MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 115 Rebirth

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When the beast rushed forward, Yin Xun thought he would die. The folding knife in his hand couldn't even break the body of the beast, but he still mustered the last courage and hugged the front of the beast. Claw, so that it can't bypass itself to chase Lu Sake.

The fierce beast naturally didn't have any pity for the little worm that blocked it, and opened its mouth to bite Yin Xun. Yin Xun closed his eyes in horror, and immediately felt that his head and body were separated. The only thing to be thankful for was that Yin Xun's pain was not obvious, and even if his head was bitten, he could use the power of the mountain **** to see The surrounding situation.

He might be dying, Yin Xun thought silently in his heart when he was lying on the ground and was bitten for the second time. Ordinary people are usually afraid and angry in the face of death, but what is strange is that his mood at this time is extremely calm, calm and even distracted to think, has Lu Qingjiu climbed to the top of the mountain to see the white moon fox, has he completed his last Wish.

The beast lowered his head and took another bite. Yin Xun trembled all over, feeling that his body seemed to have only two legs left. Although he could be reborn, he never tried to feel completely eaten, neither I know if I can recover my body as before after being completely eaten.

But at this moment, the beast in front of Yin Xun was snarling Bai Sensen's teeth, but the action of bowing his head and biting suddenly stopped. Yin Xun was inexplicably worried when he saw it. He was wondering if this beast was tired of it. For your own taste, what new tricks do you want to make? I saw the fierce beast slowly stepped back and left his body.

Then, some subtle expressions appeared on the face of the beast.

At first, Yin Xun thought he was wrong. After all, he was just a beast, so his expression could change? But he soon discovered that he was not mistaken. The appearance of the beast became a little distorted. It roared low and scratched the ground with its front paws, which seemed to be uncomfortable.

The next moment, the beast turned around and plunged into the jungle beside the road, leaving Yin Xun behind.

Yin Xun was overjoyed when he saw this, and then he was a little surprised, wondering if it was this beast that was so compassionate that he suddenly felt compassion for himself? In the end, he heard the subtle noise from the woods, which he knew very well. He could hear it every time he ate the food he cooked and grabbed the toilet with Lu Qingjiu.

Yin Xun: "..." He didn't expect that his medicinal effect was so strong, and the beast's body was so large, he couldn't stand it.

It is said that the natural selection of things and the survival of the fittest, Yin Xun has never imagined in his life that his weak **** can actually resist the harm of other species in this way.

The beast pulled its stomach in the woods for a long time. Yin Xun originally wanted to run, but unfortunately he only had two legs left. It was very difficult to stand up, and finally struggled to get up. But seeing that the beast had solved the problem, he walked slowly to Yin Xun.

A drop of tears fell from the corner of Yin Xun's no longer existing eyes, thinking that he should be eaten right away, but who knows, its hideous and terrifying face actually showed disgust at Yin Xun's broken body. Then he turned around without hesitation and left without looking back.

"Wait, wait—" Yin Xun shouted with his own spirit, "Big brother, did you just leave like this?? Don't you finish eating?"

The beast turned his head and said: "Don't eat."

Yin Xun: "Really don't eat it?"

The beast said: "Oh, you have to eat it yourself, don't try to cheat me to eat it again." It has just arrived in the human world, and other worlds say that humans are tender and soft, and are the most delicious food. It sees human nature. I also wanted to taste it, but just took two bites and almost didn’t pull myself to death. In the end, it even thought that its intestines were about to come out. This **** human being wanted to trick itself into continuing to eat. If it continued to eat, it wouldn’t Dying here on the spot, it can be seen that human beings are not good things, nor are they good food! Just thinking of this, his stomach was grunting again, and he was forced to hide in the grass next to him again.

Yin Xun, who was lying on the ground, realized that he was disgusted. The fierce beast in front of him abandoned him mercilessly, leaving only his broken body.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, "everyone dislikes me."

