness!" Yunshan said this, all the people in the room were shocked, especially Xizeyan, who looked at Yunshan with a big sigh, and exclaimed, "His Royal Highness, this person is unclear, really..."

"Higashi, this son has just said what he said. This house is really worthy of speaking. It is the palace that is decided, not the person next to it."

Yunshan’s remarks are tantamount to giving Hize a good shot, and the warning is self-evident. Heze’s face is changing and he can’t say half a word.

"!" Xia Yuqing was also shocked by this sudden turn.

I am going to go, this is the **** horse **** unfolding? ! Master, you, this big stallion, at this time, there is still interest and the ultimate **ss cannon, really is for you!

If the master knows what Xia Yuqing thinks at the moment, he will make a loud cry: "Hey! I really want to talk to her...there is a lot of interest in it. Not to mention that I have a wife now, for the wife. Keeping like a jade, there is no wife, and the tile is not interested in the old woman, even if this old woman is more beautiful than the little girl!"

It’s still a problem, it’s a problem!

Just as there is no way to advance or retreat, when the tiger is difficult to ride, Cui Er coughs and reminds the two masters who are watching the show: "The emperor, the empress, we still think of ways to save the son. Let's go on." The dagger behind Su Gongzi can't hide."

The words of Tsui’s words made the two people wake up as if they were dreaming, and they swept a sneak peek at them. They glanced at the strict defensive postures on both sides, and they were so stunned: "There are many eyes and ears in the world, and people want to get people out of it." It is almost impossible to find the dagger, especially if there is still a blood in the body that is now unreasonable. It is not discovered because his clothes are deeply blocked, and once he leaves the position, he will be discovered. ”

Xia Yuqing listened to the words of the wind, licking his small head and pondering for a moment, the small light bulb in his head suddenly slammed and lit up.

"With, I have a way. Tsui, do you have a handkerchief on your body?"

"There is there, but the girl, what are you doing?"

"You don't care about this, just give it to me." Xia Yuqing was very anxious to ask for a handkerchief towards Tsui, then turned to look at the wind and smiled, the smile made the wind instinctive I felt the coolness behind my back and I wanted to hold Xia Yuqing, but it was too late.

"Oh, my sister, how did you get there?" Xia Yuqing screamed and flew out.

The people on the side were shocked by her sudden screams, hurriedly hiding on the side, want to see which sister in the population is the official lady in the audience? result……

Everyone was so stunned to see the little young man who rushed out of the air, and he was pressed on the ground and couldn’t get up on the ground.

"Oh..." The poor master was so pressed by Xia Yuqing that the dagger had already been deeply rooted in the bottom of the dagger, which directly led to its second heavy blow, almost slamming on the spot.

"..." Love 妃 (娘娘), you seem to have made a mistake, and pressed to the side of the knife in Su Gongzi (your master).

"Oh, my sister, what's wrong with you? I told you that if your aunt came, don't run around, you are weak now, and you have to make yourself blood. Hey, hey, follow the girl." Go back to rest first, but fortunately, today is the official lady, if you are a bureaucrat, you said that you have to see people after this, who dares to marry you?" Xia Yuqing has no face to face pain White, busy reaching out and patted his shoulder, whispering comfortably.


"I know that I know, I know that you have been at home for too long, only to sneak out, rest assured, I will not tell the uncle about this matter." Xia Yuqing, a good sister and sister, said the loyalty of Yang The hand took another slap in the face.

"..." Xiao Shimei, I want to tell you, can you get down from me first? You are so heavy on me, the dagger is about to wear me right, let go!

"This son, you said that he is..." Yunshan looked at the ones who were flying in front of themselves, and they looked at each other with a whisper, pointing to the ground and sitting on the ground.

"Ah... Your Royal Highness Princess!" Xia Yuqing pretended to have discovered the strange look of Yunshan. He looked at the humanity with a look of surprise. "Oh, Princess Her Royal Highness please forgive me, please forgive me, my sister, she is here... ..."

Xia Yuqing pointed her finger at her head, and the expression on her face was subtle: "A little bit of a problem, just before I took care of me, I rushed out, slammed the Princess of the Long Princess, and asked the Queen of the House to ignore the villain. Forgive her this time."

"Small illness? Xiaogongzi, are you sure that this is your sister? This palace is what he thinks is a man? Is it difficult for a small son to feel that this palace is not even a man or a woman?" ?"

"..." You still call me a little son! Is it not that men and women are unclear? ! Xia Yuqing secretly spit in the heart, but the face is not obvious.

Looking up at Yunshan, sighed: "The long princess does not know, the grass-roots sister, the mind has not been..."

"You are sane..." Suddenly and fiercely, I want to defend, but I was forced to take a shot by Xia Yuqing. The buttocks suddenly felt painful. The expression on my face was white and white, white and blue. It’s hard to get back to the mouth and exclaim.

