MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 659 Desolate endless sea!

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The scene in front of him was extremely terrifying.

Jiang Dao's body was motionless, his body condensed, like the ancient holy mountain, his eyes were cold and indifferent, and he forcibly endured the gigantic figure. Not only did he have nothing, but even the powerful flesh shook the huge figure's hands to collapse. , burst again.

The huge figure was terrified, as if he couldn't believe it at all.

He had never seen such a body before!

Could this man's fleshly body have taken the final step?


One of Jiang Dao's palms was raised, and suddenly swelled rapidly, his muscles twitched, and his veins burst out, as if he had turned into a dustpan, he slammed his palm directly on the shoulder of this huge figure.

An unimaginable terrifying giant force penetrated from the shoulder of this figure in an instant. The force was terrifying, and it exploded all the way along the opponent's shoulder, making a bang, and it directly affected every corner of the opponent's body.



The huge figure screamed, blood sprayed all over his body, and his body was destroyed from the inside out. The huge body fell from the sky and fell to the ground.


His body hit the ground heavily, and the whole ground shook violently. Pieces of terrifying gravel were shaken up into the sky, making a clattering sound.

The other party's complexion was extremely painful, and he was lying on the ground, struggling to recover from his injuries.

"Who the **** are you?"

The giant figure had a difficult tone.

Venerable Void on one side was shocked and looked at Jiang Dao again in amazement.

The Holy Body of the Emperor is indeed terrifying!

It is indeed the most powerful fighting body among human beings.

Even the pinnacle of God Emperor is like a bubble in front of him, vulnerable to a single blow.

"The dead don't need to know so much."

Jiang Dao's eyes were indifferent, staring at the huge figure.


The gigantic figure was horrified, and hurriedly flipped up from the ground regardless of everything. With a sudden rush, he was about to rush towards the huge vortex, but just as he rushed out, Jiang Dao's feet had already kicked out like lightning. !


This kick directly slammed into the waist and abdomen of the huge figure, and the terrifying force erupted, almost kicking his body off the waist, causing his body to splatter with blood.

The spine bones are making a crackling sound, and they are bursting.


The huge figure screamed in pain, and instantly bent into the shape of shrimp, and before he could react, Jiang Dao had already grabbed his huge neck, like grabbing a scarecrow, and took out the animal control bag with the other hand. , and quickly stuffed the huge figure into the animal control bag.


Happy laughter came from the animal control bag.

When the thirty-six Baiyin boys saw the giant's body being stuffed in, they immediately turned into streaks of light, and quickly rushed towards each other's body, and began to eat quickly.


A burst of even more tragic screams came directly from the animal control bag, and the sound was so hoarse that it made the scalp tingle, and the entire giant's body was quickly and completely stuffed into the beast control bag by Jiang Dao.

Venerable Void on one side couldn't help shivering again.

The monsters in here can even eat such a peak **** emperor?

Simply refined.

"Come on, let's go in and see!"

Jiang Dao opened his mouth, "Sir Void, you lead the way first!"


Venerable Void nodded again and again, knowing that Jiang Dao was deliberately testing him, and immediately flew towards the huge vortex above his head.

Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao followed in a calm manner.

As they approached, a long-lasting breath of ancient vicissitudes suddenly began to hit their faces, as if they were heading towards the extremely ancient land.

Brush brush!

The light is flowing, and the stars are endless.

Their bodies were like traveling through the endless river of time and space, and they appeared in a whole new space in a blink of an eye.

The vast land, as far as the eye can see.

No creatures or vegetation can be seen.

There is black and red dust and sand everywhere, as if it has been infected by blood and water. In the high sky, heavy clouds of lead are rolling, filled with the terrifying atmosphere of killing. Just standing here is a kind of war. The feeling of blood boiling.

"This is the Endless Sea?"

Holy Goddess Yaoyao looked surprised and looked around.

Such an environment is too depressing!

There is a substance in the air that has never been seen before, which can suppress her perception, causing her eyesight, smell, and spiritual sense to be greatly reduced, as if she has become an ordinary god.


Suddenly, she raised her palm and slashed directly at a black-brown boulder. As a result, the palm force fell, but the brown boulder was not smashed into pieces, only numerous cracks appeared in it.

