MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 200

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Tang Wan's voice was like something beautiful mixed with something not so good. Players who were addicted to the scent of flowers opened their eyes, and the first thing they saw was a big face full of confusion.

Then, it was like waking up from a dream.

The player who claimed to be Tang Wan's neighbor stood up as a player representative: "Hey, my brother Wan, why do you still ask everyone what happened? Didn't you notice the smell? It's so fragrant Yes, we were all attracted by the smell, and then found that this smell came from your house. Brother Wan, what is this smell?"

Tang Wan: "..." He felt a sense of embarrassment as if his beloved toy had been discovered.

What to do, do these people want to grab toys from him?

But after thinking about it, this is a game, and the scent is the game props he spent 1,000 points in exchange for, so it doesn't sound too unusual, does it?

Nothing to hide.

Thinking in this way, Tang Wan simply told the story of the "fairy flower seedling": "Oh, it is my 'fairy flower seedling' that has finally grown up. It was just a thin petal, but today it has become a flower. The whole flower has a smell, and it smells very good, super fragrant!"

"'Xianpa Seedling'? Why does this sound so familiar?" A player among the onlookers said hesitantly, looked up and thought for a long time, then suddenly patted his forehead hard, and shouted in surprise, "I remember La! When I exchanged points for items before, I accidentally exchanged this item with my hand, because it was not in my plan list, and my 1000 points were wasted, so I kept throwing it in my backpack and didn’t care much , if this scent is emitted by the 'fairy seedlings', wouldn't I make a lot of money? Hehehe..."

After finishing speaking, the player buried his head in his backpack to find it. Then... I took out a purple flower pot with a black and purple plant growing on it, which looked a bit like a strange plant of pitcher plant.

The eyes of those around are curious and expectant.

Tang Wan also looked over, and said "???", why is the plant in this man's hand completely different from his pot?

Is the variety in each pot different, or is this pot mutated?

Before he could figure out why, the expressions of the other people who were slowly approaching the player changed, and then they covered their mouths, pinched their noses, and quickly backed away in the opposite direction. .

There were also a few obvious retching sounds.

Tang Wan was far away, and was the last to smell the surging stench.

His whole body is not well, his soul seems to be about to ascend to heaven, and he stands there stupidly, crumbling. Growing up so big, he has never smelled such a smell, even the stinky tofu-flavored nutrient solution launched by "Weigu Food" a few years ago is not as smelly as it is now!

After all, he couldn't resist the attack of the stench, and leaned weakly against the wall outside the house.

The player who took out the stinking fairy flower was also dumbfounded, staring at the thing in his hand like a copper bell, his nose and mouth had been completely closed due to the desire to survive, and he only used the air he inhaled earlier to spend the last time. A tough time.

how so? ! Didn't it say it smelled like flowers? Why did the pot he took out have a strong stench, and even the color was unknown?

Seeing his surroundings turned into an open space in a few seconds, the player felt aggrieved, he couldn't hide while others could hide. At the critical moment, he was still reluctant to throw out the potted flower or destroy it on the spot, at least it was exchanged for 1000 points...

"I said, brother, what are you still doing in a daze, take it back quickly, I'm about to be stink to death, Yue..."

"That's right, for everyone's safety, put this poison gas bomb back quickly, please!"

"Fuck, it smells so domineering. I can't smell the scent of flowers before. My nose won't be broken, right?"

The people around shouted and begged loudly, but no one chose to run further away. Although they pinched their noses and covered their mouths, their eyes were still rolling around, observing the pot of black and purple flowers from a distance, their curiosity increased rather than diminished.

If they were just curious about what kind of "fairy flower" exudes such a charming smell at the beginning, what they are now curious about is why they are also "fairy flower", a smell that can be addictive. It is an intoxicating fragrance, but one is a walking human weapon, the kind that can make people have nightmares for several nights after a few sips.

This contrast is too strong, I don't know what the other 19998 pots will be like.

The player holding the stinky "Fairy Flower" finally came to his senses, quickly put the source of the stinky smell into his backpack, and then, like all the players, looked at Tang Wan eagerly. Their intention is obvious, just to see if the pot belonging to Tang Wan is also dark purple and ugly.

Having said that, after the stinky fairy flower was taken back, the charming floral fragrance from before spread again. It's a pity that the players didn't dare to inhale harder this time, for fear that there might be some trap waiting for them behind this fragrance. Even so, they also felt that their wounded hearts had been healed when they took small sips of the pleasant fragrance.

Woooooo, fragrant flowers, save their lives!

Tang Wan originally planned to take out his potted flower to satisfy everyone's curiosity, but was interrupted before, and when the situation stabilized, he walked back to the room after talking to someone, and hugged a pink flower in his arms after a while. The pots come out.

Planted in the flower pot is a snow-white flower with soft and delicate petals, which is in line with everyone's imagination of the idiom "fairy air fluttering".

"That's it, this is the fairy flower I planted." Tang Wan explained to everyone.

So the question is, why is it that he grows white, but the other grows black and purple?

