MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-Chapter 170 Go out from the palace together!

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"That's it, brother-in-law, you have to be careful. That woman is not a simple role, if it is so laissez-faire..."

The face of the wind slammed and the hand holding Xia Yuqing tightened slightly. The dark and difficult face made people unable to see what he was thinking.

"The emperor..."

"You are a dead boy, but I didn't even say it when I came back. I even dared to go to the palace to stab my little apprentice, and see that I didn't interrupt your dogleg!" The atmosphere in the hall was tense, and everyone heard a full-fledged voice. Shouting, the next second, a figure with a cane but a stunt is so rushing into the hall.

"Hey... Master!" The flower was almost smashed by the tea that had just been imported. When it was too late to react, I saw a walking stick coming to the face.

The face of the flower changed, and the reflective soft steel wire wrapped around the cane that hit the top of his head, and screamed: "Master, you don't have to meet up to look at you, you can spend the moon and look like a little apprentice."

"What little apprentice? The old man spends his time on the moon, the little apprentice of the country is there! Your boy has not seen for a few days, his wings are hard, are you? I dare to do it to the old man!"

"...Master, it’s obvious that you beat people first, I am just..." The flower made a sigh of relief, thinking about who was laughing and pulling his hand and saying that he was his favorite little apprentice. After a few years, I received a close disciple and turned my face and didn't recognize people. I didn't bring such a new and tired old!

"What are you just like? One day is the father of the teacher for the whole life. I am the son of the son of the teacher. I am playing the son of the righteousness. What happened to me? You dare to fight back?!" Xu’s two little beards screamed and pulled back. The cane waved and wanted to beat someone.

"Xu Ge Xu Ge, calm and calm, the three brothers are not that meaning! Come, take a deep breath, inhale, exhale!" In a critical moment, Xia Yuqing rushed forward and grabbed Xu's hand and patted him. The back is soothing.

"Hey, this time I don't think about it in the face of the little apprentice. I will do this with the next time, and see if I don't interrupt your dogleg."

"..." What did you do in this seat? I don’t know how this seat is! Moreover, looking at the face of the younger apprentice, you seem to have forgotten the two brothers in front of me. Master, are you so moody and respectful? !

"That... Xu Ge, you seem to have misunderstood, the three brothers did not come to assassinate me, he came to inform." Xia Yuqing coughed twice, decided to be a three-sister brother who was lying innocently.


“Yes!” Xia Yuqing nodded and repeated the words that the flower had just said.

Xu Lao’s face was so good that he looked at it with a cold voice: “You still have some conscience.”

"..." I have always had a good conscience! The flower made a glimpse of the corner of his mouth. For the first time in his life, he saw Xu’s eccentricity. For the first time, he discovered that his original status was in jeopardy.

"Master!" The flower made a shadow on the back of the unreasonable back, like a kid who was bullied by other children and looked for a parent. "Master, Master is too much. I want to." At that time, he was a sweet bite to his seat. He said that he would never go west. He wanted the moon. He would never dare to pick up the stars. But now, after having a younger sister, No longer like the previous ones, it’s getting colder and clearer. It’s really only to smell new people and not to hear old people crying!”

"...Hey, don't cry. Your master, I am still his son, and you can lose it as you say it. You have enjoyed the warm years of listening to you for a few years, I... Don't say anything."

"You two gangsters!"

"..." Master, the three divisions, are you performing the Qiong Yao drama? Do you feel the love of the two brothers on the side of the show? Three brothers, don’t you feel the murderous eyes cast by the two brothers? In the public, grab the two brothers and men, and the three brothers, you are a daffodil!

The more ignorant the cloud, the disdain that he had casted on the two had been misunderstood by Xia Yuqing. He glanced at the two silently and silently turned to self-hypnosis. I don't know these two people. I really don't know these two people.

The wind smashed back from the words of the flower, and looked at the chaos of the men and women. The lips whispered: "Xu Lao, you can count it. Just there is something to discuss with you."

"What is it?" Xu Lao looked at the unpleasant smile on the face of the wind, and suddenly there was a bad feeling.

