MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1261 "Human-shaped tyrannosaurus" winds down

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"There are only three hundred people left!"

"There are three more dead. The middle one seems to be the third smoker in the northern city. It didn't even survive until the end!"

Looking at the number of people is getting less and less, but the degree of tragic is a more obvious center of the mechanical city, watching players are nervous. Fiction.

"Wait, the so-called super electromagnetic bomb that never sleeps in the city? How can it be outside the city!"

Suddenly, a spectator saw what he saw and raised a doubt in the communication channel.

"Yeah, how come outside?"

"It’s not what the night city is doing. It’s not bringing the super bomb into the city. It’s deliberately trying to kill other guilds!”

And some other players, after hearing this, also shifted their view to the team of the night city team staying outside the machinery city.

It was discovered that a "super electromagnetic bomb" that was very eye-catching and had the size of a buggy was mounted on a "z-990" reloading truck with empty shells, and the location was indeed outside the city.

"No night city, what are your people doing?"

"Asshole, this is going to kill everyone!"

Because of the outbreak of war outside, many people go out to do the task, not everyone is watching the whole process.

Even though the forum's "wormhole" ability of 24k has been popular, many people still don't know.

Therefore, because of this situation, many people are screaming angrily at a time, even in the watching channel to question the players who never sleep!

"Cut, to the heart of a villain, to the belly of a gentleman."

"Idiot, self-righteous!"

"Looking quietly, don't scare the dog's eyes for a while!"

Those who know that they have the "transfer" bug skill in the night, are naturally rolling their eyes.

The players who never sleep in the city are even more angry and have a cold voice.

However, in fact, to be honest, they also have some drums in their hearts.

Since entering the center battlefield, the wind has not opened the wormhole, which makes them worry that the "energy layer" on the ring road around the mechanical city will limit the "transfer" function?

However, right away, they don't need to worry.


In addition, it was a medium-sized missile launched by a certain guild, with a strong impact and destructive force hitting the x-10000's chest.

With the strong defense of x-10000, it could no longer hold back, and it was blown out of a huge hole with red edges, and the body of the half was also blown into a torn state. The exposed metal structure inside was seriously damaged. Black smoke outside!

"Almost, the core of the core has been exposed!"

Among the teams in the city that never sleeps, the thousands of miles that have been staring at the x-10000 shouted in the communication channel.


And in his voice just fell.

Outside the Machinery City, the super electromagnetic bomb on the z-990 transporter was instantly wrapped in a layer of invisible solace.


At the same time, the center of the machinery city.

Just standing in the air, with a demon spear nail ruined a mechanical squid, the wind fell sharply and flew at a high speed and flew a distance, with a lot of tumbling black gas falling to the ground behind the x-10000 side!


Then, a black hole emerged from the ground covered by the black gas surrounding him, from which the top corner of the super bomb emerged.

"this is?"

"what's the situation?"

The voices of the players who were still stunned suddenly stagnate, and their eyes are a little bit stunned.

"The trick of never staying in the city is really cheating."

"Yeah, space transfer, this is simply a tactical ability to be a bug!"

"I feel that it is already unbeaten in the game with this handless city. When the game is over, 24k will definitely become the first pet recognized!"

"Where is the end of the game, a few days before the new dog list on the hound, 24k has already been ranked first... but this way, I am afraid that some people will say that Fengshen is relying on pets, hope to wait. Let's play some faces!\'

After seeing this picture, some players who knew the "wormhole" had a big heart.

Deliberately use a sense of superiority to talk in the channel with a sigh of sigh, and deliberately ignore the words of those who questioned.

It is to let those players have a kind of beating face!

"However, this super-bomb is like a wind god, and this electromagnetic bomb is not like the two launching devices in front. How can the city never get such a big bomb to get on the super boss?"

However, more people are still staring at the battlefield and don't want to miss this incomparably tight game.

At the same time, there is also a doubt.


Among the tumultuous black air, the super electromagnetic bomb of the size of the off-road vehicle has completely emerged from the wormhole.

However, even the people who stayed in the city that never sleeps on the battlefield are thinking about one thing at this time. Is such a big "super bomb" how to prepare for the x-10000?

Use the reconnaissance beetle to fly onto the body of the x-10000, and then transfer it directly?

This idea is good, but if it is feasible, the wind has already been done.

In the current fierce battle situation, the x-10000 body is shrouded in various attacks. The scouting beetle will not be able to fly to the x-10000 in this scene and will die!

Even if it is flying high above the top of the x-10000, it will not be thrown far away, because the x-10000 body is too big and the defense is too high, even if this super large electromagnetic bomb can not be in critical areas. The internal explosion is also unable to achieve the goal of completely smashing the target!

Fortunately, for others, this may indeed be a problem.

However, for the wind, there is a relatively straightforward solution.