Players, look at me and I look at yours. While trying to approach the direction of the white fairy flower, they make reasonable explanations based on their own understanding.

"It's the same as pet eggs, mount eggs, and surprise gift packages. In fact, the fairy flowers grown by this 'fairy flower seedling' are also random? What brother Wan grows is fragrant, and what the other brother grows is smelly?"

"If you want me to say, how could the fairy flower be smelly? Rather than saying that it is random, I would rather believe that it is actually spiritual. Brother Wan takes good care of it, and it will repay it with fragrance. As for an old man Brother, it has been locked in a small black room for ten whole days, and I want to be blackened too, it stinks to death and you show that I am kind, huh!"

"Hahahaha! Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, I'm the second reason! Did you hear me, old man, if you can grow this pot of stinky treasure, you still have to bear the blame~"

Needless to say, although this group of players is nonsensical every day, they sometimes have extremely keen intuition. Although the reason for the difference between the two pots of fairy flowers is described by their understanding, it does match Bai Li's setting. side.

In Bai Li's setting, the initial state of the "fairy seedlings" is the same, and what they will grow up in the end depends on how they are cared for and treated during the ten-day growth process.

You send me sunshine and rain, and I give you a room full of fragrance; you let me be confinement in a dark room, and I hate your grandma's legs, let me stink to death, and we will die together!

In short, whatever you sow, you will reap the fruit. However, Bai Li didn't make this setting too rigid. If the player accidentally grows a fairy flower with a special smell, it can be slowly recovered in the follow-up care.

It's just that this recovery process is long and arduous, and it takes ten times longer than a fairy flower to grow.

Players can do it if they want to, and if they don't want to, then he has nothing to do.

Knowing what happened in other villages from Jiang Huaibi, who loves gossip, Bai Li patched Xianpa's prop introduction, and stopped paying attention after that.

However, in the game forum, the discussion about fairy flowers has become more and more intense.

"There are a total of 20,000 fairy flower seedlings. If the 200 villages share them equally, there will be about 100 players in each village. I hope that the players in our village have taken good care of their seedlings in the previous ten days. I don't want to suffer from the poisonous smell. ..."

"You think too much, the most common people in our game are old men and old women, all of them live a rough life... Tsk tsk, I didn't even see it. Planting the land and spreading some flowers in the yard is already the biggest thing for them. I’m so gentle, I hope they will take good care of those seedlings, it’s better to dream about it sooner. (From a sad person who was fainted five times after going online and refused to give his name)”

"I have never smelled so many different smells in my life! Good smells are all the same, and disgusting smells have their own smell QAQ!"

"Actually... there are subtle differences in the fragrance of those fairy flowers. Thanks to the beast god, the big brothers and sisters who live next door to my house are all refreshing and life-loving people. Discuss N kinds of experiences in growing flowers in the fitness area of ​​our residence. Good people are rewarded, they have successfully grown fragrant fairy flowers, and now they are a big star in our village! And I, surrounded by these fragrances 360 degrees, Maybe it’s been marinated to taste~”

"Wuuu, if I had known that the 'Fairy Flower Seedlings' could grow flowers with such a strong fragrance, I would have changed everything into a pot, regretting it."

"Regret +1"

"Regret +2"


In Xinshou Village No. 66, Zhu Moling, Hu Yi, and Hu Er sat around a round table. In the center of the table was a pot of flowers with black petals.

"Strange." Zhu Moling raised his hand and touched the petals of the black flower, and said in confusion, "Didn't the forum say that the smell of deep-colored fairy flowers is not good, why is the smell coming out of my pot? Is it fragrant?"

As if wanting to confirm his own statement, Zhu Moling even leaned forward to smell it carefully. It smells really good. It's a special scent with a dark temperament but it makes people feel a hint of warmth for no reason.

With Zhu Moling's touch, the large black petals swayed up and down a few times, and under the warm yellow light above the head, colorful starlight flowed on the surface of the petals.

Such a petal color will never appear in reality.

Hu Yi and Hu Er shook their heads together, expressing their confusion.

They didn't even know why the patriarch gave up the first and second rewards when exchanging points, and chose the three items of pet eggs, mount eggs, and fairy seedlings.

Even if he made great strides all the way, he participated in the Hundred People Labyrinth and the Ancient City Search, and got a good result in the top three, these three changes will still use up 11,000 points, and the rest is useless changed...

If Zhu Moling could hear the voices of the two of them, he would kindly tell them the reason. The reason is that he is lazy. Taking care of pet eggs is caring, taking care of mount eggs is caring, and taking care of fairy seedlings is also caring. Since they are all caring, why not come together.

During these ten days, whether he was fishing by the river or digging in the mine, he always brought the small seedling with him. Let it enjoy the nourishment of the sun when fishing, and let it taste the loneliness of darkness when mining. Whenever she was tired and rested, Zhu Moling would sit by the side of the fairy flower seedling, and while gently stroking its flower buds, hummed an incomprehensible song.

After ten days like this, a colorful black fairy flower was born.