MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 271

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"First of all, the top three villagers in the 'Mushroom Village' by weight of cauliflower are: Li Bai, Feng Jiujiu, and Menghu Xiashan. The weight of cauliflower is 55.5, 50.3 and 49.8 catties respectively. Let us congratulate these three villagers and invite them to come on stage Accept the award!" The village chief took the lead in applauding, and added, "Villager Libai's cauliflower also won the first place in all villages, and won the first place!"

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Bai Li and the other two players stepped onto the podium, received flowers from the flower lady, and received their respective medals and prize packages from the village chief's wife.

At the same time, just like the first one agreed before, the cauliflower they submitted before was also displayed. Of the three huge cauliflowers, it can be clearly seen that Bai Li's one is a circle bigger than the other two. The green leaves of the cauliflower chassis are huge on the ground, nearly two meters in diameter by visual inspection.

The audience's eyes were straightened, and when they came back to their senses, they couldn't help but stare blankly, and started discussing in a murmur.

"Is this cauliflower too big?? I thought my weight of 30 catties had reached its limit, but I didn't expect that the cauliflower submitted by Li Li was almost twice as large as mine. When did the cauliflower curl up like this..."

"Hiss! Such a big cauliflower, three together, is enough for the whole village to organize a small barbecue?"

"Li Li really deserves to be the person who made this game. I'm not surprised that he can grow such a big cauliflower! I have a bad feeling... Li Li won't be able to get it every time. No. 1?"

"Well, I don't think so. Judging from the previous few activities, Li Li seems to be avoiding suspicion in this regard, and will not do anything that rewards all. After the village chief announces, we will see all The results of the ranking of the crops are out, let’s take a look at that time!”

After discussing for a while, many people remembered that they wanted to take a group photo, so they scrambled forward to take a group photo, and the scene was a little chaotic for a while.

It was rare for Feng Jiujiu and Tiger to enjoy such a highlight moment. They cooperated very well during the group photo process, proudly said their acceptance speeches, and finally added that they will continue to work hard and strive to grow bigger cauliflower this time next year!

Bai Li hadn't learned how to reject the overly enthusiastic crowd, and finally Wen Xingyao saved him from the crowd with a smirk. As for the cauliflower that allowed him to win the first place in the whole server, he left it among the crowd, and there are still many players waiting to take a photo with the giant cauliflower!

"Oh my god, it's the first time I feel that there are so many people in the village. Before that, I thought five thousand people were just right!" Bai Li wiped the sweat from his forehead in shock, and then looked at Wen Xing proudly. Yao, "How about I am amazing, 55.5 catties of cauliflower, directly won the first place in the whole server haha!"

After speaking, he held the big gift bag that had not been put into the backpack and showed it in front of Wen Xingyao.

Wen Xingyao squeezed his face, first congratulated Bai Li, and then smiled wryly: "It seems that my biggest competitor in this event is you."

No wonder they bought a scale and went back and told him that they would weigh each other separately. It turned out that they were waiting for him here.

Bai Li took his fingers away from his face, nodded and shook his head: "What you said is half right and half wrong. Let me tell you directly, I didn't submit all the prepared crops, but I divided them into three equal parts, and randomly selected one part when I submitted it. If I remember correctly, I didn't share the cauliflower and potatoes in the same part. So... Congratulations, Admiral Smell, at least in the In the competition of potato weight, I will not be your competitor."

He also only classified crops, and the other three were submitted normally.

Wen Xingyao's heart was so soft that it was collapsing, the person in front of him could always take everything into consideration, making it impossible to say anything wrong. Regardless of whether the "random" in Bai Li's words was really "random", he felt the heart from the other party.

I just hope that Bai Li is the only one with such a strong competitor.

The three huge cauliflowers were quickly removed, and then it was the turn of the white radish. The appearance of this snow-white, slender, jade-like vegetable also attracted countless eyes.

Bai Luobo was divided among the other two submissions that Bai Li did not submit, so he has nothing to do with this award presentation. Wen Xingyao, on the other hand, won the first place in this event, but it's a pity that he ranked 57th in the server, not as exaggerated as Bai Li's cauliflower.

The villagers of "Mushroom Village" gradually lost interest in the results of the competition, and turned to cheering for Wen Xingyao.

"Wow! The general also won the first place. This is a gold medal for both Li Lifufu? The village chief will announce Tudou's ranking later. I hope the first place will be the general. Everyone understands !"

"Come on, Admiral! As long as you are successful, we are both your mother's family and your mother-in-law's family. When the time comes, we will organize a feast for you!"

