MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 44 Popular

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Crispy fresh milk is a kind of dessert that Lu Sake likes. The specific method is to mix cornstarch and egg, freeze it into a solidified jelly, then cut it into strips, wrap it in flour, and fry it. The crispy fresh milk that is fried in this way is crispy on the outside, but the milk syrup inside has melted, and the warm milk syrup will burst out from it with one bite. The taste is sweet and soft, with thick milk. taste.

After making it, Lu Qingjiu gave Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu a taste. Both said that they liked it. Lu Qingjiu said that now that he has milk, he can try more dairy foods in the future. The cow's milk production is quite sufficient, basically as long as he is fed food, he can express milk. The taste of milk is also produced based on what the cow eats. If you feed him grass, the milk produced by the cow will be original milk, and if you feed it with chocolate, it will be chocolate milk.

Yin Xun was very happy about this, his two chocolates were not fed for nothing.

Let's talk about Lu Qingjiu's big money-making plan. Since the opening of his Taobao store, there has been no business. One is because the price is too expensive, and the other is because the store is not popular. But he was not in a hurry, anyway, the money he earned from Zhang Chuyang was still enough.

But just this morning, a buyer knocked on Wang Wang of Lu Sake and asked about the hair growth lotion.

He Xiaoyang is twenty-seven years old this year, and he looks pretty, but he has never had a girlfriend because of his hair that has fallen out at a young age. No matter how handsome the face is, as long as it is matched with the Mediterranean Sea, He Xiaoyang is also very helpless. He can only wear a hat all day long, but if he wears more hats, the hair quality becomes worse. It is a vicious circle. .

He Xiaoyang also tried to get hair transplants, but the hair follicles transplanted from the back of his head to the top of his forehead couldn't grow at all. The cost of tens of thousands of dollars had no effect at all. People still suffer. He Xiaoyang feels that this is really a loss.

On this day, he accidentally saw a shop named "Xiaocun" on Taobao. The shop seemed to be newly opened, and there was only one product in it. The product was written with the word "Shengfa Shui", which seemed deliberate.

He Xiaoyang clicked in. After clicking in, he saw the owner's profile-as long as he didn't leave, the price would be refunded.

So confident? ! He Xiaoyang saw the price of hair growth lotion, 4999, which is not too expensive for him as a programmer, but is it really reliable?

After thinking about it, He Xiaoyang clicked on the contact information of the shop owner and asked his doubts.

"Boss, your hair growth lotion doesn't use a real refund?"

"Yes." The boss answered very concisely, "Quit all."

"Really? How is your effect?"

"You'll know if you use it." The boss seemed very confident.

He Xiaoyang thought for a while, took a photo, and then carefully read the instructions for using the hair growth lotion. It was roughly applied to the head, and it was said that it would get immediate results the next day.

Anyway, you can get a full refund, so try it, He Xiaoyang thought, he has tried so many hair growth products, and this one is not bad. A dead horse is a living horse doctor, in case it works.

With this in mind, He Xiaoyang waited for his express delivery.

For his first client, Lu Qingjiu also showed importance. He put the well water into a glass bottle designed by Zhu Miaomiao. The glass bottle was like a high-end perfume bottle, and the hair tonic in it was only enough to smear the head once. , The glass bottle was packed into a wooden packaging box, and then packed in a custom hard carton. Finally, tie a knot on the outside with a beautiful black ribbon, and then seal it with fire lacquer, so that a very tall hair growth lotion is wrapped.

Lu Qingjiu went to the town to deliver the goods, and he deliberately took the most expensive express.

Now the quantity is still relatively small, and when the quantity is large, the courier can come to Shuifu Village to pick up the package, and there is no need to travel that far.

After sending the goods, Lu Qingjiu forgot about it. There are a lot of things to do in the fall. He also plans to make some fermented bean curd and pickle the kimchi when the weather is cool. And the chestnuts are almost ripe. Hearing Yin Xun said that there are many wild chestnut trees on the mountain, he plans to find some time to pick some chestnuts and make chestnut cakes and chestnut stew chicken.

So when Lu Qingjiu logged in to his Taobao account for the second time, he realized that his Wangwang had a lot of information. The 100 copies of hair growth lotion were all sold, and many people begged him to replenish the goods. He took a closer look. Looking at the information, I probably understand what's going on.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, the last customer found that the effect of the hair tonic was particularly good, which was a miracle, so he recommended it to his friends and colleagues, and all the hair tonic was photographed.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, and simply posted an announcement on the store, stating that the store’s craftsmanship is limited, and the hair growth lotion is limited to 100 copies per month. It will be sold out. If you want to buy it, please wait until next month.

Then I closed Want Want, printed out the order and shipped it out.

