MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 59 Beekeeper

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What the artist said brought the atmosphere of the scene to a freezing point. But the director still didn't give up, and insisted: "Did you dream that there is a cemetery? In case there is no cemetery in this village, isn't it that we are scaring ourselves! Come, two people, and I go to the village to see Look!"

Under the stern eyes of the director, although everyone was a little unwilling, two staff members came forward.

"No one is allowed to leave until we come back!" said the director. "Whoever leaves will be held accountable for breach of contract!"

Jiang Buhuan was about to say something, but saw that the director had turned around and went out.

"This village is too evil." Wu Ya stood beside Jiang Buhuan and whispered, "Why did you choose to do the show here?"

Jiang Buhuan said: "I don't know..." To be honest, the director should have been a very reliable person, but I don't know why the whole state of the whole person in the village is very strange, it is almost like...

The director crossed the small road in the village and quickly reached the end of the village, where the artist described. It's just that the more they went there, the more worried they were, because the surrounding environment was exactly the same as the artist said, and they even saw the millstone at the entrance of the village.

"Director Yan, do we have to go there?" One of the people who followed the director was already a little vacant. He trembled, "I feel that something is really wrong with this village."

The director did not speak, and continued to walk forward with a calm face. After leaving the village, there was only a small road outside, and there was no need to worry about getting lost. It was just that the surrounding environment became more and more desolate, and the rich sense of uncertainty became more and more serious.

Finally, after they passed through a sparse grove, a desolate cemetery greeted them. The tombs were densely covered on small hillsides. Some tombs were also placed with sacrifices and incense candles, as described by the artists. The picture is exactly the same.

The two people who came with the director froze in their footsteps and did not dare to go forward. When the director saw this scene, he was not afraid. Instead, he yelled and said that the group of artists were simply cowards. It was only one night. I was scared away by the dream.

The two people behind them looked at each other, and both saw a look of horror in each other's eyes. The director's state seemed very wrong. The director's temper was actually very good, and he rarely swears or swears in front of him. A comparison makes people's hair creepy inexplicably.

There was a little courage who couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Guide Yan, let's go back."

Yan Dao looked at him coldly: "Go back?"

The person trembled: "Yes, isn't there a cemetery? It means that what Xiaohong said is true...this village is really wrong."

Dao Yan gave a weird smile: "Where do you want to go back?"

The man was frightened by Yan Dao's smile, and did not speak for a long time. Yan Dao reduced his smile, and his tone returned to his usual tone: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" the man asked carefully.

"Of course it is to go back to where you live, otherwise where do you want to go back?" said Yan Director.

Although Dao Yan’s reaction was a bit strange, the two did not think much. They just wanted to leave this strange village as soon as possible. The weirdness revealed in the village made people feel very uncomfortable. Although they did not encounter anything for the time being, they I don't want to stay here anymore.

The three of them left the cemetery and hurried back to the Liu House.

When Lu Qingjiu came out of the house, he saw the three of them hurriedly walking forward, completely losing the calmness of yesterday.

"What's wrong with them?" Lu Qingjiu asked curiously, "Isn't it because something really happened last night?"

Bai Yuehu was next to Lu Qingjiu with a **** in his hand. He snorted. Obviously, he still has a lot of opinions on this group of people, that is, this group of humans who don’t know anything dare to do his food. If you change the group of non-human beings, I'm afraid it wasn't already on the dinner plate last night.

Lu Qingjiu looked at Baiyuehu's expression and couldn't help but laugh: "I greeted them yesterday, and they shouldn't touch your dishes anymore."

Bai Yuehu said: "They dare!"

Today, Lu Qingjiu deliberately followed Baiyue Fox to the field. He was afraid that the group of people would not listen to his persuasion and would go to the Baiyue Fox’s food. When the fox started the fire, he would not be able to stop him. Yuehu really ran to eat the group of people, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

The vegetables planted by the white moon fox mature very quickly, and there is still a green seedling in the field next door, but his tomatoes have already produced fruit.

When Baiyue Fox arrived in the field, he did not rush down. Instead, he scanned the vegetable field with his eyes. Lu Qingjiu thought he was looking for something at first, but after looking closely, he found that Baiyue Fox’s mouth was counting softly— —He is actually counting the number of tomatoes in his field!

Lu Qingjiu suddenly laughed. He was still thinking yesterday how the few people who picked vegetables were discovered so easily. They didn't pick much, but he didn't expect that the white moon fox actually remembered the quantity of all the vegetables in his garden.

Lu Qingjiu couldn't help but want to tease him: "How many tomatoes are there?"

Baiyue Fox: "Are you asking familiar ones or all the ones that grow out?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "Cooked."