Such a scene completely changed the look of Saintess Yaoyao.

Not only her, Jiang Dao and Venerable Void all shrank their pupils.

The goddess Yaoyao has an emperor-level cultivation, and even a single boulder here cannot be broken.

"Go to hell?"

Venerable Void cried out, not believing in evil in his heart, he immediately slashed towards another boulder, and tried it out. The result was the same as the Holy Maiden Yaoyao, only to hear a muffled bang, and the boulder shook violently. , but a large dense pattern appeared.

Venerable Void was completely surprised and took in the cold air.

"Jiang Dao, the rules here are different from the outside world!"

Holy Maiden Yaoyao said in surprise.

Jiang Dao was solemn, nodded lightly, and said, "For a long time, countless strong people have gathered here, and they have been affected by the breath of the real world. Even if there is a mutation, it is reasonable!"

If there is no variation, it is not normal.

You must know that some terrifying curses often flow from the real world. These curses are mixed with various dangerous things. Under the tempering of these dangerous things, the entire area can no longer be compared with the outside world.

Jiang Dao also bent down and picked up a fist-sized black-brown stone, frowning slightly.

A small piece of stone, held in his hand, was extremely heavy.

At least hundreds of thousands of pounds!

Simply incredible!

Judging from the knowledge of his previous life, the density of this world is far greater than that of the outside world.


Jiang Dao squeezed hard, and the fist-sized stone suddenly appeared numerous cracks, and it was like a broken egg, which was quickly shattered by him, and shattered in his hand.

Jiang Dao turned his eyes to other areas.

It's a pity that even with his eyesight, he can't seem to see the end. He just feels that the sky and the ground are extremely long, and he can't see a single person or a life.

Here, it is like a place abandoned by all beings.

"Go, look ahead!"

Jiang Dao said.

Although they came in the Endless Boundary Sea, they couldn't see a single person.

This is completely different from what they thought.

The three of them flew straight ahead. During this period, their eyesight kept running, sweeping in all directions. Unfortunately, their eyesight was extremely limited when their eyesight was suppressed.

Only Jiang Dao could barely see the scene seven or eight miles away.

Like Saintess Yaoyao and Venerable Void, their eyesight is directly limited to a few hundred meters.

Endless dark brown landscape.

Their bodies are flying all the way.

I don't know how long it has passed, this area is beyond their imagination.


A few days later, there was a sudden burst of earth-shattering long roars from the distant front. The sound was extremely tragic, the breath was terrifying, and the sound pierced through clouds and cracked stones, echoing in front.

Then accompanied by a terrifying roar, it seemed that there were many terrifying behemoths moving.

Jiang Dao's three people were shocked.

"Go, go and see!"

They flew there quickly.

They were almost lost after flying indiscriminately for a long time. At this moment, when they heard the sound, not only were they not afraid, but they felt very cordial.


There was a terrifying roar directly in front, and the whole ground was shaking.

The tragic killing aura and the **** aura filled the front, mighty and unusually rich.

When the three of Jiang Dao rushed over, they found that at least a dozen terrifying alien beasts were galloping here. Each alien beast was extremely huge and had completely different appearances.

Their bodies are like mountains, and the suffocating energy is soaring into the sky, making the space here tremble slightly.

Without exception, these are all God-Emperor-level alien beasts.

"Aren't they native beasts here?"

Venerable Void said in shock.


Suddenly, a terrifying voice sounded, like a thunder, rolling and shaking, with a terrifying aura charging towards them, flying sand and stone, with a strong blood evil.

The other alien beasts that were galloping stopped at this moment, their eyes were cold, they turned their heads, and looked in the direction of Jiang Dao and the three of them.

"It's an outsider again!"

"These **** outsiders have occupied our living space, slaughtered countless of our clansmen, and they are still coming!"

"Kill them!"

Numerous alien beasts had a strong tone, their breath was transpiring, and they exuded a terrifying **** aura.

Flying sand and rocks, the space is chaotic.

Dozens of alien beasts came over, and it felt like it was irresistible.

