MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 252

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Ren Fei just entered "Leisurely Farm" this month, the game ID: Ren Fei Cao Mu. In addition to his identity as a rookie, he has another identity, which is one of the ten lucky players who won the lottery through the [vegetable lottery ticket].

At the same time, he is also the first lottery winner to use the prop [Golden Horn] to speak on the World Channel. Last night, after they delivered their "Award Acceptance Speech", many players bought a speaker to express their envy.

Of course, the show is to play around with their luck in various ways. I don't know when it was formed.

Early this morning, he received a large gift package of vegetables from Bai Li. He lived with his family, his parents, grandparents, younger brothers and sisters, a lively family of seven, all surrounded by the express box.

Grandpa and grandma: "Oh, my eldest grandson, it's really a face to our old parents. The probability of winning the lottery is one in 2.5 million, and you can draw it. Don't rush when you open the box later." Take out the dishes, let's take a few photos first! The photos must be sent to the circle of friends, so that the old folks will envy our family's good luck. Well...I think about it, should I give it to our old man? What about the ancestors burning a copy?"

Mom and Dad: "Son! Don't worry, although we didn't grab the game quota, the various delicacies and cooking live broadcasts in the game did not miss a single episode, and we watched them in full. The food delivery you received Make it right for us, Custodian will help you make a delicious table!"

Brother: "Brother, open the box quickly, I can't wait, I have agreed with Xiaomei in the next class, I will bring her a gift from the box tomorrow, she is also Li Li's fan, hehe ..."

Sister: "Brother, brother, I want to eat delicious dishes, so later, can you let me choose which dishes to cook today?"

Ren Fei: "..." I feel tired.

After finally calming down the excited family members, he opened the express box in front of them. The moment the box was opened, he seemed to have hallucinations, as if something was shining inside, breaking through the darkness and ushering in the light.

Immediately afterwards, there was the fresh taste of lettuce that he was familiar with.

Ren Fei was stunned, and was about to bend down to see what vegetables were in it, when a strong force came from beside him, and the younger brother standing next to him pushed him out, and replaced him himself, with a very delicate posture. Stuck into the courier box.

He could still hear his brother's buzzing voice coming from the box: "Wow! There are so many vegetables, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, tomato, dozens of large potatoes and a whole pumpkin, I apply, I'm going to sleep with them tonight!"

Ren Fei: "???" I'm afraid I can't have this stupid brother!

It was the ruthless backs of the family members' heads that answered him. They were obsessed with picking and picking in the express boxes, looking for the vegetables of their dreams, and they didn't even notice that the owner of the 100 catties of vegetables had been completely excluded by them.

A similar situation was happening simultaneously in the homes of nine other people.

On this day, a Xingbo had a huge number of likes.

"People are not plants: Before the item [Vegetable Exchange Voucher] came out, many people were skeptical. Some even said that if the vegetables they received were grown by Li Li himself, they probably wouldn't I will choose to eat them, but offer them up, and finally make specimens and pass them on as family heirlooms. Today, I want to tell the players who made this statement: I laughed to death, these dishes will never survive to be made The specimen, is so delicious! If there is not enough to eat, how can I not want to eat it, begging Li Li to develop new business, let’s grow vegetables in reality QAQ! [Picture] X9”

The accompanying picture is a family portrait of the 100-jin vegetable gift package sorted out of the courier box, and the scene where the whole family almost got into a fight because they competed for the vegetables on the plate.

Several other winners couldn't agree more. While stroking their chubby stomachs with satisfaction, they submitted the photos they took as comments. It didn't take long for them to attract a large number of gamers and netizens to watch.

"Damn it! Is the dish that Li Li sent out so authentic? And it looks so delicious. Why didn't I win the lottery? If I had known, I would have exchanged all the points for lottery tickets!"

"No matter how much you exchange, you can only be the denominator... I have exchanged a full 50 coupons, and I still haven't won anything. I heard that some people get into the soul at once. This is the real live koi, woo woo woo , I'll rub her again!"

"Ahhhhhhh, why are only gamers allowed to participate in this kind of lottery, @悠然田居V, Li Li, can you also distribute such lottery tickets on the game forum or official website, I am willing to pay for it!"

"Don't even think about the previous ones. You don't even think about the price of such a delicious dish. We can't let Li Li lose money and make money, right? We should just wait for the new game quota to come out next month and hurry up." Time to grab it? If the game is upgraded next month, it seems to be the last time to distribute game quotas... After all, the 'Holographic Game Builder' has already been upgraded to A-level, and it is only short of the final S-level."

As soon as these words came out, the entire comment area fell into a long silence.

Those netizens who have not yet grabbed the game quota feel that they have been poured with a large basin of ice water, and the cruel truth is directly revealed in front of them.

Yes, next month is the final battle. Although it is said that the holographic game builder upgraded to S level can accommodate one billion players, but how can the population of the entire empire and the entire interstellar world be only a mere one billion people?

As the capital star, "Buddha Jumping Wall Star" has a full 5 billion people. There are dozens of habitable planets in the entire empire. of.