The wind did not speak, but got up and led Xu Lao to the door of Xia Yuqing's dormitory: "Xu Lao, your three disciples and two disciples together broke the bedroom of your little apprentice, causing love to be a few days. I can't sleep anymore. You just said that one day is the father of the teacher for the rest of your life. This sub-debt still has to be paid by the father, so the repair cost of this palace will be too much trouble for you. But I believe that Xu Lao, you love it so much, you should not look at this little money."

"What? The two little rabbit scorpions ruined the palace of the little apprentice?! Also let the old man pay for it, you have this reason!" Xu Lao looked at the summer in the temple of Xia Yuqing, and after a few seconds, he yelled. With a cane, I chased the past towards the flowers.

"Xu..." Xia Yuqing wanted to shout Xu Lao, but it was still a step late, and the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch. Master, you are all old, so easy to get angry is very easy to high blood!

"Master... Master, your crutches are always on the ground, they are all dusty, don't fight on me! If you want to fight well, you have to change things quickly! Also, don't hit my handsome face!" The screams of the shadows rang through the entire sky.

"..." At this time, I still care about whether your weapon is clean, and you are drunk in the third division! Xia Yuqing stunned and looked at the sky silently. Sure enough, Virgo is really a difficult creature to understand!

"Master, you are not eccentric, but how can you even be so eccentric? The sleeping hall is obviously broken by me. Why do you only beat me?!"

"Less nonsense, after you finish playing, hit him again, one can't run."

The more gloating in the clouds, the picture of Xuan’s chasing the flowers running through the temple. The eyebrows were full of smiles. When he was happy, a figure was in front of him and blocked his sight.

"Wang Wang?" The more the cloud looks up, the strange look is suddenly appearing in front of you.

The wind and the phoenix eye picked up slightly, and looked at the cloud more and more, and then crossed the cloud and looked at the clouds not far away and the people who heard the sound of Yan Tingfang: "The last time you proposed, I accept."

"What?" On the side of the crowd, all the words were exhausted, and the more the face was in the clouds, the eyebrows said: "You promised to help?"

"You can't be wrong, you just don't want to love you and the people of Laos are hurt."

In the middle of the cloud, he turned his head and glanced at the ecstatic sly Yan Tingfang. He nodded to the wind: "What is the king preparing to do? Helping the soldiers?"

The wind smashed the clouds and looked at it. He smiled lightly: "Where is the soldier? In what name does it send troops? Is it a rebellion against Zhao Xue? This time, sending troops, not calling the woman's heart, gave her an excuse to provoke the relationship between the two countries? I will also sit down on the crime of collusion with the country for quite a few years."


"Since the woman has been unable to resist and wants to take another shot on Xiaoyan, I think there should be some action in the country."

"The emperor means... the aunt of the emperor is very likely to be against my father and mother..." Yunyan’s face was white, and his face stared blankly.

The temperament did not bother to explain, but only a light breath: "Since she has the ability to do something about her country and love her, she should be prepared to bear the consequences. After five days, I will personally bring people with you. Going to Laos, as for what you want to do in Laos, your spies will tell you when they arrive."

"Your spy? Are you buried in the country?"

"This is a secret, but now in such an extraordinary period, it is difficult for you to take it with you."

"..." The more the face in the cloud is, the more squinting is the more complicated than before. The man is not a simple character.

"Is the emperor going to Laos? Then I have to go together!" Xia Yuqing stunned for a long time before he reacted. His eyes shone and shouted, but unfortunately...

"No, this is dangerous and dangerous, love can not go together." Xia Yuqing has not been excited, he was shot dead by a popular sentence.

"What, don't, I want to... oh..." Xia Yuqing hadn't protested yet, and he was stunned by the wind, and then he hurried to his own bedroom.

"It’s not early, everyone is going back to rest. You should sleep in the same place, and you can’t use it in the night. I’m afraid that I can’t use it anymore, and I’ll start to love you’s tonight’s sleep. Let's go."

