MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 82 Tablet

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Baiyuehu carrying Luiru, and Lu Qingjiu left the bird garden without seeing Shaohao and Yin Xun who were supposed to be waiting nearby.

"Where are the two of them?" Lu Qingjiu asked suspiciously.

Bai Yuehu shook his head and motioned that he didn't know.

Lu Qingjiu took out his cell phone and called Yin Xun. It took about twenty seconds before the call was answered, but Shaohao's voice came from the other end. He said hello.

"Where is Yin Xun?" Lu Qingjiu asked, "Why is his phone in your hand?"

Shaohao said: "Oh, eating next to me, I can't take it off, I picked it up for him."

Lu Qingjiu felt a little strange, but he didn't think too much about it, "Eating? We've finished it. Where do you eat?"

Shaohao said: "Outside, let Bai Yuehu lead you out, lunch is ready." Then the phone hung up, Lu Qingjiu stared at the phone screen and frowned, Bai Yuehu asked him what's wrong. .

Lu Qingjiu said, "No...I just feel like I heard Yin Xun crying."

Baiyue Fox raised his eyebrows, not commenting on it.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Baidi Shaohao is a god, shouldn't eat people?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Don't eat."

Lu Qingjiu snorted, and he was relieved. However, Bai Yuehu did not tell Lu Qingjiu the next sentence in his heart. Baidi Shaohao did not eat people, but the problem was that Yin Xun was not a human. He should have died long ago. Now his body is full of fleshy Lingzhi. It's normal for Shaohao to covet his sex. Besides, he didn't mind Shaohao really eating Yin Xun.

Here Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu are still on their way, and Yin Xun's tears are running dry over there. Shaohao hung up the phone and looked at him with a smile. He was about to reach out to answer the call and was caught by Shaohao. Shaohao said, "Isn't there a part of your body that won't have diarrhea after eating?"

Yin Xun said, "No! I'll take it after I eat it!"

Shaohao: "It's really a natural selection of the survival of the fittest." This is also a self-defense ability of Yin Xun.

Yin Xun whispered, "Is Lu Qingjiu coming over?"

Shaohao said: "What about coming here? Do you really think I'm afraid of the white moon fox?"

Yin Xun was dumbfounded.

Shaohao said, suddenly

He came over and stared at Yin Xun's cheek carefully. Before Yin Xun could react, he saw him open his mouth and bit his cheek.

"Ah...Um!" Shaohao's bite was not light. Although Yin Xun was not very painful, he really thought that Shaohao was going to bite off a piece of flesh. He made a pitiful cry, but was caught Hao reached out his hand and gagged his mouth.

"Don't call it." Shaohao said, "you call again, I will really bite it down."

Yin Xun was in tears.

Shaohao didn't bite Yin Xun into the skin. After all, he didn't want to have any more diarrhea. He satisfactorily saw a very obvious tooth mark appearing on Yin Xun's cheek, smacked his mouth and said: "The taste is good."

Yin Xun wondered if you **** treat me like a renewable jelly, it tastes good. Of course, he didn't dare to speak out, and he lowered his head in front of the evil forces very hopelessly.

Shaohao looked at Yin Xun's pitiful appearance being bullied by him, and laughed in a good mood, stretched out his hand to pinch the tooth mark and said: "Go, take you to a big meal at noon."

Yin Xun curled his lips and made an expression that he didn't bend his waist for five buckets of rice. Shaohao didn't mind, but his smile became brighter.

When Lu Qingjiu arrived at the scene, he saw his small mountain **** with a faint look, like a deflated balloon. He noticed the red marks on Yin Xun's face and said in doubt, "What happened? "

"Nothing." Shaohao said, "Yin Xun provoked Knowing Bird just now and was bitten."

Yin Xun answered vaguely.

Lu Qingjiu still wanted to ask, but Shaohao got up and said that the food was ready, and it would be cold if it passed. So the group walked towards the dining room and saw the sumptuous lunch Shaohao prepared.