Xia Yuqing, this is the only way to continue to say: "My sister, her mind has always been somewhat unclear, one of them is that I like to treat myself as a man. Not to be your Highness, my sister-in-law for my sister's madness, please go all over the world. The famous doctor, persevering... All the doctors said that my sister is a sheep crazy, a heartless mad or a vitiligo. Anyway, it is a little crazy. So on weekdays, my elders shut my sister at home, not letting She is easy to go out."

Xia Yuqing turned around with two big eyes, looked at Yunshan a few people, and suddenly flashed a very evil thought in the brain, continued: "I have heard that the princess here held a night banquet here, invited to the middle The official and the lady of the appropriate age, the sister likes to be lively, and ran out of the house when she heard the news. The uncle who just stayed here temporarily felt that this was an opportunity for her sister to meet the famous son of Jigong. Jigongzi’s posture of heaven and man, maybe the sister can see Jigongzi, and it will be cured without medicine.”

"..." This little son, don't you say that Jigongzi is like a panacea? If you see the upper side, you will not get medicine. You are playing a mythical drama?

Xia Yuqing followed Yunshan several people in the snoring, while hand twisting the unreasonable thighs, and using his eyes to signal him: Master, still not fast with the younger sister I? Otherwise, go back and have a good look!

Suddenly looking at the small eyes threatened by Xia Yuqing, I suddenly felt that my **** hurts more...

Suddenly endured the pain on the thigh, looked up and showed a sly expression to Ji Miaoyan, shouting shyly: "Ji Gongzi..."


Xia Yuqing clearly saw Ji Miaoyan's eyebrows shaking uncontrollably, and the heart was dark. Hey, look at the little general, you dare to carry my family Xiao Shangshu red apricot out of the wall, disgusting you.

"Oh, my sister is ill. Your Highness, my sister is unconscious. I have to take it back and ask the doctor to treat it. I will leave. If there is anything wrong with my sister, the grass people believe that the adult has A large number, the prime minister can support the boat, will not be arrogant with my sister, this fool... right?"

In short, my sister didn't care what she said. The long princess didn't take it seriously. After all, a stupid stupidity is not credible!

Xia Yuqing raised a simple and harmless smile, which made people unable to refuse. When I wanted to reach out and help me to escape, I know...

"Slow, this is really your sister? This is not like how the palace is squatting. This palace has never seen a girl whose throat is so big. If you want to say that she is your sister, you may wish to come up with some evidence. Otherwise... this palace doesn't mind asking a few guards to swear for this... to verify the body."

you are vicious! Xia Yuqing turned her head to stare at the unreasonable big throat knot, staring straight at the endlessly cold, fearing that Xia Yuqing was impulsive and cut her throat.

Xia Yuqing licked her lips and sighed, this is what forced me to make a killer!

Xia Yuqing turned his head and smiled at Yunshan. "Long Princess Shengming, as for the verification of the body, even if my sister is still a big niece. You have evidence, there are, of course, there is. Princess Her Royal Highness. I haven’t seen a woman with a long throat. The long princess has seen a man who came back to his aunt? Look, what is this?”

Xia Yuqing raised the handkerchief that was taken from Tsui's place. The plain white handkerchief was dyed red by the blood from the unprovoked wound. This was quite shocking.

"Blood blood...coming people, assassins, assassins!" The officials on the side saw Xia Yuqing's blood-stained Jinpa, his face changed and shouted loudly.

The swords and swords that were easily removed were suddenly moved back to Xia Yuqing’s body, scared Xia Yuqing’s hand to shake, and even the scorpion fell to the ground.

"What's wrong, what's wrong? Where are the assassins? Oh, you said this blood, you said that this is a big aunt's blood, why are you so nervous?"

"Auntie blood?" Yunshan Meifeng slightly twisted, whispered.

Xia Yuqing glimpsed, this thought of an aunt's blood with an ancient man, of course she did not understand, swearing a light cough: "The big aunt's blood is the girl every month, there will always be a month... That, hey, you know. Hey, really, let me say this to a good young man who hasn’t married yet. It’s too shameful. I have to force me to say so white, how can my sister marry later? Ugh……"

"..." For a moment, the silence in the courtyard was silent. For a long time, I didn’t know where the soft cough came from, and then the cough began to sound in the yard, and even the princess’s face floated a little. Hey.

Xia Yuqing saw that her purpose had been reached, and when she was busy with the crowd, she asked: "Now the princess believes now? Then we can go now?"

Xia Yuqing regards the silence of the people as the default, and raises up the ignorance of the ignorance. How do you know that...


The long princess’s low drink made Xia Yuqing’s foot a further meal. He turned his head and looked around. He smiled and said: “Is there a thing for the princess?”

Yunshan stared at Xia Yuqing's cute little face, and her lips slightly raised a smile of style: "Your sister can go, but you have to stay."


------Off topic ------

Thanks to the monthly ticket of 676514 and the 100 rewards of the snow and the wind.

What is it? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~



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