MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 7

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Mo Song is a game anchor.

Since he was discharged from the army two years ago, he has been playing in major holographic games all year round, such as "Star Wars", "Void War" and other combat games, where he can be found.

Because of his excellent fighting skills, and straightforward style of speaking and doing things, he has accumulated a lot of fans in the past two years.

Fans all praised Mo Song as a super powerful game master, but only Mo Song knew that he was able to achieve what he is today only because of a mistake.

The existence of genetic collapse disease made him unable to keep awake all the time, which is the reason why he left the army. After he came out, he naturally had to find a job to support himself. At the beginning, Mo Song planned to live broadcast singing military songs, but as soon as he had a face-to-face meeting with the netizens in the live broadcast room, his style of painting went astray.

"Look at the dark circles under the eyes. They are round and big. I'm afraid the anchor is playing games all night, right?"

"Facing the thick dark circles under the eyes, brothers, brush up the sweet and sour radish, let's welcome the anchor!"

"Sweet and Sour Carrot" is the cheapest paid item in the live broadcast room, worth 5 stars. Although one sweet and sour radish is not much, adding up dozens of sweet and sour radishes is a good harvest for a new anchor. Smelling the sweet and sour smell in the virtual space, Mo Song was speechless for a while.

So, it’s my fault that the genetic collapse caused the signature dark circles to appear after the veterinary transformation?

All in all, I can no longer say "Hi everyone, today I will perform military songs for you".

It happened that a viewer suggested a new popular game, and Mo Song rushed the duck to the shelves, boarded the game with an extremely unskilled posture, and clumsily fought the monster. Fighting and fighting, the fighting instinct engraved deep in the soul surged out, and after a few hours, Mo Song had turned into a night shark with no emotions.

It's still the kind of cursing while fighting monsters with dark circles under their eyes.

For a while, I said that the monsters were not realistic enough, and for a while, I said that the sense of impact was far worse than real melee combat. Occasionally, when I remembered that I was live broadcasting, I would take time to interact with the audience.

Many viewers said: such an anchor who is so dedicated and loves his job, who is irascible and takes care of everyone's physical and mental feelings at the same time, I love it!

At the same time, Mo Song's brave demeanor of killing monsters also won him many gifts in the live broadcast room.

Whether it's singing or fighting monsters, the ultimate goal is to make money. Looking at his income after the first live broadcast, Mo Song compromised with a little guilt.

From now on, he is a game anchor!

More than two years later, Mo Song became a well-known game anchor with five million fans. Of course, the number of fans of 5 million, in the face of the huge base of tens of billions of people in the interstellar, is far from reaching the level that everyone from a three-year-old child to a centenarian knows him. But Mo Song himself was very satisfied.

If you play more games of the same type, you will have a keen awareness of the quality of the games. Mo Song is not a character who keeps all his thoughts in his heart, but he likes to express his likes and dislikes very much.

Once before, he entered a new fighting game by mistake. The screen was comparable to a garbage dump, and the monsters inside were as ugly as mosaics. However, the props in the mall were extremely expensive, and they were particularly easy to damage when used. After playing for less than ten minutes, Mo Song decided that the game was made to cheat money, so he yelled at him for three days on Xingwang and successfully made the game pornographic.

After that, he made another four or five pornographic games in succession, all of which were **** games designed to swindle money by peddling sheep's tricks, thus being dubbed "Spicy Chicken Game Crusher" by his fans. Although it is a joking statement, this title also means that netizens agree with his behavior.

Every time I go to play a new game, I have to see if I have been ruled out by Mo Song.

The creator of the game loves and hates Mo Song, but the players only love Mo Song, not hate. What a model and conscience in the world of imperial anchors!

In the middle of the night, Mo Song didn't feel sleepy after the broadcast, thinking that the game he was playing has been playing for a long time, and many fans expressed that they were tired of watching it, so they thought about going to StarNet to search for a new game.

The place with the most new games is the official website of the "Holographic Game Design Competition".

There was a long list of games, he started to look for them from the bottom, and soon a strange game name came into his sight.

After clicking on the details page for a few glances, his brows furrowed immediately, and a snort came out of his nose. Mo Song cursed "Showing up the crowd", rolled up his sleeves and found the entrance of the competition's official forum, and started to complain.

"Has anyone ever played the game "You Ran Tianju"? It's a farming game? Anyway, I don't feel very good, as if IQ was rubbed on the ground by the creator!"

"Is it because the abyss monsters are not ugly enough, or the weapons in their hands are not dazzling enough? Is the creator out of his mind and wants to bring us into the pit together?"

"Oh my god, it's a shame that I went in and took a look because of the nice name. It's such a waste of time!"

"I would like to warn my brothers, if you accidentally see this game, don't click in to read it, let alone go in to play, it is purely a waste of time~"

After yygq said it, he felt completely refreshed.

Mo Song's online name is "Crispy Noodles", and because he often helps players try out new games, he is quite famous on StarNet. Not long after he posted this post, people responded one after another.

"Brother Crispy Noodles is that you? If you stay up so late, be careful to wake up with bigger dark circles the next day!"

After getting along for so long, fans have already known Mo Song's true identity, and also understand that the dark circles on his face are not from his original intention. But the facts are the facts, the jokes are still to be made. No, when I saw Mo Song bubbling late at night, my first reaction was to make fun of his eye circles.

Afterwards, he focused on the game Mo Song complained about.

"The game is called "You Ran Tian Dwelling", and the name sounds nice. Hey, have you ever played the crispy noodles? What does it look like inside?"

