MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 172 The temptation to eat

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"...The two people behind the stove were in a stiff position, and they looked at each other and hurriedly headed out to the outside, facing the face of a smile.

When I saw the second baby, I was also a glimpse. After a short mistake, under the strange gaze of everyone, I picked up the second baby road: "Baby, what about your mother?"

In the arms of his father, the second baby's nest, with a small finger, licked his head and thought for a while, pointing to the stove not far away, very honestly replied: "Where."

"..." Baby, this traitor!

Xia Yuqing hung two noodle tears, and he came out from behind the stove. He smiled at the wind and said two channels: "The emperor..."

Fortunately, Shao Zitang was very prescient. After the people entered the kitchen, they locked the door of the kitchen. Otherwise, only the two people’s words, the identity of the people was completely exposed.

The wind smirked and stared at Xia Yuqing with a bright look: "Love, you should give a good explanation, what is this?"

"..." is over, the general attacking adult is angry!

Xia Yuqing smiled and looked at the sky, coughing... Not right, it was starting to look at the roof and stupid.

"Little princess? Mother? Love? This is..." Lan Yingran listened to the conversation between the two, and he stunned. In fact, he already had a guess in his heart, but he still had a few lucky words. Can get a different answer.

"That, that is my little sister." The more in the cloud, the more I saw the thoughts of Lan Yingran, and the stone that fell into the well gave him a fatal blow.

Yunxiao lightly coughed and inserted a sentence: "My sister Qing."

When Shao Zitang was the most embarrassing at all times, staring at the face of Lan Yingran gave him the final blow: "The Queen of the Kingdom."

Rumble... Blue Yingran only felt a thunder and slammed his head, and he was thunderous and tender.

Who can tell him why the empress who is noble and elegant in her own eyes, beauty and wisdom, will become the little thief who has a smeared face and laughs very guilty?

Yunxiao looked sympathetic and looked at the blue-eyed, which was hit hard. Poor Blue Uncle was scared by Qing sister! As it turns out, all the people who think of Qing’s sister as a tall man will eventually be hit by the devastating attack.

"These two are queen empresses and little princesses?" Wei Yan also stunned. He looked at the two babies in the arms and looked at Xia Yuqing, who could not see the distance. His face was full of sorrow.

"That, I am sorry, I have eaten so many things in your house. It is really because the boat has been working so hard for a few days. We are really hungry. I haven’t resisted for a while..." Xia Yuqing looked embarrassed. Grasping my little face, I said a little embarrassed.

Wei Yan cooked again, stiffly pointing at the leftovers on the table. Some hard questions asked: "These are all you eat?"

"Accurately speaking, it is the mother and the younger sister to eat together." Wei Yan's voice did not fall, he heard a tender voice suddenly passed from Xia Yuqing's back.

Everyone was a glimpse, and they moved their eyes to the back of Xia Yuqing, and they exclaimed: "His Royal Highness!"

"Love, what you have committed this time seems to be no small matter that can be booked." The wind squinted at the big baby who came out from Xia Yuqing, and the eyebrows shook unconsciously.

"Oh..." Xia Yuqing’s two noodles burst into tears, and it’s too much to be a bad thing to be caught on the spot. The general attacking adults are very angry, and the fruit is very serious. Please let go! Help!

Xia Yuqing looked bitterly to the side of the wind, and the guilty and embarrassing smile said: "The emperor, the courtiers are not worried about the emperor, so..."

“I can’t worry about it?” The wind sighed and laughed. “How do you feel that you love me? You think that we are too stuffy in the palace, so I’m reluctant to miss this opportunity to go out and watch the show, so I’m going to do everything I can. of?"

"..." was said to be at the center of Xia Yuqing's face, and the smile on his face froze, and in a hurry, the two babies who are eager to look forward to the wind are squinting.

The second baby immediately knows, the small hand clings to the popular collar, and the tearful eyes sell the sprout: "Father, don't blame... the mother. The father does not bring the baby and the brother to play, bad..."

