MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 189

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This day's live broadcast is a successful live broadcast that the interstellar people still occasionally mention even though "Leisurely Living" has been running for several years.

Whenever the final winner of this event, "Ye Xue You Han", was mentioned, some people couldn't help giving a thumbs up and praised: "This girl is a fierce person."

If the competition this time is judged based on the number of famous cards that players tore off, Yexue Youhan deserves the first place.

At that time, after searching for the brothel "Fenghua Xueyue", she cated on the roof of the tallest building nearby, and sniped other passing players inhumanely.

Her animal form may be a nimble Nether Cat, or a swift Night Leopard. Hiding in a corner where no one is paying attention and slowing down her breathing, she can blend herself with the surrounding scenery, making it harder for people to find out.

Her method of tearing off the player's nameplate was not by brute force, but by endless means. When the audience came to her live broadcast room, it was more like watching a silent but soul-stirring performance. Even they themselves held their breath subconsciously, for fear that the heavy breathing would disturb her movements.

Fortunately, Yexue Youhan succeeded in every shot, and even her opponents were eliminated before they could react. Under the unwilling and desperate gaze of her opponents, she walked away with her head held high, occasionally picking up cards that hadn't been discovered on the way.

Wherever he passed, numerous "bloody crimes" were committed.

Even Bai Li was tragically eliminated because of her. The situation sounds a little dramatic, but it really happened with all eyes on.

Perhaps it was due to being too devoted to the search for the card, but Bai Li did not notice any signs of loosening the name tag on his back. Only a quarter was left where the Velcro had been, and the other three quarters were high. Highly arched, with only a small corner attached to the velcro.

Looking down from a high place, Bai Li's back has a very obvious arched slope. You only need to use a small tool, and you may be able to easily tear off this nameplate.

Ye Xueyouhan judged that he had a success rate higher than 60%, so while secretly keeping an eye on Bai Li's whereabouts, he began to make the tools he wanted. Soon, she made a long pole similar to a fishing rod. Two curved and sharp hooks were connected to the top of the pole. The hooks were also fixed with the other side of the Velcro she tore off from other people's backs. The sticky side.

After making this tool, she confirmed that she and Bai Li were the only ones around for the time being, then she came down from the height of the building and followed Bai Li lightly.

This process was very short, even before Bai Li noticed that there was someone behind her, she quickly shot and poked the long pole towards Bai Li's back, hooked, poked, and stuck again, with the words " Li Bai" brand name, bring it to you!

With a sound of "tearing", the arched and fragile name tag was stuck to the long pole, and then fell into Ye Xue Youhan's hands. And the sharp hook on the top of the pole didn't even touch the clothes Bai Li was wearing.

On the spot, the audience in the live broadcast room clapped their hands and said that when it comes to the use of "weapons", Ye Xue Youhan dares to be the second, and no one dares to be the first.

It took a few seconds for Bai Li to realize that his name tag was being torn away. Turning around, he saw a female player looking in his direction with joy and excitement. The depression in his heart dissipated, he waved his hand in the direction of the other party, said loudly "Come on", and was teleported to the city gate by the system.

Outside the city gate, the players who were eliminated before Bai Li saw that Bai Li, the game producer, had been eliminated. They changed their frustrated expressions and felt that they had been comforted.

Even a player as good as Li Li can be eliminated, this final is really terrifying! They simply didn't dare to think about which powerful player would be able to win the final first place in the end.

After Bai Li was eliminated, he himself was still a little embarrassed, and comforted the audience who might still be in his live broadcast room, saying that although he was eliminated, the demon star was still in there, and there was still a chance to get a place in the Xingbo lottery of.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Wen Xingyao appeared not far from him, and the two were in a relationship.

Bai Li: "..."

Audience: "Hahahahaha!"

Laughing and laughing with tears streaming down their faces, their dreams were shattered.

In order to ease the embarrassment, the two got together and exchanged the reasons for being eliminated.

"I know this! The big demon star was attacked by that player named 'Mo Se'!"

"Strange, I remember that player greeted Li Li and Yao Xing before the start of the match. They obviously know each other, so they still fight during the match?"

"Wow! Sure enough, even though the competition methods of the semi-finals and finals have changed, the word 'grab' has permeated the entire competition process. In front of the final honor, what is friendship? Hehehe!"

"Hmm... the previous one, just admit it, have you been heartbroken by the activities in the past few days, let me guess, is it your brother or sister who robbed all the vegetables you grew? "


"Hey, hey, the topic is wrong~ I happened to be in the live broadcast room of the big boss demon star, and the sneak attack method of the player named 'Mo Se' seemed a bit strange to me. He ran to the big boss monster star's ear and said What, the voice was too soft, even the live broadcast camera didn't catch it. At that time, the boss of Yaoxing seemed to be shocked, and then he showed his flaws, and Mo Se's hand stretched behind his back tore off the name tag."

"Well, how should I put it, winners and losers, although the demon star boss was eliminated for this reason, but if you lose, you lose, and you can only admit defeat, hey."

"It turned out to be like this, so what did he tell you?" Bai Li blinked, with obvious confusion in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't think Wen Xingyao would be easily influenced by external forces, unless what Zhu Moling told him was shocking enough.

Wen Xingyao did not answer Bai Li's question immediately.

His mind was still buzzing, and it was difficult for him to think about problems while remaining calm. Zhu Moling's words "Bai Li is very likely to be my lost brother" kept replaying in his mind, making him unable to tell if it was the real situation that Zhu Moling analyzed, or if it was for the purpose of tearing away his famous brand. lies fabricated for the purpose of

If it was a lie to him, why would he say such a thing? Isn't it good to use other reasons? But if it's it possible? According to what Bai Li told him about the past, he was an ordinary person who lost his parents when he was very young, was raised by the Imperial Welfare Department, and moved out to live independently when he became an adult.

