MTL - Everyday Fighting With The Black-Bellied Male Lead-Chapter 47

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Lu Yue failed to escape, and returned to the dark back room again.

When he opened his eyes, he just felt weak and didn't even have the strength to raise his hands.

He looked at the man with a silent expression next to him, with anger in his eyes: "What have you done to me?"

Shen Yanzhi smiled coldly: "I just gave you a little drug. It's all blame Asheng, why did you leave me!"

Shen Yanzhi snapped Lu Yue's chin, staring at him with a twisted and paranoid look. The strength seems to be crushing the bones.

Lu Yue frowned, but looked at the man in front of him with pity and pain, as if laughing at him asking such stupid questions.

The youth's expression was slammed on Shen Yanzhi's heart, making his tall body tremble a little.

He thought he had successfully seized the youth, but his eyes told himself that he was deceiving himself!

He will not yield to him, and he will leave him without hesitation whenever he has a chance!

He ran away once and there will be the next! One day he will disappear from his sight as he did eight years ago!

This sense of panic that would lose the youth drowned Shen Yanzhi instantly like the Kuroshio that suddenly surged up.

And almost in the next second, a cold and weird smile evoked in the corner of his mouth.

Always thinking about the prey that ran away, then kill him!

When Shen Yanzhi was wearing white gloves and holding a cold-light metal medical box, Lu Yue suddenly felt a coolness crawling up from his back.

Lu Yue asked nervously, "What are you doing?"

Shen Yanzhi showed a gentle smile. He stretched out his fingers in white gloves and gently stroked Lu Yue's slender and flexible legs. He said something inexplicable: "Asheng's legs are very beautiful, I like it very much . "

Talking still showing his fascinated eyes, bowed his head gently and printed a kiss on Lu Yue's leg.

Then his tone suddenly chilled, and the words spoke made Lu Yue shudder: "However, it is very disobedient. Why run away? Disobedient things must be thrown away."

What is this lunatic mean?

He watched with a stiff expression as Shen Yanzhi took out the scalpel and bone saw from the toolbox, his face faded into pale blood, which was extremely pale.

He stepped back immediately, but the chains tied to his feet made him retreat.

"You can't do this ..." Lu Yue's face paled.

Shen Yanzhi approached with a smile. The cold white teeth looked more terrible than the cold-light metal knives. He tenderly coaxed: "Don't be afraid, Asheng will pass soon and won't hurt you."

Lu Yue stared in horror, looking at him like a madman: "No, no! You can't do this to me!"

If Shen Yan knows nothing, "Don't blame me, Asheng. It's you who anger me first."

Lu Yue knew that he could not be stimulated at this time, and had to compromise and apologize to him: "I'm sorry! I won't run away in the future, you let me go!"

Shen Yanzhi squinted at him and looked at him as if he sighed: "Asheng really lied." Then the cold blade had been stuck on Lu Yue's thigh.

Lu Yue's mind exploded instantly. He knew that he really annoyed the perverted man this time.

He didn't hesitate much, immediately stepped forward and hugged the man's waist, and looked at him pitifully and carefully: "I really know I'm wrong, I will never run away in the future! You believe me!" Said Lu There were tears in the corners of Yue's eyes.

Shen Yanzhi's dark face showed a hint of doubt: "Asheng wouldn't be trying to evade punishment, deliberately cheating me?"

"No, no!" Lu Yue immediately anxiously denied.

Shen Yanzhi was dubious: "Asheng really knew that it was wrong?"

"Huh!" Lu Yue nodded miserably.

"No more escapes?"

"will not."

"Never leave me?"

"will not."

"Will you love me forever?"

"... Yes." Lu Yue nodded hesitantly.

Shen Yanzhi's eyes narrowed: "Really?"

When Lu Yue saw that he didn't believe it, he bit his teeth and stomped on the man's cold thin lips, his voice trembling: "Yes, I will love you."

Shen Yanzhi finally smiled with satisfaction: "A Sheng would not admit wrong early. I'm scared, I just joked with you."

The man reached out and gently touched Lu Yue's pale face, and the expression on his face also returned to a gentle look, as if he was just joking with him.

But Lu Yue knew that this was definitely not a joke. The man's cold and terrible eyes, the trembling feeling of the cold knife sticking to his leg was all true. If he hadn't asked before, he had no doubt that the man would cut the knife in his hand without hesitation.

This man is terrible. How could he be Shen Yanzhi in his memory?

Although the former Shen Yanzhi seemed silent and lonely, only after contact did he realize that he just didn't like to talk. He also cared silently for people, and pretended to be a gift indifferent. Even when Yang Chen was killed, he made excuses for him, thinking that Shen Yanzhi was just to avenge him.