"..." I stayed in the dormitory of the general attacking adult, and I still didn't promise it! Don't make such a self-assertion, ya butterfly!

Xia Yuqing’s protest was smashed in the cradle by the sauce, and when she returned to God and wanted to protest again, she was overwhelmed by a beast, no longer had a chance to speak, and then returned to God. It is the next day...

"The **** beast, I didn't want to live with him in a palace." The next morning, Xia Yuqing helped his sore waist, and ignored the reconciliation of Xiaoshun and others, and turned back to the Fangfang Hall.

It’s no surprise that everyone in the Fangfang Temple saw Xia Yuqing’s return. Anyway, the goddess likes to be awkward with the emperor. It’s not a day or two. At night, the goddess will be forced to go back to the emperor. They just have to wait for the good lady before.

The Fangfang Palace is a lively place, especially after the two brothers of Xia Yuqing began to frequently report to the Fangfang Temple. However, the most noisy thing today is not the two, but the first to come... Xia Yuqing three brothers to make a shadow.

"Oh, no wonder the master brother and the second brother haven’t thought about it since they came to the younger sister. The little girl’s **** in this palace is actually more watery than the few sisters in the killer building of this seat, especially this one. There is also this one." Hua Liying leaned against the pillar to observe the Xia Yuqing Temple in the temple, squatting for a long while, suddenly fell to the back of Tsui and Li Yuan, reaching for the shoulders of the two.

"!" Unreasonable face change, hurriedly want to pull the hand of the flower, but it is still a step later.

At the same time, Tsui and Yu Yuan felt the closeness of the person behind them. With a slamming sound, the two handles, such as the Hong Changjian, were simultaneously sheathed, and the people behind them stabbed the past without mercy.

Hua Yunying did not expect the two people's movements to be so fast, and they were shocked. After a thousand miles, the soft steel wire in their hands smashed the two long swords together, and they lived in front of them a few centimeters.

"There is a good risk, and some insurance will cut off this soft and sloppy black hair."

"..." The three brothers, it will be my mother's gun again if I continue to do so, really!

"However, the eyes of this seat are really correct. These two gimmicks are not only good, but martial arts are also good. The two girls are not interested in following the squad back to the building. We can discuss the salary, which is definitely lower than the younger sister. And you are a girl again, this seat will not arrange too dangerous assassination for you."

"..." Three brothers, are you gonna dig in the face of these two gimmicks? I am going to bite you!

Xia Yuqing had not had time to vent his dissatisfaction, and when he stepped forward, there was already someone who could not resist the protest.

"Little teacher, younger brother, you want to be able to do which gimmicks, you can not want this." Suddenly a sudden brake, blocked in front of Tsui, shouting at the flowers.

"Hey, why? Brother, you used to like girls, but you never thought about it with your younger brother. Could it be that you have seen this beautiful girl? You haven’t been tired yet? Well, the younger brother can wait for you to get tired of it. She took the killer floor." The flower looked at the sly look and looked at it for a moment, and the words that were spoken made it impossible for him to grab the sea flat on the spot.

"Playing your sister, this is my wife, you are a teacher, what is not fun to play. You have to dare to hit her idea, see I do not tear down your killer!"

"Women?" The flowers made a shadow, and they took up the soft wire and looked up and down. It was a good way to say, "Oh, no, master, you didn't like this type before."

"What kind of type does the master like?" Xia Yuqing headed up on the head and quickly reached the front of the flowers and asked a few people, curiously asked.

"Little sister, you..." Can you not add chaos at this time!

"Masters like the kind of enchanting and the kind of childishness. This girl looks ordinary and does not match. How could it be the future nephew?"

"The younger brother you..." Suddenly changed his face slightly, and he wanted to hold the mouth of the flower, but he was quickly evaded by his eyes.

"Master, your hand has just touched the white-haired dog. It must be stained with the hair of the dog. Don't touch me."

"..." has no reason to start grinding teeth.

"This is a demon, I understand, but this childishness is swollen? Is it a good man? You like that kind of underage girl, brother... forced underage girl is illegal, you are maiming the motherland flowers, but Retribution!"