Jiang Dao frowned, but he didn't feel any panic, but stared at the group of alien beasts and said, "Where are you going, where do the outsiders live here? Why didn't we see it?"

"Outsideer, you broke into our home, how dare you ask me to wait?"

One of the terrifying alien beasts stared at Jiang Dao with cold eyes. It had three heads, and one was scaly and armoured. The three heads all looked like ancient lions.

This is an exotic beast called the Three Lions.

At this moment, the three lions stared at Jiang Dao coldly, and said coldly, "Give you death!"


It raised a huge claw and slapped it down directly at Jiang Dao's body. The terrifying claw was cast like metal, blooming with splendid light, it was as big as a hill, and the moment it fell, the world trembled.

There was a rumbling sound of thunder in the space.

Jiang Dao frowned, soaring straight into the sky, and punched the opponent's huge claws.


There was a loud noise, the space trembled, and the blood mist splattered all over the sky.

With just one move, Jiang Dao directly shattered the sharp claws of this three-headed lion.

The color of the three lions changed suddenly, and then raised their heads, all three heads were roaring in the sky, with a loud voice, the golden light rolling around their necks, and the whole neck seemed to be thickened in a circle.


Fearless Lion Roar!

This is the real ancient forbidden technique!

Its family is a powerful race in the endless sea. All ancestors have lived here for generations, capturing [Eternal Matter] every day, and the body has long been transformed by [Eternal Matter].

This kind of [Fearless Lion's Roar] is the supreme secret that they have realized after combining [Eternal Matter]. Once the roar is uttered, the sky will collapse, and the soul will be shocked.

At this moment, you can clearly see the layers of dazzling golden light waves spreading out from the mouths of the three lions, swept toward Jiang Dao in pieces like ripples.

The Venerable Nether and the Holy Maiden Yaoyao who were beside Jiang Dao all changed their expressions. They covered their ears for the first time, feeling their blood and qi, as if their souls were about to fly out.

Jiang Dao's eyes turned cold, knowing that it would be useless to talk to them.

These guys have an instinctive resistance to outsiders.

However, he is also eager to see if killing this group of guys will provide the number of revisions!

Jiang Dao grabbed the palm of his hand, and a fighting holy spear appeared. The golden light was splendid, with an incomparable luster.

call out!


The terrifying murderous intent ran through, almost to the extreme. One face-to-face shattered the opponent's head in the middle, and the other two heads all screamed in pain, but they would continue to scream.

Jiang Dao didn't give him a chance at all. He waved his arm, and two consecutive killer moves quickly ran through the past. With two bangs, the opponent's remaining two heads also burst.

The rest of the group of alien beasts, their expressions changed, and they roared in anger. They began to rush towards Jiang Dao desperately, swarmed up, and started to work together.

"Kill them!"

"Swallow all these outsiders, and leave none of them!"


"court death!"

Jiang Dao's face became completely gloomy, and he no longer hesitated, and began to show his true body directly.


His body was inflated, and suddenly enlarged rapidly. Pieces of strong muscles, scales, and barbs began to drill out of his body. In just a short while, Jiang Dao's body changed from normal form to A terrifying giant state.

It is a thousand feet in size, with scales all over its body, cold eyes, and unimaginable terrifying power.


His huge palm slammed into a fan, almost like a fan of mosquitoes, and the body of a fan of alien beasts that was rushing towards the face burst, and the flesh and blood turned into mud.

They have captured [eternal matter] for many years, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com's fleshly tempered body is exceptionally strong, far exceeding that of most **** emperors, but when faced with Jiang Dao's emperor's holy body, he couldn't resist even a single move.

Jiang Dao's eyes were cold, and his two palms moved in circles, directly breaking into the herd, and began to slap quickly.

"I don't know about life and death. I originally wanted to talk to you well, but you have to take the initiative to seek death and shame on you. If this is the case, then I will kill you all!"

Bang bang bang!

He seemed to be in a no-man's land, his huge palms fanned out, and the blood mist burst into pieces.

No matter what killing technique or forbidden move, when he touched his body, he couldn't even break through his defenses.

Jiang Dao, who is in a state of true body dominance, is truly invincible!

Unless the body takes the last step, or the soul takes the last step, no one is his opponent.