MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 241

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Regarding Bai Li's answer, Du Jiayin and Fan Yunping's first reaction was to not believe it. However, the facts were right in front of them. They tasted each dish one by one, and found that the taste of each dish was very good. It was no different from the taste they tasted when they watched the live broadcast. They had to believe that what Bai Li said was right.

At this time, Tang Ying, who had been here, said, "Hey, what's the matter? Bai Li is the man who created the game "Your Ran Farm". What's wrong with his special farming skills? Mr. Du and Mr. Fan, you should pay attention today. I haven’t been to Star Internet cafes. Didn’t some netizens also start planting in reality a while ago, and they have produced results recently. According to their dictation, the various vegetables they grow taste much better than the ones they bought at a high price. !"

"You say, is this a coincidence?"

Before, while the two old men surrounded Bai Li asking questions, he sneaked onto the Starnet for a while, and then saw the post on the game forum, and watched the excitement in it for a long time, until now It is full of emotion!

You know, all the vegetable seeds that he and Wen Xingyao brought with them when they left Bai Li's house for "Buddha Jumping Over the Wall" had already been planted before. The soldiers of the military department diligently watered, fertilized and weeded according to the planting requirements. It may be because the soil transported from Wen Xingyao's agricultural planet is still fertile. The vegetables are growing well, but they have not yet reached Grow to a level that can be harvested.

As for the photos posted by netizens on the forum, although growth potions were used to ripen them, they are not very big. At first glance, they seem to be malnourished. Although they are edible, they taste...

It's hard to say.

But even so, the taste of these scribbled vegetables is still better than those grown from the agricultural planet.

People with a keen sense of smell have already noticed the difference in the growth process of the two.

"You mean..." After being reminded by Tang Ying, the two old people immediately sat up straight without thinking about eating, and looked at Tang Ying with piercing eyes, signaling him to be more specific.

Tang Ying simply sent the website address of the forum to the two of them and asked them to check it out by themselves.

After receiving the URL, the two old men couldn't care less about whether to be rude or not. They put their heads together and looked at their own optical brain projections, showing that they were meeting to eat melons.

A series of meaningless sighs came from their mouths. During the process, Tang Ying did not forget to send a website address to other people present. Soon, everyone knew what happened on the forum.

Now that he knew everything, Bai Li stopped pretending not to know, and told the two old people who had spent his whole life in the Imperial Research Institute about their discovery and analysis of this matter during this period of time. .

"You mean, the reason why those crops are tasteless is actually because they haven't been planted with care?" Vice President Fan Yunping Fan was almost dumbfounded, "Is that what you mean? Because the planting robots have no heart, the vegetables and fruits they grow have no heart." Lost soul?"

Vegetables and fruits that have lost their souls, can they taste delicious? !

Bai Li: "..." He didn't say that!

"Ahem, Mr. Fan, your explanation is really thoughtful!" Bai Li said shyly, "Although I can't guarantee it completely, I think it's quite possible that this is the reason. I have a young apprentice who was He grew vegetables in flower pots with me, and the batch of vegetables he harvested later also had a taste."

"Then, you continue to speculate that the 'gene collapse' of the orcs is actually a little bit related to this matter..." Dean Du Jiayin Du also looked dull, and muttered in his mouth, "The war with the Zerg is over, and their abundant I have nowhere to use my energy, and I don’t know what else to do, so I’m holding myself back from the disease? Occasionally plant the land, and use all the excess energy and enthusiasm, and calm the mind, and the disease will gradually get better... ?”

Bai Li "..." again, these two principals, indeed, can see through the appearance and reveal the truth! These words are so daring to say, they hit the nail on the head!

Like them, they only dared to say that the orcs suffered from genetic collapse because they were "idle". The highly respected director of the Imperial Research Institute dared to say that they were "suffocated". Hey, although the terms are different, in a sense, they have the same goal.

The scene was so quiet that the sound of a needle falling could be heard.

After a long time, Zhu Moling spoke first, "Is it true? Just look at me and Wen Xingyao, don't you know?"

The two of them regressed to the infancy of the orcs first, and then slowly recovered. If it was more strict, Bai Li should be regarded as an example, but no one knows how he recovered, even Bai Li himself is in the fog.

After all, he used the illusion in his childhood state to transform himself from a little fox into a human. When he returned to his original body from the fairy world, the little fox's state had long since disappeared, and his genetic collapse disease had completely healed.

Fortunately, the attention of the two directors was on Wen Xingyao and Zhu Moling, and they didn't notice Bai Li, who slipped through the net.

Just looking at Wen Xingyao, the previous deduction is not too obvious. But Zhu Moling...Du and Fan thought that Zhu Moling should be 30 years old, but now he looked only in his early 20s, and the shock in his heart could not be described in words.

In the end, the two took Zhu Moling to ask privately and do some simple research, and Zhu Moling also told them what he could say.

Contacting Wen Xingyao's report about the reason why they regained consciousness in their childhood state, the two of them were shocked to find that they had both entered the game designed by Bai Li in their childhood state!

It's the kind that directly stuffs childhood into the game compartment.

