MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 38 New police

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In Lu Qingjiu's imagination, the white moon fox should be a vixen with the bones of immortality.

After living with Baiyuehu for a while, Lu Qingjiu discovered that Baiyuehu didn't want to participate in things mostly because of laziness, but now, there is another reason...poor.

Because it is too lazy to earn money for human use, the white moon fox has no long objects, and because it has no long objects, it can't even eat Xiaolongbao. I can only eat geckos and ray fish every day when I feel wronged, and live a miserable life without hot food.

This... should this say that the White Moon Fox is miserable? After Lu Qingjiu figured it out, his mood suddenly became complicated. A delicacy that only exists in mythology and that ordinary people can't taste for a lifetime, has become an object of dislike by Baiyue Fox. Yes, no matter what is delicious, if you eat it for hundreds of thousands of years, it will feel dull.

Looking at the white moon fox who had already cut his short hair and started to shake it again while sitting in the rocking chair, Lu Qingjiu remembered a sentence Zhu Miaomiao often joked--I could have lived happily, but it was all because of the lack of money that harmed me. .

Thinking about it, Lu Qingjiu couldn't help but laughed low. Bai Yuehu heard the laughter and turned to look at Lu Qingjiu: "What are you laughing at?"

Lu Qingjiu concealed his smile: "It's okay, I just want to ask you what to eat tonight?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's all right."

Lu Qingjiu thought of their encounter and said, "Want to eat Xiaolongbao? I will go to town and buy it for you if I want to eat it."

For delicious food, Baiyue Fox has always been very casual, so he said: "It's all right."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay, I'll make a pot of porridge first, you help me watch the fire, Yin Xun, you go with me."

Yin Xun, who has been quiet since returning, nodded and agreed.

The two went out to find the minivan. Yin Xun got on the car but was a little restless. Lu Qingjiu said, "What's the matter with you?"

Yin Xun pointed to the seat under his **** and said, "This is a slug, what part of it are we sitting on?"

Lu Qingjiu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, so he could only appease Yin Xun with a few words, saying that the slug had no hands and feet, and every part was the same. However, Lu Qingjiu also noticed that Yin Xun's condition was a little wrong after seeing the white moon fox on the mountain. Lu Qingjiu asked him what was wrong and he refused to say, but just casually perfunctory, Lu Qingjiu could only helpless. Let him go.

Yin Xun is very nervous, and he will be fine in two days.

The bun shop in the town is open from morning until after 8 o’clock in the evening. This shop does not sell other items, but only sells Xiaolongbao. Because the taste is so good, there are even people who come from the city admiringly to eat his house. Of buns.

However, Lu Qingjiu had only eaten it once, and it was the one he invited Baiyuehu to eat.

"Why suddenly thought of coming over to buy him a bun?" Yin Xun twisted and twisted in the pickup truck. .

"Isn't it because you are uncomfortable at home." Lu Qingjiu held the steering wheel and looked in front of him. "If you ask you something, you won't say anything."

Yin Xun scratched his head, a little embarrassed: "In fact, I don't want to say it, but I can't describe the feeling. It's like... it's the most instinctive reaction of my body." When he saw the white moon fox wearing a black robe , An inexplicable fear was born deep in his heart. This fear came suddenly, and even he couldn't find the source of it, let alone how to explain it to Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu didn't force it, shrugged, and simply took the topic that made Yin Xun uncomfortable.

After the two drove to the town, they drove straight to the bun shop. The boss heard Lu Qingjiu say that he wanted two hundred buns. He smiled and bends his eyes and asked Lu Qingjiu to come over again in an hour.

After Lu Qingjiu paid the money, he and Yin Xun went to find a teahouse next to him, ordered two bowls of tea, sat down and chatted.

"Oh, in fact, you are the richest person in this family." Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu said, "To be honest, I am almost the same as Bai Yuehu, and I am also very poor..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Are you poor too? Are you not a mountain god?"