However, these days, the atrocity of the man's eyes told him that he was distorted from the inside out, and completely changed his personality.

He had no reason to persuade himself that this man could be saved.

Lu Yue took a breath and her eyes gradually became firm.

He must not stay here, he must leave. Otherwise, he will be imprisoned to death by this man.

"Did you really see this person?" Yang Yan bent slightly, and lowered his head to ask the old woman with white hair and a cane.

"Of course I saw it." The old lady knocked on the cane, her voice full of anger.

"The dog chain on the neck of my big yellow dog broke that day and ran to the high-end community there. When I chased all the way, I saw a guy falling from the wall. When he turned his head, I saw it he."

"Are you sure you read that right?"

The old lady was a little upset: "I wore reading glasses that day and I must have read them correctly."

"Where did he go after that?"

"After? After I saw the owner of the house coming back, I hurriedly called back Rhubarb."

Yang Yan frowned: "The owner of the house? Are you talking about this man?" He took out another photo and pointed at Shen Yanzhi above.

"It seems to be him. He just moved here, and I only recognize his car, not his face."

Yang Yan sank in his heart. It seemed that Lu Sheng had successfully approached Shen Yanzhi, but he was probably found and imprisoned there. Otherwise, how could Lu Sheng jump out of the window?

Did Lu Sheng escape at last? If he escapes, he should contact the family. In other words, he is likely to be captured by Shen Yanzhi again.

Yang Min thought of this, and clenched his fists.

Here, when 001 turned on in a hurry, before complaining, he heard the gloomy expression on his host.

[Lu Yue: Do you know how to come back? 】

[001 dry laugh: that, there is something wrong with the main system ...]

[Lu Yue interrupted him coldly: main system, main system ... Is the main system your wife? It tells you to go and you go! 】

[001 I felt that Lu Xiaofei's temper had grown and disappeared within a few days, so he trembled and asked: The host is big, and you failed to escape? 】

It ’s okay not to ask, when asked about Lu Yue ’s anger: [It failed. Just happened to Shen Yanzhi's metamorphosis and caught the current situation. I almost cut my leg when I went back. Who do you blame? 】

[001 had to say: Blame me, blame me. But I didn't leave the host on purpose. You do n’t know the host, Liu Ye, the hero of the last world, was buried with you after you left the world. 】

[Lu Yue startled: buried together? He's crazy! 】

[001: This is not important. What is important is that his mental data is not recovered to the main system, and it is impossible to track its location. 】

[Lu Yue: So what? 】

[001: Every world is controlled by the main system. Uncontrolled mental data is likely to threaten the main system and cause paralysis. All worlds will disappear by then. 】

[Lu Yue: Means that I might disappear too? 】

[001 Road: Yes. 】

Lu Yue's expression became serious, bowing his head as if thinking about something.

Then he said something that made 001 smoke: "Don't worry about the force majeure thing, the thing at hand is the most important thing. Don't think that using this excuse will make me easily forgive you. 】

[001: ...]

Yang Yan got the clue, and immediately went back to the door of the high-end apartment with a search warrant.

He winked at the other two, who nodded comprehendingly, then went to the closed door and rang the bell.

"Who?" A loud male voice came from the loudspeaker.

"We are police. Someone has reported that you are involved in drug abuse. Please be checked."

The person inside paused for a few seconds and then said, "Please wait."

Yang Yan and the two looked at each other without speaking.

Here, Lu Yue watched Shen Yanzhi return from the outside, and smiled and said to him, "Someone is here, who would you guess?"

Lu Yue jumped in his heart, then nervously said, "I won't run away."

Shen Yanzhi seemed satisfied with his answer, and slowly stepped forward and kissed his lips.

"A Sheng knows that it pleases me, but I still want to wrong you." He picked up a prepared potion from the side and pierced his neck despite Lu Yue's struggle.

Lu Yue rolled her eyes and passed out.

Shen Yanzhi walked out calmly, pressed a switch outside the dense room, and a wall barrier came down from above, blocking the iron door behind her. From the outside it looks like it is just like an ordinary wall.

The door was opened and a man in a black suit walked out. The man's eyes flashed a faint faint light, and smiled, "Police officers, I never take drugs."

Humanity in front: "Less nonsense, we will know if we have checked it in!"

Shen Yanzhi leaned slightly: "Then please, police officer."

Speaking, Shen Yanzhi gave a special glance at Yang Yan behind him.

Yang Yan pursed his lips and led someone in. Shen Yanzhi then turned around, his eyes were cold.

After an hour, three people found nothing. It is easy to hide drugs, but it is difficult to hide a person.