Baiyue Fox: "Two hundred and forty-two." After he finished speaking, he added angrily, "Yesterday there were two hundred and fifty-four." Twelve were picked by the group, hum.

When Lu Qingjiu looked at the white moon fox, he finally couldn't help it. He laughed. He really thought this petty-looking white moon fox was so cute. It was so cute that he wanted to touch the white moon fox's furry white ears. .

Bai Yuehu was inexplicably laughed by Lu Qingjiu, he frowned slightly: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you for being cute." Lu Qingjiu said.

"Cute? Where is it cute?" Bai Yuehu didn't understand Lu Qingjiu's mood.

"The first time I saw growing vegetables, I had to count the quantity." Lu Qingjiu smiled, "Really cute."

Bai Yuehu said: "Everyone in our clan should remember it." He said very confidently, "Otherwise, what should I do if I get stolen?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Hahahahaha."

But fortunately, the group of people did not use Baiyue Fox’s dishes anymore, and Lu Qingjiu was relieved. In fact, he didn’t know if the program crew would listen to advice, in case they really provoke the White Moon Fox. The fire is over, he still has to find a way to help Baiyue Fox put the fire out.

"What do you need me to do?" Lu Qingjiu hasn't come from home for a long time. On weekdays, Bai Yuehu alone is serving the vegetable plot. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to help Bai Yuehu do something, but he saw that Yuehu waved his hand at him and said, "You go back."

"Huh?" Lu Qingjiu was stunned.

"Go cook lunch." Baiyuehu said, "There is nothing you need to do in the ground." As he said, he picked up the **** naturally and prepared to go down to the ground.

I have to say that the white moon fox carrying a **** against that overly beautiful face is full of a sense of disharmony, but this sense of disharmony is not annoying, but it makes Lu Qingjiu's face involuntarily float up. A brighter smile.

Back in the yard, Yin Xun looked at Lu Sake suspiciously, and said why you smiled so kindly, like an elderly father watching his son enter the university.

Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun after hearing the words, "Do you think you can enter the university?"

Yin Xun: "...I don't think it will work."

Lu Qingjiu: "Oh, if you can get into college, my smile might be brighter."

Yin Xun: "..." He always felt something was wrong.

Lu Qingjiu originally thought that the program crew would leave here for at least a few days, but he did not expect their efficiency to be so fast. He heard the sound of the car starting in the afternoon. When I went out, I saw that they had packed their things and were ready to go.

The star that I saw before was standing next to him wearing sunglasses, holding the phone with a bad expression, and talking to people. He seemed to have noticed Lu Qingjiu, his expression was slightly lagging, and he hung up the phone and came in the direction of Lu Qingjiu. .

He walked to the door of Lu Qingjiu, took off his sunglasses, showing a pair of tired eyes: "Hello."

"Hello." Lu Qingjiu felt that if they listened to persuasion, they would be saved, so their attitude was better than before.

"We are leaving soon." Jiang Buhuan said, "I'm sorry to disturb you before."

"It's okay." Lu Qingjiu said, "It's better to prepare for this kind of show in the future, at least to say hello to the people in the village."

"Yeah." Jiang Buhuan said, "this time it was indeed an accident... But can I ask you why you care about us?" Almost everyone in this village looked at them as detours, even if they asked in person. What they got was also indifferent and guarded eyes, only Lu Qingjiu borrowed their rice, and kindly came to remind them, but they were very unkind and picked the vegetables from other people's ground. Thinking about it this way, Jiang Buhuan felt that he was a bit too much.

"Oh, maybe because I also came back from outside." Lu Qingjiu said, "This village is very exclusive. It's better for you to change the place for the show."

"Yeah, why did you choose such a place?" Jiang Buhuan turned to look at the director and muttered, "It's really strange, and all of us had nightmares last night."

"Nightmare?" Lu Qingjiu said, "What did you dream about?"

Jiang Buhuan was about to answer, but his agent walked over and told him that the team was about to leave. Seeing that Jiang Buhuan had to show regret and said: "If possible, let's exchange WeChat. I and you Talk in detail on WeChat."

Lu Qingjiu readily agreed, and he was also curious about what Jiang Buhuan dreamed of.

Bringing on the equipment, the convoy slowly drove out of Shuifu Village. Lu Qingjiu saw Jiang Buhuan send a message to describe his dream last night.

Looking at Jiang Buhuan’s description, Lu Qingjiu remembered his own dreams. In the dreams he captured with his dream catcher, he also heard the loud sound of water and the roar of beasts. Could these two dreams exist? What's the connection... Lu Qingjiu frowned and thought.

But just thinking about it, obviously can't think of the result. Lu Qingjiu checked the time and it was almost twelve o'clock. He hadn't finished lunch yet. Don't leave Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu hungry at home. .

