MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 100 Little accident

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Just because of the generosity of the lady ghost, two savages suddenly appeared in the family. Not only Lu Qingjiu, but Yin Xun, who stood beside him without saying anything, was not spared. Before the white moon fox went home, it took the two of them a long time to clean up the other hair, leaving behind the frizzy black hair like primitive people.

During lunch, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun were a little restless, as if there was a needle stick under their buttocks, Bai Yuehu asked, "Why didn't you cut your hair too?"

"It seems a pity to cut it so long," Lu Qingjiu said, "It happens to be a trip to town in the afternoon. I think I can just sell it to the barber shop."

Baiyue Fox frowned slightly when he heard this: "Sell it to the barber shop? What sell it to the barber shop?

Lu Qingjiu then remembered that Baiyue Fox didn’t know that hair could also be sold for money, so he explained it to Baiyue Fox. When it comes to knee hair, it can be sold for at least several hundred yuan. If the hair quality is particularly good, it can even be sold Thousands. After he finished speaking, Baiyue Fox's expression became very subtle, with disappointment in surprise, and regret in the loss. It took a while before he came: "Can you still sell your hair?"

Lu Qingjiu then remembered that Baiyue Fox seemed to have cut his long hair many times, and every time he became a real body, his hair would grow longer. Before, he was afraid that cutting hair too frequently would cause the barber shop to doubt it, so he didn't agree with him. Yuehu said this, and now Baiyuehu suddenly knew it. It is estimated that this poor fake fox in his family was fluctuating in his heart, and even suspected that he had missed 100 million.

"It turns out that hair can be sold for money." Bai Yuehu said, "I didn't know it before."

Lu Qingjiu quickly comforted Bai Yuehu, saying that he can't sell it often, otherwise the barber shop will find that the same person who sells hair will definitely doubt it. Bai Yuehu hummed casually. It was obvious that he didn't listen to Lu Qingjiu's words. All his attention was focused on the keyword of a few hundred yuan. Lu Qingjiu was a little helpless when he saw this, so he could only think about adding some pocket money to Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu next month. It seems that the current pocket money cannot meet the growing material and cultural needs of family members...

In the afternoon, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun went to town quietly, carefully found a barbershop they had never been to, and sold their savage-like long hair.

Although the hair quality was average, it was long enough. The owner of the barbershop gave them two people five hundred each. When the money was given, Bai Yuehu was also there. Lu Qingjiu clearly saw that his eyes were almost sticking to the money. , There was a little bit of grievance in his expression, apparently thinking of the hair he had cut before. Ah, what a fortune was that, I actually lost it like this, Bai Yuehu thought lonely.

After spending some time changing to a refreshing hairstyle, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly invited Bai Yuehu to eat a sumptuous meal with the money he bought from selling the hair, so as to comfort Bai Yuehu.

It was the first time that Bai Yuehu ate that he didn't know the taste. Lu Qingjiu repeatedly promised that he would take him to sell his hair until the next time that Bai Yuehu transformed himself, and he barely showed a smile.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Oh, add pocket money, and I will add it tomorrow! The children at home are really rich, look at how the children are held...

Although the head has been replaced with refreshing short hair, other parts need to recover for some time. This summer’s hot weather, the hair on the soft parts turned into short stubbles. It was horribly itchy. The worst part was that many parts were still key parts and I was not too embarrassed to scratch them. I could only endure waiting until the evening bath. time.

Lu Qingjiu was so tortured that he was confused, thinking that next time he should stay away from the female ghost lady, he really couldn't bear the tossing.

The weather in July is getting hotter and hotter. In order to cool down Lu Sake, who cannot use the air conditioner, the lower body of the white moon fox turned back to its original shape. Of course, it was not the fox's prototype but the dragon. The black scales were cold and cold, and they were very antipyretic when wrapped around him. Lu Qingjiu couldn't wait to stick his whole body on him. However, Yin Xun was a little scared of this white moon fox. He almost always walked around when he saw him. He was forced to face the white moon fox only when he was eating.

