MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 11 Uphill

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Zhu Miaomiao was happy for a long time because of the thick hair, and finally she didn't have to wear that hat on her head anytime and anywhere. Of course, after being touched, Zhu Miaomiao developed an immense respect for the well in Lu Qingjiu's house, and repeatedly looked for Lu Qingjiu to make sure that a person was really dead in that well, not a god...

Facing Zhu Miaomiao's question, Lu Qingjiu was also a little helpless. He explained what had happened in the well and said that he did not know why the well had such an effect.

"Anyway, my hair has grown up." Zhu Miaomiao said, "Can I bring others here to grow hair..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "It's okay, but it's okay, but you have to make it clear before long. Some people should be afraid, right?"

Zhu Miaomiao: "That's right."

Although it is possible to grow her hair, there are people who have died in the well, and perhaps some people can't accept it, but for her, baldness is much more terrifying than the female ghost in the well.

In order to celebrate the growth of her hair, Zhu Miaomiao also took a few photos and put them in the circle of friends. The comparison picture is the top of her sparse forehead. Most of the comments below are asking how she did it, and there are many consultations. Did Zhu Miaomiao secretly do a hair transplant...

Zhu Miaomiao looked at it beautifully, thinking that in her life she never thought that there would be a day to show her hair. Her vacation was not long, only four days. Since she came to such a remote place, she naturally wanted to see the natural scenery, so she wanted Lu Qingjiu to take her around.

Lu Qingjiu agreed, and led Zhu Miaomiao around the village a few times. Zhu Miaomiao looked at the dense forest near the village and asked, "Can I go up the mountain for fun?"

Lu Qingjiu originally wanted to say yes, but suddenly remembered the puddles he saw when he went up the mountain with Baiyue Fox, hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll ask."

"Ask what?" Zhu Miaomiao asked in confusion.

"Sometimes there are beasts on the mountain," Lu Qingjiu said. "You have to ask if it is safe to go up the mountain."

"All right." Zhu Miaomiao didn't think much.

After that, Lu Qingjiu went home and asked Baiyuehu if he was going up the mountain now. Baiyuehu looked at the weather and said, “It’s fine on a sunny day. It usually doesn’t show up on a sunny day, even if it does. When you see it, don’t come close, just go around."

Only then did Lu Qingjiu feel relieved, and agreed with Zhu Miaomiao to take her to the mountains in the afternoon.

As a guide, Yin Xun was also attracted by Lu Qingjiu.

The weather is good today, with white clouds floating in the blue sky. If you look at it from a high place, you can see the rolling mountains and lush green forests. There are crisp birdsong in the forest, and the low bushes are dotted with various wild flowers. Sometimes you can see unknown wild fruits on the roadside. Some can be eaten, but most of them are sour.

Yin Xun picked two thorny rose fruit for Zhu Miaomiao, wrinkled her face when she saw her sour, and smiled: "This fruit is good for making wine, but it's not delicious."

"Then you give it to me." Zhu Miaomiao's tears almost came down.

"Isn't this the look in your eager eyes?" Yin Xun said, "You didn't hesitate when you put it in your mouth."

Zhu Miaomiao: "...Who told it to look delicious."

Both of them are extroverts, and they quickly become acquainted.

The three of them went deeper and deeper, and the forest became more luxuriant. The tall trees blocked the sun, leaving only mottled shadows on the ground. Seeing that the time was almost up, Lu Qingjiu said, "Let’s go, go home, yesterday I was next door. I bought some cured pork ribs and bacon, and stewed it for you."

Zhu Miaomiao nodded happily.

The three of them began to walk down the mountain, but when they passed through a dense forest, Zhu Miaomiao suddenly stopped. She said, "Hey, did you hear any noise?"

"What sound?" Lu Qingjiu was taken aback.

"It's..." Zhu Miaomiao seemed to be a little scared, whispered, "the cry of a child."

"No." Lu Qingjiu said, "I didn't..." He just wanted to say that he hadn't heard, when he heard a cry of a child from the depths of the jungle, the crying intermittently, as if the child was crying almost exhausted Similar.

"I heard it too." Lu Qingjiu changed his mouth.

"Is it a doll in the village?" Yin Xun frowned when he heard the child's cry.

"Are you lost?" Zhu Miaomiao worried. "Let's go and take a look."

Yin Xun's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just said: "It looks very difficult to walk inside, otherwise I will go and see, you two are waiting here?"

