MTL - Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak-Chapter 16 The Lord is pushed down

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Ye Xiao regretted all the way, he was so unlucky, and met the master twice.

Last night, because I went to the wrong room, I met He Wei, and I was not successful. I planned to make another one today, and I met He Wei again. How was he so unlucky? The risk of doing this is really big. He just met his predecessor when he first entered the business. Both of them were the same person twice. It was terrible.

"Previous and predecessors," Ye Xiao stared at the wig in his hand, and he was worried. "I, I have not done anything bad, you, let me go!"

"You have practiced the charm?" He Wei returned the wig to him. "And I want to use this ability to defraud other people's money. I still tell the Fengshi Action Group..." He said that he would take the phone and make a phone call.

"Don't! Don't!" Ye Xiao wants to cry and cry, his eyes are full of tears. If ordinary people see it, he will be pity and love, and he will not bear to punish him. "Predecessors, I don't know what charm is, I I only occasionally found that I have this ability. I was the first to shoot last night. I met your predecessors, and I didn’t catch anything. My eyes still hurt for one night. Today I just want to earn extra money. For the seniors, you let go. Me."

He Wei’s face is serious. “If I’m just an ordinary person, I’ve been cheated by you for a long time. And, if you just earn a foreigner, why are you guilty?”

Ye Xiaoxin said: The eyes hurt for a night, can you not be afraid?

"I am not a guilty conscience. I am a restraint to my predecessors." He smiled happily, but he may not be used to such a flattering feeling. His muscles on his face are somewhat twitching.

He Wei thought that it would be important to return to Beijing first, and then said: "Then you continue driving, send us back to Beijing, deceiving people, and can't do it later."

Ye Xiaoxian was delighted to let him go, but he thought that the days would be difficult, and he couldn’t help but feel depressed. “Oh,” he returned to the driver’s seat.

All the way to safely into the city, He Wei let Ye Xiao stop at the door of Wenyiyi Villa. After getting off the bus, Ye Xiao bent his throat and waved goodbye to them. He said suddenly: "Since it is earning extra money, why should I wear it? On the wig?"

Ye Xiao smiled and was stagnant. Looking at the back of the two men, they could not help but lament.

He Wei and Wen Renyi easily returned to the villa, and it was easy to let people send a batch of original stones. These rough stones were bought from the borders of Myanmar and Burma. They are good in variety and cost a lot of money, but it is only drizzle for people to hear.

After the bodyguards left, He Wei used the gods to cover the original stone and felt the rich aura inside. He asked people how easy: "Where?"

“Just here, the villa has the highest level of defense system installed.” Wen Yiyi said with a sentence, “No one will bother us.”

He Wei took the hand of the original stone and made a slight meal. "What is the scope of defense?"

"Unable to enter the courtyard."

He Xiao suddenly looked at the seemingly well-behaved and easy-to-speak, and smiled meaningfully. "I know." Then I played with the original stone.

He made it easy for Wen to bring so many original stones, in order to set up the array, to help the people to absorb the power of the body, to restore the previous skill, and even step into the innate.

Gathering arrays can absorb excess power, and those of the finest stones can temporarily store spiritual power, which is best suited for arrays.

Spiritual power and internal interest are different.

Below the congenital environment, people generate internal interest through the cultivation inside the body, and when they step into the congenital state, they can communicate with the heaven and earth aura, and turn the aura between heaven and earth into their own use.

Wen Renyi used to be a late stage repair, although it is about to reach innate, but it is not congenital, so the power of the golden dragon in his body is a scourge for him. The muscles of the tendons and veins have not been purified by spiritual power, and they cannot withstand the power of the Jindan Supreme, so it is not easy to use those spiritual powers.

What He has to do is to introduce those (hhh) spiritual power into the polysexual array, and then help the people to reach the congenital in one fell swoop, and then refine the spiritual power of Jindan into their own.