"I discovered the truth of this event, and that is to witness the historic scene of the Admiral's successful marriage proposal! Although the proposal announcement made by the Admiral in the forum is a bit earthy, it is also a unique romance of farmers. !"

"I've decided! If someone wants to propose to me in the future, they must bring fish weighing more than 100 kilograms, meow~"


Wen Xingyao has a keen sense of hearing, and when he heard many words related to him, the tips of his ears inevitably turned red. Fortunately, he was covered by his hair and was not noticed. hateful! Why do these players like to talk to themselves so much? The topic has extended to whether or not to ask a fortune teller to figure out which day is more suitable for holding a wedding...

"Finally, I'm here to announce the top three villagers who won the 'Mushroom Village' potato weight." The village chief paused for a few seconds spiritually, "Yao Xing, Liu Yingjun, what are you doing, the weights are 166, 105 and 103.8 respectively Apparently, the potatoes from the village demon stars are far more than the potatoes handed in by all the villagers in other villages, and they are well-deserved first places. Let us congratulate these three villagers together!"

After the words fell, the 166-jin potato that was mentioned by the village chief also appeared in front of everyone. This is an extremely beautiful potato, with smooth skin, few pits, round like a big ball. But in front of the weight of 166 catties, all this becomes nothing to mention.

Who doesn't feel a toothache when you look at a potato that is almost as tall as a person when you stand upright?

It was the second time Wen Xingyao took the stage to accept the award under the eyes of everyone, and the players in the same village always felt that they could read such a bit of high spirits from his expressionless face.

However, even without this discovery, the scene of Admiral Interstellar squatting next to a big potato that is almost as tall as an adult is very gratifying.

After announcing Tudou's ranking, the village chief left temporarily, and a complete list was sent to each player, with a thoughtful search function attached.

Then the players discovered that among the rankings of hundreds of crops, those with Bai Li's name accounted for only one-third of them, and the remaining two-thirds were all unknown. But this one-third alone has made him gain a lot, 15 first in the whole server, 47 first in the village, and other rankings are relatively high. Counting the rewards he can get, the players' tears of envy It dripped from the corner of the mouth.

Some people even said: "Thank you Li Li for not participating in all of them, let me pick up the number one sesame weight in the whole server!"

But soon someone poured cold water on him: "Hey, wake up! Although Li Li didn't participate in all of them, don't forget that there is an insane General Wen beside him! He submits every crop I got a copy, although the quality is not as good as Li Li, but it still has an advantage in terms of quantity, and the honors obtained are only one or two less than Li Li's in the top 100 of the server!"

The players who calmed down: "Okay, it seems that you are right, what are we happy about?!"

Therefore, these people stopped advocating, and began to treat the next three hours of evaluation with a normal heart, and even secretly bet whether the pig submitted by Wen Xingyao would be the fattest pig in the whole server.

"Brothers, I helped you to go to the general's house. The yard of his house... how should I put it, it has been expanded to the point where you can't see the end! If you don't have transportation, walk from the gate of the fence to the gate of the house, and visually inspect it. It will take twenty minutes, and if he arranges the yard properly, it will probably be comparable to the big garden of the village chief's house~"

"Hiss! He really deserves to be the man who is determined to reclaim the most land. He is rich and self-willed, and he has great mobility!"

"Now that the field is ready to bloom and the biggest potatoes have been planted, the last step is the fattest pig. If I had known that marrying Li Li would only take three simple steps, I would do it too!"

"What kind of dream do you have in broad daylight? Regardless of other things, first, you need to be rich. Second, you need to be rich. Finally, you still need to be rich! Do you think it is easy to achieve these three points? In my eyes, they are all piled up with money!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, it's almost nine o'clock, and the result will be announced soon."

At around 20:50 in the evening, the players who were wandering around in and outside the village calmed down and returned to the square in the center of the village one after another.

At this time, the square is brightly lit, and a huge bonfire has been set up not far from the fountain. On the left side of the bonfire are neatly placed a large number of fireworks and firecrackers. As the cool evening breeze blew by, the fragrance spread out, attracting all the greedy players around.

When the village chief began to announce the ranking of the largest and heaviest chickens in the village, the players almost had a kebab or a glass of iced drink in hand.

There were not many types of livestock. After voting by the players in the village, the places for public awards were given to chickens unlocked at level five, and larger pigs and cows.

Then, there was a commotion at the award ceremony that was different from the previous three. Unlike the crops, fruits, and fish that don’t move around in the process of displaying without consciousness and feet, livestock is really too lively.