"Did police officers search for drugs?" The man standing there grinned gracefully, but his eyes always gave a strange sense of danger.

Yang Yan came to him, stared at his eyes and said, "Sorry sir, there may be someone who is reporting the case."

Shen Yan knew: "It doesn't matter, police officer. Then you walk slowly."

Yang Yan greeted the people behind him: "Let's go."

Going out, one person said: "Captain, that person is weird, there must be something wrong."

Another said: "It's a little weird. But we have searched and found no one!"

"That's weird. Captain, are we going back?"

Yang Yan Shen said: "You two go back first and tell my dad that I won't go home these days."

Didn't find Lu Sheng, was it really not found, or did Lu Sheng have been killed?

Yang Xuan didn't dare to think about it. He comforted himself that Lu Sheng must be alive, he must be alive.

After calming down, Yang Yan then rented a house opposite. The distance is not too short, which is convenient for surveillance and does not cause people's alertness.

Here, after Shen Yanzhi closed the door, the laughter on his lips solidified immediately.

The police actually came to the door, and it seemed that this place could no longer be stayed.

When Lu Yue woke up, he found that he was actually lying on a soft big bed wearing clothes. He looked around, like Shen Yanzhi's bedroom.

[Lu Yue: 001, what just happened? 】

[001: The host is big. Just now Yang Ye came with two policemen. 】

[Lu Yue: The police have come? Did they come to me? 】

[001: Yes, but I didn't find you. 】

[Lu Yue: What about Shen Yanzhi? 】

[001: The male lead is packing, as if to leave here. 】

Lu Yue looked at the sky outside, it was dark, about one or two in the morning.

He moved his arm, and although he recovered some strength, he was still a little groggy.

The door opened, and Shen Yanzhi was wearing a black suit, and his dull eyes flashed a light when looking at Lu Yue.

Before Lu Yue asked, Shen Yanzhi walked and said, "Let's go to a place and don't ask Asheng anything, and don't try to run away, please.

Lu Yue nodded silently, looking extremely docile. The hanging eyes were very sharp.

Shen Yanzhi seemed to particularly like his docile appearance, and couldn't help kissing him on his forehead, and then carried Lu Yue, who was soft and walked out.

The dark yellow lights on the other side turned on, and the faint sound of the motor vehicle made the person lying on the window immediately pick up the telescope.

The dark night dilutes the two yellow beams of light, faintly you can see a tall man in black carrying another thin young man into the car.

It's Lu Sheng!

Yang Yan's eyes narrowed, then he threw the binoculars on the ground fiercely, then turned around and kicked the door and ran out.

While running, he pulled out his cell phone and shouted, "Send someone to catch someone immediately!"

"Location! The intersection on the west side of the Blu-ray community!"

Lu Yue sat on the co-pilot, lowered his head, and pinched his fingers on the thin fabric of his pants, looking a little nervous.

The man next to him was holding the steering wheel in both hands, staring at the front and rear-view mirrors. Then it suddenly accelerated.

[001's voice also sounded at this time: the host is great! Yang Yan followed! 】

[Lu Yue is startled and said: Is he here? Behind? 】

[001: Right! However, he is about to be left behind. 】

Lu Yue's heart moved, and she couldn't let go of such a good escape opportunity.

He immediately said to 001: "001 do me a favor and let my heart stop for a while. 】

[001 startled: The host is big, you want to commit suicide? 】

[Lu Yue Impatient: Hurry up! Don't let me die! 】

001 had to do so, the host-bound system can arbitrarily regulate the host's physiological response, and it is not difficult to stop the heart.

The next moment, the young man sitting aside suddenly bowed his waist, his face showing pain, and his right hand was clenching his chest tightly.

"What's wrong with you?" Shen Yanzhi looked at the young man who suddenly developed the disease and asked out loud, but the speed of driving was not reduced.

For a few seconds, Lu Yue's lips had turned white, his eyes gradually opened, his mouth widened as if to choke.

Acute heart disease!

Shen Yanzhi's gaze was tight. He looked at the black spot behind the rear-view mirror, and finally gritted his teeth and ran to the nearest hospital.

The next second when Lu Yue was sent to the emergency room, Yang Yan who rushed in from the outside immediately grabbed Shen Yanzhi's shoulder.

"What happened to Lu Sheng?"

Shen Yan looked away with cold hands, and then slowly said, "Acute heart disease."

A quick look of anxiety and pain flashed in Yang Yan's eyes, then he suddenly looked up, his eyes suddenly: "Shen Yanzhi, you are suspected of kidnapping and killing, please follow me."

Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read My Space-Time System
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2