MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 262

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The entire month of April was the month Bai Li felt that time passed by the fastest.

The first two decades were fine, he played the game as usual and participated in the activities in the game. When the group of them arrived at the "Hope Star", every day passed quickly. They either went to the precious farming land near the rabbit tribe to see the growth and survival of the seeds, or secretly distributed batches to the orc tribe to give some green grass and trees. Or go to the projection equipment near the various tribes and listen to the comments of the orcs' grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters on the live broadcast of the game.

"Are the things in the game really so delicious? I want to eat too!"

"Farming seems to be very fun. I followed suit and felt that I had mastered it!"

"Fishing! I like fishing meow~ Those fish look so delicious, and they look very weak, not at all like the fierce fish I caught from the sea before!"

"Li Li, can you contact my family to build a game cabin for me? I heard from the audience in the live broadcast room that 30% of the sense of taste and smell can be felt in the game cabin!"

"Li Li! Get us some seeds. It should be the same as in the game. Let's grow it ourselves~ Anyway, the clan's land is big enough, maybe we can actually grow something?"

Bai Li: "..."

Okay, anyway, games and farming are good for the body and mind, better than taking medicine. Bai Li ran to Wen Xingyao, Zhu Moling and the two directors to discuss, and soon arranged two more thing.

The first thing is to take the orc group as the unit, build an "Internet cafe" near each orc group, and place 100-500 game warehouses (provided by the Imperial Research Institute at a low price) in it, and the orcs in need can queue up to use it. In order to prevent things like not being able to come out after entering, it is also stipulated that each person can use it for a maximum of 2 hours a day.

The purchase of so many pods costs a lot of money, so they are not free to use. Orcs who have saved money on the "Hope Star" special bracelet will directly debit the account, and those who have not saved money will first credit the account. After they recover their human form and get back their original optical brain account, they will pay the usage fee up.

This kind of bracelet is not the same as that worn by the normal people of the empire, and its functions are limited, and the most used one is the positioning function. The money saved on the bracelet is also the emergency fund for the treatment of the orcs' families who are worried about their sudden illness on the "Hope Star".

But who would have thought that the final use of the money would be to go online.

As for the function of connecting and communicating with family members, there is no such thing. After all, no one has thought about the possibility that the orcs who have regressed to their infancy will slowly recover a little human consciousness after a few months.

Soon, these Internet cafes became the favorite place for the orcs besides the open-air live broadcast. Every day, a large number of orcs waited in line outside. Those who intended to jump in the line would be boycotted and beaten by everyone. Only when the two hours of the day are used up can I calm down and watch ordinary game live broadcasts.

Hey, I have experienced "big fish and big meat" using the game warehouse to watch the live broadcast, how can I continue to enjoy the "porridge and side dishes" that do not have much sense of participation in the live broadcast? Humans are truly insatiable existences!

Such a benefit is not available to some orcs. There is no special reason, just because their animal shapes are too big, elephants, giraffes, dinosaurs... There is no game room specially customized according to their body shapes on the market...

These orcs who were excluded because of their size were miserable. It was said that on the day the notification came, their cries could be heard within a radius of ten kilometers. However, the heartbreak was followed by upliftment, and before long they were the first orcs to recover. At that time, it's time for them to be proud of others.

As for another thing, Bai Li and the others purchased a large number of vegetable seeds, most of which were cabbage, potatoes and corn. Orc residence, with a simple planting guide attached.

The 1,500 people who came to help farm the land heard about it. They were afraid that the orcs who didn't know anything would rush over the batch of seeds. How to plant.

After coming to "Hope Star" for so long, they already know that these orcs can actually understand what they are talking about.

This kind of development is unplanned, and Bai Li doesn't expect them to grow as well and quickly as the soldiers of the army and the staff of the Imperial Research Institute, but if doing so can give them a thought, why not? Why not?

Asking Wen Xingyao and his brother to help watch the follow-up development, Bai Li got into his room, opened the holographic game builder, and designed the next upgrade and event.

After all, it was the last upgrade of the game. Bai Li slapped his head and decided that there would be special celebrations in the game, and some activities outside the game.

At 21:00 on the evening of April 30th, Bai Li posted an update notice with the same content on Xingbo and the official website as in the previous months.