The beast was gone, and Yin Xun was left in the mountains again. He couldn't help but start thinking about it, thinking about it, only to find something strange in the sky. I saw that the originally dark sky was cracked with golden crevices. At the other end of the crevice, there were dazzling red lights. At first glance, the red lights looked like flames, but after careful observation, we found that. It was actually a red candle dragon. Yin Xun immediately became nervous when he saw this, and even forgot the miserable condition of his body at this time. He worked hard for a while before he got up from the ground with difficulty, staggered forward, and wanted to climb to the top of the mountain. See what happened. If someone is on the mountain at this moment, they will definitely be shocked when they see Yin Xun's appearance, because Yin Xun, who has lost his body, has two legs left, and is running uncoordinatedly one after the other. After falling from time to time, it takes a lot of time to get up. This situation looks particularly terrible in the dark.

Yin Xun worked hard for a long time, but only climbed halfway up the mountain, and other changes appeared in the sky again. He heard the stern dragon roar of the dragon clan and saw a white light rising into the dark night sky. The light is like a bright sun, but not as dazzling as the sun, but extremely soft, with a breath of inclusiveness.

Yin Xun looked at the beam of light blankly, not understanding what had happened.

The light gradually rose, reached the dome, and then spread. Wherever the white light went, the golden light began to recede, and the sky returned to its previous appearance.

Yin Xun suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. His premonition had always been unreasonable but exceptionally accurate. He climbed up from the ground with difficulty again and walked towards the top of the mountain. When the white light dissipated, the black night sky appeared above Yin Xun's head again. The night sky was full of stars and there was a bright moon, just like the past. The surroundings are silent, there is no voice, no insects, and no wind.

Yin Xun could only hear his own footsteps, and he began to become a little flustered, and he couldn't help calling Lu Sake's name.

Naturally, no one would respond to him.

I don’t know how long it took, Yin Xun finally reached the top of the mountain, but the scenery on the top of the mountain made him feel terrified. The fog that had enveloped the mountain before dissipated. He stood on the top of the mountain and was able to take advantage of the moonlight The scenery is unobstructed. He saw the abyss, and the peaks in the abyss that had been broken in half.

However, what scared him the most was that there was no trace of Lu Qingjiu on the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was not big and could not hide anyone. There was only one way up and down the mountain. If Lu Qingjiu came back halfway, he would definitely meet him, just from the beginning. By the end, he didn't even see Lu Qingjiu, and his missing.

Yin Xun stood there, suddenly feeling a cold on his cheeks. He stretched out his hand and touched it, only to realize that it was raining, the patter of rain fell, and then the long-lost morning light appeared on the horizon. This is the first spring rain this year, but Lu Qingjiu did not wait.

In the rustling rain, there was a sound of gravel from the edge of the cliff. Yin Xun was overjoyed when he caught the sound and hurriedly ran towards the edge of the cliff, happily calling Lu Sake's name. But when he got to the edge of the cliff, what he saw was not Lu Qingjiu, but the extremely embarrassed Baiyue Fox.

Bai Yuehu was covered in wounds all over his body, and even his eyes were covered with blood. He grabbed the stone wall with his hand and climbed to the top of the mountain little by little. When he had just climbed to the top of the mountain, his expression froze for a few seconds when he saw the two bare thighs on the top of the mountain.

Yin Xun is a little embarrassed, but he can't be blamed. After all, his **** was eaten, and only the knees are left. This can't require him to wear pants. How can he wear pants without an ass?

Bai Yuehu was silent for a long time, and said hoarsely, "Yin Xun?"

Yin Xun bends his knees, indicating that Bai Yuehu is right.

Bai Yuehu: "You speak directly with mental energy, I can hear it."

Yin Xun hurriedly said, "Bai Yuehu, how are you? Did you see Lu Qingjiu? He ran to the top of the mountain to look for you."