"..." Baby, it’s really bold! Dare to blame him for being bad in the face of your father! I also know that after the maintenance of the mother, the mother did not really hurt you on weekdays, give you thirty-two praises, great!

The wind and the phoenix squatted slightly, and glanced at the summer rain and clear eyes on the side of the eyes, and successfully made her a stiff smile and turned into an ostrich again.

"Baby, the father is not coming out to play."

"I didn't come out to play, is that it is out to eat delicious?" The second baby was so excited that his eyes stared at the wind, and the bright light almost flashed the dog's eyes on the side.

"..." Sure enough, the world of eating goods, in addition to eating or eating!

"Oh..." A few people behind him sneered out with a sigh of relief. After being smacked by the wind, they hurriedly took their smile back, but there was still a little bit of gloating in everyone’s eyes. .

I was so worried that my baby daughter was looking forward to it. For the first time, I found that I had to face up to the fact that my daughter had become a foodie that was not inferior to someone.

"Baby, the father is not coming out to eat delicious."

"Hey, what did it do?" The second baby exclaimed, widened his two big eyes, staring at the wind.

"Amount, it’s dangerous to get things done."

The second baby's small head swayed, and then he stared at the two big eyes and said: "What is that delicious?"


"The emperor..." Xia Yuqing whispered a whisper, and wanted to stop the wind and continue to answer. Unfortunately, the wind has been smashed by the second baby’s repeated bombings, and she did not notice her reminder. It is doomed to the occurrence of tragedy.

"What about roast suckling pigs?" asked the second baby full of expectations.


The second baby's face is white: "What about the candied haws promised by the mother?"

"……"Sugar-coated haws? Is there this? The enquiry of the wind moved to the eyes of Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing silently covered his face and smashed into the corner to narrow his sense of existence.

The wind took a deep breath and reluctantly said: "No."

The second baby’s face was smashed because of a great blow. Two tearful eyes stared at the wind and asked the last question: “What about the baby’s favorite pigeon porridge?”

"still none."

The second baby has a small mouth and seems to be digesting this bad news. After half a sigh, the second baby’s mouth slammed and began to continue to power, then...

“Wow...” A cry of earthshaking rang through the entire kitchen and presented a trend of water.

"Oh, oh, my father has cried my sister." The big baby looked at the two babies who were crying in the arms of the wind, and said that they had fallen into the grave.

"..." The wind began to grind teeth, holding the soft buns in his arms, and for the first time in his life, he realized what was called a burnt head.

"Baby, don't cry, don't cry, wait for you to buy buns to eat." Seeing the second baby crying blushing neck thick, a group of girls collective motherhood broke out, hurriedly want to go forward and take the second baby from the wind Holding in my arms, how do you know that the second baby is swaying, and his eyes are red and whimpering: "Don't bun, baby wants to buy candied haws, candied fruit!"

"No, the mother can't take you out to buy the sugar gourd." The wind was stunned by the second baby's cries, but it was still a bit harsh to reject the second baby's request. The result...

"The father is not a talker, it is a deceitful bad baby, the baby hates the father!" Wow..."


Everyone clearly saw that their emperor's face was Hey, this is really a day for chickens and dogs to jump, look at the sky...

"In other words, if the younger sister is here, then the scorpion..." The flowers looked at the top of the head if they felt it.

Sure enough, I saw a figure attached to the beam of the house. I looked at everything that happened below. After receiving the sight of the flower, the person above did not feel the emotion. The flying body jumped from the roof.

"Xunzi, you are really here."

Responding to the flower is a flash of Jianguang and a cold, unrelenting drink: "I am not your nephew, don't scream."

"Ah... this seat is dark like sandalwood, soft and watery hair!" Attention is still concentrated on the flowers of the two babies who are crying not far away, and they are not seen for a while, after all, they are cut down by Tsui’s face. His long hair, his hands holding his broken hair and mourning, sighed and began to silently mourn...


In the middle of the cloud, the mouth of the mouth is slightly pumped back and the realization is achieved. He coughs one channel: "Since the scorpion is here, the master is his..."

