MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 85 Red eggs

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Lu Qingjiu can't remember how he got up from the bed. He only remembered Yin Xun's cry from outside. He pushed away the white moon fox buried in his neck vaguely, and said vaguely: "Wait, there are people outside."

Bai Yuehu bitterly left a tooth mark on Lu Qingjiu's neck, almost gnashing his teeth: "I went out and ate him."

Lu Qingjiu said: "And I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

Bai Yuehu remained silent and did not move.

Yin Xun, a person who lacks eyesight, doesn't know what Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu are doing. When he sees no one in the house, his first reaction is that something has happened again. Anxiety and worry are in his voice. The names of Lu Sake and White Moon Fox: "Sake, are you there? White Moon Fox? White Moon Fox?" Seeing his voice getting closer and closer to the bedroom, White Moon Fox could only let go. Lu Sake.

Lu Qingjiu quickly sorted out some of his messy clothes, got up from the bed, pushed the door out, and saw Yin Xun who was dazed.

"Sake?" Yin Xun was relieved when he saw Lu Qingjiu, "What are you doing? Why don't you agree when I told you? It made me think something happened to you again..."

Lu Qingjiu explained vaguely: "Get up late."

"Get up late?" Yin Xun was a little confused, but didn't think much, nodded and said, "Oh, what are we going to eat this morning, haven't the white moon fox come back from the field?" He glanced at it. The phone said, "It’s all past nine o’clock, don’t something happen?" Under normal circumstances, the white moon fox went out at six o’clock in the morning, and came back for breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning. After eating, either tidy up the yard. Prepare the ingredients for an afternoon meal, or just lie down in the yard to rest.

I haven't seen Baiyue Fox at nine today, plus what happened a few days ago, it's no wonder Yin Xun thinks too much.

Before Lu Qingjiu spoke, Bai Yuehu walked out from behind him, gave Yin Xun a bad look, and turned to the bathroom. Yin Xun looked at Bai Yuehu and opened his mouth in surprise and said to Lu Qingjiu: " He... why is he in your house?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Oh, he has something to do with me."

Yin Xun asked, "Something?" He suspiciously observed the suspicious red color on Lu Qingjiu's face, then his eyes widened suddenly, feeling as if he had discovered some terrible truth, "Lu Qingjiu, what's on your neck!"

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?" He reached out and touched his neck.

"The white moon fox bit you!!" Yin Xun was terrified, "I've heard before that the dragon race likes to eat his favorite people... he, he wouldn't want to..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "...He won't eat me, don't think too much."

"Then why did he bite you?" Yin Xun didn't believe Lu Qingjiu's words at all.

Lu Qingjiu is a little helpless. Yin Xun has grown up in the village since he was a child. It is naturally impossible for his grandparents to educate him on sex. He is still ignorant and ignorant when he grows up. What can my girlfriend do?

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, and felt that as an adult man, there are some things that should be shared with Yin Xun, so he grabbed Yin Xun to the computer, opened it and entered a website.

This website is the kind of website that adults understand. Lu Qingjiu occasionally relieves it when he goes to work. Later, when he arrived in Shuifu Village, he was busy with manual labor every day, but he hardly read it again.

As soon as the web page of the website popped up, Yin Xun just saw the things on it, his face turned red in an instant, and he stammered: "Ching, sake, this, why these girls are not wearing clothes."

Lu Qingjiu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Look slowly, I'm going out to make breakfast first."

Yin Xun wanted to say something, but saw that Lu Qingjiu had already turned and left. The vicissitudes in his eyes before leaving was like an old father looking at his mentally retarded son.

Yin Xun looked at the pictures on the website, his lips trembled slightly. He wanted to use the mouse to close the website, but his hands seemed to be out of control, and he clicked on the other pages silently.

Humans, after all, are animals that are also color-loving.

