MTL - Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak-Chapter 25 Who is the same?

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The Wenren Group is now a mess of porridge. Although it is not enough to incite this behemoth to leave people alone, the departure of a large number of staff has undoubtedly put the group in a dilemma.

In fact, it is said that the warriors like Wenshishi will not manage the mundane things. They provide shelter to the families of the people. Those family members who have no talents guarantee the materials they need to cultivate and maintain the prosperity of the family.

But this time things are too big, and Wenshishi is no longer willing to ask the common things, but also has to let people contact and smell people.

When Wen was easy to receive a call, Guo Yang just left the villa, and He Wei had already sat on the balcony to practice.

He reminisced about the kiss just now, with a pleasant mood, connected the phone, a moment of silence for a moment, a heavy sigh: "Ayi, come back."

It’s easy to calm people: “I still have things.”

He was a homeowner, and was rebellious by a junior. His face was lost. However, he sat in the position of the Lord for so many years. He would not easily express his emotions. He only continued: "Your enemies are many, leaving. Family protection, can you cope with it?"

Wen people easily whispered: "This is no need to work hard, goodbye." He hung up the phone and turned back to face the presence of He Wei, "You are not practicing?"

He Wei is somewhat uncomfortable, and his heart is glad that people can easily see it. He replies: "Li Zeming asked me to go out."

In fact, he did not have the heart to practice. The two kisses that have been heard by people have been haunting his mind. He does not reject it, but it is a bit awkward. It stands to reason that it should be more self-motivated, but Ayi seems to be somewhat enthusiastic. Is it not enough? But think about it too, they are partners, Ayi is a normal person, and this kind of craving is also normal, it must be because they are not good enough.

I don’t know what he thinks in his heart. He just heard the name of Li Zeming. Somehow it’s lost. Auntie finds like-minded sweets lovers, and he must be very happy. Unfortunately, he doesn’t like the sweet and greasy taste.

"Can't come back to dinner at night?"

He Wei "hmm".

After listening to people, he felt that he had left the villa and began to search for the desserts on the Internet. Listen carefully to the explanations in the video.

He Wei sat on the bench in the central square and looked at the pedestrians coming and going. The hot sun seemed to have no effect on him. The girls wore parasols and sunscreen, and the clothes behind them were all sweaty. Even the originally combed bangs were wet by the sweat, which made them messy. In contrast, He Wei was directly exposed to the sun. A drop of sweat did not flow, still clean, fresh and refreshing.

He looks outstanding, and the passing pedestrians can't help but stay on him for a while. When Li Zeming came over, he caught the He Wei sitting on the bench at a glance. Because this person was too eye-catching, he suddenly saw it.

"He Wei!" Li Zeming ran to the front of He Wei, the white skin was shining in the sun, and his eyes were shining.

He Wei got up, "Where are you going?" If he was not at home, he would not agree with Li Zeming's invitation.

Li Zeming pointed out that not far away, "There is a dessert shop over there, the taste is very good, today I treat you, take you to try."

There are a lot of traffic in the central square. Because it is a summer vacation, plus soon to start school, many students from all over the country flock to the city, so the passenger flow is much higher than usual.

Li Zeming complained as he walked. "I have to start school after two days. I don't have time to play well. You know, our courses in studying medicine are too complicated, and we have to study for five years, hehe!"

In fact, He Wei has always had some doubts. Why should the warriors of this world pursue their academic qualifications?

"You have a medical tradition in Li, why do you want to go to a medical university?"

Li Zeming’s eyes slammed wide and excitedly held He’s hand. “You’re right! I think so too! But in contemporary society, no education is not enough, and you think about it, ordinary people don’t know us. The ability, if you go out without education, will be laughed at by everyone, then say your family, if there is no education, after the martial arts is abolished, can he be the general manager of the Wen Group?"

It is also said that He Yu first expressed understanding.

"Come on." Li Zeming pushed in. He saw the dessert shop decorated very cute, and the fragrance of the dessert complemented each other. Li Zeming took him to sit down by the window and immediately asked the waiter to come. Li Zeming is obviously familiar with this. He didn't look at the menu at all, and he reported what he wanted to eat. He looked at the pattern on the menu and only thought it looked very attractive. I don't know which one to choose.

Li Zeming stretched his finger. "Just choose this. The first time I came to eat this is this, very delicious."

He Hao nodded.

After the waiter left, Li Zeming held the elbows on the table, holding the chin in the palm of his hand, and staring at the well-written He Wei. "You are reading finance at Beijing University, right?"


