MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 217

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The unexpected appearance of Grayscale was beyond everyone's expectation.

Except for the one who had been replaced to sail the boat and gave me a bowl of rice, everyone else gathered at the stern of the boat, watching Huilin sitting on the paper pig.

With four straight gazes, no matter how thick Hui Lin's skin is, he still feels a little embarrassed at this moment. He felt like sitting on pins and needles all of a sudden, and frantically recalled the growth of the hair on the top. It shouldn't make people feel a little bald, right?

It was nothing short of a death stare.

"Guilin, why did you come here? Did you come here on your pig?" Bai Li asked curiously.

After the wild boar is flattened, it looks like a flying carpet, undulating steadily with the waves in the sea, and this is a "blanket" that will never leak, as long as Grayscale is willing, he can lie on it and sleep for a while. It doesn't matter. Anyway, the area is large enough.

Huilin replied honestly: "Yes, Li Li, I came here on my iron head. Hey, I was curious about what the sea is like, so I came with you secretly. Take care, hehe!"

After finishing speaking, he showed a brilliant smirk.

"But..." Jiang Huaibi looked down at the description of the fishing boat, "This boat can only accommodate up to five people, if there is one more, it will capsize, you..."

She was too embarrassed to say directly that it seemed that Grayscale couldn't get on this ship. I can't get on the boat anymore, so why talk about taking care of it?

Unexpectedly, Hui Lin had already investigated everything, and it looked like he had made a detailed plan, and even inquired clearly about the fact that the boat could only accommodate five people, he waved his hands and said cheerfully: "It's okay, it's okay, I didn't think about coming up, so can you just let me follow your boat? Just treat it... just treat it like I am your non-staff member? I have my iron head, and I have a lot of food and drink in my backpack , don’t worry about not being able to survive at sea.”

He had already said that, how could the people on the boat refuse his following, they just acquiesced. Even the fishing combination of Bai Li and Wen Xingyao changed the fishing position to the stern of the boat, threw the hook down casually, and started chatting with Huilin.

The audience in the live broadcast room, especially the players who were originally villagers of "Mushroom Village", suddenly became sour. Patting his thigh, he said heartbrokenly that if he had known about this operation, they would find Huilin for everything they said, and rub him against him for a place in the pig.

What are you afraid of if you can't get on the boat, isn't there a pig that can swim!

On the way, the boat was driven by another person. Jiang Huaibi stood at the bow of the boat, holding the steering wheel, and posed several poses. He asked the audience to help her take screenshots and send them to her as a souvenir.

So far, the boat has set off for more than an hour, not to mention pirates along the way, not even a single island. Jiang Huaibi thought for a while, changed the direction of the boat and continued driving, and then turned around and asked the others: "Should we cast a net to see if there are any big fish in the water, otherwise it would be too boring to drive forward. "

This proposal was agreed by everyone, and Grayscale stood up and jumped on the pig: "Okay, okay, I'm close to the water surface, and I can help you observe which direction there are schools of fish swimming past!"

You clapped your hands in the liver and laughed: "That's great, if there are really big fish online, you will be our great hero."

Holding a high-grade fishing net in one hand and a super fishing net in the other, Bai Li asked everyone which one to use.

"Why don't you use high-end fishing nets first? The number of super fishing nets is small, so they are not suitable for casual use without any experience. After we catch a few more nets and feel comfortable with them, it will not be too late to use them." Wen Xingyao said.

Others nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then use the high-grade fishing net first." Bai Li took the super fishing net back, and with the help of Wen Xingyao, give me a bowl of rice, what are you in the liver, and the gray scales underneath, he finished the fishing net. Toss work.

At this moment, the boat had stopped, and Jiang Huaibi leaned over the railing with the camera in his hand and poked his head. After all the fishing nets had entered the water, he turned around and asked in a daze, "Is that all right? Do we need to do anything else?"

I always feel that they are a bunch of novices. If this is the case, there will only be a little fish in the net that is caught in the end, or there will be no fish at all.

As a "human figure cheat", Bai Li directly suggested: "You can sprinkle a little bait near the fishing net to attract the fish around, or drive the boat forward slowly."

The eyes of everyone who got the reminder brightened. Now that they have a method, let's do it.

Jiang Huaibi said: "I'm going to cast the bait now, and then continue to sail the boat!"

"I'll come too, I'll come too, I have a lot of bait here, let's throw some out!" Grayscale had already started to take out the bait from his backpack.

The most common baits were ordinary baits, followed by high-grade baits, and there were even a few big, round, golden-yellow super baits among them. It was obvious that Wen Xingyao cast them.

The audience in the live broadcast room paid close attention to the first sea fishing of the going-to-sea team.

"Li Li and the others finally gave up on the fishing rods that would never catch fish, and changed to using fishing nets. I hope there will be a huge harvest. Good start~~"

"Taking advantage of the time they cast their nets, I have already gone to Starnet to find out what fish are in the sea, and which fish tastes better. Brothers, my saliva is already dripping down. I hope Li Li still has more fish." Sister Huaibi and the others work harder, I'm hungry!"