Lu Qingjiu felt that the tail of the white moon fox was actually very beautiful. Each of the black scales reflected a cool light. When you reach out to touch it, you will feel a hard texture and smooth touch. The scales on the abdomen are more dense and soft, with A little body temperature, the hand feels very good, Lu Qingjiu is simply touching it. It's just that Bai Yuehu's expression was a little unspeakable every time he touched it. At first, he asked what was going on. Later, when he saw that Bai Yuehu didn't say anything, he didn't ask at all, just touch it cheeky.

The weather is hot, Lu Qingjiu's appetite is also declining, especially after cooking for a few hours in the hot kitchen, he doesn't want to eat anything. But in order not to worry Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, he would still stuff himself with anything, pretending to eat deliciously.

However, his appearance also deceived Yin Xun, who was stupid and believed in everything, and was still spotted by Baiyue Fox. Therefore, Baiyue Fox has been bringing all kinds of weird foods to his family during this period, including birds and animals. The only thing in common is that it tastes good and it is very appetizing.

Today, the white moon fox brought back a big fish with six bodies. The fish was still alive when it was brought back, and it flopped in the tank.

Yin Xun stretched out his hand and poked, and said, "This fish actually has six bodies, isn't it that there are six fish belly..."

Lu Qingjiu took the fan and slowly shook it next to him: "How do you want to eat it? Braised or sweet and sour, or steamed?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's up to you to make it easier."

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while: "With so much meat, let's make a full fish feast."

One part is braised in brown sauce, one part is steamed, one part is sweet and sour, and the rest is made into fish **** and cooked in soup. That’s it for lunch.

The meat of this fish is very good, there is no fishy smell or small thorns. When Lu Qingjiu made the fish, he casually talked to Yin Xun about a special product fair in the city after tomorrow, and asked him if he wanted to go together.

"What is the Specialty Expo?" Yin Xun was slicing the fish into a puree shape. After a while, add some starch to wrap it into fish balls.

"It's a special product from all over the world." Lu Qingjiu said, "You can go and see what you haven't eaten before, buy some and eat it back then.

"All right." Yin Xun said, "I haven't been there yet."

Bai Yuehu must have followed. Since the last time that Wang Rumeng happened, every time Lu Qingjiu went to the city, Bai Yuehu had to follow Lu Qingjiu, just because he was afraid of another accident.

The specialty exposition is actually quite interesting. The city will hold several times a year, but the types of specialty products in each exhibition are different. Most of them are crops, and occasionally snacks and dry goods.

Shaohao mentioned this exposition casually, but Lu Qingjiu became obsessed after hearing it, and planned to take two of his family who rarely participated in such activities to join in the fun.

The food at this expo is a variety of foods, raw and cooked. Manufacturers from all over the world put out their goods after applying for booths in huge restaurants. Lu Qingjiu smelled a strong smell as soon as they entered. aroma. The aroma is not the same kind of food, but the taste of various foods mixed together. It smells very attractive, even Lu Qingjiu is a bit greedy, not to mention Baiyue Fox and Yin Xun.

Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun had never been to a place like this before. As soon as they came in from the door, their eyes turned into stars, and their shining looks were so cute. Needless to say, Yin Xun had two lovely tiger teeth on his lips. Although the white moon fox has no expression on his face, Lu Qingjiu can guarantee that if his tail is exposed, he must be shaking happily. And-although it is a dragon tail.

Lu Qingjiu generously took out several hundred yuan and put them in the hands of the two of them, saying that the whole exhibition should be free to play. If it is not enough, he will ask him for it. He will sit at the door. Both Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun hesitated, and finally went in at the urging of Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu bought a bag of small twists at the door, and sat in the rest seat at the door while eating while playing with his mobile phone. His interest in food was not as great as Baiyuehu and Yinxun, and he couldn't eat much, so he just went Wait at the door and forget it.