"When you come out, will you go to the group like Wen Yiyi?" Although He Wei is a mage, there are not many places where he needs him. This idea is derived from the superficial perception of the world. .

He Xiao smiled and did not answer, and asked: "Would you go to your hospital to save your life and help you?"

"Of course not," Li Zeming took a sip of water and continued. "Therapists like us who have been repaired are specially for the military."

He Wei looked as usual as a behead.

Li Zeming gave him a look. "Do you want to ask, why are the soldiers still sick?"

He Xi’s heart is not laughing. Li Zeming thinks that he is an ordinary person and does not understand the world of the warrior, but he does not intend to explain it.

"I told you that in fact, people who practice will also get sick, but this kind of illness is different from ordinary people. Have you heard of the fire? There are many people who are easy to get rid of when they practice, but the degree is different. I need to see a doctor. Of course, there are other conditions besides getting rid of the fire, but you still don’t understand it."

At this time, the waiter sent the dessert, and Li Zeming immediately shut up and began to eat.

He took a small spoon and put it in his mouth. It was soft and smooth, sweet and sweet. He couldn't help but pick up his eyes and quietly taste.

The dessert shop is air-conditioned, and the whole body is surrounded by the aroma of the dessert. The soothing music makes people feel relaxed and relaxed. Everything seems to be in the dream kingdom. The sun outside the window is roasting the ground, the passers-by are hurrying, the fountain in the central square is dyed with colorful red clouds, the tall commercial buildings rise from the ground, and countless windows reflect the dazzling light.

He Wei saw a couple of little lovers kissing next to the fountain, as if the world had only one another, such a scene touched his heart.

He likes Ayi, and Ayi also likes himself. They are legal partners. So, who is active and who controls, it seems that it is not so important?

To understand this, He Shaozhu felt that the previous uncomfortableness was simply asking for sin, and he did not know whether his resistance would hurt Ayi.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Zeming followed his gaze. When he saw the couple, his face could not help but smile. "You are thinking about people."

He Wei is very generous, "Well."

Li Zeming regretted to look at him. "What do you want him to do? I told you that you can't be heard by people who are easy to eat, he can't get along well."

He Wei didn't care about his words. He would know how easy it is, and he would understand it himself.

At this moment, the harmonious picture outside the window suddenly split, accompanied by screaming and escaping. The couples beside the fountain were also panicked and separated, and the central square suddenly became a porridge.

He Wei stood up and Li Zeming stopped him. "What are you doing?"

"Of course, let's go and see." He said that he is going out.

Li Zeming frowned. "You didn't fix it, or don't go out, I will go."

He Wei took the lead out of the house. "I will take the battle."

Li Zeming had to come with him to the central square.

The tranquility in the square has been broken, people are fleeing and screaming, and some people have been seriously injured and can't afford to fall.

He Wei stared at it, and saw a man with red eyes and a blue-faced violent violent face attacking the masses in the square. What is even more terrifying is that he is a ground warrior.

Li Zeming was anxiously anxious. "He went into flames. I only have a mysterious repair, and I can't stop him!"

Seeing that the man is going to run to catch people, Li Zeming is in a hurry, the fingertips fly out and hit the man's point, but unfortunately, the repair is too big, the man has the inner body, and the fine needle is pressed. Instead of going in, they were bounced back.

Li Zeming stunned his eyes wide, and He Wei blocked the fine needles in time, and the fine needles fell to the ground. Li Zeming did not respond, and he saw He Wei running in the direction of the man, followed by a man on the abdomen.

how is this possible! That is the ground warrior!

The warrior was attacked by He Wei, and he was completely irrational. He immediately angered all the anger at He Wei. The tough fist straightly flew over the face of He Wei, and it was as fast as a wind.

Li Zeming’s heart slammed and held his breath, for fear of seeing the scene where He Wei was smashed.

He Hao patted the fist face with his palm, and the man suddenly stepped back a few steps. He was about to shoot again, and he was knocked out by He Wei.

The movement of the square caused the attention of the action group. Zheng Weiming came with a rush of people. He thought that the scene must be out of control, but he did not expect to see the crowd in the encirclement of the crowd at a glance, as well as the local warriors who were knocked on the ground.

Xu Lin, who was behind Zheng Weiming, couldn’t help but recall the scene when he last arrested the flying squirrel. It seems to be so unexpected.

He Dashao seems to be surprised every time.

Read The Duke's Passion