"It's sold out, sold out, He Xiaoyang, can you discuss with the boss to let him send some more goods." He Xiaoyang, who was begged by his colleagues, could only smile bitterly. He said, "It's no use begging me. Ah, I don’t know the boss."

"Then how did you buy it?" Seeing He Xiaoyang's Mediterranean hairstyle turned into black and bright short hair, his colleagues' envied eyes were red. "This shop is so small, you found out..."

"I'm also lucky." He Xiaoyang was also a little helpless. He knew he had bought a few more bottles. Who knew that the hair tonic in this store was so difficult to buy, and he just advertised it casually. People looked at the hair on his head and directly placed the order without hesitation.

"What should I do?" the colleague said desperately, "out of stock."

"Wait for next month." He Xiaoyang can only say, "Didn't the boss say that new products will be released next month."

Looking at the boss who didn't reply no matter how much he knocked, the colleague sighed, as if that could only be done.

Lu Qingjiu's delivery speed is not fast. He still has to cook every day. Taobao is a side job. So although the orders are all taken, he just packs the well water every day when everything is fine at night. I took it to the town for delivery. I could send more than 20 pieces a day, and it took more than a week for all of them.

In order to thank the female ghost lady in the backyard, Lu Qingjiu also bought a lot of joss stick paper money in the town and lit them for her.

After Lu Qingjiu delivered the goods, he called Yin Xun to the mountain, carrying a basket of chestnuts with bamboo poles on his back.

Although the chestnut looks smooth on the skin, it is actually wrapped in a thick layer of fleshy thorns. Pay special attention when hitting it. Otherwise, if you fall on the body, it will not only hurt but also get stuck into small thorns. And it is best to wear gloves when picking chestnuts and starting chestnuts.

Fortunately, Yin Xun had a special physique and didn't worry about it at all. So Lu Qingjiu took a wooden pole and played beside him. He happily bent over and picked it up on the ground. After a while, the basket was full.

Carrying two baskets full of chestnuts, the two of them went down the mountain contentedly. Lu Qingjiu planned to make chestnut stewed chicken in the evening and make chestnut cake tomorrow.

"Have you ever tried sugar-fried chestnut?" Lu Qingjiu chatted with Yin Xun.

"No." Before Lu Qingjiu came back, Yin Xun had a pitiful little food. He made this chestnut by himself, that is, put it in a pot and boiled it as a snack.

"Then I will fry some for you as a snack when I have time." Lu Qingjiu said, "but there seems to be no fine sand on this mountain..."

"I'll find it for you." Yin Xun volunteered.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Let's go."

Chestnut stewed chicken is very simple, just add chestnut to the stewed chicken, so that the stewed chicken will have a unique sweetness of chestnut, and the chestnut will be a bit more delicious than chicken soup. In short, it is very flattering. dish. The chestnut was full, and Yin Xun's stomach bulged after eating more than 20, and only two pieces of chicken were tasted.

Of course, Baiyue Fox didn’t have this trouble. He swallowed the rest of the chicken and chestnuts into his stomach in one go. If it weren’t for Lu Qingjiu’s call to ask him to save some soup for the chicken noodle soup tomorrow morning, I’m afraid the bottom of the pot would be fine. Let him plan it clean.

"Ah, I admire the white moon fox." Yin Xun, who could only slump in a chair after eating, said enviously, "Why I am obviously not human anymore, and my appetite is still so small..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "I am thinking about the same question."

Yin Xun: "..."

After eating, the three of them sat in the yard to digest. Yin Xun was very interested in the candied chestnuts that Lu Qingjiu said before and said that he would look for fine sand tomorrow.

"Where are you going to look for?" Lu Qingjiu asked him. This Shuifu Village is just a small stream. The stream is full of stones, but there is no fine sand.

"You can always find it." Yin Xun was confident.

Bai Yuehu also answered: "If he can't find it, I can find it."

When Lu Qingjiu laughed, it seemed that he underestimated the determination of the foodies.

When he was going to bed at night, Lu Qingjiu opened his Taobao and planned to enter the order number he shipped. This is the last batch of goods, and the hair lotion for this month will be sold out after it is sent. At present, there is no feedback from buyers that a refund is required. It seems that everyone feels that the effect is good after using up.

But when Lu Qingjiu turned on Wangwang, the constant ding-dong sound made his computer stuck for a few minutes before it came over.

Seeing so much information, Lu Qingjiu's scalp exploded, and he clicked a few carefully, and found that almost all of them were for shampoo.

Why are there so many people suddenly? Lu Qingjiu was a little bit at a loss. The first batch of shampoos had only been sold for a few days. Although it had worked, the number of people who wanted to buy it was a bit too much, and he wondered if something went wrong.

Lu Qingjiu didn't understand it, so he didn't bother to think about it. After returning a few messages, he simply turned off the computer and went to sleep. Until the next day, Zhu Miaomiao called him.