The taste of this small twist is very good, the sweetness is moderate, and it is crispy and crunchy. Lu Qingjiu thinks that if he has time, he will go back and make some, and there are other snacks that he can try.

He was thinking about it, but he heard loud voices and horrified calls coming from outside. It seemed that someone had seen some terrible scene. Lu Qingjiu got up suspiciously. As soon as he walked out, he saw the billowing smoke and flames not far away.

"It's on fire!! Call the police soon!!"

"How come it caught fire suddenly—what is that place—"

People were discussing intensely, and more and more people gathered at the door. Lu Qingjiu looked towards the place, but was stunned to find that the fire was actually the Yinjian Building he had visited before. The dazzling fire burst out from the position near the top of the building, and the flames were accompanied by a heavy burnt smell. Smoky.

Lu Qingjiu felt his arm grabbed by a hand. He turned his head and saw the white moon fox with a solemn expression.

"Is the Yinjian Building on fire?" Lu Qingjiu said, "What happened to Zhurong and the others?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I don't know." He paused for a moment, "But I feel the breath of the candle dragon."

"Candle Dragon?!" Lu Qingjiu was startled, "he set this fire?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I don't know, but it should be related to him."

"Zhu Rong, they will be fine..." Lu Qingjiu was a little worried.

Bai Yuehu said: "Let's go and take a look."

Lu Qingjiu nodded.

The fire was very large and spread very quickly, and because the fire was on a high level, even if the fire truck came, it might not be able to do anything. For this kind of high-rise fire, you can only evacuate the crowd and wait for the high-rise fire to almost extinguish itself, and there is very little that can be done.

Lu Qingjiu and the three of them rushed to Yinjianlou's position against the flow of people.

Lu Qingjiu originally thought that this building would burn for a long time, but he didn't expect that when they got there, the originally big fire would have been extinguished, at least no trace of the open flame could be seen from outside.

"Exit?" Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised.

Bai Yuehu's expression was very serious. He said, "You and Yin Xun are waiting outside, I'll go in and take a look."

Lu Qingjiu nodded, letting Baiyuehu pay attention to safety.

Probably because they were afraid of the spread of the fire, there were no people around at this moment. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun hid in the corner, watching the billowing smoke continuously rising from the burning building.

"Who did you say that set the fire?" Yin Xun whispered, "Is it the candle dragon?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "I don't know...but it should have something to do with them."

Yin Xun seemed a little uneasy. He said, "What are they doing in the human world? Could it be..." He suddenly stopped talking, lowered his head blankly, and saw that the position of his chest actually stretched out. The sharp knife, the sharp blade directly penetrated his chest.

"Yin Xun!!!" Lu Qingjiu cried out in horror.

"Run..." Yin Xun spit out two words difficultly, and fell to the ground weakly. Lu Qingjiu saw the person standing behind Yin Xun. He was a beautiful-looking young man, but he was different from ordinary people. His eyes were a flaming red and his face was cruelly smiled: "Ah, you are Lu Qing bar?"

Lu Qingjiu turned around and ran.

The young man took the knife and was about to chase him immediately, but in the tall building next to him, a figure threw out the young man directly to the ground, but it was the white moon fox who entered the tall building to check. The young man's body didn't seem to have a fixed shape, and when Baiyue Fox swooped at it, it dissipated like smoke.

Upon seeing this, Lu Qingjiu quickly stepped forward to help Yin Xun and said, "Yin Xun, Yin Xun, are you okay?!"

He stretched out his hand and probed Yin Xun's nose, only to find that there was no breath there. Lu Qingjiu was immediately frightened: "Yuehu, Yuehu, it's not good, Yin Xun is out of breath--"

Bai Yuehu's face remained calm, and he walked slowly to the side of Yin Xun. After briefly checking Yin Xun's condition, he said, "It's okay. Go back and get the blisters and use it again."