Lu Qingjiu went to the kitchen to make breakfast, because it was late today, he didn't make anything too complicated, just ordered three bowls of smashed noodles. The scumbag is freshly fried, and there are meat and vegetables. It is poured on the surface and exudes a strong aroma. Lu Qingjiu put the noodles into the room and called Yin Xun out to eat.

It was almost ten o'clock at the moment. Yin Xun spent about an hour in the house. When he came out, his eyes were loose. He looked at Lu Sake and said, "Sake."

Lu Qingjiu smiled when he saw his confusion, "What?"

Yin Xun's voice was crying. He said, "Humans are so terrible."

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?"

Yin Xun said, "How could it be possible to get in so big, oooooo."

Lu Qingjiu's expression solidified for three seconds when he heard the words, then looked at Yin Xun suspiciously, "What did you see?"

Yin Xun’s Three Views were severely impacted. At this moment, the whole person was shattered like a rag doll. He said, "Isn't it all you showed me? It's really scary..."

Lu Qingjiu was at a loss until he entered the room where Yin Xun had just come out, and briefly browsed the playback record of the computer just now. After reading the content, the whole person was actually caught in the same doubts of Yin Xun. Involuntarily let out a horrified sigh: "Fuck, how did you get in at such a big size."

Then I turned off the computer as if he was scalded, and comforted Yin Xun, who was still crying, and said to eat some noodles. Just eat some noodles...

Baiyuehu came in from outside the house, looked at Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu, who were desperate, and said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Qingjiu raised his head and looked at Baiyuehu with pity and deep love in his eyes. He thought that Baiyuehu had sacrificed so much for himself, and he must treat him well in the future. It must not be as rough as the video. Take it easy……

Bai Yuehu: "???" He went out here, how could these two people seem to be possessed.

The noodles taste good, and the smoky seeds are also very fragrant in it, but Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu are both unhappy, and the ears of the white moon fox are pointed. I heard Yin Xun's whisper: "People are actually made of meat and Lingzhi, otherwise how could it be possible? You can swallow it in."

Bai Yuehu raised his eyebrows: "What happened to you two?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's all right."

Bai Yuehu: "It's okay? Then how can you swallow it?"

Yin Xun was speechless and shut his mouth quickly. He didn't expect that Bai Yuehu would hear what he said in a low voice.

Lu Qingjiu was almost choked to death by Bai Yuehu's words, and it took him a long time to recover, but he didn't dare to answer Bai Yuehu's question directly, but said vaguely: "You got it wrong, did Yin Xun say that? ?"

Bai Yuehu frowned, knowing that the two of them must be hiding something from him, but seeing the two of them refused to speak, knowing that he would definitely not be able to ask questions today, so he could only give up.

Lu Qingjiu scolded the website inwardly. Damn, it was fine before. If I didn't see you this year, it was a **** expansion of the business, but the business was also expanded a bit too wide, so heavy. The video is also placed on the website. Are you afraid that the straight guy you see will be directly scared? But having said that, he seemed to be straight before. Although he had never been in a relationship, he also liked pretty girls. Later, when he met the white moon fox, he bends so neatly.

In Lu Qingjiu's business, there are actually quite a few people who have been bent, so he has a very good ability to accept this kind of sexuality. After understanding his own mind, he quickly accepted this fact and took the initiative to attack. Although I was vaguely aware of how same-sex relationships occur before, I have an intuitive understanding of this only after watching the video today. I have to say that the potential of human beings is really huge...

For the whole day, both Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun were caught in the shock of the video. After dinner, Yin Xun went to wash the dishes as usual, and then asked Lu Qingjiu, who was alone in the kitchen with him, and said, "Drink, did you sleep together last night?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "Hmm..."

Yin Xun's expression was distorted: "Baiyue Fox too?"

Lu Qingjiu calmly said: "It's not that far yet."

Yin Xun: "I don't seem to hate Baiyue Fox that much..."

Lu Qingjiu: "Why?"

Yin Xun said, "Marriage into the Lu family is not easy."

Lu Qingjiu recalled the scene on the video during the day, shivered, and then nodded, agreeing with Yin Xun's statement.