"Enough, those are the past tense. I have now changed my evil spirits. I have passed through the flowers, and the leaves are not stained. I only stop for the flowers of my wife. Don't be too much!"

"Is the evil spirits correct? Is the sun coming out to the west?" The flower looked up and looked at the rising sun in the distance, looking serious.


Tsui Er has a look at the endless, turned and left.

I was so eager to follow up and explain: "Women, don't listen to that guy nonsense, I am really sincere to you, you must believe me!"

"The brothers you have been with for many years don't believe you. Why do I believe? I have said it many times, I am not your wife." Cuier's foot was on the back, his right hand clenched into a fist, and the angry punch waved. past.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, you are really playing, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law. You listen to me!"

"Oh... it looks like a blind man. He can beat the master so badly. The master is still afraid to fight back. Hey, the prodigal son knows how to get rid of it. This is retribution!"

"..." So what do you want to see the excitement of the three divisions?

"No way, the blind man can't bring it back, that girl..."

"Roll." From the cold and cold appreciation of the flower, a white eye, turned and left.

"...Sister Xiao, the girl in your palace is really rude."

"..." is that you are too owed! Believe me, Xiaoyuan is usually a soft sister paper, soft sister paper.

"Speaking... The two brothers are not worried about the green core at all?" Xia Yuqing has some doubts and looks at the clouds in the back of the world. The second brother is not on the green core, it is only true. In the cooking of our family, we don’t worry about the three brothers’ love.

"What do I worry about? The Green Core girl does not meet the conditions of the kidnapper building like a scorpion. I don't have to worry about it." The more hands in the cloud, the chest, the face of the flower, looking at the flowers.

"The conditions of the killer building? Is it necessary to enter the killer building?" Xia Yuqing glimpsed, more and more curious.

"In order to enter the killer, of course, there must be conditions, the killer building of this seat is not anyone can enter." Flower did not know when it appeared behind the two, scared the two jumped.

"That three brothers, if you want to enter your killer building, what conditions do you need to meet?"

"First, people who are not good at not accepting!" The unreasonable voice suddenly passed from behind a few people.

"Hey, Master, you are back... ah!" Xia Yuqing turned to look at it, facing two huge black circles on the face.

"Hey..." The more the clouds and the flowers, the two of them sneered at the same time, and they supported each other with a smile.

"Laughing a fart, it's not yours." Suddenly picked up a cup on the table and threw it out at the flower.

The flowers hurriedly avoided, and the face couldn’t help but said: "Brother, calm and calm, who knows the anger of the scorpion? You are tired, tired, hahaha..."


"Okay, don't laugh." Xia Yuqing himself smiled, although he wanted to laugh, but he even wanted to know the conditions of the so-called killer building, and made a whole face. "The killer really didn't have a skill." Anything else?"

"Second, the poor body does not accept!" The more the cloud in the hands of the one hand, said the second condition.

"...What is the inevitable connection between the body and the killer?"

"Of course, it's a relationship!" Huanzheng resigned his voice. "You think about it, if a person's body is not good, the brain is full of fat, and the assassination of the individual can crush the roof of the person, such a killer. Going out is not to lose face to the killer building of this seat?"

"..." I... I was speechless.

"Is there anything else?" Xia Yuqing asked with a slight sigh.

"Of course!" The flower was so excited that I took a table. "The last one is also the most important one. Those who are not well-dressed will not accept it!"

"What does this thing have to do with the killer?!"

"Little sister, you don't know. The killer assassination is an extremely advanced study. There are some assassination objects that are very difficult to get martial arts. The best way to assassinate is to let some female killers play their own charm. Close to those who are assassinated... If the appearance is not good, then how can it come in handy at this time?" Flower makes a pair of "Little Sisters, you really soil" expression staring at Xia Yuqing.

"..." Three brothers, do you mean that your assassination team also includes seduce assassination? Do you want to be so tall! alright, you win.

