MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 670 Goro wants to join the army

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  Chapter 670 Goro wants to join the army

Wang Silang was sleeping at first, and when he heard Wang Wulang's last words, he smiled slightly: "Qin Huai, don't listen to his nonsense. Grandma has set rules for all of us, if we fail to pass the exam before we reach the crown, we will There is no need to take another exam. As for those who have already passed the exam, you can relax appropriately. If you can’t pass the Jinshi exam before 30, you can choose officials with peace of mind, or make a living by yourself.”

As he said that, Wang Silang glanced at Wang Wulang, who was winking desperately: "He didn't even pass the exam, and he would have to come back after staying outside for a few years. What's more, King Xiaoyao promised grandma that he would definitely let the fifth younger brother have all the beards." Come back all the way."

"Fourth brother, I allow you to sleep in my carriage, but I don't want you to tear down my platform." Wang Wulang was depressed, "That's Jiang Sai, you are an older brother, why don't you know how to worry at all?" I still keep saying that I am not."

"Hey, Qin Huaike is sitting here, what did I say wrong, what did I say about you? You, you just think too much." Shi Lang became a relative, and his speech became more calm, " Goro, maybe you can think about it again, and don't be in such a hurry to go to Jiangsai."

   "Mr. Chi said that my talent in martial arts is good. It just so happens that this opportunity is rare. If I miss it, it's not just the next time."

   "But there is no need to rush at this moment. We have returned to Wanning City and will be promoted for another two years. When you go, the family can feel at ease."

   "Oh, fourth brother, you are just too cautious, but if you wait until everything is ready before setting off, then there will never be a day of departure. There is no such thing as everything is safe in this world."

  Qin Huai suddenly said: "Fifth brother is right."

  Shiro was helpless: "Why do you follow him to make trouble? Jiangsai is really not a good place to go. Although the pacifier didn't say anything, I know that if it is possible, I will definitely not agree to the fifth brother to go."

  Wang Wulang didn't dare to say this to Mrs. Wang face to face. He just left a letter. When Mrs. Wang saw it, he was already on the way to Jiangsai.

  According to Mrs. Wang’s personality, if her descendants have made such a decision and are already on the way, they will definitely not stop them. She adheres to the principle of "children and grandchildren have their own blessings", and usually does not force everyone to do anything.

  But if you didn’t go before, then maybe.

   "I will send someone to follow Fifth Brother, not to mention avoiding Fifth Brother's injury, at least to save Fifth Brother's life."

  As long as an order is issued to preserve Wang Wulang's life at any cost, the people he sends out will definitely complete the task even if they themselves are devastated.

Wang Wulang rubbed his arms: "Farewell, we have relied on you a lot since we were young, this time is my own decision, and I have made an agreement with Xiaoyao Wang, he said he will protect me well, dignified one My lord, it’s impossible to count what you say, right?”

   This is Wang Wulang's own plan. Although it was impulsive before, it has been several months since the decision until now, and he has already prepared it.

  Before when they were helping Ayu to build the academy, King Xiaoyao would visit it from time to time. At that time, Wang Wulang and King Xiaoyao had a conversation.

  It was at that time that Wang Wulang learned that Jiang's gangsters were rampant there, and the people were miserable. It is also the best place to practice martial arts. Those people who usually practice with him, he feels that they have never restrained when they strike, and they often beat him sore all over. Teach your masters.

  If you can go to Jiangsai, these problems will be solved.

  Most of the people there are desperadoes, there are also some wandering soldiers, and spies from various countries. Fighting with them, of course, there is no need to show mercy.

  They will definitely use deadly hands to deal with themselves, that is, the two sides will output with all their strength, isn't it the best way to exercise?

  So, when Wang Wulang heard that King Xiaoyao was going to visit Jiangsai, he volunteered to join him. This was a private agreement between the two of them.

  Later, it was found out by several brothers. Under his request, they also partnered to hide it from the rest of the family. Only now did Wang Wulang tell the whole story.

"I just want to see how far I can go with my own strength." Wang Wulang grinned, "Don't worry about the rest, who am I, Wang Wulang? Where it hurts, I'm afraid of pain, beating, and even death, I will definitely try to protect myself, even if Xiaoyao Wang is unreliable, do you still think Wang Wulang is unreliable?"

  Qin Huai and Wang Silang looked at each other, and they both saw the words "You are really unreliable" from each other's eyes.

  Wang Wulang: "..."

  Qin Huai: "Didn't you tell Ayu about this?"

   "Not yet, if Ayu finds out and won't let me go, what shall I do?"

  Wang Wulang is still very self-aware about this point. If you want to say who in their family cares most about the whole family, it is not the old lady, but Ayu.

  Even if any of the chickens in their family is not laying eggs, Ayu knows, and she will take care of them. If the servants in the family are not feeling well, she will let them rest and recuperate before working, let alone these family members.