"I'm leaving first." Yin Xun said, "You... pay attention to temperance."

Lu Qingjiu waved his hand and watched Yin Xun rush out of the yard like a gust of wind without making any more stops. It seems that the video during the day did burn deep scars on his young mind.

Lu Qingjiu didn't speak. He watched Yin Xun rush out, moving his eyes slowly, and finally landed on the white moon fox sitting in the courtyard. Bai Yuehu felt Lu Qingjiu's gaze, raised his eyes and gave a look. He has typical Danfeng eyes, and he is very imposing when he looks at people. At this time, under the ambiguous moonlight, his eyes are a little more charming, and he is beautiful with that long black hair that has not been cut. amazing.

Lu Qingjiu involuntarily looked away and whispered, "Yuehu, let's go to sleep."

Bai Yuehu stood up and walked in front of Lu Qingjiu: "You have something wrong today."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Is there any..."

Bai Yuehu said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Qingjiu shook his head: "It's okay, I'm just, a little sleepy."

Bai Yuehu remembered what hadn't been done in the morning. If Yin Xun hadn't bothered him, he would have devoured the life in front of him. The dragon character is Yin, some things they don’t need to teach at all, they are all engraved in their bones.

"Okay." Bai Yuehu laughed, his lips curled up, "Go, go to sleep."

Lu Qingjiu smiled brightly.

The next day, Lu Qingjiu failed to make breakfast on time.

When Yin Xun arrived, he found that there was no movement at home, but with the experience of the first day, he was not as worried as before. Instead, he found something from the refrigerator to fill his stomach. I was eating the incense when I saw the white moon fox coming out of the bedroom refreshingly with a satiated expression. Yin Xun looked at Bai Yuehu’s expression, and a terrifying thought emerged in his mind—why did Bai Yuehu look full? Is it true that his friend was given to him by the **** dragon disguised as a vixen? have eaten? !

"Baiyue Fox!" Yin Xun boldly said, "You... have you seen Lu Qingjiu?"

Bai Yuehu said: "He is still resting."

Yin Xun: "Take a rest? You guys..." There was a natural thought in his mind, could it be that Lu Qingjiu was squeezed dry by the white moon fox?

I could see that Bai Yuehu was in a good mood, and didn't care about anything with Yin Xun. He turned around and went to the kitchen to find food, leaving Yin Xun alone in restlessness.

It was about noon when Lu Qingjiu appeared in the living room at a slow pace. Because of the hot weather, he was wearing short sleeves and his exposed neck was covered with subtle marks, even on his elbows. The bite marks were not heavy, it was as if the white moon fox had chewed from the head to the foot.

Yin Xun saw his liver trembling and walked over and said, "Brother, you have worked hard."

Lu Qingjiu grinned his teeth, and swears viciously in a hoarse voice: "Fuck, it's completely different from what I thought!"

Yin Xun: "Where is it different?" He said, "Is the dragon's body structure different?"

Lu Qingjiu's ears turned red in an instant, and his expression became distorted, but he didn't say a word for a while.

Yin Xun was a little at a loss: "Drink, what's wrong with you."

Lu Qingjiu gritted his teeth: "It's okay."

Yin Xun: "..." It's okay, why are you so fierce.

Baiyuehu pleasedly approached Lu Qingjiu, who was limping on foot, brought tea, poured water, and kneaded her feet, she looked like a virtuous little wife, but Yin Xun felt more subtle as she looked at it. If it was Baiyue The fox is below. Why is Lu Qingjiu walking lame? Could it be...

After Yin Xun thought about it, he realized that he seemed to have discovered a very terrible secret. He looked at Lu Qingjiu and Baiyuehu incredulously, and said in horror: "Sake?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?"

Yin Xun: "It turns out that you are not the white moon fox who broke the limit of the human body!"

Lu Qingjiu was drinking water, but when he heard Yin Xun's words, he spouted and was choked to death. He coughed and beat his chest, and said with difficulty: "Shut up, you!"