The first three chicken breeders were forced to tightly hug the plump body of their big hen, and kept saying threatening words to prevent them from moving around.

"Put your wings away for me, you can't fly, what's the point of fluttering, if you move around again, I'll stew you into chicken soup later!"

"Don't run away, don't run away, you don't want chicken feet, right? I've been craving lemon boneless chicken feet for a while, but I don't know if chickens can survive without jiojio!"

"Oh, you are really a battle chicken among the fat chickens. Why do you keep clucking? Could it be... oh, it's okay, today's eggs just came out..."

Yun Yi, the number one chicken farmer in "Mushroom Village", was dumbfounded when she held the egg with the scalding temperature in her hand.

The onlookers were also dumbfounded, saying things like "My friends and I were stunned", "Damn it all works", "This egg is so big, it's very filling when you look at it", "The first place Why does the chicken only lay an ordinary egg, why should it also lay a golden egg” and other remarks, and at the same time, I did not forget to take a screenshot. This is also one of the famous scenes of the “Harvest Festival”!

The awards ceremony was going on at a speed of about 20 minutes. The village head was about to announce the top three pigs by weight, but was stopped by the players and asked if they could announce the cattle first.

This is not impossible, and there is only a 20-minute difference. The village chief readily agreed and directly announced the top three cows by weight.

In less than a minute, Wen Xingyao's mood was like riding the most terrifying roller coaster. He thought that he would face the choice of fate immediately, but then he was informed that fate would not arrive until 20 minutes late .

No one can empathize with this sourness.

Just at this moment, he heard his and Bai Li's names from the village chief. With a difference of 1.2 catties, Bai Li's name ranked ahead of him.

Dizzy, he went to the stage to accept the award, and after being reminded by others, he took out a handful of fodder and fed it to Niu Niu who was obviously anxious. Only then did Wen Xingyao manage to calm down.

After calming down, he turned his head and glanced at Bai Li next to him, and found that the other party happened to be looking at him, and quietly blinked at him twice, with the corners of his mouth curled up in a good mood.

"Are you nervous?" Bai Li asked silently with his mouth.

He wasn't referring to this time, but the last item to be announced later. After all, he beat him in the project of raising cattle, and the pigs that could not be raised evenly would be a pound heavier than his little one.

Wen Xingyao shook his head with difficulty and slowly.

Nervous, scared, but I don't say it.

The eyebrow-eye lawsuit between the two was seen by everyone, the female players covered their mouths excitedly and gathered together to discuss something in a low voice, while the male players, under the guidance of Mo Song, ran to Bet on the roulette.

The bet is whether the pig raised by Wen Xingyao can become the number one in the server.

Finally, it was the last item's turn, and the village head's expression was visibly relaxed, brimming with joy that he was about to get off work. Little did he know that what he was going to announce was very important to some people.

"Okay, everyone, you can calm down. Now, let's announce the last public list of villagers for this 'Harvest Festival'. The top three villagers who got the weight of pigs in this village are: Li Bai, Yaoxing, and Gray Lin! The weights are 1888 catties, 1887.9 catties and 1676 catties respectively. It’s a pity that Yaoxing’s pig lost to Li Bai by only 0.1 catties, but these two pigs are still the two heaviest among the pigs submitted by all villages. We congratulate these three villagers!"

When the result was announced, the audience was silent. No one thought that the final result would be so dramatic. The difference of 0.1 jin made General Wen Xingyaowen miss his dream.

After reacting, he searched for the figures of Bai Li and Wen Xingyao in the crowd, and sure enough, he saw the latter's face pale for a moment, and then he was dazed and helpless.

After a period of farming and cultivating various musical instruments in the game, the hearts of the violent male and female players have also softened. At this time, they can't help but feel sorry for the unlucky Admiral Wen. Hey, what's the difference? 0.1 jin, if the pig is fed one more meal before submitting it, the result will be completely different.

I missed this time, and I don't know when the admiral will be able to propose again successfully.

Bai Li was also surprised by this result, and immediately felt a headache, 0.1 catties... This is a bit difficult to handle.

On the contrary, Wen Xingyao, although a bit difficult to accept at first, was the fastest to recover after going through a short period of loss and sadness. He let out a sigh of relief, took the initiative to hold Bai Li's hand, gave him a comforting look, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I can find another suitable opportunity to propose to you."

Bai Li made a question mark and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a sudden exclamation not far away.

