MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 203

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"No! You are not my brother, you are my brother!"

The white-skinned Naituan shook her head vigorously, rejecting Bai Li's request super loudly.

Zhu Moling, who was estimated to be half a year old, had messy black hair, and a pair of eyes that were not as narrow as those of adults, but looked round and very cute. It is such a pair of eyes that are struggling to look up at the young man who is looking down, extremely stubborn.

Relying on his advantages in height and strength, Bai Li slipped Zhu Moling, who was holding onto his legs, to a place half a meter away from him, and followed his example to purposely refute loudly: "I am an older brother, not a younger brother."

After finishing speaking, he also measured their respective heights with his hands, and said seriously: "See clearly, I am tall, and I am the older brother, and you are short, and you are the younger brother."

He couldn't understand Zhu Moling's brain circuit, how could someone point to someone who was much taller than him and call him "brother" as soon as they met? You can't just arrest people and shout because you can't find your own brother?

Also, a person who can become the head of a clan must be a smart person after all. Although he has temporarily become a child, he should still have the basic ability to distinguish between elder brothers and younger brothers by height, right?

He is so much taller than this little Douding, no matter what, he should be called "brother".

"Yes, yes, patriarch, Mr. Bai is not our young master, you have misunderstood him." Hu Yi rushed over, carefully grabbed Zhu Moling's collar, and explained to him in a friendly voice.

While explaining, he wiped the sweat that hadn't flowed from his forehead. He is actually also ignorant, the patriarch will return from the animal form to the human form, all of them are mentally prepared, but what they don't accept is that the patriarch's reverted human form is actually the appearance of a human cub, which is different from theirs. The assumptions are very different.

They have no experience in taking care of children, and they don't know if the three-and-a-half-year-old patriarch can take care of them well...

However, even if Bai Li and Hu Yi wanted to change Zhu Moling's mind at the age of three and a half, he firmly believed that Bai Li was his "brother" as if he was his old relative, and he was unwilling to change his mind no matter what.

At the back, Bai Li laughed angrily, and said directly: "Alright, you can shout as you like, you can shout if you want."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went downstairs to the living room, sat on the sofa and turned on the anti-peeping mode of the optical computer, and entered the working state.

Hu Yi and Hu Er showed tangled and helpless expressions, looked at Bai Li very embarrassed, and thought about how to remedy their patriarch. They imagined the subsequent development of several patriarchs after they returned to human form. The first thing the patriarch who was engraved in the silkworm argon bad sword and restored to human form did was to pounce on Mr. Bai and recognize his "brother" desperately.

Embarrassing, so embarrassing.

What the dejected two people and Bai Li who had already left didn't notice was that the white glutinous rice **** were actually filled with black sesame stuffing. The three and a half year old Zhu Mo Ling lowered his head, and through the cover of his too long bangs, he revealed a "Tricksters succeed" smile.

Aha, let nature take its course is too slow, he has to start violent confession!

In the next two days, Bai Li experienced the fear of being dominated by Zhu Moling's "brother". It seems that he feels that he has no temper. The three and a half year old Zhu Moling not only did not stop calling him "brother" because of this, but also stuck to his side all the time. No matter what Hu Yi and Hu Er said, they couldn't pull him away. .

Even when playing games, he had to pester Bai Li to lie in the same game room with him, and directly abandoned the two subordinates who took him to the game every day in turn.

"I don't want to go with you, and I don't know you, what if you are bad people? I want to stay by my brother's side to protect him, so go away!" The white milk dumpling solemnly rejected Hu Yi's request. Invited to take him to the game, the little hands hugged Bai Li's arm tightly.

In front of Hu Yihu Er, the three-and-a-half-year-old Zhu Moling was sharp and inviolable, but in front of Bai Li, he was so indifferent. Yes, it looks like a piece of cake when he smiles, and Bai Li can't get angry at all.

The three of them had also discussed the reason why Zhu Moling became like this. Due to his successful experience, Bai Li really couldn't say what caused it. In the end, he reluctantly decided that this was another new condition of the gradual recovery of the genetic collapse disease.

That is to say, during the recovery period of the gene collapse disease, there may be a situation where the juvenile stage gradually grows up and then directly returns to its original size, or it may happen that the juvenile body shape remains unchanged, transforming back to a human cub and then growing up again. Now it seems that Wen Xingyao and Zhu Moling are in these two situations.

Bai Li used the clear and spiritual energy of plants and trees to penetrate into Zhu Moling's body through the method of permeating through the skin, and felt a little relieved when he noticed that his body was growing faster. Fortunately, it is not necessary to grow up again according to the laws of nature. He has a lot of experience in this matter.