Tsuier gave him a look, and returned to the sword and put his hand on the roof.

The more the cloud looked in the direction she pointed, the one that fell on the beam from the beam at the glance, and spit foam at the mouth. At first glance, I knew that it was a certain person who was attacked by the sneak attack. The smile froze.

"I didn't see anything, I didn't see it, I forgot to forget it, I just forgot it, or I would have a nightmare at night." "..."

"Cui Er sister, you have come. I said that Qing sister sneaked out of the palace, no one will follow. However, Tsui's sister, since you knew from the beginning that Qing sister followed us, how could we not know us? ”

Yunxiao’s inquiry succeeded and everyone’s eyes were all moved to Tsui’s body.

Tsui squinted at everyone and glanced at her chest: "The slaves look at the goddess and the little princess is like a happy little girl. Moreover, the goddess and the little princess are not dangerous. They dare not bother to disturb the interest of the goddess." ""

"..." Cui Er sister, in fact, you are the one who is most afraid of the world? !

A few people were speechless, and suddenly they heard a crying cry from the distance: "Wow..."


In the end, this oolong caused by eating goods had to compromise to promise the second baby, let Xia Yuqing take her out to buy candied haws, and let Wei Yan prepare a roast suckling pig and end.

After this battle, everyone fully realized that their little princess is not just a snack food, but also a snack food that has been cried, and the most important thing is that the snack food that has been cried is the death of their emperor! When the princess was opened, the palace had to shake and shake.

Of course, if you think that our general attacking adults have swallowed this breath so much, it is too naive to forgive the three people for leaving the palace without permission.

A beast can't be well-known on his daughter's side, but it does not mean that he can't please him at the child's mother.

Therefore, Xia Yuqing, who was originally planning to forgive by the second baby, once again failed to make a mistake, was charged with the crime of sin, dragged into the house, dragged into bed, overwhelmed...

Beautiful name: Two children are too unconcerned, looking old at the age of three, have to regenerate one to prevent future troubles!

In this regard, Xia Yuqing said that after going to your sister's aftermath, your beast is not a day or two, and you still have to find a reason for this two grandiose? Squint contempt is...

Anyway, when I first arrived in Laos, I made such a big move. Now I am still standing on the land of others. I have to pay attention to not being too arrogant. However, the so-called not too arrogant, just let Xia Yuqing barely get up on the second day, followed by a few people who are easy to go out to buy candied haws.

"After the mother, the insects bite." The second baby Lai in the arms of Xia Yuqing said, pointing his little head to the small red dot on the neck of Xia Yuqing.

"Bug? Didn't you see any bugs in Wei Bobo's house last night?" Yunxiao looked puzzled and went forward to see if Xia Yuqing was bitten by any bug.

Xia Yuqing slammed for a moment, violently reacted, pulled the clothes up, covered the red strawberries on the neck, and stepped back two steps: "Nothing nothing, the mosquitoes were a bit too much last night, accidentally bitten A few mouthfuls, nothing, not so fuss."

"Mosquito?" Yunxiao stared at Xia Yuqing with a look of incomprehensibility, and stared at Xia Yuqing with some guilty distraction.

"Yes, it's mosquitoes. It's all summer, and the mosquitoes are getting more and more. Last night, I was also smashed by several poisonous mosquitoes. I will remember to bring some drives when you go out. The smoke of the mosquitoes comes back."

Xia Yuqing was struggling, and suddenly heard a faint female voice behind her. She turned her head and followed the sound. She was seeing that Yan Tingfang was dressed up as two good sons coming out from inside.

"There are really mosquitoes! I will definitely remember to buy the incense of mosquito repellent, I am most afraid of mosquitoes." Yunxiao did not suspect him, and finally returned.

Xia Yuqing slightly relieved and handed a grateful look toward Yan Tingfang. Afterwards, she looked at the two people and curiously said: "Where is the girl going out?"

Yan Tingfang smiled and said: "Well, I want to go out and inquire about some news."