"Youran Tianju V: Good evening everyone, "Youran Tianju" will be upgraded on May 1, and it will be shut down for maintenance from 6:00 to 18:00 on the same day. After the maintenance, a total of 900 million games will be released on the game's official website Quota, because the number of game quotas released this time is too large, here we adopt a mode of batch distribution, and distribute 50 million game quotas every 10 minutes, and it is estimated that the distribution will be completed in three hours. Netizens in need can pay attention to grab the number Time, grab the number regularly. There are also some game quotas that will be released in the form of forums and Xingbo official activities. The specific content of the event will be notified separately. Don’t miss it~ The following is the updated content:

1. The highest level of characters is open to level 100. There are hundreds of new crop seeds and more than a dozen types of livestock. Some of them need to be obtained through special channels. Please explore by yourself.

2. Added five new NPCs: Embroiderer, Jeweler, Calligrapher and Painter, Pearl Divers, and Shopkeeper. The conditions for NPC appearance will be judged by the prosperity of the village.

3. All villagers can start the task of helping NPC build houses, which can be divided into manual and automatic modes. Provide each NPC with a choice of four specifications of houses A, B, C, and D, which are decided by voting by all villagers.

4. New props in the game mall, including 88 sets of appearances for men and women, 2888 kinds of furniture, and more than 100 new props. There is also a new daily/monthly lucky gift pack, each player is limited to purchase one per day/month, and the prices are 1 star and 10 stars respectively.

5. Since May is the month when the holographic game builder is officially upgraded to S-level, the annual May event is fixed as the "Harvest Festival". Everyone is welcome to have a carnival together~

6. Following the selection method of game anchors in April, players who are interested in becoming game anchors can sign up on the official website after entering the game and creating a character. The final candidate will be voted by the majority of netizens.

7. There should not be too many updates to the game in the future. If you have any suggestions, you can put them in the real opinion book section. If it is reasonable, it will be optimized in the future~

Finally, I wish you all a happy day and a happy game~”

The mood of the netizens who saw this notice was like riding a roller coaster, going up and down suddenly, and there was never a smooth time.

"Fallen Angel: Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, 'True Opinion Book', thanks to Li Li who figured it out! This is a complete abandonment of the original opinion book treatment! I want to confess Li Li's game, "Your Ran Tianju" "It's already perfect, I'll continue to boast about the old mode~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ"

"Lin Ling: Wow! 900 million game quotas are released in one go. It is estimated that such a number has to be grabbed. This should be the first time in the holographic game industry, right? I remember that XX company also followed suit to produce holographic games before. The holographic game builder was upgraded to S-level in one go when it went online. As a result, the number of players who entered to play did not even reach 10 million. It took one step at a time to achieve today's achievement! As an old fan, I shed tears of emotion QAQ!"

"Pokemon Ji: Am I the only one who noticed that this account grabbing was carried out separately? Originally, you could know the final result as long as you come here last time, but now it's good, I'm afraid it will cut the flesh like a blunt knife, and let us Those who didn’t get the game slots were always in a state of fear until they managed to grab the game slots. What’s even more frightening is another possibility, you participated eighteen times, but didn’t get a single slot...QAQ”

"lwjsnow: I have become a farmer, and I will definitely send greetings on behalf of our village! New seeds, new livestock, new NPCs, new ways of playing, new krypton gold products, and new Event! I feel like I'm going to be so excited that I won't be able to sleep tonight! I'm so happy~"

"Qingyun: I don't know why, but my liver is aching right now! But at the same time, there is a commotion in my bones gradually, ahhh, my farming soul has been ignited! Wait until tomorrow The game has been upgraded well, and I’m going to have a crazy meal when I enter the game!”


Netizens have generated one topic after another about the last upgrade of "Leisurely Living in the Fields". The last day of April was an exciting and sleepless night for many people.

Bai Li slept soundly.

The star blog and forum activities mentioned in the notice sent out will not start until May 5th. I hope that before that day comes, some orcs on this planet have already returned to human form.

At 6 o'clock the next day, "Youran Tianju" entered the shutdown maintenance state. The staff from "Buddha Jumping Wall Star" who specially helped Bai Li upgrade the holographic game builder spent three hours upgrading it to the highest form, and they looked excited Without hesitation, they rushed to the snack table specially prepared for them.

Woohoo, what those people who came before were right, Li Li has super delicious food, and it is worthwhile for them to grab the "Hope Star" business trip quota from the other party by all means!

Seeing these subordinates who were eating so much that they couldn't even maintain basic elegance, the two old deans rolled their eyes at them, picked up the three-layer jade belt cake at hand, and bit off most of it in one bite.

Hmm~ It smells so good!

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