For details, read the whole process of Xingyao from a small kitten to a big lion.

"Hey, Mr. Bai, look..." Hu Yihu Er laughed dryly, feeling that they were always causing trouble for Bai Li.

But Bai Likai and Huai Weiwei urgently support the request within the scope of the obligation.

"It doesn't matter, then let him enter the game with me. Staying in the game longer should speed up your patriarch's recovery. Remember to tell him the real situation in the game, and hope he can recover his memory sooner."

"Hey, good! Then thank you, Mr. Bai!" Hu Yi said happily, and made a gesture of clasping his fist at Bai Li.

Mr. Bai, what a man!

Bai Li boarded the game with Zhu Moling in the form of a human cub. After confirming that the other party had entered normally, he walked out of the room and went directly to the next door, and told Wen Xingyao everything that happened today.

He didn't think there was anything to hide about this matter, and he didn't think that bringing Zhu Moling, who was essentially an adult man, by his side to take care of him would make Wen Xingyao have bad associations, but considering that the two were in "different During the "Ball Love", he still explained a few more words.

"I seem to have told you before that Zhu Moling and Hu Yihu Er have always given me the feeling that they are harmless. I can be sure that they will not hurt me and will always be good with me in the future. The relationship. This feeling is a bit special, it is not accurate to describe it as liking, a more appropriate word should be... close?"

When he said the last two words, Bai Li was also confused and lost for a moment. Why did he feel close to these three people, they had never met before.

I heard from Zhu Moling before that Bai Li might be his missing brother Wen Xingyao: "..." Could this be the mutual attraction between the legendary blood relatives?

The balance in my heart has tilted in the direction of "Zhu Moling is right".

"Well, I understand." Wen Xingyao said, "You said that Zhu Moling has turned into a child, so can you feed him that special energy without him knowing?"

Wen Xingyao vaguely guessed that the special energy possessed by Bai Li is the fundamental factor that determines whether they can return to normal. Regarding this guess, Wen Xingyao did not hide it. He had discussed with Bai Li privately for several rounds earlier, and even knew that "the clear and spiritual energy of plants and trees" is the correct name for energy.

Cheng Qiao has been referring to it with "special energy" in order to prevent falling into the trap.

So Bai Li told Wen Xingyao about his operations, and reassured him that Zhu Moling, who was in the form of a human cub, might grow up to his original appearance in a short time. I just don’t know if he can correct his problem of calling himself “brother” by then...

After the two exchanged about Zhu Mo Ling, they separated and went to work on their own. When Bai Li finished his work and went offline again, it was past 24:00, and it was March 29th.

The time of this month seems to pass very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it is the end of the month again. It also means that it is time for him to upgrade the holographic game builder and perform a new major upgrade to the game.

Even without going to the exclusive backstage of the game maker, Bai Li knew that he must have made a lot of money this month. In addition to the income from the game, he also has the share of the nutrient solution given to him by "Weigu Food", and the 5% game royalties that 1,000 game anchors need to pay to him.

The sum of the three will definitely be an astronomical figure.

Thinking of this, Bai Li still took a look at his backstage income, calculated the money he could get, and was so happy that he almost didn't fall asleep all night. Finally fell asleep, and exaggerated laughter when dreaming.

When he woke up early the next morning, after breakfast, he directly sent a video message to Wen Xingyao.

As soon as the video was connected, Bai Li showed a big smile with bright eyes, and said, "Wen Xingyao, I seem to be able to buy an agricultural planet soon!"

The matter of wanting to buy an agricultural planet, he once mentioned it to himself when Wen Xingyao was a little milk cat. Now that Wen Xingyao has completely absorbed the memories of the little milk cat, he is also somewhat impressed by this matter.

According to the information Bai Li found when he was traveling, the price of an agricultural planet is about 10 billion stars. At that time, he thought it was too expensive, and he might not be able to save so much money in his lifetime. However, three months have passed, and he has accomplished this small goal.

When he decided to make the farming game "Leisurely Living in the Farm", although he thought that he might be able to save a huge sum of money slowly with the money he earned from designing the game, now he should remove the word "slowly" Well, earning 10 billion star dollars in three months, it's hard for anyone to believe this, right?

Ahem, low key, low key.

Bai Li's heart had already blossomed with joy, showing that he was swaying his heart and beating pure milk, but Wen Xingyao still saw through his eyes the true state of his heart.

I'm really happy and excited.

"Congratulations." Wen Xingyao met Bai Li's eyes with a smile, then asked him to wait for him for a while, then lowered his head as if operating something on the optical brain.

Bai Li looked at the top of his hair curiously, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd. But soon, he knew what Wen Xingyao was doing.