What's wrong with this? Without a game quota, they cannot enter the game, and they may be suffocated to death!

For a while, there was a low atmosphere in the comments.

After a long time, someone spoke weakly.

"Well... It's useless for us to worry about something that is destined to happen? If you want to play games, just do your best to grab one at that time. Don't pay in advance to be sad, and affect your own period. mood of time."

"Yeah yeah, let's talk about something fun. Everyone has been drinking the new taste of 'Weigu Food' nutrition liquid for a month, and the new flavor will be officially announced soon. Aren't you all curious? ? I heard people say it is 'chicken soup flavor' and 'strawberry flavor', what do you think?"

To heal the interstellar people, in addition to "Leisurely Living in the Field", I am afraid that there is also a delicacy. As soon as they heard that there was something delicious, the interstellar people changed their previous depression, and their drooping heads all stood up.

"Really? Really? Really? Is there really going to be a new flavor? It should be a collaboration with Li Li. The chicken soup and strawberry flavors are delicious!"

"Wow! Strawberry flavor! This is my favorite fruit when I watch the food live broadcast of "Leisurely Living in the Field". tasting in the form of…”

"What's the matter, wake up! If I don't grab the game quota next month, I will live on the nutrient solution that comes out once a month! But I still really want to grab the game quota, I So greedy woo woo woo!"

"Hey, when it comes to greed, who would have thought that a few months ago we could still only eat tasteless nutrient solutions, and board holographic games to 'cure' our genetic collapse disease like clocking in at work. There is no direction, and the animal has lost hope? All this is brought by Li Li. Even if I can't get the game quota in the end, I won't blame Li Li, and I won't blame the game "You Ran Tian Dwelling". Love them forever!"

"Brother, you are right. Now it is much better than before. We have to learn to be content."


The topics of netizens are always changing rapidly. One second they were still sad that they might never be able to enter the world of "Leisurely Farm", and the next second they sublimated the theme, thanking the game, Bai Li and the whole world.

At the same time, Bai Li and his party packed up their luggage and prepared to set off for "Hope Star".

Before Bai Li went to Song Xinran, asking him to take care of the unharvested vegetables in the yard while they were out, and was asked where they were going. Thinking that there was nothing to hide about this matter, Bai Li told Song Xinran that they planned to go to "Hope Star".

Song Xinran was also full of curiosity and yearning for this planet, and begged Bai Li to follow the past and see the world together. Bai Li hesitated for a few seconds, but still refused. The child was already worried about his parents and family members living outside alone. If he ran around with them again, he might have to sell his labor to help them work from morning to morning. It was too cruel for a child who was only fifteen years old. It was better to keep him and continue his previous life.

I told Song Xinran all my thoughts. Although Song Xinran was a little disappointed, he was still an obedient child at heart. He knew that Bai Li's actions must be for his own good, so he nodded and agreed, "That's good, I'll stay. Helping master to look after the house, master, don't worry, I will definitely take care of the vegetables in the yard. But master, can you promise me that if you have the opportunity to go to "Hope Star" in the future, you can also take me with you? "

Bai Li thought about it. They actually went to develop the "Hope Star" this time. I believe that after it is developed to a certain extent, it will be more suitable for living and traveling. At that time, not only can you bring your apprentices to play there, but you can also invite The little apprentice's parents, brothers and sisters went together.

So he nodded and agreed to Song Xinran's request.

Song Xinran was so happy that she jumped three feet high, followed Bai Li obediently, and went to Bai Li's house to set up the entry authority.

When Bai Li and his party left, Song Xinran watched them go away with a smile and waved his hands, and boarded the speeding car that came to pick them up. After everyone was gone, he rubbed his eyes, made a cheering gesture, and started to arrange a plan for himself to grow taller and exercise.

Woohoo, he must be too short and weak, so the master didn't take him away. He wants to take advantage of Master and the others not coming back, to train hard to grow taller and grow into a real adult!

In the interstellar era, travel between planets has long been popularized. Going to other planets by spaceship is similar to flying to other countries in the ancient blue star era, which is very convenient.

If it was Bai Li before he regained his memory, he might still find it strange to look at everything because of the thoughts of "old gods" in his heart, but now Bai Li has already recovered his memory, and the memory of riding a spaceship when he was a child is also very clear. There was not much novelty, and after skillfully finding a seat by the window and sitting down, he lay on his back and entered a state of rest with his eyes closed.

When the others saw him like this, they didn't bother him, and consciously stayed nearby, occasionally talking in a low voice. As for Wen Xingyao, he sat directly beside Bai Li, leaned his shoulders, and gently moved Bai Li's head, trying to make him rest more comfortably.

Smelling the familiar scent, Bai Li didn't open his eyes the whole time, like a lazy cat, he naturally rested his head on Wen Xingyao's shoulder.

Originally, he closed his eyes just to think about what to do when he arrived at his destination, but now he thinks that it is a good choice to take advantage of the situation and take a nap.

Read The Duke's Passion