Bai Yuehu closed his eyes, his expression showing a deep exhaustion, he said: "I know."

Yin Xun: "What about others?"

Bai Yuehu said: "He shouldn't have come."

Yin Xun's eyes widened slightly. He had a terrible conjecture, but soon he suppressed this conjecture again, because if something happened to Lu Qingjiu, Bai Yuehu would not be so calm.

Sure enough, Bai Yuehu stretched out his hand, his palms were bloody, but in the palm of his hand, the drop-shaped crystal that exuded a faint light attracted all the eyes of Yin Xun.

"The body is gone." Bai Yuehu said, "but fortunately the soul is still there." With a gentle expression, he lowered his head and kissed the thing in his hand.

Yin Xun breathed a sigh of relief. He is non-human, and he also knows that it is not a big deal if the **** is gone, but if the soul dissipates, it will be bad. Since Lu Qingjiu's mental power is still there, it means that there is still a chance of resurrection. Just what happened to make Lu Qingjiu's **** disappear?

Yin Xun didn't ask this question, and Bai Yuehu didn't mean to answer. He seemed to be a little tired. He said that he wanted to rest for a while, so he lay on the ground and fell asleep. The spar representing the soul of Lu Qingjiu, He put it on his chest.

Yin Xun also lay down beside Bai Yuehu, and a patter of rain fell on him. Although he was sleepy, he couldn't sleep, so he quietly felt the surrounding breath. He strangely discovered that the breath of the different world disappeared. Shuifu Village was originally the entrance between the two worlds. He had been able to feel some breath of the different world before, but at this time the boundary became no longer obvious, as if the two worlds were finally The passage was also blocked.

Yin Xun was a little surprised. He couldn't help but think, does this change have anything to do with Lu Qingjiu? But before he could understand it, there was a burst of sleepiness in his heart. He stared at the dark sky above his head and fell asleep deeply.

The white moon fox slept on the top of the mountain for more than a full month before barely regaining his energy, but perhaps because he did not eat food, the wound on his body did not show much improvement. On the day when he left the top of the mountain, the awake Bai Yuehu directly lifted Yin Xun's two legs, and said why you only have legs.

Yin Xun explained what he had encountered at the foot of the mountain. After hearing this, Bai Yuehu fell silent, not knowing whether he should sympathize with Yin Xun or the beast that ate Yin Xun.

The two followed the mountain road and returned home. At this time, the snow and ice in Shuifu Village melted and the prosperous spring came again. The dense grass on both sides of the road was full of bright wild flowers, and Baiyue Fox and Yin Xun arrived home.

I haven't returned for a month, and the house hasn't become messy. Xiaohua Xiaohei took charge of the work of feeding poultry and cleaning, but he did it in an orderly manner. It's just that when they saw the white moon fox coming back with two human legs, they were still frightened. The first reaction was whether the white moon fox had added humans to their recipes.

Bai Yuehu was so tired that he didn't bother to explain to Xiaohua Xiaohei. He dragged a basin out of the bathroom, filled it with water, and put Yin Xun's leg in it. According to Yin Xun's previous recovery speed, he It takes at least three months to become a complete person.

Bai Yuehu slept again, and then went out, taking Lu Qingjiu's soul with him when he went out. Before Yin Xun could ask him where to go, he had completely disappeared.

Yin Xun was left at home, while Xiaohua Xiaohei took on the job of adding water to him every day.

"What the **** is this?" Xiaohua couldn't hear Yin Xun's mental power, and Bai Yuehu didn't explain it to him, so she looked sad on these two legs every day, "This is soaking food. Or what?"

Xiao Hei, who is a younger sister, naturally didn't know, listening to his brother's question, he showed a dazed expression.

Fortunately, Yin Xun’s body grew quite fast. Xiao Hua soon discovered that these two legs were getting longer, and when Yin Xun’s **** grew out, he finally became the one who needed to be harmonized. thing.