Lunch is seafood and Japanese food. This is an inland area. Lu Qingjiu rarely makes seafood, and he is not very good at Japanese food. So this should be the first time Baiyuehu and Yinxun tasted this kind of food. .

The sashimi on the table was very fresh, the peony shrimp was still alive when it was served, and the forelimbs were even twisting. The taste of salmon is also very good, the taste is plump and delicate, with a hint of sweetness, it tastes the best ingredients. There are also a variety of lobsters and crabs grilled with cheese. The recipes and tastes are excellent. When Lu Qingjiu used to work, colleagues sometimes chose Japanese food for dinner, and he had eaten a lot, but today I tasted the Japanese food at Shaohao’s house, and it was still a bit amazing, not to mention Baiyue, who had never eaten it before. Fox and Yin searched.

Yin Xun especially liked the lobster baked with cheese. After eating, he licked the shells obediently. After licking, he noticed that Shaohao, who was sitting next to him, was staring at him with a smile. Said: "What do you think of me?"

Shaohao said, "Do you want more?"

Yin Xun said, "Can I have one more?"

Shaohao said, "Of course." He turned his head and gave the butler a look, and the butler turned around and went to add food to Yin Xun.

Bai Yuehu said in a gloomy tone next to him: "Why am I not getting this treatment?"

Shaohao said: "You have eaten so many things in my house, and still lack a shrimp?"

Bai Yuehu said coldly: "Otherwise, I will feed you two bites?"

Shaohao sneered: "It can't be done."

Although he didn't specifically say that he would add vegetables to Baiyue Fox, he still had the Baiyue Fox portion when it was served. Lu Qingjiu had almost eaten it, so he watched Baiyue Fox and Yin Xun continue to eat Hasai. . Yin Xun was the first to lose the battle, lying on the table unwillingly touching his bulging belly.

Shaohao said: "Would you like to come to my house for two days? There are a lot of such food every day."

Yin Xun shook his head.

Shaohao persuaded him a few more words, but seeing Yin Xun's resolute attitude, he had to give up, but Lu Qingjiu felt that he seemed to be planning something. He didn't understand why Shaohao suddenly became interested in Yin Xun. Could it be him? Found a body made of Yin Xun meat Ganoderma lucidum?

After eating and drinking, Lu Qingjiu carried him away. Before I went back, I stopped by the seafood market in the city and bought a lot of fresh seafood to eat at night.

Although I have made seafood before, they are all relatively ordinary shrimps. This time I bought some of Lu sake, such as oysters, scallops, abalones, and breaded crabs...

The seafood is delicious as long as it is fresh. Lu Qingjiu has planned the evening menu and plans to use the grill to make garlic oyster scallops and the original abalone. He also bought a curry specially prepared for crabs. He wanted to make a curry breaded crab and make some sea urchin steamed eggs.

Yin Xun looked at the big and small bags that Lu Sake was holding in his hand, and said very happy that our house really looks like Chinese New Year.

Lu Qingjiu reached out his hand and touched the hair on his head, and said gently, "We have money, so we can eat whatever we want. There is no need to save. You are now a child of a rich family."

Yin Xun shed moving tears.

Bai Yuehu looked at them beside him, like two fools.

When he arrived at home, Lu Qingjiu put the purchased seafood in the sink to spit sand, and then began to prepare auxiliary materials. Yin Xun was by the side to help, and Bai Yuehu prepared tables and chopsticks in the yard.

Lu Qingjiu likes seafood, but this place is small, and the price and quality of seafood are not as good as those in big cities, but it is enough for the family.

Fresh oysters and scallops are made into garlic and there is no fishy smell. Abalones are very chewy. Breaded crab and curry are a perfect match. Crab meat and curry are mixed together and paired with white rice. . This dinner perfectly made up for Lu Qingjiu's desire for seafood aroused by lunch. The three of them were satisfied with the meal. Even the little flower, Xiaohei and the little fox cub were all covered and ate a lot of seafood.