Jiang Buhuan got in the nanny car, and the director and other artists were also in this car. I don't know if it was the horrible dream last night, Jiang Buhuan's mind has been a little restless, he always has a bad feeling.

"What's the matter with you, A Huan." Wu Ya sat next to Jiang Buhuan and asked in a soft voice, "Why keep frowning?"

"The body is not very comfortable." Jiang Buhuan pinched his eyebrows.

Wu Ya said: "Oh... Then do you want to sleep for a while."

Jiang Buhuan said, "No." Although he felt tired, he didn't want to sleep.

Wu Ya said: "Then I will sleep for a while, so tired." She yawned and fell asleep by closing her eyes while leaning against her seat.

The whole car was filled with such a drowsy atmosphere. Unknowingly, all the awake people around Jiang Buhuan fell asleep, as if everyone was exhausted.

Jiang Buhuan was also a little sleepy. He yawned and felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, but just as he was about to fall asleep, the Buddha statue that hung on his chest not long after he was born suddenly gave off a hot temperature. , Jiang Buhuan was hot, and he opened his eyes suddenly, stunned by the scene before him. The driver who was still driving actually fell on the steering wheel, and the vehicle lost control and was about to rush out of the narrow mountain road.

Jiang Buhuan stirred up a cold sweat. He rushed to the driver's side with the fastest reaction, grabbed the steering wheel, and turned the car abruptly. Fortunately, the speed of the car was not fast at this time, the front of the car hit the cliff, and after a bang, it stopped directly.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Buhuan hurriedly looked at the equipment car that followed them. The staff on the equipment car did not seem to be affected. After seeing this scene, he hurriedly stepped on the brakes and did not slam into it straight.

Jiang Buhuan was trembling all over, if he woke up a few seconds late, the people in this car might have to explain here. Thinking so fortunately, Jiang Buhuan felt a gaze cast on him. He turned his head and saw the director sitting by the window, staring at him with bitter eyes. But this look seemed to be just an illusion by Jiang Buhuan. The next moment, the director began to ask what happened in a worried tone.

The staff in other cars were also frightened by the operation of this car, and they all gathered around to see what happened on the car.

The sleeping people in the car were waking up one after another. Obviously, they didn't know what was happening, and their faces were blank. After the driver realized that he was asleep, his entire face was pale and he staggered out of the driver's seat.

"Everyone in the car is asleep." Jiang Buhuan said, "Fortunately, I was awake and twisted the steering wheel."

"Why do you fall asleep?" Everyone thought it was incredible. It is normal for a person to fall asleep, but how could all of them fall asleep in a car?

"I don't know." Wu Ya looked blank, "I just feel so sleepy..."

"There must be something wrong with that village." Another artist made a terrified voice, "Let’s go quickly, we almost died here, this village is too evil, I will never come here again."

The crowd was noisy, and hurriedly set off again, but this time, everyone raised their spirits and stared at the driver, not daring to get lost.

Jiang Buhuan didn't say anything at all. He felt a little pain in his chest. He reached out and touched it, only to find that the center of his chest had been burned with red marks, which were exactly the same as the Buddha statue he hung on his heart. It’s just being burned like this, but his heart is full of fortune. If it weren’t for the Buddha statue, they would probably be gone today...

On the next journey, there were no more accidents, and the program team finally successfully left Shuifu Village.

Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised to learn about Jiang Buhuan and the others from WeChat, and told Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun about it during lunch.

Bai Yuehu had a bad impression of this group of people. It was the greatest kindness to not kill them. He didn't even give an expression when he heard the news of the accident, so he was obviously very disinterested.

Yin Xun was a little strange: "It's weird. Shuifu Village has also been to outsiders in the past. Although it is not popular, at least there is no life worry."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Yes."

"But I noticed a little bit." Yin Xun said, "most of the people who come to Shuifu Village are invited."

Lu Qingjiu said: "How to say?"

Yin Xun said, "Needless to say, I grew up here, and I am considered a person here. Take Zhu Miaomiao as an example. She is also a foreigner, but she came here at your invitation. "He took a bite of the fried tender lettuce, "So maybe because of this, she didn't have any reaction?"

"But according to what you said, the program group was also invited." Lu Qingjiu felt that there was a loophole in this statement. "Remember the Liu family who gave them the keys to the old house?"

Yin Xun said, "Hey, that's right."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Unless..."

Yin Xun: "Unless what?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "Unless they are invited here, it is not the Liu family at all."

Yin Xun stunned: "What do you mean?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "I just guess it, it's meaningless. I will make some white fungus soup to drink at night. By the way, do you know how to catch bees?" He plans to make some honey by himself this year.

