MTL - Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak-Chapter 50 Will not hurt

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Garr is indeed an organization sent to monitor the congratulations, but this does not mean that he is an embarrassment.

He has his own ideas.

He is not a pure blood family, because no pure blood family will be unscrupulous in the sun under the violence - exposed body, no blood family can touch the silver, and he is the monster after being transformed.

Subverting the transformation of nature, perhaps other blood races will envy, but who knows the pain? Nature is not so easy to change, and Garr has a deep understanding.

He would rather stay in the dark forever than touch the light.

"Gal, you mean, is this one of his souls in this necklace?" He Wei suddenly heard the news and couldn't help but groan.

Unexpectedly, the Shen family's ancestors actually brought out a sigh of souls, which made the devil's head unable to rush out of the seal.

"All I know tells you, I am not afraid of death, but I have not lie to you, but you are still too weak." After Garr said this, the whole person seems to be relaxed and lean on the sofa. I don't think he is alarmist.

"Then do you know, who else are you among us?" He Zhen remembered Zhang’s words.

Garr glanced at the smell of people. "I don't know, but Mr. Wen should know a lot."

Wen Yiyi did not respond, just asked He Wei: "How should they deal with it?"

He said, he can believe in the words of Gar, but he can't believe it all. It's not that he can't believe this person, just because no one knows whether Garr knows it is correct.

"If you don't give up, please stay here for a while." Anyway, the villa is so big, security measures are good.

Galton smiled, "respect is not as good as life." Oster had to sigh, his Chinese is too slippery.

There are a lot of empty rooms in the villa. It is easy for the two to choose the two rooms farthest from their bedroom, and then they took the hand of He Wei and returned to their room.

The bedroom is facing the sun, when the curtains are wide open, the sun shines in, adding a warmth to the room.

"Auntie, are you thinking about going to the same place?" Wen people easily trembled, but Huanren did not blink for a moment. He knows that He has sacrificed himself for the Zongmen. But now, the devil is not his responsibility, but their common responsibility. He can no longer let He Wei take risks.

He knows what he thinks in his heart, smiles comfortably. "No, don't worry, I still have self-knowledge. Now I am still too far away from the previous one."

Wen people easily watched him for a few seconds, seeing his eyes solemnly, this is a little peace of mind, "Auntie, I am better than you, if you really want to do your best, then I am in front of you."

He Xin’s heart is easy to hear, but he does not agree. The devil and him came to this world, causing so many unrecoverable damage to the world. This responsibility should indeed be borne by oneself.

He and the devil's things have to be solved by themselves.

“What nonsense?” He Shaoshen sighed on the corners of Wen’s eyes and looked at the eyes that had been fully restored. The heart became softer. “I used to set up a group in the bedroom.”

"Well?" Wen people easily confused to see him, how did he suddenly change this topic?

"Do you know," He Wei's ear tip seems to have been smudged with a blush. "Do you have a double repair in the Gathering?"

The smell of people easily magnified, and the next second suddenly shrank. He looked at He Wei for a few seconds, then took him into his arms and gently kissed his lips softly.

He Wei only felt that the lips were hot, and then the feet were off the ground, and the people lay on the soft big bed.

"It won't hurt." Wen is easy to worry that there is still a shadow in his heart, and he began to appease him. "I will be very light and light."

He Xiao laughs, he is not stupid, knowing that Wen Yiyi wants to double repair with his spirit, he went online to check, knowing that Wen is easy to be different from Qin Yu, not all double repairs are painful.

Since Ayi wants, then satisfy him.

After that, He Wei came to two conclusions. First, the double repair was really comfortable, and both of them were very hearty. Second, if the man was in bed, he could not believe in it. He said that the light was very light and light, but the result was thicker than once.

Even if he is a heavenly revision, even if he has gained a lot of benefits in the process, he is the first time to experience the **** of the soul that has to fly out of the sky. Afterwards, like ordinary people, he feels weak. I can only laze in bed.

It’s always been a smile on the face of the people, and it’s as good as it’s for the younger ones.

He Wei lay in bed for a long time, and suddenly felt that the internal interest began to change, he slammed up.

The person who worked quietly at the side immediately asked: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

He Yan looked at him with some awkward eyes, "cultivation." Then he immediately sat down on his knees and was already fascinated.

It’s easy to let go of the work in his hands, so he looks at He Wei so carefully, lest he encounter any obstacles in his cultivation. It’s not so easy to rise to the heavens, although he knows the power of He Wei will not appear. error.

After a minute and a second, He Wei maintained his posture and did not move. He heard that people were still motionless. At the end of the night, the breath of He Wei suddenly changed. The momentum of the innate warriors gradually spread in the bedroom.

It’s easy to smell the enchantment and not let this breath out.

There is a blessing of the Golden Age and the Gathering of the Spirit, and the progress of He Wei is obviously much easier than that of the ordinary people. It suddenly rushed from the late stage to the middle of the innate.

It took him two hours to consolidate his training. He was easy to accompany him from the very beginning. When he finally blinked, he walked over and hugged him. He kissed him in his eyebrows. "Congratulations."