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's just a mechanism of suspended animation."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

After Baiyuehu’s explanation, Lu Qingjiu finally accepted the fact that Yin Xun was fine. Baiyuehu said that creatures like mountain gods have no ability and are very fragile, so they have evolved a lot of defense mechanisms, such as what they eat will make you. People who eat have diarrhea, such as passive defense mechanisms such as feign death when they are injured, make the carnivores who salivate them lose interest. After all, most carnivores only eat living things.

Lu Qingjiu was in a mixed mood. He was happy that Yin Xun was okay, and at the same time he was thinking about how many tragic past events they had experienced before they could evolve such an ability...

"Where is the candle dragon, did you run away?" Lu Qingjiu lifted Yin Xun from the ground and asked Bai Yuehu what he was worried about, "And Zhu Rong and the others..."

Baiyue Fox frowned and said, "I suspect that their goal is not Yinjianlou."

"Not Yinjianlou?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Where is that?"

Bai Yuehu shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know it at the moment, but since the candle dragon’s goal was not Yin Jianlou, Zhu Rong and the group of little monsters shouldn’t be in any danger, and according to Bai Yuehu’s statement, the fire had already gone out. Going up to make sure there were few casualties. Lu Qingjiu was relieved and planned to carry Yin Xun on his back.

Seeing this, Bai Yuehu stopped Lu Qingjiu's movements, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he lifted Yin Xun up like a sack, and said, "Go, go home."

"Yeah." Lu Qingjiu didn't have the mind to continue shopping.

The three found the small truck and went home in the truck. Lu Qingjiu was thinking about Zhulong on the way. He didn't understand what Zhulong wanted to do. He set a fire in Yinjian Building. , Is it just to provoke Zhu Rong? But now thinking about it carefully, Zhu Rong is not only the **** of Lord Xia, but also the **** of fire. Flame is not a terrible thing to him...

"Have you been scared?" Bai Yuehu seemed a little worried when he saw Lu Qingjiu not speaking.

When Lu Qingjiu heard the words, he shook his head and signaled that he was okay: "No."

Bai Yuehu said, "I shouldn't have left you."

Lu Qingjiu looked helpless: "How can you be blamed for this? Can you stay by my side 24 hours a day? Besides, I am also an adult. I should always be responsible to myself for certain things." He and Bai Although Yuehu is a lover, they are also two independent individuals. Even if Bai Yuehu protects him tightly, there will be some omissions. But even if it was an omission, it was not Bai Yuehu's fault, he should be responsible for himself.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." Lu Qingjiu continued to comfort him.

Bai Yuehu stopped speaking, and his lips formed a tight arc.

After finally arriving home in the tormented atmosphere, Lu Qingjiu quickly put Yin Xun in the water as Bai Yuehu said.

"How long does it take to soak?" Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun a little worried.

"At least half a day." Bai Yuehu replied.

Lu Qingjiu said, planning to go to the kitchen to cook, but saw that Baiyue Fox was not as enthusiastic about food as usual, but was sitting in the courtyard thinking gloomily.

Lu Qingjiu understood what Bai Yuehu was thinking in almost a moment. Obviously Bai Yuehu was still sulking about leaving him just now. Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, didn't go to coax, turned around and went into the house.

The noise of cicadas became particularly harsh at this time. Bai Yuehu was sitting in the yard with his eyes half drooping, and low air pressure was exuding all over his body. If Yin Xun was still there, he would definitely walk around him.

Lu Qingjiu came into the house for about half an hour before coming out of it. When he came out, he had a bowl of red and gorgeous smoothie. The smoothie was topped with strawberry juice and hawthorn sauce, and watermelon grapes were placed on it. The fruit looks very attractive.

He walked in front of Baiyue Fox, put down the smoothie and spoon, and said, "Eat it."

The White Moon Fox did not move.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "Do you want me to feed you?"

Bai Yuehu mumbled dullly, Lu Qingjiu raised his hand to scoop a spoonful of smoothie to deliver it to his mouth. Baiyuehu directly reached out and grabbed Lu Qingjiu's arm, frowning: "You can't eat ice."

Lu Qingjiu: "I'm not...well!"

