MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 666 The meaning of loved ones

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  Chapter 666 The meaning of relatives

  They informed Mrs. Wang of this matter, and the old lady said: "You have considered it very well. We will go back to Wanning City tomorrow, and we will stand still here, as if nothing happened."

  Ayu is still not at ease: "If we leave, will they cause trouble in the village? They made a lot of noise that night."

"When I went to rescue you, they encountered a night attack. It was a disagreement among them. There were also a few people with blood and thirteen bands who deliberately mixed up the water. It will take some time for them to react. But don’t take it lightly, the villagers may be suspicious.” Mrs. Wang said, “I will stay in the village for a month, and you and the others will go back to Wanning City first, don’t be afraid.”

  Ayu has always believed in Mrs. Wang, so she bid farewell to her friends in the village, and said goodbye to Mrs. Hu, Village Chief Hu and others. Finally, she went to the village school for a stroll before slowly leaving Hujia Village.

  Before leaving, Ayu saw a few people poking their heads behind the entrance of the village, so she walked over there.

   After passing by, I found out that they were the older brothers and sisters of my grandfather's family.

   "Brother Goutou, Brother Gousheng, Brother Goudan, Sister Xinghua, Sister Lihua, why are you here? I haven't seen you much these days." Ayu hurriedly greeted them.

   Several people were a little nervous at first, but the oldest of them had already agreed on a marriage, and they were about to get married after a year passed.

  Xinghua, the youngest, looks like a big girl, but in front of Ayu, they all seem reserved, far less enthusiastic than before.

  Originally they knew that Ayu was back and they were very happy. Even if they knew that Ayu was Lord Yuxiang, they thought it was nothing. Anyway, they are their own sisters, and other things are not important.

   But when Ayu really came back in a carriage, even if there was still only Tang Yuan, a personal servant girl, and the other servants were not humble, they still felt the gap.

  Ayu is still the same Ayu, but her aura has changed a lot, but the little girl has an indescribable aura that makes them dare not get close to her again.

  It turns out that the title of Township Lord is much more powerful than they imagined.

   But when Ayu was about to leave, they felt very reluctant. After leaving, they didn't know when they would see her again. When she grew up, they might be unattainable.

  The cute little sister who seemed to be able to hold it directly in the palm of her hand didn't really need them, and she doesn't need them now.

  So I can only look at it from a distance, or send it off with my eyes.

  Until Ayu was about to leave, he suddenly walked towards them and called out those names.

  All kinds of thoughts in Goutou's mind disappeared immediately, blushed, and said in the loudest voice: "Don't call me that, that's what I called casually when I was a child. My husband named me Liu Xiangqin."

  Gou Sheng also hurriedly said, "My name is Liu Xiangyong."

  Goudan: "Liu Xiangren."

  Ayu looked at Xinghua and Lihua again.

  Xinghua smiled and said, "My name is Liu Ya, my sister is Liu Yun, sister Ayu, is it nice?"

  Ayu also smiled and rolled his eyes: "It sounds good! Then I will call you Brother Xiangqin, Brother Xiangyong, Brother Xiangren, and Sister Ya and Sister Yun from now on!"

   "Do you remember? Do you want me to write your name?" Goutou was not very relieved.

  Ayu pointed to her own brain: "Don't worry, I have a good memory."

  Even if she didn’t remember it, there is still the elf, it’s amazing, it’s something you’ll never forget after you’ve heard it.

"By the way, you haven't answered me yet. Why haven't I seen you these few days? If I didn't see brother Xiang Qin's clothes just now, I almost missed it." Ayu complained, "I'm so busy now, I don't know when I can go back to the village, and if I don't see you this time, I don't know when it will be."

  Xinghua, that is, when Liu Ya didn't think of a good reason, she said directly: "My aunt said it. Sister Ayu is now the village lord. Unlike us, I can't play with you."

  Ayu was puzzled: "What does this have to do with whether I am a township lord? I am still Ayu, and you are still my older brothers and sisters. This will not change."

"That's true, but the master also said that when there is a difference between distant and close relatives, our identities will be different, and we can't get too close, otherwise more people will follow suit and cause you trouble." Liu Yun The safest one is the one who speaks softly, "Ayu, we all know that you have always been that Ayu. Seeing that you are doing well, we are also doing well. This is enough, and there is no need to exchange pleasantries. .”

  Ayu is not short of playmates or relatives, as long as they can help when needed, there is no need to force other closer relationships.

  This is not only what the master said, the grandfather also said it several times at home, he has been restraining the family members, and must not be complacent and take advantage of others just because they are from Ayu's grandparents.

   After hearing this, Ayu found it funny at first, but then warmed his heart.

   In this case, she has actually heard about it in the past few days, not only the old Liu family led by her grandfather, but even the whole Hu family village.

  The villagers lived their small lives well. They were grateful for the Wang family on weekdays, so they went to help out and tended more and more land of their family, and paid more attention when renting seeds.

  Thanks to Ayu, I went to the Yuxianzi Temple to worship and talk.

  Most of the time, everyone is farming, doing business, or in the workshop, and they are diligently doing small things. He doesn't seek to be rich and powerful as others say, let alone do other things under the guise of Ayu.

  Ayu and Lao Wang's family are silently doted on by the whole Hujia Village, and even the whole Nanhe Town.