"Xiao Hei, I will leave the watering work to me in the future." Xiao Hua taught her sister, "You haven't married yet, so you can't just look at other men's ass."

Xiao Hei nibbled on the corn cobs at home, and didn't understand what his brother was talking about. She was just a piggy, and it was too early for her for any man or woman.

Xiao Hua exchanged water for Yin Xun, while spitting, saying how could Baiyue Fox bring back such an obscene thing.

Yin Xun: "..." What the **** are you watching all day long.

After Bai Yuehu went out, he never came back, and he didn't even see his shadow until Yin Xun's body completely recovered.

After three months of hard work, Yin Xun, who was soaking and peeling in the water, finally grew his own head. Xiao Hua changed Yin Xun into a big bathtub and soaked him in it. She was tapping her toes to Yin Xun. When I added water, I was surprised to see Yin Xun's head stick out of the bathtub.

"Fuck, when did Yin Xun come back?" Because Xiao Hua is a bit shorter than the bathtub, and because of her dislike for her body, she doesn't bother to look at anything except adding water, so although she knows that things are increasing, she doesn't Knowing that it became Yin Xun.

"Isn't I always at home?" Yin Xun reached out and touched his wrinkled skin, all of which were blistered.

Xiao Hua rounded her eyes: "Are you the two legs?"

Yin Xun nodded.

Xiaohua: "...I'm sorry, friend, I didn't mean to dislike you on purpose."

Yin Xun stretched out his hand and touched his head, saying that it didn't matter. I didn't hear you dislike my short legs and white buttocks. There really was nothing at all.

Little Flower: "..."

Under Xiaohua’s awkward eyes, Yin Xun wrapped a bath towel and went out. He had been lying in the bathtub for three months. Naturally, he wanted to know what was happening outside at this time, and he didn’t know where the Baiyue Fox went, Lu Qingjiu’s. How is the situation.

Yin Xun casually found something to eat at home. After filling his stomach, he took out his mobile phone, flipped through the number on it, and called Bai Yuehu. The only thing that made him lost was that Bai Yuehu's cell phone was turned off, and he was obviously unable to contact him. But although Bai Yuehu cannot be contacted, it should be possible to ask other people. Yin Xun thought about it and dialed a number.

"Hello." Shaohao's voice came over the phone.

"Hey, is it Shaohao?" Yin Xun asked, "Do you know what's going on with Bai Yuehu?"

Shaohao said: "Do you want to know?"

Yin Xun hummed.

Shaohao said: "Yes, I'll come to pick you up, let's talk in person."

Yin Xun agreed.

Although Shaohao once wanted to eat him, after this incident, Yin Xun said that he was fearless, so he could eat if he wanted. After three months, he would be a good man again, and the ghost knew that he would eat so much. How long is the belly.

Shaohao's efficiency is very fast. In the afternoon, he drove to pick up Yin Xun. When the two arrived at the restaurant, he first ordered a big meal for Yin Xun and watched him gobble down with a smile: "Are you hungry?" "

Yin Xun said: "Um... a little bit." With no alcohol, Xiao Hua Xiaohei can't get on the stove, so he can only cook the simplest food. He has been eating corn on the cob these days.

Yin Xun asked vaguely as he ate, "What the **** happened to the Baiyue Fox? He never went home."

Shaohao said, "You didn't know that something happened to Lu Qingjiu?"

Yin Xun: "I know."

Shaohao wondered: "Isn't it normal for the White Moon Fox to be abnormal? Don't be too sad. Humans are reincarnated. The White Moon Fox is probably looking for Lu Qingjiu's reincarnation."

Yin Xun was taken aback, and then realized that Shaohao didn't seem to know that Lu Qingjiu's soul was still there, and Bai Yuehu didn't seem to tell anyone other than him about it. He hesitated for a moment, but still didn't take this When the matter was said, he nodded gently, indicating that he knew.