The chat page of the two sent a screenshot showing Wen Xingyao's personal asset details.

More than 300 billion star yuan, five agricultural planets, shareholding companies and real estate distributed on the various planets of the empire, all the assets added up, I am afraid that it has exceeded 500 billion.

Bai Li stared blankly, the long string of numbers almost dazzled people's eyes. Wen Xingyao's voice filled his ears through the virtual screen: "These are properties under my name. I have five agricultural planets on hand, all of which are managed by the most advanced farming robots. If you have If you need it, just take it from me."

Ten billion star yuan is the lowest price Bai Li can find for an agricultural planet, and the price determines the size of the planet. But in the asset screenshot provided by Wen Xingyao, the smallest agricultural planet is ten times larger than the agricultural planet he plans to buy, and its price must be higher.

For such an expensive item, let him take it directly. Wen Xingyao dared to say it, but Bai Li didn't dare to respond.

He immediately waved his hand at Wen Xingyao: "No, no, I just need to spend my own money to buy it if I want, and put away your own things, don't tell me to take them away."

Strangely exciting.

After hearing Bai Li's words, Wen Xingyao was quite disappointed. In his opinion, the two are already bound to each other, his is Bai Li's, and Bai Li's is still Bai Li's, why are they so clear? Hey... It seems that he still needs to work harder to make Bai Li stop being so estranged with him.

"Okay...then I won't talk about it, but if you need it in the future, feel free to mention it to me." Wen Xingyao said.

These words showed that he hadn't completely given up on his previous plan. Bai Li pulled his hair helplessly, thinking about what else he could say, when another voice came in.

"My brother doesn't want your agricultural planet!" Zhu Moling, who seemed to have grown up a bit overnight, slipped from behind Bai Li to the front of Bai Li's body, a pair of black grape-like eyes fixed on the opposite side of the screen. man.

At this moment, new hatred and old hatred surged into my heart.

This guy tricked his younger brother into dating him by relying on his absence from his younger brother's side, and even kicked himself when the two kissed. Although the strength was not strong, he had already remembered the hatred and physical pain of taking away his younger brother.

Now, he wants to seduce his younger brother with the agricultural planet he has at hand, in an attempt to make the bond between the two stronger, regardless of whether he, the older brother, agrees or not.

snort! Just balance your heart and trust┮ your enemy, Qiao Ouye, hehehe, unexpectedly, my younger brother has the largest agricultural planet in the entire empire under his name!

"Hope Star", a planet covered by water, fertile fields, and wild grass, is also the place where the entire empire regressed to the inhabitation of the juvenile orcs. Before his younger brother entered the advanced stage of genetic collapse, "Hope Star" belonged to the empire, but after his younger brother went to "Hope Star", this planet was bought by Zhu Moling at a huge price and recorded in his younger brother's account. under the name.

From then on, all the living needs of the orcs living on Hope Star were taken care of by the Tianhu family, and the empire supervised them from the side. Every year, the Tianhu family spends a lot of money on the maintenance of "Hope Star", but no one from the family has raised any objections or complained.

After overhearing the conversation between Bai Li and Wen Xingyao, Zhu Moling immediately thought of this planet that was already under his brother's name. Facing Wen Xingyao's calm and even smiling face at this moment, his mind became hot, and he said without thinking: "My brother has a planet! His own planet! 'Hope Star', you know it?"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Moling regretted it. He is in a state of amnesia now, how could he say the words that can only be said by Lai Nao D and R?

As if cold water had been poured on his head, the furious Zhu Moling regained consciousness in an instant. Seeing Wen Xingyao on the screen showing him a knowing and weird smile, he couldn't help shivering.

Oops, he fell for it!

Sure enough, Wen Xingyao quickly pretended to mention it casually: "Oh? Is your brother the owner of the 'Hope Star'? Why do I hear Bai Li say that you don't seem to have the original memory? You even remember who your brother is. Can't stop, huh..."

Zhu Moling's cold sweat broke out all of a sudden, and the exposure came unexpectedly. Could it be that his idea of ​​violent confession will be forced to stop in this way in just one day?

"Eh..." The babyish voice carried a panic that could easily go unnoticed.

As for Bai Li, Qian Qian said that his mother had attracted most of the attention. He knew about the place "Hope Star", but regarding the ownership of this planet, he thought it was a desolate star that no one wanted. , Is this still a very suitable planet for farming?

Thinking of this, he was a little envious of Zhu Moling's real younger brother, and this planet was under his name. I don't know whether this planet is bigger or smaller than the five in Wen Xingyao's hand.

Anyway, the agricultural planet he will buy in the future must be incomparable to anyone, hey.