Qin Huai: "Then have you ever thought about it, I will tell Ayu after you leave, and she disagrees, then do you think she will continue to go to Wanning City, or will she follow you to Jiangsai and pull you back? "

  Wang Wulang: "..." After thinking about it for a while, it seems that the latter is more likely.

  My younger sister knows that she is a very stubborn person.

  Like when they were traveling abroad to study, they bought jelly beans made by an old farmer in one county, and when they arrived in the next county, they found out that the old farmer had charged less than three Wen.

  But who would have thought that that night, Ayu Leng rode a fast horse alone, ran back and forth, found the old farmer's house, and made up for the missing copper coins.

   I even bought another big bag of beans in order not to make a trip in vain.

   I don’t know how she brought such a big bag of beans back. If they didn’t wake up and found that there were many jelly beans, they didn’t even know that Ayu had gone out.

  Of course, Qin Huai knew it, and he was even an "accomplice", but seeing the shocking brothers and Ayu who accepted the criticism humbly, he remained silent at that time.

"Then I'd better tell Ayu, but no matter what Ayu says, I won't change my mind." Wang Wulang said, "I can't wait for Ayu to do anything else, and ask my mother to order me to do it that way." As a son, as a brother, you have failed too much."

   What's more, when Ayu won the glory, didn't it come with risks?

  If it is necessary to exchange risks for glory, Ayu should not go, he should go.

  So when he arrived at the post station, Wang Wulang told a kind of brother, sister-in-law, younger brother and sister that he was going to join the army.

  The brothers are okay, everyone knows that Wang Liulang and Wang Qilang reacted very strongly: "Fifth brother, do you think you are too comfortable and want to die?"

   But Ayu was the calmest. After hearing this, she simply left the table and went back to her room silently, leaving the whole room looking at each other.

  Wang Wulang, under the watchful eyes of everyone, bit the bullet and went outside Ayu's door, babbling about his thoughts.

"Ayu, fifth brother, this is not impulsive, I have made a thorough plan. I am really not very good at studying, even if I am admitted to Juren in the future, it is not because I am talented, but because I was forced to memorize it by rote. Can you still be an officer?"

"My talent in martial arts is quite good, and I like it too. I just want to use martial arts to make contributions. I don't want to give up my studies. I still have to come back to take the exam. At that time, I will take the martial arts exam. Anyway, martial arts people also have a literary exam. , but not as difficult as Wen Juren, just right for me."

"Also, I know that Jiangsai is not a good place, but didn't you also say that there are many poor people in this world, and even Jiangsai is not all bad people, there are many poor people, if I can go there to help If they do something, they are listening to you, right?"

"Ayu, don't be angry with me. Brother Wu, I didn't say this to make you angry. You are the best and best sister in the world. I also want to be the best and best brother in the world, not to Relying on you to support me and our family..."

Before the words fell, the door opened from the inside, and Ayu dragged a package bigger than her, and looked at him puzzled: "Fifth brother, what are you talking about, why do you think I am raising you and your family?" ? Is there anyone in our family who is idle?"

  With Grandma around, no one can lie down and enjoy life.

  Wang Wulang was also dumbfounded: "Huh?"

"Am I not right?" Ayu didn't continue to dwell on the words, but handed over the package in his hand, let Wang Wulang continue, and then said, "Fifth Brother, don't treat yourself badly when you get there, I don't know if you are Qingche Jiancong or whatever, I only prepared these, which should be enough. By the way, there are life-saving wax **** made by our family in it. Remember to use them at critical times. Also, if the **** are broken, wet, or cracked , you must stop using it!"

  The so-called wax **** are filled with the nutrient solution in Ayu's space. They are made of dumplings, which are better than Wanling water and have no side effects.

  Ayu continued: "I also put a bottle of very important things in it. It can improve the river course. If you go to Jiangsai, you can decide whether to throw it into the river or not depending on the situation."

  Jiangsai is called Jiangsai because there are three big rivers there, which nourish the people around them, but the banks of several rivers are rich and barren, which is very strange.

  Ayu’s bottle contains an improved version of Wanling Water, which contains the formula for land and water improvement. It was also purchased by Tuanzi from other planes at a high price, and it was only recently researched.

  Improving river waters and improving water quality are things that Ayu wants to do well in the future.

   "There's more..."

  Wang Wulang was stupefied when he heard Ayu chirping and chattering, he didn't know how to react.

  It was not until the end that he asked eagerly, "Ayu."

  Ayu stopped talking and looked up at him: "Huh?"

   "Aren't you against Fifth Brother going out?"

   "Isn't this your wish?" Ayu said, "This is your wish, why should I stop it? Everyone's wish, as long as it doesn't hinder others, is worthy of being recognized."

  Wang Wulang was speechless for a long time.

   "Fifth brother."


"I have given you so many good things, you must come back healthy and safe." Ayu looked at him, rolled his eyes, and said, "The third aunt's order depends on you Give it to her with your own hands."


  (end of this chapter)