MTL - Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak-Chapter 37 Maximum variable

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On the second day of the double match, each country can only send a maximum of two pairs. The Chinese couple is Zhao Ke and Li Zeming, and the other pair is a combination of Rakshamen disciple and Zhengzong disciple.

According to this model, the Chinese should only take this opportunity to practice the soldiers, and did not care too much about winning or losing.

Sure enough, Zhao Ke and Li Zeming were brushed in the semi-finals, and the other pair did not get a place, so He Wei and Wen Renyi did not watch the next game, but returned to the room early, not long after receiving it. Feng Wei’s notice.

Tomorrow is the team competition. Since it has been decided to let Wenren easily replace the position of Changling, it is necessary to finalize the plan one by one according to the team model that countries may form.

Although the personnel participating in the team competition have not been confirmed, there are still traces to follow. For example, in China, other countries will certainly speculate that He Wei will participate in the team battle.

There are six countries participating in the team competition, among which the Sakura Country, the Rose Country and the Rice Congress are strong opponents of China.

Sakura National Ninjutsu hooligans are unpredictable, often unexpected, but for the gods who are powerful, there should be no problem. He also watched a few Ninja confrontations. Although he was awkward, it is not difficult to see his actions. Don't worry.

Rose is good at magic, when they will use the magic array, when talking about the magic array, several people have their eyes on He Wei, He Wei has shown them the power of the array, the magic Shouldn't it be?

"He Shao, you are proficient in the formation, then you can understand the magic array?" Feng Wei asked.

He bowed his head, "Slightly research, but according to my judgment in these few days, the formation of the magic array needs sufficient time, so we can start with strong."

Li Zezhen thought for a moment. "The strength of the other party is good, and we can't guarantee to defeat the magic array before it is formed."

Speaking of people is easy and slow: "Auntie means that we can set up before the magic formation, and what we have to do is give him a certain amount of time."

A few people understand it in an instant. This is to make He Wei play the strength of the formation. This is understandable. However, although He’s formation is powerful, it is the first time to play, and the game is changing rapidly. There will be opponents harassing him, just don't know if he can handle it.

"You only need to be against the enemy. Auntie has my protection." Wen is easy to calm down. It seems that his presence on the court is only for congratulations.

The meeting discussed nearly three hours. When He Wei and Wen Renyi returned to the house, they were already at 8:30 in the evening.

He Wei looked at the side of the face that was very easy to be handsome, and licked his lips. Still couldn't speak, but it was easy to speak.

"Auntie," he turned to face the greetings, and the soft chandeliers rendered a romantic and unrestrained mood. "Since last night, you have been sullen because of the demon lord?"

Hearing people's minds is too exquisite and clear, He often feels that he is a transparent person in front of him, and the authority and wisdom as the time of the Lord is in the face of smelling people, it seems that all works. It's not because he is stupid, but because it is easier to smell than people. Since this time, every step of the game has been heard, he knows afterwards, which often gives him a sense of frustration.

"I just, I don't know what to say." He Wei sat on the edge of the bed and leaned forward to touch the faint gaze of the people.

The man easily bends slightly and says in a modest manner: "I want to protect you, just like you want to protect me." He understands what He is thinking, and powerful animals have a protection for their partner. Desire, when a partner does not need to protect himself, or even when the partner in turn protects himself, there will be a great sense of difference.

This is the case with He Wei.

Wen Yiyi began to enter the line of He Wei with a weak attitude. He was almost instinctively accompanied by a protector's attitude, and he was used to such a mode of getting along, even if it was easy to recover. For the sake of He Shaozhu, he still needs his own companion.

But until now, he was soberly aware that Wen Yiyi is also a strong person. He did nothing differently from his own. He suddenly produced a great sense of distance.

He Shaozhu whispered back: "You said that you don't want to fight alone, I thought, you don't need me."

Hearing people and hearing the words, slowly squatting down, hands on the two knees of He Wei, the head of the head in his hand, he seems to become the weak smell of people, and the meeting room, stunned different.

"Auntie, you are the person I want to protect the most. Now, I can't guarantee that I can protect him in the future." He closed his eyes and his eyes were trembled, so he was almost pleading. Let He Wei suddenly feel distressed.

It’s a shame that he’s not doing anything wrong.

"Ayi," He Yan reached out and touched the soft hair of the person, "Sorry."

It is easy for Wen to slowly raise his head. The confused eyes and He Wei’s confrontation are very gentle. "The two words should be for me."

He Shaozhu smiled and held the side of the face that smelled people. He bowed his head and printed a kiss on his eyebrows. He smelled people and closed his mouth.

At 8:00 am on the third day of the World Championships, the team competition began.

The opponent of the Chinese draw is Italian, which is a good news. Yiguo’s strength is medium, but for them, it’s still easy.

He Shaozhu and Wen Renyi basically took the water all the way, and Li Zezhen did not have the opportunity to do it. Zhao Wei calmly and conspiring, and Wen Yuyu violently attacked. He was late because he learned that he was killing his sister and enemies, but he could not rush his hand. He vented his anger to the game, like an uncertain madman.

The final result, Hua Guosheng, Yiguo entered the elimination group.

Of course, the victory of the Chinese nation did not attract much attention. The people are more concerned that the people can easily participate in the competition! This is what they did not expect at all.

A group of He Wei just got off the field and entered the rest area. They saw Oster and Garr coming over.

Oster looks at the people, "Smell people, welcome you back to the game, but I am very curious, when did you recover?" Just did not know how to force people, he did not see the skills of people to hear now In the end, I thought he just recovered some strength.

Wen Yiyi only replied: "Congratulations on your promotion."

"Congratulations also," Oster saw that people were reluctant to answer questions, and they were carrying golden heads. "We will meet again on the field. At that time, I will personally see where you are going." ”

Garr also smiled. Two slightly pointed tiger teeth are easy to let people down. "Hey, look forward to your confrontation."

He Wei suddenly has a feeling that I am afraid that the biggest variable in the country is the **** family, Gar Bruch.

The author has something to say: Thank you Gu warm baby's mine x3! muah!

I’ve been married for a few days, I’m going to help, basically there’s no time for codewords, I’m sorry for the small number of words~