Xia Yuqing nodded, and then moved his eyes down and moved to the big baby on his leg.

"Speak, Dudu, how did you come out?"

The big baby looked at the two babies in Xia Yuqing's arms and took it for granted: "Where is my sister, I will go there."

"... After that, my sister married, and you have to follow someone else's house."

The big baby snorted, and a buns face drums, and he lowered his head and pondered for a long time. He wondered: "Why is it awkward, not a trick?"

"..." Children, will you be too precocious, even knowing you!

"Well, forget it." The big baby grinned and smiled. "I want to marry my sister. I will pass the check of my father and the emperor first."

"..." At that moment, Xia Yuqing seemed to see two black wings behind her son's arrogant arrogance, a big demon plus a little demon, she suddenly had some sympathy and she did not know Where is the future son-in-law.

In any case, a group of people finally went out of the door, and then parted ways at a certain intersection, Xia Yuqing and others went to the market, while Yan Tingfang went in an unclear direction.

The market in Laos is as lively as the other three countries. Xia Yuqing, who is dressed in a rich family, is very novel and touches the two moustaches that are emerging from his mouth. He is excited by the clouds. Introduce the customs and customs of Laos.

"Sister Qing, you have a rare trip to the country, you can have a good time, and you can have more fun things in the country. For example, the masks on the other side are carved from the wood that was newly transported on the mountain, only It’s only in Laos, and there’s also the kind of small wooden people on the other side, all of which are carved out on the spot. Do you see exactly the same as real people?”

The four sides of the country are stacked on top of each other, and the mountains rise from the ground. The mountains are full of trees and flowers. Therefore, the things sold by the people of the country are more or less related to wood.

In order to not reveal his identity, Tsui will also dress up Yunxiao as a dignified lady who still has the charm of a half-old lady. It is a pity that this dignified one is already running out under the excitement of Yunxiao.

Fortunately, the market at this time was so lively, and the crowds coming and going were very rushed, but not many people found the sense of violation.

Xia Yuqing looked in the direction pointed by Yunxiao. I saw a crowd of people on the side of a small stall. From the outside, I could still see the small and vivid small of the stalls. people.

Xia Yuqing and others have seen such things for the first time, and they are also somewhat novel. They look at each other and take the two children to go.

The stall owner was a white-haired father. At this moment, a small wooden man was handed over to the person on the side. When Xia Yuqing and others came over, He Shan smiled and said: "Several people want to sculpt wood?"

Xia Yuqing has a few people, and this reminds me that I am now easy to read, even if it is carved out, it is not my true face.

Although some disappointment, but also helpless, a few people are preparing to shake their heads and turn, Xia Yuqing suddenly felt the hem at the sink.

"Mother... Hey, hey, baby wants to pair with his sister, can you?" The big baby looked at the little people on the table, his eyes were slightly bright, and the sleeves of Xia Yuqing were looking forward to it. Begging for directions.

Xia Yuqing glanced at it and saw two cute little buns. He smiled and said: "Well, old man, can a child?"

"Of course, these two children are the lady of the master and the lady. It looks so cute, the lady is very blessed. The little old man gives them two pairs of carvings, and a few wait a moment."

The stall owner glanced at the two children with a look of affection, and took the wooden blocks on the side and began to sculpted quickly.

After a quarter of an hour, in the eyes of everyone, or surprised, or novelty, the two cute golden children, the little wooden man, appeared in the hands of the elderly.

"This lord, give."

Xia Yuqing took over the two exquisite small wooden people and handed them two original small buns. They chuckled and said, "I like it?"

"Uh huh!" The second baby, holding his own little wooden man, nodded his head and even took the big baby who always liked to wear a small adult. At this time, he finally showed the innocence of a child, a look of joy. .

Xia Yuqing looked at the two buns, and the flash of the light flashed in his head. He turned to look at the stall owner: "If you only have portraits, can you help me to do two more villains?"

The stall owner sighed, and then slowly smiled and said: "Yes, as long as there is a portrait, the little old man can make it."