Yin Xun: "Woohoooo."

Lu Qingjiu said: "...cry a fart."

Yin Xun said, "Woo, woo, wine, you are so fate."

Lu Qingjiu secretly gritted his teeth, thinking that the hardest thing about Laozi has not been said. He knows that dragons and snakes have something to do with each other, but the question is why there are two things when Baiyuehu is emotional...Forget it, don't mention it. This kind of thing can only be a dumb eating coptis and swallowing it silently.

Baiyue Fox had the greatest satisfaction in eating and drinking. For the first time, he discovered that there is something happier than eating in the world. No wonder his brothers and fathers are so happy about it. Thanks to Lu Qingjiu being a quarter of the dragon blood, otherwise I guess he really can't stand the toss of the white moon fox.

Of course Lu Qingjiu didn't know what Baiyue Fox was thinking. If he knew that he might jump his feet with anger, would his mother's dragon bloodline be used like this? Even if he can't transform, he has a pair of young dragon horns that can't be touched...

Yin Xunli understood the course of the incident, and when he looked at Lu Qingjiu again, his eyes already had deep pity.

Lu Qingjiu had nothing to say, so he could only collapse on the chair and let Baiyue Fox rub his broken waist. He wanted to be strong and pretended to be nonchalant, but his body that was about to fall apart did not allow him to do so. , In fact, he has become very difficult to walk now.

Because Lu Qingjiu was unfortunately injured, all day they ate the simplest fast food, such as instant noodles. Originally Yin Xun wanted to volunteer, but Lu Qingjiu said that a certain part of him could not bear tossing, and if he had diarrhea, he could die on the spot in the toilet.

So they could only give up. The three of them ate the porridge for a day. Lu Qingjiu stood by and instructed the white moon fox to cook the porridge.

It took about two or three days before Lu Qingjiu's body recovered, but he was still a little lame while walking. He happened to meet Hu Shu when he went to town to buy peanuts. When Hu Shu saw Lu Qingjiu, he opened his mouth and said, "Oh, How come you have become beautiful after a few days?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?"

Pang Ziqi gnawed a sesame seed next to him, and said with great experience: "Is it because of the appearance of kidney deficiency, is it a relationship?"

Lu Qingjiu looked at him suspiciously, "Is this still visible?"

Pang Ziqi said, "Of course, you can see your eyes are blue, your feet are floating, and you are limping when walking... Wait, why do you limping when you walk?"

Lu Qingjiu lied: "Oh, I twisted my ankle by accident yesterday."

"That's it." Pang Ziqi nodded, "What are your girlfriends? Bring me here and let us have a look. Thank you for helping us last time. Let's treat you to dinner."

Lu Qingjiu said, "I'll talk about it when I have time."

But having said that, although Lu Qingjiu looks hollowed out, he inexplicably makes him look better. On the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, there is a little indescribable charm, just like an open jar. The wine exudes a charming atmosphere.

Lu Qingjiu and Pang Ziqi talked a few words, then went to buy a few big bags of peanuts and went home. Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun originally wanted to come with him, but were distracted by him. He has been distracted by both of them these days. Surrounded, I want to breathe all alone at this moment.

After adding other ingredients, Lu Qingjiu slowly drove home in the small truck.

When I got home, Baiyuehu greeted him as soon as he got off the car, and helped him take over the big and small bags. Lu Qingjiu said that next month is going to be the Dragon Boat Festival, and he has to buy some zongzi leaves, and Zhu Miaomiao said he wanted to have the Dragon Boat Festival. Come and play.

Baiyue Fox listened carefully, and he said about zongzi leaves and glutinous rice to prepare.

Lu Qingjiu didn't rob him, nodded as an answer.

The peanut seeds I bought were sown in the ground the next day. It is estimated that a bunch of peanuts will grow in two months.