It was a kiss that was not too gentle, with a little anxiety of fear of losing. It was not until Lu Qingjiu responded that Bai Yuehu's movements softened.

When the kiss ended, Lu Qingjiu's breath was a little messy, and he said, "I really don't blame you."

Bai Yuehu said: "But I blame myself."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay, you are not allowed to say that. You won't be angry after eating the smoothie, be good." He put the smoothie into the mouth of the white moon fox with a spoon.

Baiyue Fox held the spoon and said vaguely: "I don't want to eat smoothie."

"What do you want to eat?" Lu Qingjiu asked

"I want to eat you." Baiyue Fox held Lu Qingjiu's finger.

Lu Qingjiu curled up the corners of his mouth, leaned to Baiyue Fox's ear, and said hello softly.

When Yin Xun came out of the basin, it was already dark, and the big hole in his chest had completely healed, and he could no longer feel any strangeness. In fact, when the knife stabbed in, he didn't hurt at all. The last thought was to make Lu Qingjiu run away. After all, he could be reborn, but Lu Qingjiu couldn't.

Now that he returned home safely, it meant that Lu Qingjiu was fine, and Yin Xun was relieved. He slowly crawled out of the water basin, found the clothes next to him, and put them on. He touched his hungry stomach and planned to enter the house to find something to eat, but he just walked to the door when he heard the house. There was a blushing and heart-beating sound. The sound belonged to Lu Qingjiu. Yin Xun's entire face burned when he heard it, and he quickly turned and went home.

This village is just his mother's three humanoid creatures who can breathe, and now the other two humanoid creatures are improvised together, and Yin Xun is left alone...I don't even have a place to get together. But having said that, the female ghost lady in the backyard is pretty, and she is not married, so she doesn't know if she has a chance.

Yin Xun, who was stimulated by Lu Qingjiu, suddenly had an immature idea...

The next day, Yin Xun went to Lu Qingjiu’s house to eat food as usual, but when he went this time, he held a bunch of beautiful wild flowers in his hand. Lu Qingjiu asked Yin Xun suspiciously when he saw the flower in Yin Xun’s hand. For whom, there are only two pigs and one fox left in the family. Could Yin Xun have any interest in small animals?

For this reason, Xiaohua cast a vigilant look at Yin Xun.

Yin Xun quickly explained, saying that he didn't have such a strong taste, and he would never be hungry enough to attack small animals. Lu Qingjiu said, "Then whom do you give the flowers to?"

Yin Xun said, "Fu Ziying is really a good name."

Lu Qingjiu was drinking soy milk, and almost choked himself to death, his coughing face turned red: "You don't even let go of the dead!"

Yin Xun was justified and confident: "Am I also a dead ghost?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." It seems quite reasonable.

Yin Xun: "Everyone is a dead ghost, so we must not dislike each other."

Lu Qingjiu was lost in thought.

Yin Xun said, "You cook first, I'll go to the backyard to see her."

Lu Qingjiu wanted to say something, but saw that Yin Xun had already rushed to the backyard happily. Looking at Yin Xun's cheerful back, Lu Qingjiu couldn't bear to remind Yin Xun that he had forgotten those days of time. At that time, Yin Xun was crying worse than him.

Forget it, it's normal for children to want to fall in love when they grow up. Lu Qingjiu comforts himself this way.

After half an hour, Yin Xun appeared in the kitchen crying, Lu Qingjiu was stunned by his appearance: "Yin Xun, what are your eyes!!" A string of black hung on Yin Xun's eyes. Long object.

Yin Xun cried and said, "No, I don't care if I talk about leg hair. Why are my eyelashes hair?"

Lu Qingjiu: "...Puff!!"

Yin Xun: "I can't see anything!!!"

Lu Qingjiu laughed loudly, and almost didn't laugh at him directly. Yin Xun cried and said that it seemed that this female ghost lady was blessed by herself.

Lu Qingjiu wiped his tears, patted Yin Xun on the shoulder, and said that it was okay.

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