Yin Xun said, "Stop talking, I couldn't even eat hot meals before you came."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." How did you two live.

The two were talking, but someone on the side of the road walked straight towards them, and after walking across from them, he sat down opposite Lu Qingjiu unceremoniously.

This man looks very young, probably only in his twenties, but he looks very handsome, but the cold and arrogant temperament on his body gives people an uncomfortable feeling.

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun stopped talking when they saw this person and looked at each other. They both saw surprise in the eyes of the other person. Obviously they didn't know this person.

"What's your name?" The young man looked at Yin Xun, his tone a little stiff, and his eyes were very unkind.

Yin Xun was taken aback by this aggressive questioning: "Who are you? I don't know you, right?"

"Policeman." The young man took out his ID from his arms and shook it in front of the two.

The ID did show that the young man was a policeman named Pang Ziqi, but he ran up to them so inexplicably, and his attitude was so bad that it would be difficult for Lu Qingjiu to show kindness to him. His tone became cold: "Officer Pang, we Didn't you do anything? I don't know what police officer Pang mean by your attitude?"

Pang Ziqi glanced at Lu Qingjiu, ignored his words, stretched out her hand on the table in front of Yin Xun and ordered a little: "I'm asking you, what's your name?"

"Me?" Yin Xun was a little upset by being targeted by the police inexplicably. He said, "My name is Yin Xun. Is there anything wrong with you?"

"Where do you live?" Pang Ziqi asked again.

Yin Xun was irritated by his rude questioning. He patted the table: "What do you mean by this tone? How about interrogating the prisoner?"

Pang Ziqi yelled at Yin Xun but laughed. He said, "Since you have done nothing, why are you afraid to tell me where you live?"

Yin Xun: "Even the police interrogators have to give a reason, right? You come up so suddenly and ask, isn't it impolite?"

Pang Ziqi said: "I am only polite to people."

What he said at first sounds like cursing, but after thinking about it, it seems that there are other meanings. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun's expressions froze for a while, then Yin Xun's eyes stared and said angrily: "Officer Pang, you How do you talk? I am not a human being?"

Pang Ziqi was about to speak, but a pair of hands came out behind him and pressed his shoulders, and then a helpless voice rang, it was Lu Qingjiu's old acquaintance policeman Hu Shu: "Sorry, sorry to disturb you."

Hu Shu dressed in casual clothes, standing behind Pang Ziqi with a wry smile: "This is our new colleague from the police station..."

"He said I'm not a human being." Yin Xun pressed his guilty heart to the bottom of his heart, deliberately making an angry look.

"Hey, sorry, sorry, the kid arrived for the first time." Hu Shu said, "Don't worry about him."

Pang Ziqi shook Hu Shu's hand unhappily when he heard the words, stood up and said, "Who do you think is a kid?"

Hu Shu said: "You."

Pang Ziqi said: "Are you a few years older than me?"

Hu Shu spread his hands: "A year older is also older."

Pang Ziqi seemed a little unhappy, he pointed to Lu Qingjiu: "Is this your acquaintance?"

"Yes." Hu Shu nodded, "The previous case was handled with his blessing."

Hearing this, Pang Ziqi glanced up and down at Lu Qingjiu with a careful eye. He said, "You live with him?" He naturally meant Yin Xun.

"We are in a village." Lu Qingjiu replied.

"If you also understand those things, you should also know that the aura on your body is very bad." Pang Ziqi said astonishingly.

"Not good? How to say?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"A strong breath of a beast." When Pang Ziqi said about a beast, he glanced at Yin Xun. "A beast is a beast. Although he pretends to be a human, he will show his ferocity once he is stimulated, and he will regret it later. late."

Lu Qingjiu said, "You are very experienced."

Pang Ziqi sneered: "Experience is piled up with the lives of predecessors." He wanted to say something, but saw Lu Qingjiu make a stop gesture.