After eating, the white moon fox went to wash the dishes. Lu Qingjiu suggested and Yin Xun go out and turn to digestion. They don't have a stomach that leads to the universe like the white moon fox.

After Lixia, it was getting dark too. At this moment, it was close to 7:30, and there was still a setting sun hanging on the horizon.

In the evening, there was a sense of quietness and leisure in Shuifu Village. The villagers who had finished their meal started walking along the roadside, and they often saw a few children chasing and playing on the trail. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun walked slowly, from the end of the village to the other end of the village.

Next to the millpan at the head of the village, several old people were chatting while watching Hanyan, and they all said hello when they saw Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu.

The land of Lu Qingjiu's family is well-known in the village. The seeds of other people's homes have not germinated before they are planted. His family has already grown leaves. Some people say that he uses too much fertilizer, but the problem is Lu Qingjiu. I don’t sell vegetables. If you use more fertilizer, you can’t digest it yourself, and the fruits are all round and plump. You can naturally see that the fruit is good after long-term farming. Because of this, many old aunts and old men came to Lu Qingjiu to ask for advice on how to farm the land. Lu Qingjiu could only smile and said that he was not in charge of the land at home, it was all the credit of Baiyuehu. Not many people dared to bother him because of Bai Yuehu's appearance that strangers would not enter, so although the land of Lu Qing's restaurant was very special, no one doubted it.

When he reached the end of the village, Yin Xun asked Lu Qingjiu if he wanted to go to the mountain. He said that a wild loquat tree was ripe in the past few days and he could pick it up and make loquat cream.

Lu Qingjiu said, "But didn't we not bring the bamboo basket."

Yin Xun said, "It's okay, I brought a plastic bag." He took out a bag from his pocket.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Alright." When Yin Xun did not reveal the identity of the mountain god, they had to use a pole to hit the fruit on the tree. Later, they learned that Yin Xun was a mountain god, and Yin Xun climbed up every time he picked the fruit. Then plow them down one by one to ensure that the fruit will not be broken, and you can also choose more ripe fruit. The wild loquat is very different from the fruit grower. It is only the size of a little finger and has no meat. But the taste is very sweet and fruity. Last year, their family made some loquat cream from Uncle Li's loquat. Loquat cream is a bit more troublesome than cherry sauce, because loquat must be pitted.

It was still early, and there was no fruit in the house, so Lu Qingjiu should be served.

The two slowly walked up the mountain road, chatting about the daytime Shaohao Bird Garden. Although Na Liru brought home, but because he ate seafood at night, he is still **** in the kitchen, planning to let the white moon fox kill and eat meat after skinning at noon tomorrow. I don’t know how good Baiyue Fox’s mouth tastes. Lu Qingjiu still wonders what method should be used to cook better. Is it braised or stir-fried...

The two were chatting, Yin Xun suddenly stopped at his feet, a little doubt appeared in his expression, as if he had noticed something strange.

"Yin Xun, what's the matter?" Lu Qingjiu asked, he thought it was Yin Xun who saw something.

Yin Xun's expression solidified for a few seconds, then his face changed drastically, and he said, "No!" After speaking, he turned and ran. Lu Qingjiu who was standing behind him froze for two seconds before catching up.

"Yin Xun?" Following the rushing Yin Xun, Lu Qingjiu was at a loss and could only ask loudly, "What's the matter?"

Yin Xun ran ahead, fast, his voice looming: "Something happened at home!"

When Lu Qingjiu heard that he was anxious, he thought it was Bai Yuehu who had fought with other dragons again, and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Yin Xun didn’t answer any more, and ran forward with all his strength. Soon, Lu Qingjiu realized that the home he was talking about was not the Lu’s house, but the place where he lived. There was an accident in the old house with countless tablets. Up.

Yin Xun was forced to run for five or six minutes during the ten-minute journey. Lu Qingjiu barely kept up. When he arrived, his whole body was panting and his lungs hurt.

Yin Xun didn't stay outside and rushed into the house directly.