"Hey, Miaomiao, what's the matter, so early." Lu Qingjiu was brushing his teeth when he received the call. He vomited the water out of his mouth and checked the time. It is only 6:20 in the morning, although for him It's already time to get up, but Zhu Miaomiao usually doesn't get up so early.

"Lu Qingjiu, you are hot!" Zhu Miaomiao cried.

"I'm on fire?" Lu Qingjiu was at a loss, "What is on fire?"

"Of course your store is on fire." Zhu Miaomiao said, "I just saw your store name on the hot search."

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?"

He turned on his mobile phone and flipped through the dating platform. He really saw his shop name "Xiaocun" on the hot search. He clicked in and found that the hot search was full of users' excitement, Amway, and the hair before and after. Comparison chart.

"My hair is about to fall out. Fortunately, I used this hair restoration lotion. The effect of this hair restoration lotion is incredible. I wonder if it uses some metaphysical power." A po host posted, "But every time the hair restoration lotion The monthly purchase is limited to one hundred. Whether you can buy it depends on fate."

The comments below were very emotional after seeing the comparison chart, "Metaphysics? Let alone metaphysics, if I can grow my hair, I can not eat meat for ten years." The top comment was so painful," It was this hair that delayed me, otherwise my child would be three years old."

Of course, some comments are also wondering whether the person who posted this Weibo is doing marketing. After all, a bottle of hair growth water for 4,999 yuan is not cheap, but the owner of the po said that you do not have to worry about it at all, because the owner promised that if it is invalid A refund, with such confidence, how could it be a lie.

Lu Qingjiu gave a cursory scan and shut down the software. He said, "How come everyone has such a big reaction."

He doesn't understand. Isn't it just a long hair? As for the appearance of a new life?

Zhu Miaomiao said angrily: "That's because your hair is good. If you are bald for two to three years, you will know what it is like."

Lu Qingjiu said: "..." Then he should not try.

All in all, Lu Qingjiu's small shop is quite popular. Zhu Miaomiao also suggested to him that in addition to hair growth lotion, he can sell other high-priced items in the small shop. Lu Qingjiu found it too troublesome and said that he would do some hair growth. The water can make do with it.

Zhu Miaomiao couldn't argue with it, and there was nothing he could do with Lu Qingjiu, yes, if Lu Qingjiu really cares about money, he would never go back to Shuifu Village to farm.

After Shengfashui opened the market, Lu Qingjiu found that the well in his backyard had undergone a strange change. A white halo appeared above the well. At first he thought he had read it wrong, but after asking Yin Xun, he found that Yin Xun was actually Can also see.

"What is this?" Lu Qingjiu stretched out his hand toward the aperture, but his hand passed directly through the aperture.

"Hiss." Yin Xun touched his chin, this thing was a bit wrong, "Do you think this aperture...a little holy."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Yin Xun said, "Like, the thing on top of the angel's head?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

He decided to give up the nonsense with Yin Xun and went to the encyclopedia Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu sat on a chair and ate fresh boiled chestnuts. Originally, he was too lazy to peel the chestnuts. In the end, Lu Qingjiu couldn't stand it, so he peeled them all.

"Yuehu." Lu Qingjiu said, "Why do I see a white aperture on the well in the backyard?"

Bai Yuehu said: "When did it happen?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "It started last month."

Bai Yuehu said, "That female ghost is going to become a god."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Huh?" He thought Bai Yuehu was joking, and asked again, staring, "What are you talking about? The female ghost is going to become a god?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Perhaps Lu Qingjiu's expression was too shocked, but Bai Yuehu patiently and very well began to explain: "You sold a lot of water from the well, right?"

Lu Qingjiu nodded.

"The water in the well is the carrier of her obsession." Bai Yuehu said, "the most unreconciled unfinished thing in her lifetime."

Lu Qingjiu was confused by the words of Baiyue Fox, but he remembered Zhu Miaomiao's grief and indignity when he talked about his hair. Oh my God, after the girl in the backyard died, the biggest obsession was not to find the murderer, but to give birth to a black head. With beautiful hair, could it be because she died because she quarreled with her boyfriend over hair volume? Finally smashed and killed?

"Now there are more and more people accepting her obsessional favors, and more and more gratitude." Baiyuehu said, "God can be created."

Lu Qingjiu: "...So she's going to be fascinated?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes, but the power of gratitude is still weak now. After a period of accumulation, she should be able to truly become a god."

Lu Qingjiu trembled: "Gods are so good, aren't gods very powerful?"

Bai Yuehu glanced at Lu Sake: "Is Yin Xun good?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He couldn't refute it for a while, oh, his dear friend.

Baiyuehu said: "If you don't become a god, you will be very powerful, and gods must be divided into levels, like the mountain gods like Yin Xun."