"I'll be with you." Lu Qingjiu said, "Miaomiao, you are waiting here, and Yin Xun and I will go over and take a look."

Zhu Miaomiao touched her arm, feeling a little bit cold all over her body inexplicably, she said: "No, I'm afraid, I don't want to be alone, I want to be with you too."

"Okay." Lu Qingjiu didn't entangle too much, because the cry of the kid in the jungle became weaker and weaker, as if it was about to disappear in the next moment.

The three reached a consensus and began to walk towards the place where the sound was made in the jungle.

Yin Xun's brows kept frowning. Seeing that his expression was wrong, Lu Qingjiu asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Um... the child's voice is a bit strange." Yin Xun replied, "not very much like the children in the village." And the children in the village run on the mountains all day, and they are more familiar than them, and where they need their help.

Lu Qingjiu was about to ask what it was, when he remembered something, his heart tightened slightly.

As the three of them deepened, the cries got closer and closer. Lu Qingjiu kept paying attention to the surrounding grass, but never found the child, until Zhu Miaomiao, who stood behind him, stretched out his hand and pulled at the corner of his clothes. Trembled: "Why... Why doesn't it seem like a child is crying."

Lu Qingjiu looked back and asked.

"There seems to be something in the grass..." Zhu Miaomiao was a little scared, stepped back two steps, and pointed to the grass in front of them.

Yin Xun's gaze fell on the grass. He walked two steps forward, bent down, and touched something out of the grass. Lu Qingjiu was standing next to him, and he could clearly see what Yin Xun was holding... it turned out to be a pair of small red cloth shoes worn by a child. The cloth shoes were dirty and covered with muddy soil and looked very unknown. .

Yin Xun picked up the shoes and his expression changed immediately. Lu Qingjiu quickly asked, "Yin Xun, what's wrong?"

Yin Xun glanced at them and said dumbly: "Do you remember that I told you at the time that a child in our village was drowned in the forest?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "...remember."

"When his body was found, something was missing." Yin Xun smiled bitterly, "missing a pair of red shoes..." Obviously, the shoes he held in his hand belonged to the relics of the drowned child, but he didn't know. Why does it appear in the grass in front of you.

There was a layer of hair on Lu Qingjiu's arm. The most frightening thing was that as soon as Yin Xun picked up the little red shoes, the child's cry stopped.

"Then what to do?" Zhu Miaomiao panicked, she whispered, "Let's go straight away."

"Let's go." Yin Xun said.

However, as soon as they walked two steps forward, the child's voice rang again, but this time the sound was not crying, but giggling, and their scalps were about to explode. The three of them couldn't help it. I speeded up my steps and wanted to leave here as soon as possible. But the original short journey became extremely long at this time. The three of them had traveled through the woods for a long time without reaching the path they had come before, and the surrounding environment became increasingly unfamiliar.

"I'm so scared." Zhu Miaomiao whispered beside Lu Qingjiu, "Are we lost?"

"It seems to be." Lu Qingjiu smiled bitterly.

Yin Xun remained silent by the side, and only then said in a low voice, "Should we throw away the kids' shoes?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"There is a custom in the village." Yin Xun said, "It is said that the clothes worn by the deceased when they die can not be taken with them, otherwise he will be worried and cannot go to reincarnation." He raised the little red shoes in Yang's hand. Said, "Is it because of this thing that we can't leave here?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Then throw it away."

In fact, he didn't know anything about these things. Although occasionally something strange happened, as long as he pretended not to see it, he passed by. It was not until he arrived in this village that he really had contact with these things.

Yin Xun nodded and carefully put his shoes in the grass beside him, but as soon as he let go of his hand, they heard the cry of the child again. The cry was stern and desperate, and Yin Xun was frightened and staggered.

" seems to be raining." Zhu Miaomiao said, "How long have we been on the mountain?"

At some point, the sky was completely dark, thick dark clouds floated in the sky, and the forest was quiet and strange, they could even hear the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves.

"It's eight o'clock in the evening." Lu Qingjiu looked at his mobile phone. There was no signal on the mobile phone, which meant that they had been lost here for two hours, but they could not find the right way to leave. Jungle.

"No, we have to go faster." Yin Xun's face also looked ugly. "If it's really dark and it rains, it will be really troublesome."

As for why it was troublesome, he didn't mention a word.

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