Shaohao continued to talk about other things. For example, Shuifu Village no longer needs to worry about it. The entrance of the two realms is completely closed. This is the last opportunity for the two realms to merge. Obviously, the candle dragons did not seize it. And although there are still some cracks that can allow non-human beings from other worlds to come in, they will not be any powerful monsters.

"Then White Moon Fox can't go back?" Yin Xun suddenly thought of this.

"It's different." Shaohao took a sip of wine and lazily said, "Although there are many candle dragons, the number of Ying dragons is very small, and most people even think that their race is extinct."

Indeed, before seeing Zhuo Run and Bai Yuehu, Yin Xun's memory said that the Yinglong clan was almost extinct.

Yin Xun exchanged a lot of information with Shaohao, and was finally sent home by Shaohao.

"You can leave Shuifu Village now, do you want to go around?" Shaohao asked Yin Xun.

Yin Xun said that he had to think about it.

Shaohao nodded, didn't ask anything more, turned and left.

After Yin Xun returned home, he found out the only bank card he had ever applied for. Lu Qingjiu helped him to do it. He rarely used it on weekdays. Lu Qingjiu seemed to spend money in it every month. I don't know how many...

Yin Xun took the card and went to the town. He awkwardly plugged it into the ATM and entered the password. When he saw the six-digit number on the display, his eyes suddenly became wet. He was depressed in his heart. Emotions all exploded in an instant. He pressed his head against the screen, sobbed lowly, and mumbled Lu Sake's name vaguely, asking him when he would return.

Naturally, no one would answer his question. How much he hoped that someone would stretch out his hand and pat his shoulder gently, then when he turned his head, he saw Lu Qingjiu standing behind him.

Yin Xun cried for a long time, then wiped away his tears and took the card out.

After he got home, he began to prepare his luggage. Xiaohua Xiaohei asked him where he was going. He said that he was going to walk around and see the scenery that he hadn't seen elsewhere.

"Then when are you coming back?" Xiao Hua asked with some worry.

"If Baiyuehu comes back, you will contact me and I will come back soon." Yin Xun touched his head and said, "I don't want to stay here anymore." When he stays here, he thinks of Lu Qingjiu every day. At that time, I would still think of Baiyue Fox. Although I knew that I had been used as a food reserve by Baiyue Fox, it was indeed the best time in Yin Xun's life. He cannot forget, nor does he want to forget.

But as long as he stayed here, he kept thinking about it. The plants, the trees, the bricks and the stones in the courtyard were all telling the beauty at that time, and the desertedness and desolation at this time.

Yin Xun went to the town to buy a phone and a calling card, and left the phone to Xiaohua and Xiaohei, so that if they couldn't handle anything, they would call himself and he would come back as soon as possible.

Seeing that Yin Xun had decided to leave, Xiaohua Xiaohei did not persuade him any more, and promised that if Bai Yuehu came back, he would be notified as soon as possible.

Yin Xun dragged his luggage and got on the train in the town. When the train started, he slowly drove out of the city. After crossing the mountains and forests, he finally saw the scenery outside the world's water house in his life.

The spring was just right there, the neat wheat fields were blown by the breeze, and green ripples appeared, swallows stopped on the wires, and old farmers carrying farm tools walking slowly in the fields.

Yin Xun smelled the fragrance of flowers and heard the gentle wind around his ears. The whole world is gentle, and the warm sunshine on his cheeks makes people drowsy.

Everything is just fine, except for his side, one missing friend named Lu Qingjiu.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how long he is willing to wait, the grass in his soul has been rejuvenated, and the lone grave is full of beautiful flowers. The crow was still standing on the branch, calling Lu Sake's name, but there was no sorrow in his voice, but hope and longing.

Yin Xun couldn't wait. When he wanted to see Lu Qingjiu again, he said that to him. Welcome back. Thinking of this, the sadness on his face was slightly reduced, and finally a faint smile appeared.

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