Lu Qingjiu's tone is gentle, but everyone can hear the firmness in his words: "Pang Officer, thank you for your advice, but I know my own affairs very well, and I don't need other people to help me make decisions."

Pang Ziqi stared at Lu Qingjiu for a moment, and said coldly: "I hope so."

Lu Qingjiu didn't want to talk to him more, so he called Yin Xun and left. Pang Ziqi didn't keep them either, but the unkind eyes never looked away, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yin Xun was very upset when he heard what Pang Ziqi said, and mumbled whether Pang Ziqi could speak, what kind of beast is not a beast, he is just a poor, weak and poor mountain god...

Lu Qingjiu said helplessly: "You never thought about it, isn't you the fierce beast Pang Ziqi said?"

Yin Xun reacted: "That's... Wait, he's talking about Baiyue Fox?"

Lu Qingjiu: "It's possible." Baiyue Fox is more suitable for the word fierce beast than Yin Xun.

Yin Xun sighed, "No matter what, I hate such people."

Lu Qingjiu didn't say a word, and the two of them walked from the teahouse to the door of the bun shop, asked the boss to pack the buns they bought, and glanced in the direction of the teahouse.

After they left, Pang Ziqi and Hu Shu sat where they just sat, and the two seemed to be arguing fiercely. Although it was a little far apart, Lu Qingjiu still saw Hu Shu emotionally pat the table while Pang Ziqi was facing him **** for tat.

Lu Qingjiu looked at it for a while, but felt something was wrong.

Yin Xun is a non-human being, and he is more sensitive to these things. He wondered: "Hey, it's strange, who is the person next to Pang Ziqi?"

"What?" Lu Qingjiu said, "You mean Hu Shu?"

"No, it's not Hu Shu." Yin Xun said, "Look at the one standing behind him..."

Lu Qingjiu took a closer look and found that a man was really standing not far behind Pang Ziqi. The man was a woman with long hair, wearing a turquoise skirt and holding a brown umbrella in her hand. The umbrella was big and deep. It just covered her face.

At first glance, the woman seems to have nothing to do with Pang Ziqi, but as long as you look closely, you will find that she seems to be standing behind Pang Ziqi on purpose.

"This is...what?" Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised. This thing shouldn't belong to human beings. Even if it hadn't been for Yin Xun to say just now, he would not have noticed someone standing behind Pang Ziqi.

"I don't know." Yin Xun took a look, "It doesn't look like a good thing..." There was an unknown aura on this thing, which made people reluctant to approach it.

Lu Qingjiu said: "...he didn't find it?"

Yin Xun said, "It doesn't seem to be."

It was probably because the eyes of the two were too obvious, and Pang Ziqi also felt their gaze. After he got up, he glanced at the direction of the bun shop with a bad eye, and then got up and left. When he walked forward, he stood behind him. The woman holding the umbrella also moved forward with his steps. She seemed to have no feet, walking on the ground, as if floating in the air. Pang Ziqi is fast, she is fast, Pang Ziqi is slow, she is slow.

Lu Qingjiu looked a little creepy.

After Hu Shu sent Pang Ziqi away, he walked over with a sigh and again apologized to Lu Qingjiu. He explained that Pang Ziqi was sent from above to do errands and would only stay here for a while, because of the special department, so it was exceptional Arrogance, in fact, people are not particularly bad...

He was talking, but found that Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun were both wandering, and said, "What are you two looking at?"

Yin Xun pulled Hu Shu over and pointed at Pang Ziqi, who was about to go away: "Did you see anything?"

"What?" Hu Shu was confused.

"It's... strange people or something." Yin Xun asked.

"Strange person?" Hu Shu said, "I think there is no stranger in this town than Pang Ziqi."

If he said that, he would definitely not see the woman in Tsing Yi who was following Pang Ziqi. Lu Qingjiu said euphemistically: "Then talk to Pang Ziqi when you go back. I feel that something is following him behind him." I didn't dare to say too clearly.