The living room is very spacious, enough to set off a gathering of the spirits, everything is ready, and He is easy to sit in the line with the smell.

"Wait, he may want to win, don't worry, I will help you." He Wei and his palms touched each other, and the gods sneaked into the body and stopped in front of the seal.

It is easy for people to gather their hearts and slowly untie the seal.

Suddenly, a majestic force rushed out, and the tendons of the people began to skyrocket, and He Wei quickly opened up the gathering, madly absorbing the mighty power. And the Jindan Supreme wants to wait for an opportunity to seize the opportunity, directly rushing to the knowledge of the people.

It is easy for Wen to start shaking all over the body. This Jindan used to absorb all his internal interest. Even if he died, he could not let his body occupy his body. While enduring the pain of fullness of the tendons, while also resisting the attack of the gods of Jin Dan's power, the people's forehead has already been violent, and if it is not a gathering, he may have long been a body.

“Ayi, let me help you.” He’s God J’s knowledge of the people’s knowledge of the sea’s edge is a very important place for the military. It’s not easy to enter, and it’s a little careless. For the ridiculous, people become stupid.

Wen Renyi is fighting with Jin Dan for his desperate struggle. His gods have not reached the congenital state. Naturally, he can't resist the mighty power of Jin Dan period, and it will gradually fall. The arrival of He Wei gave him a temporary breath, but what surprised him was that when the gods of He Wei touched their own knowledge of the sea, a terrible trembling came into being.

Not a fear of danger, but a greed for deliciousness.

He Wei’s knowledge went smoothly into the sea of ​​people, and he saw his knowledge of the sea. A bleak Jindan is desperately attacking and smelling people. If this piece of sea is occupied by it, it’s no longer a smell. People are easy.

He Jinandan was overwhelmed by the past, and at the same time he said: "Ayi, refining it."

This Golden Dan spirit has been trapped for six years, has been unable to use the body to raise warmth, has long lost a lot of strength, smelling people can easily listen to He Wei command, God knows to gradually surround the soul, He Wei just want to move, listen to a miserable Awkward voice: "Wait!"

"Ayi, don't worry about him." He Shaozhu will not waste time.

"I will give you all the spiritual power, you let me out, I promise you!" Jin Dan is gone, his spirit is still there, as long as he is warm, one day, he can still make a comeback!

The answer to Wen Yiyi is: With the congratulations, he will crush the soul!

The soul is turned into a little starlight, and it is in the sea of ​​smelling people. It gradually merges with his knowledge of the sea and becomes a part of Wen Yiyi. Jin Dan also dissipates and turns into a terrible spiritual power, flooding the whole spirit. Array.

After hearing the people's refining and smearing the gods, the gods suddenly increased, breaking through the innate early and middle stages, and hoping to the late congenital stage. At the same time, the spiritual power in the gathering of the spirits quickly flooded into his body, and his cultivation was rapidly rising. It has been climbing until the late days before it gradually calmed down.

He Wei is not without benefits, and spiritual power can't be absorbed by people in the realm of congenital, but it is only for ordinary warriors. He Wei cultivated the "Nine Gods", and his own knowledge has reached Jindan. The spiritual power is like him, like the sun purple, it is a big complement.

While smelling people's ability to absorb spiritual power, He Wei's body seems to be a bottomless pit, and the spiritual power surges into it. His cultivation is also a rocket-like leap, crossing the yellow, the sacred, and the ground, and reaching the middle of the heavens in one fell swoop.

He Wei decisively stopped absorption, and eating too much at one time is not conducive to practice, and the realm is stable.

He closed his eyes and saw that he was sitting in front of him. He looked at himself with his lips and he was very determined. He smiled and said: "Ayi こちら..."

Hearing people suddenly pressed him to the ground, covered him and kissed his lips.

The author has something to say:

Thank you, Gu Liang's baby mine, what?

In fact, I am not short, you will know later~

Read The Duke's Passion