Xia Yuqing silently turned his eyes to the sky, no longer paying attention to his three unreliable brothers, took the tea on the table and just took a sip, and saw a full blow after seeing someone not far away. Come out.

"Little sister, what are you doing? Ah, the water sprayed onto the seat, so dirty and dirty, where there are clean clothes, clean clothes! This seat has to change clothes."

Xia Yuqing pointed out the **** at the dead and clean man in his heart and got up and said: "The brothers talked first, I used to lick the children."


Xia Yuqing got up and walked over to the room of the two children. After opening the door, he quickly closed.

"Pedestrian, what do you do after you just called the mother?" Xia Yuqing leaned over and looked at the second baby who stood at his feet and only had his knee high, whispered.

"Not after the younger sister called the mother, it is the child who wants to say something to the mother." The big baby came out from behind the second baby and grinned at Xia Yuqing.

"!" The ordinary smile on the day made the summer rain clear and violent. I couldn’t help but sigh, because she knew that this kid was like her, and she was a demon dressed in an angel skin. She suddenly laughed at herself. There is absolutely no good thing.

"That... what's the matter after you call the mother?"

"After the mother, are you afraid?"

"Nothing!" If people know that they are afraid of being pitted by a child who has just been weaned, what other face is in this palace, hold it, be sure to hold it!

“Is it?” The big baby looked at Xia Yuqing and smiled innocently. “Well, time is running out, or is it right? Yesterday the father said, don’t let the mother go to the country together?” Don't want to go with the father?"

"Of course I think!" Xia Yuqing stunned, almost blurted out. After that, there are some bottomless, "Do you have a way?"

"Of course. However, the child can help the mother to go with the father, and the mother has to promise the child."

"..." I know that there is no white lunch in this world, and this little soul is still trying!

"what's up?"

"Hey, my parents and my sister have never left the palace since I was born. I want to go out with my mother to open my eyes and see the world."

"No!" Xia Yuqing screamed and vetoed the big baby's proposal without saying anything. "That, baby, it's dangerous outside, you are too small, can't..."

The big baby's face was stunned: "This sentence the father has also said to the mother, then forget it, don't go, don't go, everyone don't go. Baby, let's go."

Said, the big baby took the second baby's hand, turned and left.

"Wait, do you really want to go?" Xia Yuqing fought for a long time, and finally could not help but shouted and stopped the two people's footsteps.

The big baby did not trace the second baby to make a look, the second baby nodded cleverly, turned his eyes and tears to Xia Yuqing to sell Meng: "Mother, want to go."

"..." If the big baby's smile is the bullet level for Xia Yuqing's lethality, then the second baby's tears will be the atomic bomb level for Xia Yuqing's lethality. Taking it for granted, Xia Yuqing was killed.

"... well, take you there." Xia Yuqing insisted for a moment, after all, he still surrendered the white flag.

"Ouye, my brother is a great brother, okay..." The second baby was excited to hold a big baby.

"..." Hey, baby, the person who promised to take you out is the mother and the mother, not your smiling face tiger brother! Even if you want to pounce, you should rush to the arms of the mother's back! Baby, wake up!

The big baby felt the resentment of Xia Yuqing's bet, and challenged her to lift her chin and took the second baby's shoulder. In the face of Xia Yuqing, she sipped a little face with two baby fat toot. The smugness is getting more and more tempered by the summer rain and clear teeth.

This **** bear child, don't commit it in my hands, otherwise one day, I will definitely beat the sly light!

Xia Yuqing pressed down the anger of his stomach, and gave a sigh of relief. He smiled and said: "Now, can you tell the mother how to do it?"

The big baby took a look at Xia Yuqing and smiled and spit out a sentence: "After the mother, you look like a green wolf in the story told us a few days ago, especially the lizard."

"..." Calm and calm, this is a bear child, a bear child, an adult can not be too true with the child, yes, that's right, that's it!

Xia Yuqing was not able to do a good job in psychological construction. He pressed the blue ribs on the top of his head one by one and continued to laugh: "Can the mother now repent?"

"No, it’s hard to chase after a word. After the mother, what you said, adults should set an example for the children, otherwise we will learn bad in the future."