"Master..." Cui Er twisted her eyebrows. Some worries screamed Xia Yuqing and pulled the hand of La Xia Yuqing. She was afraid that Xia Yuqing would impulsively call out her portrait. We must know that although the country knows that Xia Yuqing and the people of the wind are not many, but they are not completely absent, Xu here is a lot of people, not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of it.

Xia Yuqing shook her head with a smile, indicating that she would not have something, and then took out the little charcoal pen she carried with her own sleeve and painted it on the white paper on the side. Above the drawings, there are two very cute little men, one male and one female. The appearance is very similar to the two buns, especially the male villain above, but the look is slightly different from the clothes.

"Just follow these two."

"Oh, what is this? Like a child, it's a little different, it looks so cute!" Yunxiao stared at the two little men on the paper, his eyes screaming.

Xia Yuqing proudly smiled, and the mysterious screaming into the ears of Yunxiao whispered a few words to her.

Yunxiao suddenly realized that he was staring at the two little men on the paper, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Tsui also saw the identity of the villain on the paper, and he was slightly relieved. Although he could still see a few charms from it, but such a q version, if it is not true that people who have been with each other for a long time, it is difficult for ordinary people to see the clue. Especially... the little girl doll...

"Cough, these two are my other little nephews and little nieces. I lived elsewhere for a long time. I have to see one side for a long time. I just do business. I will go to them in the next few days. I just took this as two children. The meeting, I believe they will like it very much." Xia Yuqing began to look awkward, anyway, the q version of himself and the general attacker did not seem to be able to go there with the two children.

"It turns out that." The stall owner did not suspect him. He took the picture in the hands of Xia Yuqing and smiled. "The master is relieved, the little old man must help the master to do these two villains, and keep the master out and take it." I am very happy with the lady of the table."

"That would be grateful to the old man." Xia Yuqing looked at the q version of the little **** the paper, eyes flashing a few expectations.

"Sister Qing..." Yunxiao was close to Xia Yuqing's side, and he whispered in the ear of Xia Yuqing.

This scene falls on the side of others, that is, a couple is very whispering in love, but the truth is...

"Sister Qing, the family also wants to engrave a pair with the generals..." Yun Yan looked at him with a shy look and followed him, who had been quietly playing He Wenzhong as a bodyguard.

"Hey..." Xia Yuqing glanced at He Wenzhong’s unclear face, and he smiled and said, "You and He General..."

"Sister Qing!" Yunxiao heard the ridicule in Xia Yuqing's words, and a small face was even more popular.

"Okay, don't tease you. It's rare to have this opportunity, no problem, no problem, and promise to give you the most lovely general."

Yunxiao was embarrassed and smiled. The hand holding Xia Yuqing was very happy: "Sister Qing, you are the best."

"Old man, add two more dolls!"

"..." This lord, how many children are there in your family? !

A few people are having a good time. They haven’t found a small bun that can’t reach the stall. They hold the little wooden man in their hands and listen to the muffled sound of their little belly. Some of them are distressed and round themselves. The little face wrinkled into a ball.

"After the mother, the baby is hungry..." The faint voice of the second baby was completely drowned in the lively discussion of several people.

I found that no one cares about myself. The second baby is a little annoyed and whispered. She is preparing to grievance and crying to declare her sense of existence. However, she suddenly feels like she has found something. The small body suddenly slams and turns. The eyes looked around, and the little nose snarled in a certain direction, arched and arched, and the watery eyes suddenly shot the light of Kabika.

I ignored the adults who were still talking on the side, and squeezed the crowds with small short legs. The small head turned and turned around. After seeing a small stall with white smoke not far away, It became two small stars, and the cockroach rushed straight toward the stall.

------Off topic ------

Thanks to oliviacool, the melody of the crack, the 1 monthly pass of Mo Xiaosang, the 2 monthly passes of 15192089391 and 13769178752

Thanks for watching the 3 diamonds that are also white.

What are you going to do? (づ ̄3 ̄) づ╭? !


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