Yin Xun said, "I don't know, but I heard that they are all beehives that do their own work, trick the bees into building nests, and when there are queen bees inside, they move into the beehive."

Lu Qingjiu was about to say that he should study the tutorial on the Internet first before doing it. The white moon fox sitting next to him said: "I'll catch the bees, and you just have to prepare the beehive."

"All right." Lu Qingjiu didn't argue with him either, and readily agreed.

After the beginning of spring, Lu Qingjiu took care of the chicken pens and cow pens again. The cows brought back by the White Moon Fox last year were hibernating all winter, and they did not drink milk. As soon as the spring came, the cows woke up. , Mooing to indicate that he is hungry.

Yin Xun ran fast, took the cucumbers he just picked, and fed the cows, and excitedly said that he had never drunk cucumber-flavored milk.

Lu Qingjiu looked at his back and didn't know what to say for a while, that oxen character simply added a pair of wings to Yin Xun's imagination, and he was about to take him to the sky.

So that night, they drank cucumber-flavored milk with a subtle taste. The taste is actually not bad. The milk has the delicate fragrance of cucumber, which is not greasy at all. Lu Qingjiu thinks he likes it, but Baiyue Fox is very disgusted with this. After a bite, he put it aside and never touched it again. .

As soon as Jiang Buhuan and the others left, the village regained its former tranquility, and the Li Shu family next door gave Lu Qingjiu a loquat knotted on his tree.

The rural loquat is small and has not much flesh, but it is particularly sweet and has a strong fruity flavor. It is completely different from the large but low-flavor loquats on the market. Lu Qingjiu was eating loquats, and it happened that the owner of the seed shop also called and said that the saplings ordered by Lu Qingjiu had come, and he had everything with oranges, apples and loquats, and asked Lu Qingjiu what he wanted.

Lu Qingjiu also picked a little bit, and planned to plant a few trees in both the backyard and the front yard. If we follow the normal growth rate, it should take a few years to eat the fruit, but his family has the white moon fox, a big ripener, which is better than fertilizer. It works a lot, maybe you can eat fruits from your parents this fall.

Yin Xun quietly gave Bai Yuehu the nickname Baifei. Of course, he didn't dare to call in front of Bai Yuehu, so he told Lu Qingjiu privately.

After Lu Qingjiu listened, he laughed and said that Yin Xun must not let Bai Yuehu know, otherwise Yin Xun himself is most likely to become fertilizer...

Yin Xun nodded as if pounding garlic, indicating that he still had a strong desire to survive.

The white moon fox has always been very active. He said he wanted to catch bees for Lu Qingjiu, and it took only three days to catch the bees. Before Lu Qingjiu’s beehive was ready, he saw Baiyue Fox coming back with a plastic bag. After he got home, he put the plastic bag on the table and said, "The bee is here."

Lu Qingjiu was stunned: "Where is it?"

"Here." Baiyuehu pointed to the plastic bag.

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Yin Xun: "..."

Although the two of them have never kept bees, they also know that this thing obviously cannot be caught with a plastic bag...

Bai Yuehu said that he picked up the bag, and then pulled the bag open, showing it to Lu Qingjiu. Lu Qingjiu was taken aback by his actions, but seeing no bees flying out after the pocket was opened, he leaned in and took a look. He saw four or five bees in his pocket, but the bee looked something wrong. It was about the size of a bird. The upper body was about the same size as a bird. There were even bird feathers on the wings. Lu Qingjiu raised his eyes. : "This is a bee?"

Baiyue Fox: "Yes."

Lu Qingjiu: "Do bees still have feathers?"

Bai Yuehu: "Maybe it's too cold."

Lu Qingjiu: "Why is that boss so big?"

White Moon Fox: "Because I eat a lot?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." You lied to a fool.

What made Lu Qingjiu dumbfounded most was that the bees raised their eyes to look at them after hearing the conversation between the two, showing a pitiful look in their eyes, as if they were being bullied.

What else did Lu Qingjiu want to say, those bees actually spoke softly, and one of them trembled: "Brother, don't doubt it, I'm really a bee, buzzing buzzing. ."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." God **** buzzing, which bee is buzzing with his mouth? No, the point is not this, which bee can speak human words! Can you still speak Mandarin? Is this a high-quality bee with nine years of compulsory education?

The others also buzzed in cooperation, and could hardly wish to put the words "I am a bee" on their foreheads.

Facing a few "bees" who were shivering and forced to claim their identities, the White Moon Fox expressed satisfaction: "Look, I'll just say they are bees."

Lu Qingjiu decided to give up studying and said, "...Let's go."

The bee is the bee, let's do it, and get away.

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