Lu Qingjiu slowed down and quickly followed up to see the situation. As soon as he entered the door, he felt that something was wrong in Yin Xun's house. The air seemed to be filled with a black mist, covering the whole house. The most disturbing thing is that most of the original memorial tablet fell to the ground. The joss stick lit in front of the memorial tablet was crumbling. There was no wind in the room, but the flame was dying, as if it was going to be extinguished in the next moment.

Yin Xun rushed to the joss stick and shielded the small flame with his hands. After Yin Xun approached the flame, the flame regained its light and illuminated the entire dark room.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Yin Xun?"

Yin Xun whispered: "Someone has been here."

Lu Qingjiu frowned. He noticed the opened window. Before they came, there seemed to be people in the room. Until they came in, that person ran out of the window.

"What does he want to do?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Blow out the incense?"

Yin Xun said: "The incense candle is not something ordinary people can blow out..." He looked down at the seemingly weak flame in the palm of his hand, his expressions full of worry.

The room was in a mess. Seeing Yin Xun was still protecting the candle, Lu Qingjiu bent down to help him pick up the tablets that had fallen on the ground and set them up one by one. While placing them, he asked Yin Xun whether the tablets were in a certain order. Yin Xun shook his head, indicating that the tablets were not in any order.

Lu Qingjiu picked up the tablet and set it up piece by piece. Seeing Yin Xun's expression on his face was not good, he put it out a little faster because he was afraid of minor issues. However, when he bent down and saw the name on the tablet, his whole expression was frozen. Live now.

"Sake?" Yin Xun asked when Lu Qingjiu looked wrong, "What's wrong?"

Lu Qingjiu picked up the tablet, and he said, "This...this tablet, did you put it on?"

Yin Xun nodded blankly.

The tablet is black, and the two characters Fangrun are outlined in golden fonts. There are just two simple Chinese characters, but Lu Qingjiu is full of coldness. He swallowed his saliva and said in a hoarse tone: "Did you know? , My mother changed her name."

"What?" Yin Xun saw the clue from Lu Qingjiu's expression and guessed why Lu Qingjiu had this expression. He couldn't believe it, "Auntie... Isn't her previous name..."

"Yes, her previous name was Fangrun." Lu Qingjiu said, "But when she left my grandma to go out to study alone, she changed to Fangyu." His hand holding the tablet was shaking, as if holding a piece. Bing, "Why, why is there my mother's name here? Yin Xun..."

Yin Xun also panicked. He said, "I, I don't know, these tablets were not made by me, but by myself."

"Where did it happen?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Yin Xun said, "It's in the shrine on the back mountain." He was afraid that Lu Qingjiu would not believe him, and explained in a panic, "It's the shrine for my tablets. Sometimes I have strange feelings, and I feel that there is more in the shrine. Other people’s tablets, then I will go to the shrine, take out the tablets and put them in the house... I don’t know, I don’t know this is your mother’s tablet."

Lu Qingjiu said, "I want to go and see."

Yin Xun said: "Yes...but not now. Now the incense candle is about to go out, I have to protect it."

Lu Qingjiu looked at the flame in Yin Xun's palm, carefully guarding it, and said, "What will happen if the incense candle is extinguished?"

"I don't know." Yin Xun said, "The person who turned me into a mountain **** didn't say, but my instinct told me that if the joss stick is extinguished, terrible things will happen, and the scented candles must not be extinguished..."

Lu Qingjiu remembered the last time Yin Xun had an accident, and when the incense candle was about to go out, the restless situation of these tablets in front of him had a ridiculous conjecture in his heart, but this was just a conjecture. After all, it was impossible to take the risk to verify.

Lu Qingjiu was holding the tablet and his heart was in a mess. He really didn't understand why there was his mother's tablet here. He said, "When did you find this tablet?"

Yin Xun whispered: "It's been a long time...probably after you left Shuifu Village..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Is my mother still there?"