The wind fell out of the right hand wearing death gloves, slamming the corner of the electromagnetic bomb, and then the body instantly exerted force, accompanied by a slight fluctuation of the original force, the muscles on the arm slammed up in pieces.

In the next moment, there was a super-electromagnetic bomb of the size of a buggy, and he was actually stunned by one hand!

Of course, because the super electromagnetic bomb is huge, the wind can't really "snap" it from above.

In fact, it should be said that it is carried by hand or carried.

However, because he raised these tons of electromagnetic bombs too easily.

Even the skills of the explosion point are not used, but only the word "拎" can be accurately described!


The next moment, the wind fell.

With the continuous acceleration of a few tons of super-electromagnetic bombs, it is close to the x-10000 position at a speed comparable to that of a general warrior.

"Zizi, nourish, nourish..."

Some mechanical squid found the action of the wind, trying to intercept him!

However, because the wind falls to the location, there is a place where there is no squid nearby.

These command-level mechanical squid even want to block, it is too late.


After a few seconds, I rushed to the wind that was about 50 meters away from x-10000, and suddenly slammed the super electromagnetic bomb.


The huge electromagnetic bomb was shrouded in a pile of black air, like a vacant off-road vehicle flying toward the x-10000 standing in the air.

At the speed of the wind and the speed of the throwing, the speed of several tons of super electromagnetic bombs is even faster than the energy skills of some masters!

"I am going, humanoid tyrannosaurus!"

"Serve, what power is this? Is it really a shaped boss in the role of the player?"

“Is this really a sniper?”

Watching players are already boiling when they see the wind pick up the super electromagnetic bomb.

And when I saw the wind falling, I was able to fly with the super electromagnetic bomb. I was able to throw things like the off-road vehicles to the sky dozens of meters away like a stone.

One by one, some doubt that they are wrong.

In fact, what they don't know is that, in fact, this scene, because of the wind falling out of insurance considerations, deliberately slammed the super electromagnetic bomb first to run a distance.

Avoid any hidden attacks on the x-10000, destroy or intercept the third one in the middle, and it is now the only "super weapon"!

Otherwise, it is actually standing in the beginning, even in the air.

He was also able to grab the electromagnetic bomb directly and throw the tons of things into the x-10000.

The super-evolution virus makes his character attribute completely comparable to the boss creature, and the large number of life protozoa generated on the battlefield due to the player's death, can stimulate a lot of symbiotic skills, so that his strength will increase!

Of course, it would be amazing to do that.

Before the game is completely over, he naturally needs to keep a certain hole!


In the case of interference from all detection methods, the x-10000 could not react too much to this "off-road vehicle bomb" that was directly thrown by the wind.

The huge electromagnetic bomb, under the powerful impact of high speed, is deeply embedded in the hole that is punched in its stomach.


The next moment, the wind fell back and retreated, and at the same time screamed in the mouth.


Responsible for manipulating the digital cat, the finger slammed down to detonate the ground button.


The next moment, I saw the x-10000's abdomen position, and suddenly blasted up a whole more than the sky's illumination flares, but also more bright blue and white light!

Like the same small sun, most of the mechanical cities have become bright and white!

"Zizi, nourish, nourish..."

With this explosion, powerful currents and electromagnetic fields are destroyed along the x-10000 body, sweeping all the structural instruments around it that are not protected.


The intensive high current produces enough energy to destroy any precision mechanical parts.


The glare of the ray has lasted for more than ten seconds, and the electromagnetic shock wave formed by the explosion of the electromagnetic bomb has even swept the entire battlefield.

Most of the mechanical squid, which was still in the claws, suddenly stopped still and even fell to the ground. These mechanical squid were attacked by the player in the battle and caused damage, unable to stop such a powerful electromagnetic attack.

Even the mechanical squid, which is a few hundred meters away, was destroyed. The x-10000, which was exploded from the inside by the super electromagnetic bomb, could not be okay!

"Zizi, nourish, nourish!"

Although the two systems were damaged, but with the positioning of the mechanical squid, the x-10000, which is constantly launching the "rail gun" to kill the player, has stopped moving.


Even after two seconds, it crashed directly.

The huge body of 100 meters high directly overwhelmed several buildings including the gymnasium on the battlefield, and the whole ground was shaken a few times!


"Fast, attack!"

"Get the last blow!"

Seeing this situation, the remaining number of players who have less than 200 players, who will not know what to do.

The function of the electromagnetic bomb is mainly "瘫痪". For this super large mechanical unit, it is impossible to completely "destroy".

This is clear to everyone, and why is it safe to create conditions for the three forces.

Now, the three super weapons have been released, and the super boss has completely lost its combat power, which is the most crucial time.


The attack falls like a sea!

Some melee players who were originally able to shoot with distant weapons because they could not compete with the x-10000, also voluntarily fell to the position of the x-10000 on the ground!

At this time, nature should be the "last blow"!