The two have been double-educated, and they have been sensational in the cultivation of the matter. It is easy to know that He Wei’s cultivation is now and he is happy for him.

He Wei was also very happy. He touched him on the lips of the person. "Ayi, I want to take a shower."

It’s gentle to smile, “I’ll give you water.”

He Shaozhu has already met with the people and frankly, and he is no longer shy. He went straight to the bathroom with naked body, and he was willing to become a bathing worker.

The two spent nearly a day and a night in the bedroom, which can kill the blood and the werewolf in the villa. He Wei’s formation controls their actions. They can only play inside the villa. Garr is quiet, but he doesn’t think there is anything, but Oster likes to be busy, not letting him go out, so that Wen is easy to follow him. It’s OK to play a few games!

"Gal, we are not the way to stay like this, or else, let's go knock on the door?" Oster sat on the couch and Gard bit his ear.

Garr gave him a look. "You go." He wouldn't be so blind, disturbing others' love and love.

Oster sat down for a while. "This is really harder than going to jail." He grabbed the golden hair and stood up and walked toward the bedroom.

As soon as the hand was raised, the bedroom door opened.

"So late, haven't you slept yet?" Wen Yiyi's eyes fell on the hand he hadn't put down yet. "Looking for something?"

At this time, He Wei buckled the button on the top of the pajamas, standing beside the smell of people, the light and clear, calm, "Oster, are you hungry?"

Oster was frustrated. "How long will we stay here?"

He Wei took the hand of Wen Yiyi and replied: "Let's talk about it," and then turn to smell people, "I want to eat the dishes you made."

Hearing people is naturally natural and accommodating, and He He and his fingers crossed, and he sat down on the sofa in the living room. On this big night, he got into the kitchen.

Garr looked at the sweet look of the two, and the red lips were slightly tilted. "Love is wonderful, but at the same time, it will become your weakness."

He knows what he wants to say, and his gaze is inconsistent with it. "But it can also stimulate people's potential, even better than drugs."

Love can make people sink, but at the same time, it can also explode tremendous power. He is deeply convinced that it seems that he can be fearless if he is easy to be with him.

Garr was silent for a while and changed the subject: "Is there red wine? I am thirsty."

He Wei got up and took a bottle of red wine and went to the kitchen to get four cups.

Wen Renyi heard their conversation in the kitchen. He prepared the cup and handed it to He Wei. "Get it."

He Wei nodded and turned to leave, but he was pulled back. The handsome face of Wen Yi was enlarged in front of him, and then the lips were hot.

Wen Yiyi held his waist in one hand, clasped his back with one hand, pressed him against the edge of the marble countertop, sucked his lips and explored it.

He Xiao smiled and Ayi seemed to be more enthusiastic.

The two men linger in the kitchen for a long while, so that they can easily remember to cook food for He Wei to eat, and then let him go.

When he came out of the kitchen, his lips were rosy and swollen, and Garr’s eyes were sharp, and he saw what was happening in the kitchen.

"I thought that you don't drink wine glasses, but fortunately I am patient, otherwise I have already drunk with a bottle."

He Wei said apologetically and personally drunk the two.

Oster tasted red wine and felt that it was not so boring. He leaned on the sofa and listened to them talking. In a short while, the kitchen gradually drifted out of the scent of the index finger, and Osterton was coming.

"Heh, what is this doing?" Forgive him for not knowing much about China.

"make dinner."

Oster moved his nose and moved his nose. "It’s really fragrant. I didn’t expect to smell this person and I admire it!"

He Xiao laughs without saying that his partner is naturally the best.

"He," said Gar as if he had no feeling about these fragrances. He drank a glass of red wine and his lips seemed more red. "You are not just a mage."

He Wei looked back at him calmly.

"I just discovered that the ban on me has become stronger. Are you advanced?"

He Wei has nothing to hide from him. "I am really advanced."

Garr smiled. "I wish you good luck."

Soon, a few dishes were placed on the table, and it looked like a scent, making people appetite. He Wei originally wanted to help, but was easily rejected by the people, and Oster had to hear the easy call of the locusts and took the dishes.

Wen Yiyi first gave him a bowl of soup. The soup was very light and refreshing. He couldn’t help but laugh.

Oster was really the first time to eat Chinese food. The first time he was taken prisoner. He originally thought that Garr’s indifferent attitude was because he didn’t like it. It was expected that Garr would actually be fitted, and that chopsticks made He is still fast.

Ok, his chopsticks really don't work well.

A meal, smelling people easily did not eat much, He Wei was full, and the rest were wiped out by Oster and Gar, all the dishes were clean, Oster licked the slightly swollen stomach, pain and Happy.

"If you can eat it every day, let me live for a long time!"

"You can't eat white food," Wen said, and his eyes were sharp. "Go and wash the bowl."

Oster mourned, but had to obey.

At this moment, He Wei’s cell phone rang, and he glanced at it, He Shaoning.

"Dad, you are looking for me."

He Shaoning sighed on the phone. "Auntie, it happened in the night."

Read The Duke's Passion