"Yeah." Yin Xun said, "The time when this tablet appeared, and the time when your mother left, is at least several years away." Otherwise, he will definitely find out. After all, the surname Fang is rare, and Yin Xun felt that It's a little strange, but the name Fangrun is indeed not there. I thought it was just a coincidence, but I didn't want Lu Qingjiu's mother to change her name...

Lu Qingjiu knew that Yin Xun couldn't leave, but he couldn't wait. He said, "Can you describe the location of the shrine again? Where is it on the back mountain?"

Yin Xun said, "Do you want to go by yourself? Sake... Don't go, there is nothing special about that shrine." He whispered, with a pleading tone in his tone, "Or we will go again tomorrow, just Wait another night."

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's okay, don't worry about me."

Yin Xun said, "Sake!"

Lu Qingjiu sighed, and he said, "Well, you tell me where you are. I will let Bai Yuehu accompany me to the head office?"

Yin Xun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and described the location of the shrine to Lu Qingjiu. According to his statement, the location was very remote and surrounded by weeds, even he had to find it for a while every time he went. After Lu Qingjiu listened carefully to Yin Xun's description, he left. Yin Xun looked at his back, but his heart was full of anxiety. He always felt that this thing was strange. The person who wanted to put out the joss stick hasn't been found yet, but Lu Qingjiu's mother has been involved.

Lu Qingjiu and his parents have a very good relationship. Although he did not grow up by their side when he was young, but because of this, the parents always felt that they owed their son something, so they were almost responsive everywhere. Lu Qingjiu didn't get awkward under such indulgence, but was very diligent, and was admitted to his favorite university. He originally thought that university was the starting point of his life, but he didn't expect it to become the most unforgettable turning point in his life.

One summer, Lu Qingjiu's parents returned to Shuifu Village to visit his grandmother, but they encountered a mudslide in the middle of the journey, and they let go, and even the body was not found.

Lu Qingjiu didn't expect that he could actually see his mother's tablet at Yin Xun's house. And according to Yin Xun's statement, the tablet had appeared when his mother was still alive.

What does that shrine with a memorial tablet mean, Lu Qingjiu can't wait to know the answer at this time.

He didn't go home to find Bai Yuehu as he told Yin Xun, but turned around on the mountain alone.

It was dark now, but fortunately, a mutilated moon hung in the air. The moon was so bright that even without a flashlight, he could barely see the mountain road under his feet.

Lu Qingjiu walked along the mountain path towards the position Yin Xun said.

In Yin Xun's description, the shrine is actually not far from Shuifu Village, but no other villager has ever discovered it.

After nightfall, the surroundings became quiet, and the noise of insects was very reassuring. According to Yin Xun’s statement, Lu Qingjiu quickly found the forked trail, and there were countless dense but withered trails beside the trail. Weeds. Yin Xun said that the weeds near the shrine are all withered and yellow, and no new shoots will emerge in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Since Lu Qingjiu saw the weeds, the shrine should be not far away.

Lu Qingjiu began to look for it in the grass.

But as Yin Xun said, the shrine was almost completely covered by weeds. In addition to the dim sky, it was almost difficult to find. Lu Qingjiu looked for it, but suddenly noticed something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere, his expression was slightly stiff. After getting frozen, slowly raising his head, he found that many dim shadows appeared on the mountain road not far away.

These shadows resemble people standing with their backs to him, their bodies appearing in dark tones, and they can't see their bodies or faces clearly. After Lu Qingjiu took a closer look, he felt that they were not so much humans, but more like humanoid objects made of light fog, but the fog gradually thickened and their body contours became clearer. This is not the most frightening thing, the most frightening thing is that they are slowly approaching Lu Sake, like a group of lions hunting lambs, quiet and silent.

There was a layer of goose bumps on Lu Qingjiu's arm. These things took up almost all the places leading to the mountain road. They appeared in a semi-circular shape and approached Lu Qingjiu. Lu Qingjiu could only retreat, but he took a few steps before realizing it. , These things seemed to drive him in one direction, and that direction... is the deepest part of the weeds.

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