You know, it’s not like no one has ever done such a thing as letting orcs who have regressed back to their infancy lie in the game cabin to stimulate their human consciousness, but before the release of "Leisurely Farm", no orc has ever successfully boarded the game Yes, Wen Xingyao and Zhu Moling should be the only two cases.

Thinking of a certain possibility, the hearts of the two were very hot, and they both wanted to go back directly and find a few volunteers to study it carefully.

However, when they calmed down, they discovered a heart-wrenching fact. They... don't have a game quota for "Leisurely Living in the Fields". Not to mention letting volunteers board the game, I wanted to play in the game, but I didn't even grab it.

The two looked at Bai Li expectantly, and Bai Li was so blessed that he understood their demands at once, and then shook his head regretfully, expressing that he didn't have a game quota in his hand either.

He was too excited to go up two levels in a row this month, and he had already thought about the ultimate prizes to be given out in this month's event, so he simply distributed all the game quotas.

However, Bai Li didn't disappoint them for too long, and hurriedly told them that they would set off for the "Hope Star" in a few days and test their another guess.

Whether the crops planted by humans and spent a lot of time and energy to grow can have a better taste than the crops grown by the planting robots on the agricultural planet depends on this experiment.

After hearing Bai Li's plan, the two deans suddenly became interested, and carefully asked if they could follow and help a little. If Bai Li needed it, they could even bring over some people from the Imperial Research Institute to help him reclaim more land and sow more seeds.

Bai Lier agreed without saying a word. He was worried that too few people would go and the stall would not open. The proposal of the two directors was really sleepy. It was the right time to send pillows!

"Okay, okay, when the time comes, we two old guys will go with you, and I promise not to cause you any trouble." The two said cheerfully, and felt that Bai Li was really a likable junior.

In this way, the two deans and Tang Ying temporarily stayed at Bai Li's house. Usually, when Bai Li and the others lay down in the game warehouse to play games, the two old people were not idle, and took care of the old man from Hu Yihu's second hand. The work of a yard of vegetables requires the researcher's research spirit to find out how they sprout and grow from the soil.

Of course, they didn't neglect the daily watering, loosening the soil and weeding, which made Bai Li very embarrassed. Sometimes, when the two old people weren't paying attention, they would secretly send some fresh air of plants and trees into their bodies.

This invisibly aggravated Du Jiayin and Fan Yunping's approval of Bai Li's previous guess. Obviously, they should be sore all over the next day after a day of farm work. But the fact is that on the second day, they only felt their muscles and bones were alive, and their whole body was full of strength, and they could still work for another hundred years!

"Farming is good. Sure enough, people should grow crops!" Du Jiayin sighed earnestly, and then devoted himself to the farming business with his old friends more attentively.

Bai Li couldn't laugh or cry, what is this, is it unintentional? But... as long as the two principals are happy, anyway, farming has a lot of benefits.

Since the game was upgraded and the "village upgrade" gameplay was started, players have actively contributed materials for upgrading to the village chief, and the completion has already exceeded the stipulated amount by several times.

After more than ten days, the progress bar finally couldn't hold back, and it was still "Mushroom Village", which ushered in the village upgrade first.

The villagers of "Mushroom Village" rushed to tell each other that all five live broadcasts were launched, and all the places in the southeast, northwest, and middle of the village were not missed. They also went to the game forum to warm up and play all the advertisements that should be played.

Netizens in the forum like to see this kind of excitement that they have never seen before, and they are bubbling with anticipation.

"It's not easy. It's been almost half a month, and you finally decided to upgrade the village."

Villager of Mushroom Village: "That's right, we've blown up the progress bar, and the village head's material warehouse is also full, so we agreed to upgrade the village. Just look forward to it, upgrade The village in the future will definitely be very different~”

"Hey, this is the first village in the entire game to be upgraded. You don't have to worry about overturning during the upgrade process? I heard that the upgrade of the village depends on the materials you submit. If the materials are not good, The upgraded village won't look too good either."

Villager of Mushroom Village: "Don't worry, the materials we submit are definitely the best, and the quality is guaranteed! In addition to the most basic stones, wood and various ores, we also put various fruit trees, furniture, Potted plants, flowers, birds, insects, fish, even clothing and gems are not lacking. By the way, Li Li and the demon star boss each donated five big fat pigs. When the village is successfully upgraded, our pig-killing vegetables It can be arranged again! I just don’t know if there will be enough pork to eat..."

"Brothers! Brothers of Mushroom Village! Please copy the homework. I am a villager in Xinshou Village No. 4444. Our village also chose the third one for the village chief's residence. Now the materials are only 20% short. The name is ours. We have all thought about it, and it is called 'Little Mushroom Village', and everyone wants to work hard in the direction of your village, so...can you let us, Kangkang, detail all the materials you submitted to QAQ!"

Villager of Mushroom Village: "??? This little sister, what is the name 'Little Mushroom Village', wouldn't it be better to change it? Our village is a legend in "Leisurely Living in the Fields", which can never be surpassed Hehe, refuse Bundle, refuse to open a sub-village of Mushroom Village! But the materials can be shown to you [picture] X9, anyway, you can’t find them all ~ (dog head)”