"All right, but his department does this." Hu Shu waved his hand, "Don't worry too much."

After Lu Qingjiu inquired carefully, he realized that it turned out that something happened and that a special department was sent over. Of course, because of the need to keep it confidential, Hu Shu didn't tell them exactly what happened.

The three chatted for a while, and the buns were packed. Hu Shu helped them lift the buns to the car. He wondered what they were doing with so many buns. This was considered a family of three and would not have to eat for a few weeks.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and didn't say a word. God knows that this steamed bun is the amount of a meal of the white moon fox.

After returning home, Lu Qingjiu reheated the steamed buns, cut pickles and porridge, and the three of them ate them. The taste of this steamed bun has not changed at all. It is still thin and thick. It is full of rich gravy after a bite, and the firm meat is still elastic. Even Lu Qingjiu can take one bite.

While eating, Lu Qingjiu talked about what happened in the town today. He skipped some details, mainly talking about the woman following Pang Ziqi. He and Yin Xun were a little curious about what it was.

After hearing this, the white moon fox said that human beings are really brave.

"What do you mean? Courageous?" Lu Qingjiu didn't understand.

Bai Yuehu said: "Well, he touched something he shouldn't touch."

"What shouldn't be touched?" Yin Xun said, "is it a curse?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I don't know about this, but he must know it very well himself." He obviously lacked interest in Pang Ziqi's life and death.

Seeing Bai Yuehu's reaction, Lu Qingjiu knew one important point...that must be unpalatable, otherwise Bai Yuehu's attitude would not be so cold.

"It's really scary to be followed by such a thing." Yin Xunxin had a lingering fear, "and he still doesn't seem to see it..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Yes."

Although they were curious about this matter, they didn't take it to heart, so it passed.

The amount of rain this year is relatively small, and the sunshine is abundant, and the fruits grow well. Yin Xun, who knows the mountain well, said that there is a wild bayberry forest in the mountain. During this time, the bayberry is almost ripe. Greet Lu Sake to go up the mountain to pick some and eat with him.

The fruiting period of bayberry is very short, about a dozen days, and the flesh has no outer skin to protect it, and it is easy to be pecked by insects and birds, so wild bayberry is very rare. Yin Xun saved this piece of bayberry specially.

Lu Qingjiu carried a basket on his back with Yin Xun and went up the mountain. After walking through the dense jungle, he saw the Yangmeilin in Yin Xun's mouth.

The bayberry tree is not very high, and there are fiery red bayberry hanging on the emerald green branches. Some of them are well-ripe and turn into a beautiful purple red. Lu Qingjiu picked one and chewed it in his mouth and exclaimed:" So sweet."

"Yes, it's sweet." Yin Xun said, "These trees are the fruits of my careful care every year..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Have you finished eating so much?"

Yin Xun said: "If you can't finish eating, bring down the mountain to sell money, and buy some meat with the remaining money..."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Why does it sound so miserable.

The two of them ate and picked them. After plucking a full basket, they were almost full. Yangmei is not the same as other fruits. It tastes sweet, but if you eat too much, you will feel sour. Lu Qingjiu is fine, Yin After eating a full belly, my teeth were soft and I didn't even eat dinner.

Lu Qingjiu looked really funny.

Bai Yuehu also liked bayberry. After Lu Qingjiu washed the bayberry, he brought it to a large basin and put it in front of him to let him eat. Yin Xun watched groaningly next to him. He hadn't eaten enough yet, but his teeth were running out. Facing Yin Xun's gaze, Bai Yuehu ate very calmly, not even giving Yin Xun an extra look.

Most of the dozens of kilograms of bayberry picked off at the end went into the belly of Baiyue Fox, and Lu Qingjiu gave some to Li Xiaoyu's house next door, and the rest was made bayberry sauce.

