MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 220

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Since the octopus legs are thick enough, each plane cut out is larger than a human face, skewered on a skewer and roasted over a charcoal fire. Although it shrinks a bit, the final product is still very large.

Wen Xingyao grilled more than a dozen skewers at one time, and sprinkled only the simplest seasoning on them. Because the octopus legs were sliced ​​thinly, the octopus legs were cooked quickly, and a fishy and salty smell of seafood wafted out. The scene was much quieter.

Everyone has one or two strings in their hands, and put the rest aside for the audience to try.

At the same time, the octopus legs that were cut into small pieces and boiled were also fished out of the pot, filling several large plates, and one of the plates was topped with sauce for the convenience of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The freshly baked octopus **** were also quietly placed beside them.

In this way, the first meal since going to sea is all ready.

Huilin, who was sitting on a paper pig and couldn't get on the boat, got a noble meal for one person. Feed some to your pets.

The iron head drove him to the sea without any complaints, and saved him from danger many times. It deserves these delicious food!

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't even lift their heads.

"Yummy, so delicious! Every dish has its own flavor, I can't even sort them!"

"When I think that the food we eat has only 30% of the original taste, my heart hurts sharply. Whenever I grab the number, it will take a few tenths of a second. Maybe at this time I can be in the game. Watching the live broadcast, woohoo!"

"Fortunately, Li Li and the others took the big octopus down, otherwise it would have to watch its tentacles being eaten by a few of them, and I'm afraid it will have a psychological shadow, haha! The octopus legs are really delicious~"

"Game players brought the front-line broadcasts. Now anyone in our village who has learned fishing skills has started to rush to the beach. Although we can't directly catch big octopus like Li Li, we should still be able to catch some small octopuses." Yes, fighting!"

Many viewers have several months of experience in watching the live broadcast, and have already practiced their fast eating skills. Before Bai Li and the others wiped out all the food, they tasted the food they could eat one by one. When the meal was over, he obviously only ate air, but he still lay down in the game cabin with his stomach full and "digesting".

After cleaning up the leftovers of the food, the group started on their way again. Before setting off, Bai Li and the others made a rough plan. Starting from the starting point, they will drive in a clockwise direction and return to the starting point after a large circle. If you encounter any adventures in the middle of the journey, you should actively complete it. If you don’t encounter anything, don’t be discouraged. Just come back according to the original itinerary, and just change the location next time and start again.

Now I met a big octopus on the way and fought with it. I had a sea BBQ, which was quite profitable. Everyone didn’t have too much expectation for the future trip.

As a result, after driving for another hour, you, who was in charge of sailing the second round, said in surprise, "I saw the island!"

This loud roar scared away the drowsiness of the other people, and they looked at the direction you were pointing at with glowing eyes, and they saw a touch of fresh green on the endless blue sea.

The boat drove forward for a while, and the whole picture of the island was displayed in front of many people.

The size of the island is not large, and it takes about half an hour to walk around the island. It is lush and there are not too tall trees. If you look carefully, you can find something moving fast on the green grass in the center of the island. It should be the small animal residents on the island.

Bai Li explained in a timely manner, which can be regarded as an official explanation of the types of islands: "When I added islands, I divided them into the following categories: fruit island, flower island, animal island, treasure island, special Resource Island, Pirate Stronghold Island, and Wandering NPC Island. Everything on the island is reflected in the name. Now in front of us, it should be Flower Island or Animal Island. If you get closer, you should be able to tell the difference .”

There will be dense fruit trees on the fruit island, and players can pick them as much as they want after they go to the island. Treasure Island will look relatively remote, and you will step on traps or fall into traps during the treasure hunt. The entire island of the special resource island will emit a faint light. The special resources on it are similar to the existence of "fairy flowers", and the chance of encountering them is not high. As for the last two, they didn't see any signs of human activities on the island, so naturally they wouldn't be these two types of islands.

Defeat the pirates on the pirate stronghold island to get the pirate's loot. The NPCs that appear on the wandering NPC island can be invited by the player to settle in the village, and the NPCs do not account for the number of people on the boat. If a player is lucky enough to invite a wandering NPC to settle in their village, then the future development of the village will be more or less variable.

"Wow, there are so many kinds of islands? I thought the islands were just ordinary islands. It would be nice to stop a boat on it and take a rest and enjoy the scenery. I didn't expect that there would be other activities on it!" Jiang Huaibi made a Xizi holding Heart-shaped, and then guessed, "Could the one in front be the island of flowers? I think there is a big grassland on it, and the grassland and flowers are the best match."

