MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 679 Ah Yu's gift is unusual

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  Chapter 679 Ayu's gift is unusual

  Hua Rou has the same temperament as her father, she always acts vigorously and resolutely, and immediately does what she says.

  Since you have doubts about the identity of Princess Ruyi, you must immediately check it out.

  However, General Hua, who has always been more upright, rejected her this time.

Three days later, Ah Yu reorganized the Department of Astrology, specially asked a few guards from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and dug out the regulations hundreds of years ago, so that everyone would know that the Department of Astrology was also subject to supervision in the imperial city. Protection, not everyone can come here and talk about privilege.

   Of course, Ayu did not say these words explicitly, she just took out the old regulations and read them when she went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was the restraint imposed by the emperor when the Department of Astrology had some status in the past.

  The general idea is that the Astrology Department must not overstep its authority, and must operate well in its own territory, perform well, and do what it should do for the people of the world.

  However, it used to be a restriction, but now it has become a protection, which means that other people are not allowed to come to the Astrology Department to walk around at will, unless the Astrology Department invites, and unless the empress and the cabinet order, the rest are not allowed to dictate here.

  The people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are stunned. No matter how ill-informed they are, they also know that Princess Ruyi went to make a fuss a few days ago. It doesn’t take much thinking to know what the Commander of the Astrology Department did today must be aimed at Princess Ruyi.

  The people above confront each other, and the people below are really in a dilemma.

  But soon they don't have to be embarrassed, because the emperor personally ordered to follow the old rules.

  Before there are no new regulations, they will follow the old rules.

   This is also an invisible slap in the face of Princess Ruyi, and the palace people are also discussing in private: "It seems that we like the commander-in-chief more than Princess Ruyi..."

   "Shh, don't say these nonsense, be careful to lose your head!" Someone reminded.

"I know, we are just talking in our hearts, not to mention that if it is changed, I also prefer that well-behaved Commander-in-Chief. indivual."

After this operation, the excitement that the Astrology Department just provoked was also extinguished, but the people in the Astrology Department were relieved, they didn't have to deal with too many people, and they didn't have to suffer more bullying. In the long run, they might suffer, but right now Just be comfortable.

Now in the Astrology Division, besides Ayu and Tangyuan, apart from the original cook Uncle Luo, Fat Aunt Saosa, Xie Zhen who was reduced to be the Secretary, and Xie Guixin who was the servant, Liu Fang, three other court ladies, two eunuchs, four a guard.

  In general, this is still a weak team, unable to face the **** storm outside.

   On the afternoon of the third day, Ayu did not leave the Department of Astrology, but was waiting for something.

  The first one to come was Hua Rou, she said with righteous indignation: "It's really unreasonable, my father doesn't care about this matter, if the royal blood is really confused, it will be a big deal!"

  Ayu: "It is indeed a major event, but didn't Princess Ruyi be brought back by someone sent by the Tian family? All the details must have been checked, and you should not find anything if you check again."

   Regardless of whether the princess is real or fake, as long as the emperor has personally handled the matter, no matter whether the emperor knows about it or not, it will definitely not be easily caught by the tail, otherwise, where will the emperor lose face?

Huarong suddenly slapped his head: "I can figure it out when you say that. My father is a loyal person. Since our Tian family made it himself, there should be no problem. Maybe it was raised outside all the year round. Bad temper, I think the other princes have pretty good personalities, no matter who among them will be the next one—"

  Before he finished the rest of the sentence, Ayu stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

  She was helpless: "Sister-in-law Huarou, you are more daring than me!"

Hua Rou chuckled: "Aren't these all from my own family? I didn't think about it that much, and thank you for the reminder. Since there is nothing else, I will go first, Ayu. Today I will accompany my husband to visit a few families, and then We will go back to Baihua County in two days, and speaking of it, you are still the Baihua Fairy of our Baihua County, when will you go to Baihua County again?"

   Now Huarou is treating Baihua County as her home, both inside and outside the words, which is completely different from the slightly disgusting tone at the beginning.

"Brother Murong is leaving? This time when you go back to the capital, I only played with you for a while, and I haven't had a good get-together with Brother Murong, so please forgive me. It's just that I might have to do it in these two days. There are too many things to do, and I can't send them off in person, tomorrow I will ask someone to go to your house to give you a gift, and it will be my heart."

  Hua Rou waved her hand grandly: "We both hand in handkerchiefs now, what more gift do we need, as long as we are satisfied."

  She thought to herself, what Ayu wanted to give was nothing more than some cloth, clothes, or some toys.

  Ayu herself is still a child, so the gift is naturally the things she loves at her age. I don’t lack those things at home, even if I lack them, I just spend money to buy them. Why bother adding baggage to the road.

  Ayu showed a meaningful smile: "Okay, then I will take this sentence back first, you go home and ask Brother Murong, if he says the same, I will not give it away."

"Don't worry, husband and I think the same, you are our sister, only we give you a gift, why do you want to give us a gift. Well, that's all I want to say today, and then we will use letters Contact, I have also greeted my father at home, if you encounter any difficulties, or need to borrow troops like last time, you can also contact my father, as long as it makes sense, I think he will agree. "

  Anyway, in Huarou's eyes, both her father and Ayu are people who know what she knows, so there is no need to say the rest of the redundant words.

   "Okay, I understand. After you arrive, you will send me a letter as soon as possible. I am so relieved."

   "Your words are exactly what my mother said." After Hua Rou finished speaking, she walked away quickly.

  After arriving at home, Huarou told Murong Run what she said today. She thought that Murong Run would follow her own words, so that Ayu would not have to send any more gifts. Unexpectedly, the teacup in Murong Run's hand was almost unsteady.

"Rou'er, my husband has something I want to tell you. In the future, even if it is a piece of cow dung on the side of the road, you should catch it quickly." Under Huarong's disgusting gaze, Murong Run said meaningfully. Said, "Ayu is willing to take the initiative to give it, it will definitely be a good thing, you follow up, if you refuse, you may only have regrets in the future."

  So a few days later, Ayu really gave a gift, which naturally included the fruit that Ayu gave, which was much better than the red fruit that used to be, and later saved Huarou's life by accident.

  Hua Rou finally found out that my husband is really honest and not deceiving me.

  Of course, this is already a story.

  (end of this chapter)