Bayberry is very suitable for making sauce. The method is similar to that of cherries. Because of its own moisture and sweetness, the sour taste is removed from the canned food, leaving only the sweetness. It is used for soaking in water in summer and adding ice cubes to it, which is better than sour plum soup. Delicious. Most of this summer was over, and seeing that it was about to fall, Lu Qingjiu planned to go to town to buy some seeds for autumn.

Originally, farming is very seasonal, and many crops need to be planted in advance, but because the white moon fox takes over the farming, Lu Qingjiu saves a lot of heart, as long as the white moon fox is provided with seeds, after a while You can get the corresponding crops. Sometimes Lu Qingjiu passed by the village entrance and met her aunt and talked a few words, and she could hear her praise Baiyue Fox for being a good farmer, and said that although this young man is handsome, he is very agile in doing things. Has Yuehu planted for many years, otherwise, why is his farming so skillful? Others use cows, so he drags it and finishes the farm...

Lu Qingjiu listened to her aunt's words, and thought that all the foxes in other people's homes were Yan/Yu, and his foxes were different from other coquettish bastards. All his strength was put in the field. So after returning home, I felt pity, and stewed a big pot of beef at night.

Yin Xun still asked blankly if there was anything good at home, but saw Lu Qingjiu look at him and Bai Yuehu with loving eyes, and then put a chopsticks beef for them, let them eat more.

Yin Xun: "..." What happened?

After Lu Qingjiu finished his meal, he asked Yin Xun to wash the bowls, saying he was going to town, buy some seeds and some spices along the way. He prepared to bite chicken paws and beef as snacks at night, but the bittern at home was almost the same. Up.

"Go go." Yin Xun said, "Come back early."

Lu Qingjiu nodded. He carried his backpack and walked to the side of the small truck, opened the hood of the small truck and stuffed it with a handful of marshmallows, then patted the head of the small truck and said, "Thank you, I have to go to town again."

The small truck made two happy bangs, and this time it ran faster when it came down the mountain.

Lu Qingjiu set off at noon. He planned to go back directly after buying the seeds and spices. It's better to go early so that you can eat the braised chicken feet at night.

Lu Qingjiu stopped the car and went to the seed shop to buy some seeds for autumn. Just as he settled the bill with the boss at the door after he chose the seeds, Yu Guang noticed a familiar figure walking across the street.

Lu Qingjiu turned his head and saw that he saw Pang Ziqi who was not very good to them before. When he saw Pang Ziqi's appearance clearly, his eyes widened instantly, and there was a look of horror in his pupils.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Lu Qingjiu's expression on the seed shop's face was wrong, the seed shop owner asked with some doubts.

"...No, nothing." Lu Qingjiu shook his head.

"Do you know this new policeman?" The seed shop owner thought it was Lu Qingjiu and Pang Ziqi during the festival. He said, "He has a bad temper, but he works fine. I heard it was adjusted from above. He is here. Soon..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Oh..." He responded vaguely, but the panic in his eyes did not diminish.

Although Pang Ziqi still looks like the one I have seen some time ago, the woman behind him has changed. The woman holding the umbrella is already standing behind Pang Ziqi, her head resting on Pang Ziqi’s shoulders, the umbrella in her hand It also covered the heads of the two. This time, Lu Qingjiu saw the woman’s face clearly. It was not a human face at all. His eyes had no pupils but white eyes. On his left and right ears were two small snakes with letters, one red and one green. With black eyes, she was staring at Pang Ziqi with a vicious look.

Lu Qingjiu's scalp was numb, and when he was about to withdraw his gaze, he found that the woman did not know when he noticed him. She tilted her head to this side and looked over.

Lu Qingjiu was stared at by her white eyes, and his back immediately cooled. He pretended not to see the woman and inadvertently withdrew his gaze. However, the vicious gaze did not disappear until Pang Ziqi was patrolling the street. Disappeared on the corner of the street.

What the **** is that? What did Pang Ziqi provoked? Lu Qingjiu thought with lingering fears, that thing looked very uncomfortable. If Baiyue Fox was right, Pang Ziqi might be out of luck...

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