Lu Qingjiu said: "How?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I can eat ten in one bite."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Yin Xun, who was about to return to the yard after feeding the pigs, just heard the words of the white moon fox, and instantly hid behind the door, shivering, with a sad expression, wondering where he was going to eat the white moon fox if he didn't make it. Own, is it because I ate too much that I was disliked...

Lu Qingjiu knew that his vixen never joked about eating, and waved his hand: "Farewell, Yin Xun doesn't look very tasty."

Baiyue Fox snorted, not commenting on this.

Lu Qingjiu changed the subject, but he didn't know that Yin Xun had already shed sad tears for Lu Qingjiu's words... Hey, he knew that Lu Qingjiu was his best friend.

But when it comes to side jobs other than hair growth water, Lu Qingjiu has some thoughts. He found time to ask Yin Xun if anyone in Shuifu Village raises bees.

"Bees, no." Yin Xun said, "but you really want to raise it as if you can. There are many flowers on the mountain."

Although Lu Qingjiu had this idea, he also knew that beekeeping could not be done in a day, so he decided to consult a professional before trying it himself. And he is now preparing for the coming winter.

The winter in Shuifu Village is extremely cold. There will be a few heavy snowfalls every year. With bad luck, the heavy snow blocked the mountain roads, and the connection between Shuifu Village and the outside world was cut off. If you don't have more food at this time, I'm afraid this winter will be particularly hard.

Lu Qingjiu doesn't hate winter. Winter has the benefits of winter. In his memory, his grandma would stew a pot of fragrant mutton soup every winter when it comes to winter. It would be better to blanch some pea sprouts in the mutton soup. The pea sprouts grown in the farm are very fresh, cooked in a soup pot, and taste sweet in the mouth. The taste in the memory is always particularly attractive. Lu Qingjiu thought about these things, and even looked forward to winter.

Of course, he has to prepare something before the winter, so as not to have enough food at home.

So Lu Qingjiu drove a truck to and from the town. First he bought a lot of pork, beef and mutton, and then bought dozens of catties of Chinese cabbage.

Most of the pork, beef and mutton are used to make sauces or bacon, and they will be hung in the kitchen when you want to eat. Part of the Chinese cabbage is put in the cellar, and part is used to make spicy cabbage. The cellar at home has been useless for a long time. The location is probably in the backyard close to the wellhead. This place is generally not needed until winter, and it is dark. For the young Lu Qingjiu, it is a place in a horror story.

But now that Lu Qingjiu is big, he is not so afraid of these things, besides, isn't there Miss A Piao in the well, nor is it so scary.

He found a sunny afternoon and asked Yin Xun to clean the cellar with him.

The key to the cellar was no longer found. Lu Qingjiu simply touched the pliers and broke the lock. As soon as he opened the door, a cloud of dust rose up at the door. The dust whirled in the air and made him Can not help covering his mouth and nose.

The cellar that had not been used for more than ten years saw the sun again. Lu Qingjiu carefully climbed down the ladder. He brought a flashlight and barely saw the situation in the cellar.

Because it was not used for a long time, there was dust everywhere in the cellar. Lu Qingjiu saw that it was about the size of a bedroom, with a table on it, and there were some old objects on the table. There was nothing else.

"Sake, what's in it?" Yin Xun asked, leaning his head.

"Let's watch it yourself." Lu Qingjiu answered. He walked to the table and saw the things on the table up close. Most of the things on the table looked useless garbage, but there was a black wooden box that attracted Lu Qingjiu's attention.

The wooden box was also covered with dust. Lu Qingjiu reached out to wipe the dust off, feeling the smooth texture of the wooden box. He picked up the wooden box and watched carefully. The wooden box was a little heavy, and it seemed that there were a lot of things in it. Although it was kept in the cellar for so many years, the wooden box was not corroded by dust. After the ash, the surface is still as smooth as before. Although I don't know what kind of wood it is, Lu Qingjiu feels that this wood should be special.

"What is this?" Yin Xun also came down, standing behind Lu Qingjiu and seeing what was in his hand.

"I don't know." Lu Qingjiu said, "It may be jewelry or something."

"Really." Yin Xun said, "Open it and have a look?"

Lu Qingjiu put down the wooden box and began to try to open it, only to find that there was a small text lock hanging on the wooden box. Lu Qingjiu studied for a while, but still couldn't guess it.

"You still need a password to open it." Yin Xun saw that the box couldn't be opened, so he quickly lost interest in it. "This cellar has been useless for many years. There is so much dust. I will sweep it with a broom first. You can put on the mask. ."

Lu Qingjiu nodded, but didn't look away from the wooden box. He seemed to remember where he saw the wooden box, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but he didn't have to worry too much, he could remember it sooner or later.

Taking the mask in Yin Xun's hand, Lu Qingjiu lowered his head and carefully cleaned the cellar with Yin Xun.

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