Seeing someone ask such a question, Mo Song felt guilty again, but he didn't bother to lie, but replied stiffly: "Is this still worth playing? Just looking at the game introduction, I know it's a game with no content." , boring gameplay, and a game that focuses on cheating money, whoever plays it will know!"

He is very confident, and he still has a vision for watching games.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, many people responded one after another, saying that even if they saw this game, they would not click in to play it.

Some sharp-eyed netizens even spotted Huadian: "Aha, look what I saw? This game uses an E-level holographic game builder. It is said that the game's authenticity can only reach 75%. The quality is rough, and the upper limit of the number of players that can be accommodated is only 500 people. This is a scam, right? But the game maker has a bit of brains, knowing that this will not fool many people..."

"Tsk tsk, it's true, you want to steal money from our players, and you don't know how to spend a little money. You are only E-level, and only 500 people can enter. Who do you look down on with so few people!?"

The late-night diving party responded one after another, and even the old brothers and sisters who had just come out of the popular fighting game and their irritability had not been completely eliminated, scolded the creator of this game as a disgusting bloodsucker, It **** the player's blood. Even if they jumped from the abyss and were swallowed by the ugly abyss monster, they would definitely never play this broken game!

For a moment, the discussion in the post was full of excitement, and everyone wanted to get rid of the game creator and get rid of them quickly. Even Mo Song, who posted the post, didn't expect that what was originally just a small complaint would cause such a big commotion.

For some reason, his heart beat a little faster, not a sign of irritability, but a faint, not so good premonition.

Mo Song was stunned for a moment, took the candy with real refreshing effect placed on the table, stuffed one into his mouth, then refreshed the page casually, and saw something different in the latest post with sharp eyes .

"Although, the host of this game has never played it, so he concluded that it is a garbage game. Don't you think it is a bit too arbitrary?"

The dark circles under his eyes widened slightly, Mo Song sneered, sure enough, the gangster arrived even though he was late.

Chewing candy with gusto in his mouth, he replied with a good temper: "Isn't this obvious? The eyes of the masses are sharp. Don't think that a nice name can fool me, I won't be fooled!"

The other party: "Tsk, you said so much, so you haven't played it before? Anyway, I don't believe this kind of unfounded words. If you have the skills, you can go and play it~ When you come back after playing, tell us if it's fun~"

A word "tsk" and two undulating tildes successfully ignited Mo Song's violent temper, and regardless of whether he became a hooked fish, he immediately said, "Go! I've played so many games. Have you ever been afraid of anyone, boy, just wait, when grandpa comes back from playing, he will slap your face swollen!"

After finishing speaking, the person directly posted a post and went to the next door to register a game account. Before leaving, I deliberately glanced at Gangjing's username, um...Is it called "Home has a warm light beast"? Okay, Grandpa remembers you!

But... what is the Warm Light Beast, a new species? ? ?

Mo Song scratched his head and entered the registration page of the game, but he didn't find that besides him, there were also many bad-tempered brothers and sisters who were bewitched by the "warm light beast at home", and they responded to the call and ran along with them Go sign up for the game.

Heh, they can be civilized and interstellar. In order to be more confident in saying that it is a garbage game, they don't mind spending five minutes and ten minutes to experience it for themselves.

"Let's go, brothers, come with me and teach game makers a good lesson!"

But the vast majority of people watched with the mentality of watching the excitement, and even bet that those who ran to play games would come back in a few minutes.

When Bai Li posted the post, the time frame had narrowed down to less than five minutes, but he felt that those people might not be able to come back tonight.

Touching his face, he found that it was a little hot, thinking that this kind of "heat rubbing" behavior really shouldn't be done more, not to mention that he also performed a live bar essence. Hey, he really took great pains to get netizens to play games.

The idea of ​​posting in the forum to promote it is no longer necessary. According to the popularity of the post just now, the first batch of "Leisurely Living" has a limit of 500 people and I believe it will be completed soon.

His fingers unconsciously rubbed against the Supreme's back, causing the little cat to let out a bewildered "meow".

When human beings paid attention to Xingwang's posts just now, he was actually a little sleepy, but thinking that human beings would become lonely if he fell asleep, so he cheered up and stayed with him. Now the human race seemed to be over, so he rolled the human wrist with his tail, narrowed his big golden eyes and looked at the human being, sending out a signal to him that he wanted to go to sleep.

When he was in the fairy world, Bai Li rarely rested, but now that his shell is an ordinary human being, he will inevitably feel sleepy. Today he was busy almost from morning to night, even though his spirit power was strong enough, he still felt a little bit sleepy. Seeing the supreme being being rubbed against each other, he decided to grant his wish.

Holding Supreme got up and walked to the bed, put the little kitten on the side of the pillow, went to the bathroom to change into pajamas, and soon lay down under the covers.

"Good night, Supreme."


The breathing of one person and one cat quickly became light and shallow, but the discussion on "Leisurely Living in the Fields" on the Starnet showed explosive growth at a certain moment.

"Days! Are you animals?? You agreed not to go to play. Why did the 500 people already fill up when I went?"

"Am I blind? The number of people was 2 at first, then it suddenly changed to 302, and then it became 500 in a few seconds. I didn't even give you a reaction time. Okay, I'm gone."

"? Has the threshold for watching the excitement become so high now..."

"What the **** is going on? Did the game maker spend money to buy people to play in? Otherwise, how could it be full so quickly? What about the spicy chicken game you promised!?"

"By the way, it's been a few minutes now? Why haven't those people come out yet..."

"According to my exact calculations, it's been 27 minutes and 43 seconds. So, what did they encounter inside :

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