She has already made preparations. After going to the island, she will do a good job of collecting. Maybe she can find many flower seeds that are not available in the village.

"It's not the Flower Island." Wen Xingyao had already seen clearly one of the small animals that appeared, "It should be the Animal Island. Bai... Li Li, can the animals on the Animal Island be tamed as pets?"

He originally wanted to call Bai Li's full name directly, but thinking that this is a game, everyone else called "Li Li", and he was the only one calling "Bai Li", it always felt a bit abrupt. He's still Bai Li's boyfriend, and he's not as affectionate as the other players, which doesn't make sense. So he turned a corner halfway and called out "Li Li".

This was the first time Bai Li heard such a title from Wen Xingyao, and it didn't count if he typed it in words in the game forum, but he felt his face heat up and his mind went blank for a few seconds. After recovering, he found that other people looked over, waiting for his answer, and quickly replied: "Yes, yes, animals on Animal Island are easier to tame as pets than those in the forest outside the village. The positioning of Animal Island is actually a holy place for pets."

The barrage at this time.

"He's blushing, he's blushing! Ooooh, Li Li who is blushing is so cute, I didn't expect Li Li to be so shy so easily, hehehe, should we tease Li Li more in the future?"

"The monster star is staring at you with a kitchen knife: if you have the ability, repeat what you said before!"

"Gosh, I didn't expect that the most common animal island I thought was not the most common existence. Does this mean that we will have another place to tame pets in the future?"

"First of all, we need the tools to go to sea. Secondly, we also need to have great luck to encounter such an island while sailing at sea, otherwise it will be nothing!"

"Hey, let me tell you, instead of looking forward to going to the island to catch pets by myself in the future, it's better to wait for Li Li and the others to catch all the pets on the island, and then hold an auction in the live broadcast room!"

Obviously, the audience's appetite has been whetted. After the auction of the big octopus, especially the villagers of "Mushroom Village", words like "seeking help" and "seeking auction" have been brushed up on the barrage, and they are determined to maximize their profits.

Jiang Huaibi was really eager to move, and immediately said that they would go to the island to see the situation first, and if conditions permit, they might be able to catch a few small animals for auction.

While Jiang Huaibi was chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room, Wen Xingyao quietly walked up to Bai Li and told him in a low voice: "I saw a white fox on that island. How about it? Do you want it? Let me help you." Are you going to catch it?"

White, fox.

Isn't this his own animal form?

Bai Li became interested all of a sudden, thinking that it would be inconvenient for him to keep turning nine big tails into rua, it would be nice to have a ready-made one. Although the giant panda baby is also very cute, it does not have a long tail, so it can only be rubbed vigorously on the chubby parts of its body.

"Okay, let's catch it together later." Bai Li also came close to Wen Xingyao's ear and replied in a low voice.

The live broadcast camera just caught this scene. Although the picture flashed by, it couldn't escape the sharp eyes of the audience. They all turned into screaming chickens and said that this couple is really sweet. No matter what they do, they seem to be showing their affection. dog food.

Not long after, the ship docked. Greyscale and his wild boar mount Iron Head arrived earlier than Bai Li and the others.

The iron head that came out of the water quickly swelled up like an inflated balloon, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to its land form. Bai Li deliberately took a look at its belly, thinking that it was really big, no wonder it would be mistaken for being pregnant.

The arrival of the six-person sea-going team attracted the attention of the "residents" on the island. Soon, there were one, two, three more small animals on the edge of the grass not far from them. , there are rabbits, squirrels, hedgehogs, foxes, sika deer, and even alpacas that are always covered in white.

The last one looks like a good material for a mount!

That cute and contemptuous expression inexplicably hit Jiang Huaibi, give me a bowl of rice, what are you worried about, the three of them looked at each other, and there seemed to be lightning and thunder at the intersection of their eyes, and they realized that the other two After not giving in, it aroused their desire to win, and they made the decision to fight hard.

Grayscale already has a wild boar mount that can be used on both land and sea, and he is not very interested in the alpaca. Instead, the inconspicuous little hedgehog suits him better.

He is called Xi Rui in reality, he is also an orc, and his body is a porcupine. Now that there are pigs in the game, should the "thorns" be arranged as well?

The audience didn't care about the choices of these people. They couldn't wait any longer, and urged them loudly in the bullet screen, telling everyone to hurry up and wipe out all the small animals on this island!

Read The Duke's Passion