... Well, Bai Li, who has a special ability, is indeed not an ordinary person.

But how did such a person with an innocent background get hooked up with Zhu Qingling who ran away from the "Hope Star" and disappeared?

Wen Xingyao knew about Zhu Qingling. He even saw a child who was only about ten years old seven or eight years ago. At that time, he was far away. He only thought that his skin was very fair, and his appearance was also Yuxue's cute one. The impression still comes from the Zerg battlefield.

Zhu Qingling, the young master of the Tianhu family, is born with superb illusion skills. Under the cover of mist, he can move his heart at will and transform into any image at will. His super talent and excellent ability allowed him to play a huge role on the battlefield. In the middle and late stages of the war, he led several important battles to victory.

However, a genius is an existence that even the gods are jealous of. Zhu Qingling secretly went to the battlefield behind his family's back for more than half a year, and the genetic collapse disease broke out at the fastest speed. In just a few months, he went from the early stage to the middle stage. , and soon reached the later stage. After he officially returned to childhood, he was sent to the "Hope Star" according to the regulations of the empire.

In those years, there were too many orcs sent to the "Hope Star", so many that the despair and sadness in the hearts of those who stayed became the norm. Wen Xingyao regretted the loss of the genius for a few days, and then threw himself into the war. At that time, his genetic collapse disease also showed signs of deterioration, and the last few battles were barely supported, and there was not much time left for him to mourn.

But now, someone told him that that fallen genius, whom he had only heard rumors about for a long time, but never got close to, was actually Bai Li himself? This is too unbelievable!

And looking at Bai Li's appearance, he doesn't seem to have any impression of Zhu Qingling's deeds, so what's going on?

…No, no, he forgot Zhu Qingling's talent. it also possible to change his own appearance, cover up and modify his memories from childhood to adulthood? If this is the case, what Zhu Moling said is possible again.

However, why did Zhu Moling tell him such uncertain things? Do you want to use his mouth to mention this matter to Bai Li, or come to reveal your identity to him...Zhu Moling is Bai Li's brother, and he and Bai Li are in a relationship, isn't that, Zhu Moling is actually My brother-in-law?

Good guy! Wen Xingyao felt that he had discovered Zhu Moling's sinister intentions, and he was announcing his status to himself.

When I saw Zhu Moling again later, I was afraid that I would have to face him with a different attitude.

In a short period of time, Wen Xingyao thought a lot, but made the same decision as Zhu Moling, that is, not to tell Bai Li about this for the time being, so as to save Bai Li from thinking wildly. It's better to wait for the evidence to be more sufficient, or Zhu Moling barely regains his human form in reality, let him speak for himself.

"I didn't say anything." Wen Xingyao shook his head, and quickly talked about other topics to prevaricate.

Curiosity was not satisfied, Bai Li was a little aggrieved for a while, but thinking that what the two of them said might be more important, something that was inconvenient for him to know, he soon felt relieved, stood with Wen Xingyao, and waited quietly With the end of the game.

Not long after that, Jiang Huaibi, Hu Yi, and Hu Er were also teleported out one after another, and a large group of people gathered at the gate of the city. After careful counting, there were as many as 47 people, which meant that in the huge ancient city, only three people were left to continue fighting.

The candidates for the three game quota winners have already come out.

A few minutes later, a handsome but unfeminine male player was teleported out. When he first appeared at the gate of the city, he was in a daze, as if he didn't know what happened to him, but when he realized that the environment he was in had changed, he quickly regained his composure.

Jiang Huaibi quietly approached Bai Li, and introduced to him: "Li Li, this person is a wine shop in Xinshou Village No. 52, I don't know if you remember, but he is also a member of the list of anchors. The content is 'Changing clothes', and now she is the famous anchor of "Youran Tianju" with good looks!"

Having said that, Bai Li had an impression, and together with Jiang Huaibi, he quietly looked at the wine shop not far away, and then nodded to express his affirmation of the other party's appearance.

Who doesn't like a good-looking brother or sister?

Not far away, there is a wine shop. I also noticed the scrutiny from the game producer, and I was very happy. I was about to go up to say hello to Bai Li, when I heard another bell from the clock tower in the center of the ancient city. At this time, the stipulated game time is over. There were still three minutes left, and it seemed that the two people who stayed in the city had already torn apart their reasons.

The "Yan Wu Tai" that was originally used as a place for champions to compete for hegemony directly became the awarding place. The three of Yexue Youhan, Mo Se, and the wine shop not only got a game quota for "Really Falling from the Sky Glittering Gold", but also received an extra gift He has won the special titles of "King of Vegetables", "Master of Vegetables", and "Little Expert of Vegetables". After wearing it, it has a certain effect on the growth of crops.

These three titles are all in golden cursive characters. If they are displayed on the top of the head after wearing them, they look pretty good, like a small golden crown.

This discovery made Zhu Moling a little dissatisfied with the wording of the title, and Zhu Moling, who felt that Bai Li's name was not a distraction, also eased his face, and felt that he really deserved his name as "a master of food grabbing".

Hu Yihu Er couldn't see how their patriarch became so easily satisfied.

Although the eliminated players onlookers were very envious, they also understood the truth of winning and losing, not to mention that these three players also won by strength.

After the awards were presented, a group of people came to the gate of the city again, waiting for the carriage to pick them up. While waiting, Zhu Moling approached Bai Li again, and under Wen Xingyao's vigilant eyes, he said another thing that had nothing to do with Bai Li's life experience.

"I heard that you promised with netizens before that if you get a game slot in the finals, you will give it away in a lottery on Xingbo. Now I got a game slot, and there is no one I want to give it to. This number you Send it out for me, can you?"