"..." You have learned bad now! Xia Yuqing burst into tears, knowing that she would give birth to such a shackle... Well, her family's two treasures are still inside, she can't do anything. Just why, the same birth, the difference is so big? ! It must be that the genes are not good and the genes are not good!

"Then tell me what to do after the mother!"

The big baby appreciates the appearance of Xia Yuqing's condition, and he just smiled and smiled and said: "After the mother, let's leave the palace together."

"..." I feel like I am being pitted again for Mao!

After five days, a few people in the air rushed to the country to leave behind, leaving Yan Dian and Leng Ruofeng to supervise the country. On this, Yan Dian said: "The trough, the swollen and the labor, you ran out to visit the mountains one by one. Playing with water, why leave me alone in this hard work?!"

Responding to him is the iron fist of several bad friends, as well as the intimidation of the wind.

"It seems that Tai Fu feels that the prime minister stayed in the country together, hindering him from exerting his fists, then..."

The wind has not finished talking, Yan dyed will be ruined on the spot, a joke! If even Leng Ruofeng is gone, he will be exhausted and exhausted!

Ever since, Yan Yan’s protest was so smashed into slag, and the carriage slowly drove out of the secluded path to the King’s City, focusing on the front of the crowd who did not find the suitcase checked behind the carriage. As the carriage progressed, it moved unusually.

At the same time, a fierce scream broke out in the palace of the Shu State.

"Mother...the maiden...and the little princess..." Green Sui trembled and handed the small note in her hand to the face of Yuan.

After Yuan took the paper and looked at it, his face was not changed. He only asked: "What about Tsui's sister?"

"I haven't seen anyone since I was early in the morning."

"Oh, that's fine."

A green glimpse, seems to understand what, then a small mouth: "Anniling, you left us to run, too much!"


On the other side of the Cining Palace, Meixi slowly walked into the Buddhist temple and looked at the long-haired Sun, who was squatting in front of the Buddha. He whispered: "The Queen Mother, the emperor went out of the palace."

"Yeah." Chang Sunshi responded with a light voice, indicating that he knew.

"The relationship between the two gods, the two countries has been very tense, plus that person is also in the country. This time the emperor's powerful adults can go, how can the Queen Mother not stop the emperor? Let the emperor ......"

After the aunt Meixi had not finished speaking, he was interrupted by the words of Chang Sunshi: "Meixi, it is because of this that the children can not go. Some things, the sorrow can not do, the first emperor can not do it, I can only let the nephew help us."

Meixi glimpsed, the bottom of the eye finally passed a trace, and licked the lips but did not say a word, silently retreated to one side.

The summer breeze slid into the inner chamber of the Cining Palace along the slightly open window, blowing up the curtains in the room, and blowing the clothes of the people standing at the top of the palace. Flying.

The black boy standing at the top of the palace, silently watching the carriage that was drifting away in the distance, his lips slightly smacked. The long, low-hanging hair was scattered in front of the body, buckled with a silver hairpin, and swayed gently with the breeze.

In the boy's arms, there is a very beautiful black cat. The cat is drowsy under the care of the young slender knuckles, and elegantly yawns.

"Time has begun to fade with the traces of fate, then, what should you do next?"

The sound of the juvenile, like the cello, is gently echoing in the air above the palace. Another breeze hit, but for a moment, the original still standing on the roof of the house is empty, as if everything that happened just happened is just a dream of people happening!

------Off topic ------

Thanks for the blue ugly ugly, not crying, 1 monthly ticket for 676514, 3 monthly tickets for 18674520153

Thank you for the snowy diamonds

Next, enter the third and final volume, decrypt the volume! In this volume, the doubts that parents have always had will be explained. For example, what are the grievances of the royal family and the princess, such as who is the child of Tsui, and why is the cheap father of Xiao Qinger always thinking about pushing her out, such as Xiao Qinger and Sihuangxiong? What's going on, and so on, there will be a lot of answers. (*^__^*)嘻嘻... So let's look forward to it, this last and last...



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