When Bai Li came back to his senses, he heard Zhu Moling's short "head", so he looked curiously at the two people who were staring at each other, trying to dig out what he had missed before.

The process of Bai Li's recollection was undoubtedly tormenting for Zhu Moling. On the one hand, he didn't want his little thoughts to be noticed by his younger brother, which would give him a bad impression. On the other hand, he thought he might as well talk about it now, so that his younger brother might get rid of the illusion he set earlier. Make them brothers.

In just a few seconds, Zhu Moling felt a mountain of pressure.

As for his reaction, Stront Mengjuan felt a sense of relief in his heart. Hmph, he won't admit that he actually kind of minds that Bai Li and Zhu Moling get along so close, even if they are really brothers, he can't help but feel a little sour when he sees it Here comes the water.

Didn't Zhu Moling want to get to know his younger brother earlier, so he might as well push him behind.

Bai Li finally analyzed the meaning of the two people's words. Wen Xingyao questioned whether Zhu Moling had really lost his memory, but Zhu Moling seemed...not to deny it.

He lowered his head to look at the person who was in his arms almost in the posture of being hugged by him. It was rare for him to make a mistake. How could he be so successfully deceived? And then forced to accept the fate of being called "brother"?

Feeling the sudden stiffness of the people behind him, Zhu Moling made a decisive decision and quickly admitted his "evil deeds": "Brother... Bai Li, you believe me, I didn't do this for a prank, but because, you are very likely to be me I have been looking for my younger brother for three years."

Now it was Wen Xingyao's turn to be surprised. Unexpectedly, Zhu Moling would choose the most direct method.

Bai Li followed in a daze, he could understand every word Zhu Moling said, but why he couldn't understand what the words meant when they were added together?

Is this possible? According to the information he received from traveling over, this body is obviously an orphan without father and mother. When did such a big brother emerge and such a huge family behind him?

Seeing that Bai Li didn't believe it, Zhu Moling was not discouraged, and put the details that he had analyzed in the past few days in front of Bai Li one by one. Bai Li's name, age, the same fox eyes as his, and how Bai Li made him feel, all became the "ironclad proof" that Bai Li was his younger brother.

After Bai Li heard it, Qie Nai couldn't laugh or cry: "What you said is not evidence. If I really want to find it according to what you said, I don't believe that the whole empire can't find another one named 'Bai Li' who is eighteen years old." Year-old people, eyes, etc., are not unique to your family... As for the last feeling, it cannot be used as evidence, you have to speak with facts."

Seeing that Zhu Moling wanted to fight for something, Bai Li simply carried him to sit beside him, and gave another more scientific suggestion: "If you still have doubts, I am also willing to cooperate. Let's just do an appraisal." Well, DNA can never deceive people, it is so simple and fast, and it is also convenient for you to dispel unrealistic fantasies earlier."

Bai Li really didn't think that he would be Zhu Moling's younger brother. This body didn't have the awakened orc genes at all, and he had already climbed the tomb of Huan Zhen, so how could it be that the Sky Fox clan had awakened the Nine Tails? The young master of Fox Gene?

Zhu Moling shook his head and smiled wryly: "If only things were that simple. My brother, his gifted illusion can fool even the most sophisticated instruments. If he doesn't want to, no one can see through his disguise." .DNA testing is invalid for him, even if you are really my brother, the most likely result is someone else."

Such an explanation made Bai Li call him a good guy in his heart, the young master of the Tianhu family who ran away from home, is there such a bug? No wonder so many people remember it. Whether it was his own elder brother or Song Xinran, the distant younger brother, when they mentioned him, they used a proud tone.

"If that's the case, then I have nothing to do. But I still want to stress again, I really can't be your younger brother." Bai Li said after pondering for a moment.

He didn't want Zhu Moling's preference for his younger brother to fall on him, a stranger.

However, Zhu Moling was also very persistent, saying that he would not give up, and that even if he was still at Bai Li's house for a day, he would try his best to evoke Bai Li's original memory.

The two hold their own opinions, and neither will let the other. At this time, Wen Xingyao, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally spoke up to help persuade him: "Bai Li, he will live in your house for a while anyway, do you want to try to believe what he said? Don't reject him exuding Goodwill, try to communicate and see?"

Hearing this, Zhu Moling cast an appreciative look at Wen Xingyao, and decided to save Wen Xingyao from troublesome times in the future.

The corners of his mouth were already turned up, and he was about to beg Bai Li to try what Wen Xingyao said, when he heard Xingyao continue to say in a calm tone: "Even if it turns out that you are not brothers in the future, you won't be at a disadvantage if you go whoring for nothing. of."

Bai Li:?

Zhu Moling:? ? ? ! !

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