   It means pampering and being grateful.

  This is also the result of Mr. Hu and others' constant reminders.

"I know, thank you, but if you miss me, you can write me a letter. I am now the village lord, and the letters and remittances are delivered by official messengers at post stations, which will be much faster than ordinary people! "Ayu blinked, speaking very mischievously.

   After hearing this, several people also laughed: "That's great!"

Liu Ya said: "Eldest brother and second brother are almost not interested in studying. Grandpa plans to let them quit this year after finishing their studies and work as an accountant. The third brother is not bad in his studies. He will take the children's examination next year. He and yours There is still no comparison between several brothers, if you can get a scholar, it must be even better!"

   "What about you?"

"My eldest sister and I are still in the village school. What Grandma means is, let us study for another two years. Our village has agreed with your village to open a new silk workshop. At that time, my eldest sister will go there to work as a steward. I might be the same as the eldest sister.” Speaking of this, Liu Yun was very happy, “Originally, the eldest sister was not allowed to study, and our family didn’t have enough money, but now it’s better, everyone heard that after studying, you can work in the workshop of Hu’s Village. Working in the countryside, the wages are sufficient, and they are never in arrears, and there are many children in eight villages who are studying!"

  Because more and more schoolchildren go to work, everyone brainstorms from time to time to improve the tools of various workshops in the village. Now they are more convenient and faster, and naturally they earn more money.

  Ayu was also very happy to hear that: "That's great, I'll come back and take a good look when I take a rest next time."


  The daughters-in-law of the Wang family have already prepared various gifts for their natal family, and the old Liu's family has not left behind, and Ayu even put in an extra gift.

   But now seeing her brothers and sisters, her hand that wanted to feed them was about to move again, and she asked Tangyuan to carry a large box of delicious food from the carriage to them, and then got into the carriage and left.

   Tangyuan was actually very puzzled. The snacks brought from Wanning City had already been eaten and given away, and there was nothing left. It was incredible that the little master could still find such a big box for her.

  Of course Ayu would not tell her that she took it out of the space.

   And Tangyuan has long tempered the heart of an excellent personal servant girl, and never asks questions that should not be asked, and only treats herself as a fool, deaf and dumb.

   After Ayu walked away, several people looked at the box in front of them, but their expressions were very heavy.

  Liu Xiangqin: "Ayu just said that she is going back to repair the tomb. It turns out that she is not doing well in the capital. These delicious and useful things are all made by her little by little. I can't bear to eat them."

  Liu Yun: "Is it possible that Ayu is talking about resting, not repairing the tomb, just like our master would rest."

  Students usually take one day off every ten days, which must be different from what Ayu said.

   "Wait, Ayu has a long rest, does it mean that she is on duty now?!" Liu Xiangqin and his party burst into tears, "Ayu is so young, so let her go on duty?"

  Liu Ya: "Not everyone can be on duty if they want to."

   Liu Xiangqin: "..." Looking at the box in front of him, his expression became more serious.

  For a while, I don't know whether to feel sorry for Ayu, or feel sorry for myself who is so useless in comparison.

   "Let's study more, otherwise don't talk about helping Ayu and aunt in the future. In order not to drag Ayu, maybe we have to break off our relationship. I don't want to break off with such a good Ayu!"

  Everyone: "..." It's not that serious.

   How can family affection be so fragile.

  Ayu and Qin Huai walked in the front, and the rest of the Wang family followed one after another.

  Old Wangtou and Mrs. Wang stayed in Hujia Village for the time being. Wang Chuanyuan and his wife had already returned to the town, but Wang Chuanman chased in the direction of Chang'an County under the encouragement of Mrs. Wang.

  By the way, Changfu and Changshun were taken away, and one of them will be left to Wang Chuangui.

  The remaining grandchildren, Wang Dalang went out with Wang Chuanman this time, while Qu Shuqiu and the children stayed in the village.

  Wang Erlang and Jiang Turning, Wang Sanlang and Wei Qianying, Wang Silang and Zhou Chuchu, Wang Wulang, Wang Liulang and Wang Qilang all followed Ayu to Wanning City.

  Besides this, there are lamb and treasure mouse who also climbed into Ayu's carriage this time.

  Xiaoyang simply wanted to follow Ayu, while the test Lingbao mouse was stimulated by Xiaoyang and insisted on seeing Wanning City.

  Ayu and Qin Huai sat in the same carriage, which was very spacious inside, with red armor and glutinous rice **** sitting outside.

   There is also Chi Ding who has to drive because of the loss of rock-paper-scissors.

  Ayu sat closer to Qin Huai, lowered his voice, and asked, "Brother Ayou, can you tell me about the assassination when you were young?"

  Qin Huai, who was reading a scroll, raised his eyes when he heard this.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, I'll check it myself." Ayu took a fruit by hand, took a bite in his mouth, chewed it, and finished eating, then said, "I have a good memory. Now I suddenly think of it, when we first met when we were young, you were not very friendly to me, and you still said—"

  The roots of the boy's ears turned red immediately: "That's—it's because I'm young. I'll tell you what you want to know."

   Just don't turn over old accounts.

  The childhood when he suspected that Ayu was Esaku, every time he thinks back, he feels that he is stupid.

  (end of this chapter)