Lu Qingjiu rested for a few more days, and his body had already recovered to the previous state, but who knew that he was caught on the bed by the white moon fox when he encountered the beautiful moon and stars...So far, Lu Qingjiu finally understood Realizing that my fragile body cannot be completely healed.

But other than that, there are no other shortcomings in falling in love with Baiyue Fox. Baiyue Fox has become more considerate and gentle. In addition to farming, he takes care of all the hard work of the family. It is impossible to see Lu Qingjiu have more hands. what. Lu Qingjiu struggled at first, but when he found that the struggle had no effect, he gave up treatment and focused on cooking.

After the weather became hot, the recipes became more and more diverse.

Lu Qingjiu bought a lot of seafood online, sent it to the town and transported it home in a small truck. Because it is not very good to preserve, it is usually eaten on the same day. He simply made a seafood hot pot, crushed the shrimp and added it. The diced lotus root is made into prawns. The crab is cleaned and cut into chunks. There is also fresh octopus. It is delicious when mixed with mustard or blanched in soup. Lu Qingjiu ate and talked with Yin Xun about the beach, saying that the sea breeze is salty. If you are lucky, you can see a lot of clams and shells on the coast after the tide ebbs, not to mention kelp, there is almost nothing on the beach. People want.

Yin Xun was very envious when he heard it, but he was destined to live in Shuifu Village all his life. The furthest place was just going to the city.

Bai Yuehu also likes seafood, but what he likes is cooked with Lu Qing wine. He has eaten too much raw and has lost interest. When I heard Lu Qingjiu's words, I thought about it for a moment and asked Lu Qingjiu if he wanted to go to the beach.

Lu Qingjiu shook his head: "Forget it, Yin Xun can't leave."

"It's not the sea of ​​the human world." Baiyuehu said, "Do you remember the sea I took you to on your birthday?"

Of course Lu Qingjiu remembers that he still has the baby dragon horns of the white moon fox hanging on his chest. The ocean is the most beautiful scenery he has ever seen. The clearness is like a turquoise crystal, which makes people can't help but indulge in it: "Yin Where can I go?"

"Of course it can." Bai Yuehu said, "It's actually part of a foreign land, and Yin Xun is not a human being, so it doesn't matter if you go."

"That's great." Lu Qingjiu became interested as soon as he heard it. "We can go to the beach to grill, can we eat the food there?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes, but it is a little different from the food in the human world, and the taste is not bad."

Yin Xun was also excited. He had never seen the real ocean. Looking at Lu Sake's expression, although he didn't know what the ocean looked like, he would definitely be beautiful.

"When do you go?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"It's okay." Baiyuehu said very casually.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while: "I will prepare the ingredients and barbecue racks tomorrow, shall I go the day after tomorrow?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes."

Yin Xun cheered immediately, saying that he could not wait. Lu Qingjiu looked at him and was also happy. Calculating carefully, he hasn't been to the beach for a long time. The ocean always has a special charm, which seems to be able to tolerate all the unpleasantness and make people forget the troubles in their hearts.

After making a plan, Lu Qingjiu prepared almost everything he could think of in order to make the trip more enjoyable. BBQ spices, charcoal fires, racks, and changing bathing suits.

Bai Yuehu had nothing to prepare, but before going, he strongly asked Lu Qingjiu to help him cut off this long hair.

Although Lu Qingjiu liked the appearance of the white moon fox's long hair, seeing the look of the white moon fox's distressed hair, he decided on the beauty of adulthood. He picked up the scissors and clicked a few times to cut the white moon fox's hair. Because the hair often grows out, and the white moon fox looks beautiful, it is almost remembered by the barber shop in the town. Lu Qingjiu didn't dare to let the white moon fox go often, for fear that the barbershop would see any clues.

Everything was ready. Yin Xun was standing in the yard holding his swimming ring and Lu Qingjiu. Within a moment, he was wrapped in the black fog of the white moon fox. A family of three, with a little fox cub and two piglets, just like that. Disappeared in the courtyard of Shuifu Village.

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