"Wow, shit! When did this pig run to me?? Ah, don't come here, I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no hatred in the past, and I have nothing to do with your master! You you You, you want to eat the big bombed squid in my hand? Then you should have said it earlier, I’ll give it to you, take it all, eat it and get away from me, it’s too oppressive!” The player cried and offered a string of complete deep-sea squid to the big fat pig that suddenly rushed up.

Just out of the oil pan, there is a crispy coating on the top, with a slight crisp sound when bitten down, and a strong fragrance.

The big fat pig, who had been hungry for five or six hours, ate so deliciously that he was reluctant to lift his head.

After about four or five seconds, someone weakly asked, "Whose...whose pig is it? Can you take it away first?"

"It seems to belong to the general!" Another person shouted excitedly, "Such a big string of squid should be more than 0.1 catties, right? Village chief, the weight of this pig must have increased now, can you please?" Can you re-weigh it? Please, this is very important to our general... oh no, this is very important to Yao Xing!"

The village head looked embarrassed: "This... has never set such a precedent..."

Who would have thought that the contest items would be cooked on the spot to increase their gold content?

The players woke up like a dream, and chose to rush straight for the happiness of the general and Li Li! So they tried to persuade them in a hurry.

"Rules are meant to be broken! I haven't opened it before, so I can open it again today! Moreover, the 'Harvest Festival' is not completely over. It stands to reason that the competition should take the peak weight of the contestants and recalculate the weight to be more fair. Ya~"

"Qiuqiu, you offend my dear village chief. Look at how hard this piggy is. In order to let his master win, he actually did such a surprising behavior! In our hometown, such a smart piggy should Send it to school!"

"There is no precedent because no pigs or other animals have cooked on the spot before. We didn't force it, everything was initiated by it! Besides, it hasn't been officially awarded yet. It's just that the first place and It’s just a matter of changing the second place, it should be very simple!”

While desperately persuading the village chief who was in a dilemma, the players cast apologetic glances at Bai Li, woo woo woo, I'm sorry Li Li, the general's expression killed us just now, we want to do it for you Happy to try again!

In the end, the village head was so entangled by the players that he couldn't help it, and with Bai Li's dumbfounded acquiescence, he started voting for the whole server. At this time, players in other villages either learned about this scene that was more dramatic than a drama through the live broadcast of the game or through the tall buildings built on the forum. Select the option "Agree to retest weight".

The result was obvious, the pig that ate a whole bunch of big squid gained 0.7 from its original weight, successfully overtook Bai Li's pig, and stood at the fattest position in the whole server by virtue of its strength.

Thus, Wen Xingyao successfully achieved his goal with a dazed expression on his face. In a way that will never be forgotten.

All agricultural products submitted by players will be returned after the competition. Wen Xingyao looked at the "life-saving" Enzhu with disgusting eyes, put it back in the backpack temporarily, and decided to keep it in the future.

No matter how you say it, you can be regarded as a half-matchmaker... no, a matchmaker.

The awards ceremony ended here, and the remaining two hours were left for everyone to enjoy the carnival.

Wen Xingyao pulled Bai Li away quietly, but the players were caught by the super high flames that suddenly shot up in the bonfire, and cheered excitedly. The village head also specially reminded that the villagers next to the fireworks can take them as much as they want, and there will be a special person (system) to replenish them, so that players can enjoy the last two hours of the "Harvest Festival".

When Bai Li and Wen Xingyao returned to their yard and climbed to the top of the house that had been upgraded several times and had a super beautiful terrace, a beam of bright golden light just happened to explode in the night, and it was merged with other smaller fireworks. Light up the entire starry sky together.

The laughter and noise of the players spread from the center of the village to the surroundings, and when it reached Bai Li and the other two, there was only an empty echo. Wen Xingyao held Bai Li's shoulders and let him lean on his body. The two of them enjoyed the beauty of the fireworks in full bloom for a while.

"Bai Li." Wen Xingyao murmured softly, "I have completed three of my goals, are you willing to help me complete the last one?"

"What's the last one?" Bai Liming asked knowingly.

"Marry the cutest you." Wen Xingyao looked into his eyes and said seriously.

Bai Li smiled and looked at him. This time, he didn't avoid it like before, and gave his own answer: "Of course, I am willing."

Almost at the moment Bai Li agreed, Wen Xingyao couldn't wait to cover his lips.

With a sound of "bang", another bunch of silvery white fireworks rose from the ground, blooming silvery flowers in the night sky, and in a corner that no one else could see, there were two overlapping silhouettes looking slightly hastily. Disappeared in the game world.

-End of text-

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