"High-end fishing nets, high-end baits, super baits, tsk tsk tsk, this can be regarded as spending a lot of money on fishing outside, right now, I want to see how to enrich the rich seafood?"

"You should be able to see it soon. This is a game, so you won't have to wait for hours like in reality?"

Indeed, there was no need to wait for such a long time. After Jiang Huaibi slowly started the boat, the huge fishing net was dragging at the stern, and Gray Scale was on the right side of the boat controlling the wild boar iron head to swim forward. It took almost half an hour like this. Bai Li said that the net could be activated.

"Go to the side and rest, I'll just start the net." Wen Xingyao pushed Bai Li to sit on a small bench next to him, and stuffed a can of popcorn into his hand.

There is also Jiang Huaibi who has the same treatment as Bai Li. And the reason she was not allowed to go forward was simply because she felt that she was weak and could not be of much help.

Bai Li: "..."

Jiang Huaibi: "..."

The two stared at each other with wide eyes.

After a few seconds, Bai Li passed the popcorn jar forward: "Huaibi, do you want to have some snacks together?"

Jiang Huaibi made a weeping expression, but stretched out his hand honestly: "Yes!"

So the two happily hid in the corner, eating, cheering for the busy people, and doing live commentary in the live broadcast room by the way.

The tools made by myself by giving me a bowl of rice came in handy at this time, and they were there. The process of pulling the fishing net up was much easier for the four of them, and it took almost no effort. The things wrapped in the fishing net Just showed a little nod.

The sight is silvery, and the hairtails in the net are entangled with each other, squeezing each other, because of the pressure, they have already released more air and less air intake. The scales on hairtails will be as dazzling as silver when they are still alive, and as soft as ribbons woven by moonlight, but when they die, this luster will quickly fade and dim.

The audience was shocked at the beauty of the hairtail just out of the water, but they were quickly popularized by people about the deliciousness of braised hairtail, pan-fried hairtail, sweet and sour hairtail, and salt and pepper hairtail. Tears flowed from the corners of their mouths because of the passing of life, and they were crazy Barrage, loudly said "well done" to several people in the game!

This can be said to be a very successful fishing. Most of the fishing nets are hairtails, and a small part is crabs, each with a face as big as a plate. Because no one noticed that there were crabs in the net at the beginning, these very energetic crabs jumped out of the prison happily during the process of putting the hairtail into the fish cabin.

By the time Bai Li and the others found out, they had already crawled all over the deck, which was a big headache.

The viewers in the live broadcast room don't feel sorry for them, they only feel sorry for the crab.

"Sister Huaibi, pay attention. There is a big crab hidden under the bundle of ropes in the bow. Be careful when you catch it. Don't knock off their pincers, so as not to affect the taste when eating!"

"Ahhh! There are a few over there in the tool pile. That ax seems to be falling down. Hurry up and hold it up alone. Don't hit these big crabs, the dead crab meat will stick together!"

"Hey! This crab crawls so fast. I declare it to be the prison escape champion this time. I don't know if it has been fully exercised before being served in the pot. Will the meat on its pliers be more chewy and elastic? Woolen cloth?"

"I counted, and there are only 36 crabs in total. There are six of you, why don't you just cook them all in one pot? Slow down when eating, let us try too? Suck and suck.jpg"

Thirty-six crabs were not many, and several people searched the deck carefully before arresting them all.

Jiang Huaibi just had time to watch his live broadcast, and just saw the bullet screen where the audience asked them to cook all the crabs and eat them together. After reading it out, he asked everyone what they thought. In terms of eating, everyone has an unprecedented consensus, so let’s eat it, how can we save it for the New Year?

It just took a lot of effort to catch them, so I took the opportunity to replenish my strength.

Eating crabs alone is not enough. Wen Xingyao, who has learned cooking skills, and you went to the fish cabin to choose a few big and fat hairtails. We are going to share the four ways of eating hairtails that the audience discussed before. Arrangement.

Audience: What kind of fairy boss is this, I love it!

As a culinary black hole, Bai Li took over the job of sailing the boat, controlling the fishing boat to slowly sail in a certain direction.

At this time, Huilin felt that he was somewhat miserable, he couldn't help much, and could only hold his head up and wait for food, how embarrassing he was. So he asked Tietou to swim forward, ready to go to the bow of the boat to chat with Bai Li.

But at this moment, he felt that something pushed up the seat where he was sitting, and the iron head also made an uncomfortable "humming" sound. Out of curiosity, he probed into the water and his face turned pale immediately. up.

"Li, Li Li! There is something in the water, I took a look, it seems to be a big octopus, a tentacle monster!"

As Grayscale stammered, a bright red tentacle with dense suction cups protruded out of the water, and lashed the fishing boat hard.